Remedies for sore throat during pregnancy. Severe sore throat during pregnancy, what to do? How to cure a sore throat during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother tries to treat herself with care. She avoids public places, eats healthy food, and spends more time in the fresh air. But due to serious hormonal changes, immunity still fails during this period. A woman may develop a cold. How to cure a sore throat during pregnancy without harming the baby? What methods should I use for a speedy recovery?

Common Causes of a Sore Throat

A large number of people are susceptible to ENT diseases, regardless of their gender and marital status. Some people have to be treated with antibiotics several times during the cold period. Sinusitis does not spare anyone, especially pregnant women. What can cause an unpleasant symptom in an expectant mother?

There are many reasons why women have a sore throat during pregnancy:

  • Viral infections cause serious harm to both mother and baby. In advanced cases, they can provoke miscarriage or premature birth;
  • A cold that starts during a cold period can cause pharyngitis. It must be treated not with antibiotics, but with folk remedies;
  • allergies cause a sore throat, discomfort, and sore throat due to a reaction to chemicals, pollen, dust, and pet hair. In this case, liquid transparent discharge from the nose appears, lacrimation and deterioration in well-being are possible;
  • after eating food that injures the mucous membrane of the throat (spicy, hot, cold), a sore throat may appear. They pass over time if they are not provoked further, and do not require special medical supervision;
  • pathogenic fungi can cause damage to the tonsils.

The sore throat can be cutting and sharp. Accompanied by cough, nasal congestion, tinnitus, shortness of breath. It is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms: fever, headaches, dizziness, weakness. Allergic manifestations may cause itching, redness of the skin, burning, and rash.

With a mechanical injury to the throat, other than a sore throat, no other symptoms occur. When your throat hurts severely, accompanied by alarming signs of illness, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for mom and for the unborn child.

The throat can also bother you for other reasons:

  • indoor air is too dry;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • chronic stress;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • relapses of ENT diseases;

How can you be treated during pregnancy?

After the examination, the doctor will definitely tell you how to treat a sore throat. Most of the potent drugs that people usually use for ENT diseases are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Treatment methods for pregnant women are limited to:

  • rinsing;
  • inhalations;
  • bed rest;
  • warm drink.

When a patient constantly has a sore throat, the doctor refers her for laboratory diagnostics and, having received the results of the examination, may prescribe:

  1. Symptomatic.
  2. Antiviral.
  3. Antibacterial therapy.

If you have a sore throat in the early stages, you need to understand that it is during this period that the disease can be dangerous for the further development of the embryo.

You should definitely visit a doctor if:

  • the pain does not go away after using inhalations and regular rinsing;
  • the throat hurts very much, despite following all the doctor’s instructions;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • general weakness appeared, appetite decreased;
  • there is a cough or runny nose;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen began and bloody discharge from the vagina was observed.

When the throat hurts in the 2nd trimester, at the beginning or end of pregnancy, the patient needs:

  • observe bed rest. Limiting physical activity will speed up recovery;
  • provide yourself with plenty of fluids. It will reduce fever, remove toxins, eliminate moisture loss due to heavy sweating;
  • eat fresh fruits, lean meats, cereals. Avoid hard, cold, spicy foods;
  • take vitamins designed specifically for pregnant women.

It is forbidden:

  • prescribe antibiotics, increase the recommended dose or extend the treatment course;
  • warm up: put mustard plasters, jars, apply heating pads;
  • independently remove purulent plaque from the tonsils - this will aggravate the course of the disease, injure the mucous membrane, and spread the infection further;
  • reduce antibiotic treatment prescribed by your doctor. Unpleasant symptoms may disappear in a short period of treatment, but the pathogen will not die, which is fraught with relapse.

List of approved drugs

Almost all expectant mothers know that the medications they used to relieve a sore throat before pregnancy are prohibited from being used during this period. Some of the substances contained in seemingly harmless sprays and lozenges can cause miscarriage and premature birth at any stage. Antibiotics are especially dangerous; they should be taken only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict supervision. So how to treat a sore throat?

There are a number of lozenges and sprays that can be used for treatment. The active components in their composition are absorbed into the blood in minimal quantities and do not harm the child.

Comparative table of drugs

Drug name Active components Action Features of application
Miramistin (spray)MiramistinAntiseptic with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effectGargling or irrigating the throat no more than 3-4 times a day
Hexoral (aerosol)HexethidineLocal antisepticThere is no data on the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women
Lizobact (lozenges)Lysozyme hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochlorideA powerful antiseptic that kills pathogenic floraAllowed at all stages of pregnancy. Use under the supervision of a specialist
Faringosept (lozenges)Ambazone monohydrateAntiseptic for internal useTaken as directed by a specialist
Stopangin (solution and spray)


essential oils

Antiseptic with bactericidal and bacteriostatic actionDue to the alcohol content in the spray, it is contraindicated in the 1st trimester
Tantum Verde (spray, tablets, solution)BenzydamineAntiseptic with analgesic effectAllowed only after consultation with a doctor
Inhalipt (spray)SulfanilamideAntiseptic with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effectsThe drug should not be used at the beginning of pregnancy and in the 3rd trimester
Chlorhexidine (solution, spray, ointment)Chlorhexidine bigluconateAntiseptic with bacteriostatic effectDespite the absence of prohibitions for use by pregnant women, long-term use is not recommended

If a sore throat is accompanied by a fever and the pregnant woman feels unwell, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. They will relieve fever, eliminate inflammation, and relieve pain.

You can also use Lugol's solution. It is based on iodine. The product should be used to lubricate inflamed tonsils. For a runny nose, it is permissible to use herbal nasal drops Pinosol. This medicine will quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and serve as a good antiseptic.

My throat hurts. Treat yourself correctly! (video)

Effective folk remedies

Regular gargling helps relieve sore throat:

  1. Herbal decoction (chamomile, sage, calendula are suitable). For a glass of boiling water, a large spoon of dry herbal raw materials is enough. Infuse the decoction in a water bath for 20-30 minutes and dilute ½ with water. Rinsing should be done every 2 hours.
  2. Rinsing with a solution of natural tea tree oil helps. Add a few drops to a glass of warm water and gargle.
  3. Otolaryngologists do not encourage the use of soda, but people have been successfully fighting sore throat with this remedy for decades. For a glass of water, take ½ small spoon of soda, a couple of drops of iodine and ¼ small spoon of salt. Rinsing is carried out 4 times a day.

For treatment you can use:

  1. Honey. Its healing properties have helped many cold sufferers. Add a spoonful of honey to warm milk and drink it at night.
  2. Red beets have natural antiseptic properties. The washed beets are peeled, grated and the juice is squeezed out. Then mix it with a large spoon of vinegar. The resulting product is used to gargle a sore throat every 2-3 hours.
  3. Garlic is an excellent medicinal product. 3 small cloves are crushed and poured with a glass of water. Let it brew and gargle three times a day.
  4. Sea salt is diluted in 50 ml of warm water and gargled several times a day.

Rinses can be alternated. Before irrigating your throat with pharmaceutical products after gargling, you must wait 15-20 minutes for the medicinal properties of the plants to take effect.

It is impossible to protect yourself from viral infections. If a person comes into contact with germs, he will definitely get sick. Preventive measures include strengthening the immune system.

If a woman during pregnancy will:

  • maintain a sleep schedule and sleep at least 8 hours;
  • eat foods rich in fiber and vitamins;
  • take a walk every day;
  • avoid communication with sick people;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the house daily;
  • maintain personal hygiene, including washing hands with soap;
  • frequently ventilate the room;
  • do not overexert yourself and avoid nervous stress,

then the disease can be overcome as soon as possible. It must be remembered that timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid serious consequences and complications in pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time for a woman, but also quite exciting. After all, the expectant mother should change her daily routine so as not to get sick or get tired. Every infection does not have the best effect on the course of pregnancy. And if a woman does get sick, she will have to be treated in a new way.

Pregnant women should not self-medicate. And, for example, if an expectant mother has a sore throat, she should immediately consult a doctor to select the optimal therapy compatible with pregnancy.

When does a sore throat occur in pregnant women - the main causes

1st trimester- the time when serious changes begin in the body of a pregnant woman. After all, the body is being rebuilt to carry a child, and active hormonal changes begin. Against the backdrop of such wear and tear, protection against viruses weakens. And first of all, the pharynx area is susceptible to attacks - infection of the larynx or nasal passages occurs quickly and unnoticed by the woman.

2nd trimester- the time when the body has already learned to work in a new mode, the hormones have subsided slightly. But the fetus grows, and the mother’s body still does not have 100% immunity. Therefore, infection is still possible.

3rd trimester, perhaps the most dangerous for the disease. The child is large, body weight has increased, and swelling may appear. And in this situation, any pathology - be it a sore throat, influenza or a common ARVI - can lead to tragedy. Therefore, as soon as a woman feels even a slight sore throat, she should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

As soon as a pregnant woman has a sore throat, the pathology that causes such a symptom should be determined.

Sore throat during pregnancy may indicate:

  • pharyngitis is a viral disease of the pharynx;
  • laryngitis – inflammation of the larynx, characterized by the presence of swelling of the vocal cords;
  • sore throat;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • throat injury.

If your throat hurts during pregnancy for any of the above reasons, only a specialist can make a diagnosis.

After all, pathogens can be microorganisms of different nature:

  1. Viruses.
  2. Bacteria.
  3. Fungi.

About colds in pregnant women in this video:

What could be the danger for a child?

If your throat hurts during pregnancy, you should be wary. If infection occurs in the early stages, the mother should take into account that the infection can have a negative effect on the fetus, because During this period, his nervous system is formed, his heart and blood vessels are formed, etc. And the infection can damage organs, subsequently making the child disabled.

If a woman ignores this symptom or treats herself, there is a risk of developing the following conditions:

  1. Miscarriage: this option can be triggered by procedures related to heat (for example, warming up the legs);
  2. Developmental defects in the fetus: due to toxins, the child may develop abnormalities;
  3. Development of intrauterine infections.

In the later stages, a sore throat has its own nuances.

If the pathology is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the expectant mother may face:

  • premature birth;
  • Placental abruption.

Treatment of the throat during pregnancy - affordable methods

Treatment of a throat during pregnancy is a whole complex of measures. And you should strictly follow it - because this way it becomes possible to quickly deal with the problem without consequences.

Method 1. Sprays and lozenges

What can pregnant women take for headaches? This question torments many ladies. First of all, the decision arises to use a spray or tablets (lozenges). Such options are prescribed in different cases - both when there is no particular inflammation yet, and when the throat is very red.

All prescriptions must be made by a doctor, but this does not relieve the woman of responsibility and care. It is imperative to read the instructions for the drug. Today, pharmacies offer a fairly large number of products that are approved for pregnant women.

Sprays include Stopangin, Givalex and other options. Some of them fall under the category of homeopathy. Aerosols are targeted and can irrigate even the tonsils. They need to be sprayed strictly according to the scheme.

At the same time, the doctor prescribes cough tablets. Often they do not need to be drunk, but only dissolved. All preparations are based on natural enzymes. Among the recommended products are Lizobact and Laripront. This product is safe for the baby, but at the same time it gives a good effect if used according to the scheme.

During pregnancy, you can also spray Miramistin into your throat. This is an excellent antiseptic that does not have a toxic effect on the body of the woman and the fetus. At the same time, it effectively sanitizes the nasopharynx cavity and allows you to quickly get rid of viruses in the nasopharynx.

Method 2. Medicines in solutions

When the question arises about how best to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, the use of medicinal solutions may be recommended.

Among them:

  1. Miramistin.
  2. Solution with furatsilin.
  3. Composition with chlorhexidine.
  4. Chlorophyllipt.

Inflamed tonsils can be smeared with Lugol, Furacillin can be used to rinse and sanitize the nasopharynx, and an oil solution of chlorophyllipt can be used.

Each such remedy disinfects the mucous membranes, lingers on them longer, providing a deeper therapeutic effect. At the same time, using them is not so difficult - just wrap gauze (or cotton wool wrapped in thread) around your finger, soak it in the solution and wipe the tonsils.

Method 3. Compresses and inhalations

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester is of interest to many women who are afraid to use medications. It is allowed to use traditional medicine, but only in consultation with the attending physician. If you begin such procedures on your own, there is a risk of losing the pregnancy.

Inhalations help cope with discomfort that may arise due to irritation of the mucous membrane.

It would be optimal to use an inhaler - its steam is not hot, so it is less dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Inhalations can be done with chamomile, known for its anti-inflammatory effect. However, you should be careful - chamomile often causes allergies.

Sometimes it is recommended to use compresses. Chamomile is also great here. To prepare a compress, you need to take a couple of spoons of raw materials and steam them in two glasses of boiling water. Then let it sit, and then fold the gauze, moisten it and apply it to the neck. Wrap a scarf around your neck. The compress should be kept until it cools completely.

Method 4. Rinse solutions

Gargling during pregnancy is one of the most common methods of treatment. The procedure is quite harmless, but very effective. You should gargle as often as possible.

Rinsing helps:

  • slowing down the development of inflammation;
  • antiseptic effects;
  • protecting the mucous membrane from drying out.

You can use various herbal infusions, pharmaceutical preparations, and often gargle with soda. It’s easy to prepare the solution – take a teaspoon of soda per glass of boiling water.

Method 5. Medicinal herbs

You can use different infusions for therapy - chamomile, calendula, sage. Such drugs can relieve inflammation, soften and disinfect the throat.

What not to do - methods to avoid

A few words about what not to do during pregnancy.

Doctors say that pregnant women should not practice any procedures related to heating.

This is due to the fact that such procedures cause excessively active blood flow, which negatively affects the condition of the fetus.

You should not use raspberries in large quantities, because they cause sweating, which can cause dehydration.

You should also be more careful with herbs - some of them can cause uterine tone. This means you should consult your doctor in advance. And, of course, no self-medication.

Prevention of sore throat during pregnancy

The best medicine is prevention.

Let's list the basic rules:

  • maintaining a daily routine so that the expectant mother goes to bed early and gets a good night's sleep;
  • proper nutrition;
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • avoiding crowded places;
  • avoiding travel on public transport;
  • fanatical adherence to personal hygiene - you should wash your hands and rinse your nasal passages more often - this will eliminate the possibility of viruses settling on the mucous membranes.

The main thing is to remember that the expectant mother is responsible not only for herself, but also for the baby. Therefore, it is vitally important to approach the issue of protecting your health and restoring it with full attention.

No one is immune from colds. The risk of contracting a viral infection especially increases for the expectant mother, because during this period the body’s defenses weaken. But how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy: the 1st trimester almost completely excludes the use of medications; later periods also impose their own restrictions on the choice of treatment methods.

A complete review of anti-inflammatory and throat soothing agents approved for pregnant women, as well as a video in this article, will help you find answers to all your questions.

There can be many reasons for a sore throat and discomfort in the throat.

Most often, pregnant women encounter such diseases as:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • angina;
  • fungal infection.

What can be cured largely depends on the nature of the disease. If a mild viral inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa can be dealt with by regular rinsing, then with a sore throat you cannot do without antibiotics.

Therefore, if you experience a high fever, a sharp sore throat and symptoms of intoxication (headache, body aches, weakness), be sure to consult a doctor for timely prescription of medications that will not harm you or your unborn baby.

What is important to know

Before starting therapy, pay attention to several nuances of the course of the disease in expectant mothers:

  1. Streptococcus is the main causative agent of sore throat. It can be very dangerous for a woman and baby, as it negatively affects the course of pregnancy and can even cause intrauterine infection of the fetus. Therefore, it is important to start not to start the disease.
  2. Intensive measures to eliminate the pathogen should be started as soon as possible after signs of infection appear.
  3. The first three days are the most dangerous. Therefore, monitor the condition of your body and, at the slightest deterioration, seek medical help.

This article provides instructions on how to treat a sore throat while awaiting the birth of a baby, and how to do it as effectively as possible.

General rules

To overcome the disease in the shortest possible time, create the most comfortable conditions for your body:

  1. Maintain the optimal temperature (18-22 °C) and humidity (45-65%) in the room. Ventilate the room regularly, but do not be in a draft.
  2. Avoid active physical activity. From the very first days of illness, it is better to adhere to bed rest.
  3. Drink more fluids. Warm drinks will not only soothe a sore throat, but will also quickly remove bacteria and toxins from the body.
  4. Eat light and healthy foods: lean meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits are sources of protein and vitamins that will help cope with the disease.

Good nutrition is the key to success

Rinsing - simple and effective

Before you treat your throat with serious medications when you are pregnant, try an old, proven remedy. It's simple, fast, effective, and besides, it costs pennies.

Use one of the recipes allowed during pregnancy. All of them are presented in the table below.

Table 1: Recipes for gargling:

Ingredients Peculiarities
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • glass of water.
A simple and effective recipe that is always on hand.

At the beginning of the disease, gargle with this solution as often as possible.

Alkaline mineral water:
  • Borjomi;
  • Essentuki No. 4;
  • Essentuki No. 17.
Before rinsing, warm the water slightly, but do not boil.
  • Chlorophyllipt – 1 tsp;
  • water - half a glass.
The natural drug has high activity against staphylococci and streptococci.
Miramistin gargling solution Miramistin is a safe antiseptic, effective not only against bacteria, but also against viruses and fungi.

The solution is ready for use: it does not need to be diluted.

Chlorhexidine With prolonged use, dark plaque may appear on the teeth.

The product has a slightly bitter taste.

  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • eucalyptus essential oil – 1 drop;
  • a glass of warm water.
Stir the solution thoroughly before rinsing.

Use with caution if you are prone to allergies.

  • Furacilin – 5 tablets;
  • water - 1 l.
Dissolve Furacilin tablets in a liter of hot water, cool slightly.

Use to rinse 5-6 times a day.

Rinsing will give the desired effect only if the procedure is carried out correctly.

Observe the following rules:

  • Prepare the rinse solution immediately before use; it should be warm, but not hot;
  • Do not swallow the gargle: it is intended only to soothe the throat and flush out pathogenic bacteria from the oropharynx;
  • In the first days, when the pain in the throat is especially strong, try to carry out the procedure as often as possible, at least every 2-3 hours. Then the frequency of rinses can be reduced to 3-4 per day;
  • The general course of treatment is from three to seven days. During this time, all negative symptoms in the oropharynx should go away.


Inhalations are another time-tested method of treating throat diseases. It is best to carry out the procedure using a special device, but you can also use improvised methods.

You can make the simplest inhaler with your own hands from an ordinary pan of hot water. Bend over the dishes, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the steam.

Inhalations can be done with alkaline mineral water, herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus). It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime, no more than 7-10 minutes. After inhalation, drink warm milk with honey and go to bed. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Attention! If you have a high temperature, inhalations are strictly contraindicated.

What throat medications are allowed during pregnancy?

I trimester

The first three months of pregnancy are the most important. It is at this time that the formation of the internal organs of the fetus occurs.

Unfortunately, this period is also very dangerous: any negative impact on the mother’s body can affect the baby. Therefore, the first trimester is considered the most “problematic” in terms of choosing drugs for treatment: in the early stages of pregnancy, almost all drugs are prohibited.

When answering the question of how to treat the throat and nose during pregnancy, many doctors adhere to the proven and safe methods described above:

  • gargling;
  • inhalations;
  • plenty of warm drinks.

As for medications, approved medications for early pregnancy include:

  • Lysobact is a natural antiseptic drug containing an enzyme that destroys bacteria and protects the pharyngeal mucosa from inflammatory changes. Average price - 285 rubles;
  • Faringosept is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent, effective against most pathogens of upper respiratory tract infections. Average price - 150 rubles;
  • Lugol's solution is an iodine-based drug that can be used during pregnancy to treat the throat mucosa. Before doing this, make sure that you are not allergic to iodine. Average price – 70 rub.

II and III trimester

Starting from the 14th week of pregnancy, when the threat of miscarriage decreases and blood flows to the fetus through the formed anatomical filter - the placenta, the list of approved drugs for the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract expands. Let's figure out how to treat a sore throat and runny nose during this period.

In addition to the above drugs, it is allowed to use:

  • Stopangin is a powerful antiseptic drug that effectively eliminates pain and also softens an inflamed throat. On average it costs 260 rubles;
  • Tantum Verde topical spray is an anti-inflammatory agent. When irrigating the throat, it reduces pain and swelling. The course of treatment must be at least 7 days. Average price - 250 rubles;
  • Hexoral in aerosol form is a local antiseptic. The drug acts quickly, and already on the first day of treatment it significantly reduces pain and inflammation in the throat.

Be careful

Many procedures that have always helped us and are well known since childhood become dangerous during pregnancy.

These include:

  • Hot foot baths - due to the redistribution of blood, the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen;
  • Mustard plasters and cupping are also extremely undesirable procedures for expectant mothers;
  • Alcohol and other heating compresses may cause irritation on sensitive skin;
  • All products whose instructions for use do not clearly permit their use during pregnancy. Such drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor after assessing your condition and possible risks.

Pay attention! Despite their naturalness and apparent safety, many medicinal plants are prohibited for expectant mothers, as they can increase the tone of the uterus and even provoke a miscarriage. Use only what doctors recommend.

In this article we tried to figure out how to heal a throat during pregnancy. Don’t rush to run to the pharmacy if you just have a sore throat: simple folk remedies can also cope with ordinary pharyngitis. And, of course, consult a doctor if you have a fever and your condition worsens. The specialist will draw up a treatment plan that will quickly overcome the disease, but at the same time will be safe for both the expectant mother and the baby.

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