All about white onyx. Onyx - a powerful stone of inspiration and energy Onyx stone suits the zodiac sign

Since time immemorial, people have attached mystical meaning to stones. It was believed that some of them served as keys to portals to other worlds, and most minerals were capable of creating energy protection around a person. Every gem corresponds to a certain element, is under the protection of one of the planets and serves as an amulet for its zodiac sign. Today we will talk about the onyx stone, its properties, meaning, to whom it suits according to the horoscope, and we will accompany the material with various photos of the mineral.

The magical properties of onyx stone and who it is suitable for

Properties of onyx stone

Basic magical properties:

  • Energy is projective.
  • Element – ​​Fire.
  • Deity - Mars.
  • The associated stone is diamond.
  • Powers – protection, protective magic, reduction of sexual desires.

Ancient magical knowledge says that in ancient times onyx was considered a manifestation of a demon which is encased in stone. This demon would wake up at night and spread fear and nightmares to any person under its influence. However, since ancient times it has been known that amulets made from this mineral are actually used as protection against black magic, as well as protective magic when negative energy flows are directed at a person.

It will also help you gain emotional balance and self-control, and to top it off, it balances the male and female polarities within each person. Throughout history it has been believed that Onyx brings powers of protection, defensive magic and reducing sexual desires. Many authors say that it brings vigor, strength, endurance and self-control. The properties of the gem help reduce anxiety, tension and nervousness, eliminate confusion and nightmares.

The mineral is often used to provide glimpses of what is "beyond boundaries" and to activate the memory of one's roots and reality. Medicinal properties find their manifestation in the treatment of diseases of the bone marrow, teeth, feet, blood and bones, as well as soft tissue disorders. It is also believed to help with conditions such as epilepsy or glaucoma and is known to have good cell regenerative properties.

This quartz is supposed to increase happiness, intuition and instincts. It is also believed to help reduce sexual desires and get rid of bad habits.

The shapes or patterns that are contained within it give rise to the belief that it is a photograph that tells a story or contains a lesson. There is an opinion that the mineral stores memory of physical phenomena, surrounding a person. Onyx is a powerful totem to use in spiritual work as it tells the owner's story.

Great for releasing negative emotions such as sadness and grief, and therefore brings good luck and helps you unleash your inner power. The black color gem helps to relax when a person faces various problems in life, especially if he suffers from lack of energy and depletion of vitality.

The mineral harmonizes the physical with the spiritual and helps alleviate fears and anxieties, especially during periods of strong overwhelming emotions. Such a talisman helps to be balanced and maintains a positive outlook on life and the environment. It increases concentration and devotion and relieves tension, especially in marital life.

It is considered a strengthening talisman, good for athletes or people under severe mental and emotional stress. Brings balance to the mind and body and also develops mental strength. The mineral is ideal as a talisman for those who are absent-minded by nature, as it helps to focus attention. A strengthening totem that helps develop self-confidence. It is highly recommended to use onyx in combination with pearls and diamonds to enhance its own metaphysical qualities.

How to wear it correctly

The mineral should be worn directly on the body or for an extended period of time, as its strength develops rather slowly. Due to the fact that the talisman needs a sufficient amount of time to fully develop its power, itshould be washed under running wateronce a week, and when using it for a long period of time, be sure to immerse it in the ground once a month at night. This will allow you to recover and renew your energy strength.

The value of onyx stone and its properties directly depend on the coloristic characteristics of the mineral. Therefore, before purchasing an amulet made from this type of quartz, you need to figure out what kind of energy it will bring into your life.

Black onyx stone, its magical properties, meanings and who is suitable for it

Powerful protective amulet capable of absorbing and transforming negative energy, helps prevent leakage of personal energy. It stimulates the development of emotional and physical strength and endurance. Its energy supports during times of severe stress, grief and confusion in business and in life. Helps the owner when making the right decision. The amulet attracts happiness and good luck into the life of the owner. The strong energy impulse of the mineral promotes the development of self-discipline.

Black Quartz is a good healer for old wounds or past life problems as it has the ability to store physical memories. Have you ever felt like your aura is being drained by certain people, places or events? Then such a talisman is ideal for renewing internal strength. The properties of black onyx can protect the weak biofield of women, because they are more susceptible to the destructive influence of negative energy.

White or marble stone, onyx, its magical properties, meanings and who is suitable for it

White onyx, including light gray stains, is also called marble. The magical power lies in the fact that the mineral promotes the opening of the Third Eye and Coronary chakra. The Marble Totem stimulates the chakras in a way that further opens up their physical expression, inner vision and insight. The energy of the white amulet helps to concentrate and focus, increasing the ability to retain information and strengthens memory.

Green onyx, its magical properties, meanings and who is suitable for it

The meaning of this amulet is physical healing. The green mineral is associated with the Heart chakra and the planet Mercury. It helps to develop its owner public speaking ability, as well as correctly express your feelings and thoughts.

This talisman is believed to have calming elements that help during difficult or stressful times. It not only gives you peace of mind, but also relieves you from the physical manifestations of stress. The green amulet develops stress resistance.

Useful and healing properties of onyx stone

On the physical level for healing onyx crystals help in wound healing and during childbirth. It can be used to treat eye and ear problems, as well as cell regeneration. It strengthens the structural systems of bones and teeth, hair, skin and nails. The mineral increases overall endurance and self-control. The totem is great for grounding and eliminating and/or controlling excess energy.

It is often recommended to be worn by athletes, as such a totem increases strength, endurance, stamina and stress resistance. It is known to be particularly useful for skin conditions, healing infected wounds, as well as fungal infections, inflammation and even sunburn.

Who is the onyx stone suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

The zodiac signs that are under the strong energetic “guardianship” of the totem are under the protection of the planets Saturn and Earth. On planet Earth, Saturn appears in the form of dark and heavy stones such as -agate-, black onyx, black quartz and obsidian. Mineral has a positive effect on Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Taurus, and he is able to provide Leos with a happy life with a suitable companion.

Black onyx stone is suitable for such zodiac signs as Capricorn and Leo. In addition to the black crystal, chrysoprase is capable of igniting the fire inside Capricorn, and red garnet is ideal for Leo as a talisman stone.

The green onyx stone is associated with the planet Mercury and its properties are suitable for people born under the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. But besides the green mineral, the main patron stone for Virgos is jasper, and malachite will perfectly reveal the nature of Gemini.

The strength of any stone totem is influenced by the zodiac sign under which the person was born. So, for example, chrysolite will fully manifest its properties for Libra and Sagittarius, but for Aries and Gemini it is contraindicated, or -sapphire- - a stone favorable for Libra, Leo and Pisces, but absolutely not suitable for Capricorns.

Each precious and semi-precious gem is capable of neutralizing or enhancing the influence of a particular planet. When choosing a talisman stone, you need to carefully study all its properties, both the dark and light sides. You also need to be careful when combining different stones, because in this way you can get a result that is sharply different from the expected one. Maybe you have your own vision of the influence of stones on human life, then feel free to share your observations in the comments.

Onyx stone is one of the most valuable ornamental minerals, a chalcedony variety of quartz. There is brown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, you can find white onyx with beige or pink layers - this one surprises with its color moods.

Onyx – the stone of ancient kings, patriarchs, and zodiac signs

This gem is characterized by plane-parallel multi-colored layers. In the most developed states of the Ancient World, this stone was used to make artistic items and carved cylinder seals.

Onyx is one of the twelve Bible stones. It is known that the breastplate of the High Priest, in which he performed divine services, was decorated with precious and semi-precious stones, among which was onyx.

It is interesting how the perception of Onyx stone differs among different peoples. For example, the Arabs call it the stone of sorrow, or the eye of a dead woman. In the Celestial Empire, there is a similar attitude towards onyx, which the Chinese consider a stone of sadness that brings misfortune.

There is a belief that the Onyx stone promises long separation, bitterness of loss, despair and disappointment to lovers according to their zodiac signs.

But at the same time, the Onyx stone for the zodiac signs of leaders, it bestows real power over people, it so clears the mind and sharpens perception that a person acquires the ability to penetrate into other people's plans.

The Onyx stone will protect the one he loves from sudden death. This is a masculine stone, it rejuvenates its owner and strengthens his masculine strength.

Onyx – stone of leaders and zodiac signs

Onyx stone is perfect for the Capricorn zodiac sign, those of its representatives who know how to defend their interests and achieve their goals. Confident people will find it a strong helper.

In addition to the sign Capricorn, the Onyx stone is for the zodiac signs Virgo and Aquarius. For Virgo people, this mineral will give the joy of being, and for Aquarius, born in the strongest sign of the element Air, Onyx will teach a lesson in emotional balance and self-control, and teach them how to properly direct their energy in order to achieve their desired goals.

The magic of the amazing onyx stone - influence on the zodiac signs

White onyx extinguishes outbursts of anger and keeps a person from rash actions. Onyx with golden-red stripes will protect you from evil love witchcraft, betrayal and deceit. A stone set in silver drives out night spirits that cause nightmares and insomnia.

But the magic of natural onyx stone does not end there. He is given the ability to accumulate energy. It, like a sponge, absorbs all the negative energy and emotions - fears, indecision, uncertainty, suspiciousness, freeing its owner from this burden.

Anyone who makes onyx their talisman will be able to win the respect of others, cool their passions, learn to control themselves, not to scatter their energy, but to concentrate on the most important thing in order to achieve success and win. That is why it is advisable to wear onyx for business people of the zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo and Aquarius.

Which zodiac sign suits jewelry with onyx?

The wonderful mineral onyx is a semi-precious stone. It was used in alchemical experiments and magical rituals of the Middle Ages, especially black Arabic onyx. In almost all countries it was considered a stone of witches and dark forces. This is due to the amazing ability of onyx to accumulate negative energy. Depending on the shade, onyx can favor various signs and planets, but does not particularly favor water signs.

Onyx is most suitable for Cancers. To the inert and indecisive Cancer, onyx gives confidence in their abilities and a determination to achieve a clear goal. The water sign Cancer is characterized by soft marine shades; in this regard, bluish onyx will suit him. Also, this stone is able to protect impressionable representatives of this sign from adverse influences from others.

Gemini onyx of warm and bright shades - sardonyx, can charge with strength, giving their flighty and contradictory nature a powerful charge of positive energy. Helps to reveal leadership qualities in predisposed Geminis.

Black onyx suits Leo well. Since it is a stone of born leaders, it enhances the corresponding ability of Leos to attract the love of others, to be decisive and unyielding.

Scorpios will also like black onyx. For them, it will become a reliable assistant in the fight against melancholy and apathy. It will bring prosperity to Scorpios’ family life and protect them from all troubles.

Like other air signs, onyx has a beneficial effect on Aquarius. Especially for people born under the sign of Mercury in early February. Onyx also inspires Aquarius with determination to overcome difficulties and strengthens the desire to achieve their goals, because Aquarius is prone to sudden hobbies, which is the result of the action of Uranus on his sign. As an air sign, onyx in cool shades suits him. For an Aquarius woman, onyx is able to provide answers to questions that relate to making clear and thoughtful decisions.

Onyx has an extremely beneficial effect on Taurus, neutralizing the tendency to drink alcohol and tobacco. Taurus is an earth sign, so warm-colored stones will suit him. The stone also helps Taurus to relax and become more sociable. For people who are insecure, onyx is strictly contraindicated, as the stone will only bring misfortune.

Aries will also benefit from wearing onyx jewelry. After all, according to the horoscope, these are energetic and business people whom this stone will be able to protect from malevolent influence. Also for Aries, the mineral can increase awareness, improve creativity and increase intelligence.

Onyx with a blue tint is good for Libra. The properties of the stone harmonize with the balance of Libra, adding to them a sense of stability and confidence in the future.

For Virgos, the stone will help relieve stress and headaches after a difficult and stressful day. In general, onyx calms and restores the strength of the hardworking and meticulous Virgo.

Sagittarius, born under the sign of the Moon, are especially shown onyx. It perfectly balances their natural variability. In general, black onyx improves the energy of Sagittarius, serving as a lightning rod for negativity and envy.

The planet Saturn equally nourishes Capricorn and onyx with forces that help to overcome the enemy and guarantee success in any business for this sign. Jewelry with onyx will be a good adviser for Capricorn women in their difficult moments in life.

Onyx does not suit Pisces soaring in their fantasies. Because the temperament and ways of realizing creative Pisces are not in tune with the action of this mineral.

Multi-colored striped, layered chalcedony with beautiful patterns are called agates. If the layers in the cut of the stone have straight lines parallel to each other, it is an onyx stone. Depending on the color of such stripes, onyxes are distinguished: sardonyx - brown and white stripes; carnelian - white and red stripes; striped chalcedony-onyx - white and black stripes, gray and white stripes, etc.

Description of the stone

The name "onyx" comes from the Greek word swollen - nail. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: chalcedony-onyx, carnelian-onyx, sardonyx, nogate.

Onyx stone is one of the varieties of agate. The color of minerals varies from dark green to light green. A distinctive feature of onyx is the stripes of red, white, brown, and black colors. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the greater the value of the onyx stone. There are transparent and opaque crystals.

The semi-precious stone onyx is a type of chalcedony with thin plane-parallel banding. Unlike other agates, the layers of onyx are contrasting in color.

Stone deposits. The best onyx is mined in the Arabian Peninsula, India, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA.

Physical data

a) Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) is distinguished by color - white and black layers, carnelian onyx - red and white, sardonyx - brown and white, gray and white - chalcedonyx, as well as ordinary onyx with a wide variety of color combinations. There are also plain dark onyxes,
b) onyx hardness - 6.5-7,
c) stone density - 2.6 g/cm3,
d) degree of transparency - translucent to transparent.

Use for treatment

Onyx was called the stone of orators; during trials it was placed under the tongue to amaze those gathered with eloquence.

Onyx radiation is useful for stimulating appetite and normalizing digestion.

It is recommended to wear talismans with onyx at the level of the solar plexus. This helps with brain diseases, suicidal tendencies, loss of appetite and diarrhea, liver diseases, constipation, worms, and rheumatic diseases.

Onyx stone has healing properties. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that onyx stone cures many diseases. For example, if products made from onyx are worn on the body, it will improve the functioning of almost all internal organs (the effect of this mineral is especially beneficial on the kidneys and liver), alleviate the condition of weather-dependent people, strengthen the spine, and improve hearing.

Lithotherapists suggest that onyx treats nervous diseases, depression, relieves the negative consequences of stressful situations, and relieves insomnia and nightmares. In some countries, it is believed that onyx can increase potency. Experts on the medicinal properties of minerals claim that water infused with onyx is useful for obesity: it reduces appetite.

Onyx affects the solar plexus chakra.

Magic properties

Like other minerals, onyx stone has magical properties. Onyx has been used in magical rituals since ancient times. In the Bible you can find a mention of the Jerusalem Temple, in which the walls were made of translucent onyx. In the Muslim temple, which is located in the Kaaba, black onyx is inserted into the wall. In ancient Rome, this stone was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

Many magicians and sorcerers claim that onyx has enormous magical properties, but they only work if a person has good intentions and a good heart. Onyx is a stone for older people, whom it protects from loneliness, helps them endure adversity more easily and look at the future with optimism.

Onyx stone is most suitable for people born under the sign of Virgo. It gives them the ability to quickly accumulate positive energy, brings good luck and luck.

Onyx talisman

Onyx is a talisman of military leaders, leaders and pioneers. A ring with this stone attracts good luck and also strengthens the spirit, preventing you from getting confused in the most difficult situation. A talisman made of onyx can protect against evil spirits and black sorcerers. In some countries, it is believed that an onyx stone inserted into a ring protects a person from premature death.

The mineral onyx has been known since ancient times, but different peoples treated onyx differently. So, in the East it was considered an unlucky stone. The Arabs called onyx "al jazzo" - sad. The Yemeni peoples believed that it resembled the eyes of a dead woman, so they tried to sell it quickly. In China, people did not come close to the mines where onyx was mined, fearing a bad omen. But the French believed that only “a person pure in heart and sinless in thought” could find an onyx stone.

Meaning of the stone

In the Middle Ages, onyx symbolized vision - the eyes. Onyx cabochons were inserted into the eye sockets of the sculptures. Since ancient times, onyx gems have been very popular among many peoples. The “Cameo Gonzaga” is known throughout the world; it is rightly called the pearl of glyptics. It was carved from three-layer onyx by a remarkable craftsman of the 3rd century. BC e. in Alexandria. It depicts King Ptolemy II Philadelpha ("Loving Sister") in profile with his wife and sister Arsinoe. They seem to personify the masculine and feminine principles.

The history of this cameo is long and complicated. It is known that in the middle of the 16th century. it was in the treasury of the Dukes of Gonzaga in Italy, and after several changes of owners it fell into the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1814, in Paris, his wife Josephine presented the cameo as a gift to Emperor Alexander II, by whose order it was sent to the Hermitage for storage. "Onyx is the owner's guard against fire and madness."

Like agate, onyx is a dog stone. The energy of this stone brings firmness and stability to the life of the owner. Onyx stone is suitable for businessmen; it helps in business negotiations. Gives a desire to complete things without leaving anything for later, disciplines a person well, changes character towards rationality and the ability to calculate the situation. It is very difficult to stir up its power; it is a slow-witted stone.

In order for this mineral to pay attention to you, it will take a lot of patience. At first, the onyx stone is attentive to everything that happens around, and only after making sure that you are making your contribution to what is happening does it begin to help you. Since ancient times, onyx was revered as the stone of leaders. It was believed that he endowed with strength, provided power, power. An onyx talisman protects against sudden death and attempts on life.

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The semi-precious stone onyx made its presence known in ancient times. The first biblical essays tell us that it was from this beautiful mineral that the legendary Temple of Solomon was built. Many claimed that these marble walls could glow and shimmer, and also let the sun’s rays pass through them. It turned out that it was not marble at all, but an amazing stone - a type of quartz - onyx.

Agate is also a type of quartz, which is why onyx is often called a type of agate.

Application of onyx

The history of many peoples is connected with this stone. It was used as a finishing building material in the construction of royal chambers and tombs, as a decoration for clothing, crowns, and clergy outfits. In modern times, attractive trinkets are made from it in the form of candlesticks (very often used to decorate fireplaces), animal figurines (they are used to emphasize the luxury of furniture), ashtrays, stands for stationery gift sets, cups, the price of which is affordable for everyone. Due to the wide variety of small art objects, onyx is considered by many to be a middle-grade stone rather than a precious stone.

However, it has not completely lost its value over the years. On the one hand, it is used as a material for small crafts, on the other hand, to create expensive interior items - lampshades, lamps, fireplace stands, tabletops, wall panels and mosaics, stained glass windows, flowerpots, glasses and wine glasses, caskets, lining of swimming pools and baths.

If we consider onyx from a jewelry point of view, then this stone is equal to jasper, lapis lazuli and obsidian, which join the second class of colored ornamental stones. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, hairpins, cufflinks and necklaces are made from it.

Onyx suitable for industrial use is currently mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan.

Colors and varieties

  • Onyx powder was used to treat diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Onyx infused water helped fight obesity.
  • Onyx powder accelerated the healing of wounds.

These treatment methods have been confirmed today; modern doctors use so-called onyx preparations in practice.

Onyx is a gem-amulet. It expels most ailments from the body.

  • For colic and kidney pain, liver ailments, onyx is placed on painful places; it is believed that it draws out pain from the inside with its positive charge.
  • Onyx is capable of cooling, it is useful for fevers and inflammations.
  • The gem drives away depression.
  • He is afraid of insomnia and stress.
  • It is able to turn people away from suicidal thoughts and breathe positive vital energy into a person.
  • Onyx is very useful for men, especially those suffering from ailments of the genital organs; this stone improves potency.
  • Onyx is used for rheumatism.
  • The multi-colored mineral improves hearing, vision and memory, and increases concentration.
  • The stone is also useful for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Do not forget about it for tumors of varying complexity.
  • Onyx is an immunostimulant.
  • It is believed that an ornamental stone is capable of harmonizing the functioning of all organs and thus improving the general physical condition of the human body.
  • It fights laziness and fatigue very well.

It also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, and can both improve appetite and suppress it.

  • The most severe brain diseases can be overcome thanks to the power of onyx.
  • The mineral muffles headaches and dizziness.
  • Onyx is recommended to be worn by asthmatics and people who often suffer from ENT diseases and suffer from migraines.
  • The stone has a beneficial effect on mood.
  • There are even known cases of healing from drug addiction with the help of a gem.
  • Onyx prolongs life because, having a beneficial effect on human health, it improves its quality.

A semi-precious mineral increases its positive effect on a person if worn in a silver frame, which is why jewelry stores often offer silver sets with this gem.

Since onyx takes on all the negative energy and gives off positive energy, it needs to be cleaned periodically. You can wash off all energy impurities from the stone under running cold water.

Magical properties of Onyx

People have long noticed the magical properties of onyx. This cold stone was always carried by strong-willed and courageous people - kings, military commanders, leaders. It was believed that a beautiful solar gem was capable of sobering thoughts, setting them in the right direction, inducing determination, insight, courage, self-confidence, killing fear, suspiciousness, and protecting enemies and ill-wishers from harm.

It was onyx that helped many heroes leave their mark in history. After all, this stone attracts the respect of other people to its owner, helps to cool down the ardor, concentrate attention on the most important, curb violent emotions, take a sober look at the situation and, through this, achieve victory and success in the undertakings begun.

Onyx helped not only leaders and heroes, but also speakers. The gem is capable of developing eloquence. Anyone who wanted to become famous for his oratorical abilities wore onyx beads or put a cut stone under his tongue.

Modern people wear onyx jewelry either on the middle finger or on the solar plexus. The influence of the stone is enhanced by its setting - a round and oval cabochon. The noble metal in combination with which onyx exhibits its best properties is silver. Since onyx is a cold stone, it is recommended to wear it more during the cold season.

Onyx is also called a life amulet - it protects its owner from accidents, illnesses, major life losses, sudden death, betrayal of those closest to him, and lies.

Onyx is considered the stone of wise old people. It is able to protect them from loneliness, sadness, troubles, bring them out of depression, helps cultivate self-control, brings harmony into their lives, and with it, peace of mind and peace.

A properly consecrated mineral allows you to discover psychic abilities. Onyx is a talisman that protects against all kinds of magical love spells, slander, and damage. Its owner cannot be bewitched.

Onyx is a noble stone, it strengthens the spirit, helps to achieve goals, attracts good luck, leads to wealth, drives away evil spirits and evil spirits.

Onyx is a stone of harmony – spiritual and family. It promotes peace in the home, eradicates scandals, helps to find peace with oneself and the people around you, find mutual understanding, and discover wonderful feelings of love within yourself.

Meaning of zodiac signs

The beautiful gem is very picky about people. He first gets used to his new owner, tests his energy, and then only begins to make good changes in his life. This stone is very positive; it instantly reads negativity.

Not every person’s energetic aura is capable of revealing the most beneficial properties in a stone. The gem is most suitable for Aries. The energetic Aries in many cases wastes his ardor without reaching the goal. Onyx helps to direct his energy in the right direction, not to waste his energy in vain, and to achieve success.

It is recommended to wear onyx for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. For Taurus and Capricorn, the mineral promises a fight against laziness, gives them a push forward to action, which helps them not to sit still in life, but to keep up with the times. He teaches them to be independent.

For a modest and shy Virgo, onyx will give her determination, relieve her of suspiciousness, help her remove the mask of restraint, and be more open and happy.

Onyx is contraindicated for Gemini; this zodiac sign has the opposite energy to the stone. Geminis are very vulnerable and creative people; they cannot concentrate their attention on one thing. They need to satisfy the versatility of their interests, and onyx will suppress this desire.

How much does onyx cost?

Today, the most variegated varieties of onyx are valued. The brighter and more numerous its palette, and the thinner the multi-colored layers that create the striped appearance of the stone, the higher the price of onyx itself and products made from it.
The most expensive onyx is the black stone, it is the rarest and is most often used for the production of jewelry.

If we are talking about the cost of jewelry with onyx, then the setting - gold or silver - is more valuable, and not the stone itself. If we talk about natural material for finishing the interior of a house, then the thickness of the stone and its color are taken into account. For example, the price of 1 sq. m. of onyx slab 18 mm thick will cost about four hundred US dollars.

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