At what stage of pregnancy is an ultrasound performed? When is an ultrasound done during pregnancy and at what time: preparation, interpretation, possible harm. When is a pregnancy ultrasound performed?

Any girl who learns about an interesting situation dreams of quickly having her first ultrasound, seeing her baby and learning about his health.

Many parents also do an ultrasound scan to find out the gender of their unborn child. This information will be useful when choosing the interior of a children's room, purchasing children's things and furniture.

I would like to point out right away that you should not trust the results 100%. For example, they promised me a boy, but I gave birth to a daughter.

Why do ultrasounds be done during pregnancy?

Several decades ago, people could not even imagine that it would be possible to see their child, to find out how he develops and grows even before his birth. And now ultrasound is available to every pregnant woman. Not only 2D ultrasound is performed, but also 3D and even 4D (that is, video). But many do not understand the importance of this procedure.

During an ultrasound examination, they find out:

  • exact gestational age;
  • expected date of birth;
  • singleton pregnancy or several embryos - multiple pregnancy is much more complicated and requires more attention;
  • the presence of abnormalities in the fetus - the earlier pathologies are detected, the greater the likelihood of eliminating them;
  • location of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid: incorrect location of the placenta, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios can lead to the death of the embryo and miscarriage (it is important to diagnose it in time and bring the condition of the woman and fetus back to normal);
  • how the fetus develops, its size and gender.

If there are symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and/or spotting, the gynecologist will refer the patient for an emergency ultrasound to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage.

How long does it take to perform an ultrasound?

During pregnancy, a girl undergoes three main ultrasound examinations.

They are carried out (usually free of charge) at the end of each trimester, that is, at 11-14, 18-21 and 30-34 weeks.

First scheduled ultrasound

The doctor sends a pregnant patient for 1 scheduled ultrasound at the end of the first trimester.

The uzist checks on it:

  1. The presence of pathologies in the fetus. Some defects mean that the child will be born disabled, others lead to the death of the fetus. If such pathologies are detected during the study, then the girl is prescribed an additional analysis of the amniotic fluid or a chorionic villus biopsy to confirm or refute the diagnosis.
  2. Embryo dimensions. Particular attention is paid to the dimensions of the cervical-collar space. Non-compliance with the norms indicates the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the child - for example, Down syndrome.
  3. Bone sizes, in particular the shoulder, thigh, tubular, forearm and lower leg of the child.
  4. Are the internal organs of the embryo located correctly?— and whether their size corresponds to the deadline.
  5. What size is the heart with vessels and the belly of the embryo.

There are cases in which the first ultrasound is performed ahead of schedule:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of frozen pregnancy;
  • previous miscarriage;
  • fertilization did not occur naturally (IVF, test tube, etc.);
  • fetal pathologies in other pregnancies;
  • suspicion of multiple pregnancy.

Second scheduled ultrasound

At about 19 weeks, the pregnant girl undergoes a second ultrasound examination. This period was chosen because during this period the fetus’s organs are already well formed and it will be possible to study what could not be studied the first time.

In the second study, the doctor examines:

  1. How many fruits are there and how are they located?
  2. Parts of the body and internal organs of the fetus: the limbs are examined carefully, down to the number of fingers.
  3. Of all the organs, the child’s brain is studied most thoroughly.
  4. The amount of amniotic fluid.
  5. Appearance and structure of the placenta and umbilical cord.
  6. The degree of maturity of the placenta - discrepancy with its term has a detrimental effect on the child.

Third planned ultrasound

At the third ultrasound, the same indicators are examined and measured as at the first two. The uzist pays the closest attention to the condition of the placenta.

There are several reasons for this special interest:

  • during childbirth, especially if it is a caesarean section, the obstetrician-gynecologist must know to which wall of the uterus the placenta is attached, and this is clearly visible on ultrasound;
  • if the ratio of the cervical opening to the lower edge of the placenta does not correspond to the norm, there is a possibility of bleeding before or during delivery;
  • too large or, on the contrary, small width of the placenta at the point of attachment to the umbilical cord means placental insufficiency, that is, the mother’s body does not interact correctly with the fetus’ body;
  • the internal structure of the placenta determines the degree of its maturity - this indicator determines whether the girl’s birth canal is ready for childbirth or whether any difficulties may arise.

All these indicators, which are of great importance, are studied by a specialist during the third ultrasound of the expectant mother.

How is the examination carried out?

Ultrasound during pregnancy differs from other ultrasound examinations in that no special preparation is required before the procedure. You just need to take a sheet and napkins with you. A sheet is required to lie on, and not on a bare couch. You will need napkins to wipe off the gel from your abdomen, without which no examination is complete.

When performing the first ultrasound according to indications ahead of schedule, a transvaginal sensor is used. The doctor inserts it into the vagina. With the help of such a device it is easier to identify an interesting situation in a short time.

Three planned studies are carried out using an abdominal probe. They run it across the stomach. Before the procedure begins, a special gel is applied to the abdomen. It is needed to ensure that there is no air between the stomach and the device, as it greatly distorts the displayed image.

The sensor is connected to a monitor on which the organs being examined are displayed. Using a special keyboard, the doctor listens to the baby’s heart, takes the necessary measurements and enters them into the examination card.

It is very important that the child is calm at the time of the examination. When the baby is constantly moving, the doctor simply will not be able to conduct an examination and will prescribe a repeat examination. The behavior of the fetus depends on the emotional state of the mother and you should prepare for the procedure in advance.

Remember: the doctor wishes only the best for both mother and child and conducts the examination for your benefit.

Immediately before the examination, it is recommended to listen to calm music, read your favorite book and talk with your child about something pleasant. During the procedure, you need to relax as much as possible, breathe evenly and ask the doctor everything that interests you.

Why might you need an unscheduled ultrasound?

The number of ultrasound examinations primarily depends on the condition of the expectant mother. If she has pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, or blood from the vagina, then it is important for the doctor to rule out the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. This can only be understood during an ultrasound, so the gynecologist prescribes it unscheduled.

Also, a woman may undergo an additional examination if the baby was too active during the examination and the uzist was unable to examine all the necessary parts of the body and make the required measurements.

I had this situation during my second ultrasound. The doctor said that there was an acrobat in my stomach and it was simply impossible to conduct a normal examination.

The procedure had to be repeated a few days later. I have already prepared for it in the ways that were described above. Therefore, the emotional mood should not be neglected. Remember that all the mother’s emotions are transmitted to the child, and try to think only about the good.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are no specific contraindications to ultrasound.

However, there are a number of complications in which the procedure is prohibited:

  1. Acute fatty hepastosis. This is the process by which the liver converts its cells into fat cells or stores them. The reason for this complication is the heavy load on the liver while expecting a child, since in addition to the main waste, it is also necessary to filter fetal waste.
  2. Severe gestosis. With this complication, the expectant mother’s blood pressure rises, significant swelling and protein appear in the urine. The liver and circulatory system are affected. A severe complication of gestosis is called HELLP syndrome.
  3. Excessive bleeding from the vagina.
  4. Eclampsia or late toxicosis. This process is characterized by extremely high blood pressure. Loss of consciousness, convulsions, difficulty or lack of breathing, and foam at the mouth may occur.

Each of these complications is extremely dangerous for the life of the mother and child. If they occur, emergency childbirth is performed. In extremely severe cases, it is necessary for delivery to occur within the next 30 minutes. For such patients, intensive care wards are prepared in advance in the adult and children's departments, in which they spend the first time after childbirth.

Is it dangerous to do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Scientists' opinions on ultrasound during pregnancy are divided. One half believes that this examination can and should be done, while the other is sure that it is better not to do an ultrasound at all, or at least be examined as rarely as possible.

It has not been scientifically proven that ultrasound has a negative effect on the human fetus. No research has been conducted in this area, but according to statistics, there are no cases of negative effects of ultrasound on a child.

It is much more dangerous not to do an ultrasound. Indeed, during this procedure many vital points are revealed. However, it is better not to do the examination too often. Three scheduled inspections are enough. And the rest will be prescribed by the doctor.

Why is an ultrasound necessary even if the pregnant woman is feeling well?

An ultrasound is performed, first of all, to make sure that the baby is healthy, growing and developing. During diagnosis, the growth of the fetus, the size of its bones, the condition of internal organs, etc. are measured. The discrepancy between these indicators and standards does not in any way affect the mother’s well-being. She can feel great even when a child with serious pathologies is developing in the womb.

There are a number of complications that are completely asymptomatic. For example, ectopic pregnancy. Most girls don't even know about it until a certain point. And this is a very serious pathology. If an ectopic pregnancy is not detected in time and not terminated, you can lose your fallopian tubes and reproductive function in general.

Therefore, in order to identify all abnormalities and assess possible risks, ultrasound should be performed when the doctor requires it, regardless of the mother’s well-being.

About the procedure in video format:


A future mother's best friend throughout pregnancy is her gynecologist.

He always wishes only the best for his patients and does everything possible to ensure that the pregnancy is easy and the baby is born healthy and on time. Therefore, you should completely trust your doctor and undergo any procedures he directs you to, including ultrasound. After all, there is much more benefit from this research than harm.

Today, echography (ultrasound) is the most common, safe and highly effective method for assessing the development of pregnancy.

Thanks to transvaginal echography, 3 weeks after conception, you can see the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, and a week later, its resident.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

The length of the body of a 4-week embryo is no more than 5 mm, and the heartbeat frequency reaches 100 beats per minute. By the 6-7th week from the moment of conception, the head and torso, arms and legs of the embryo are clearly visible. Then he makes his first attempts to move independently.

An important component of ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy is the study of the environment surrounding the baby. If everything goes well, a relationship develops between the embryo and extraembryonic structures, without which, alas, further development of pregnancy is impossible.

We emphasize that the first ultrasound during pregnancy should be performed by a specialist. Very knowledgeable about early prenatal diagnosis. Having made sure that everything is fine with the baby, he will be happy to help parents see the eyes, ears and even the fingers of the unborn child on the screen.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers are always interested in the issue of ultrasound safety. Back in 1978, before echography became a method of mass examination of expectant mothers, the biological aspects of the effects of ultrasound on living tissues were carefully studied. It has been established that even when the ultrasound intensity is repeatedly exceeded permissible for diagnostic purposes, there are no harmful consequences for mammalian embryos.

But the negative consequences of refusing ultrasound examination in the first trimester are very clear. Every year about 100 children with Down syndrome are born in Moscow. Unfortunately, not only people who are far from medicine, but also some doctors do not know that with the help of echography, trouble can be suspected as early as 12-13 weeks. Why is it necessary to conduct the first ultrasound session no later than this period?

Firstly, it is optimal for diagnosing gross fetal malformations and markers of chromosomal pathology. After just 2 weeks, ultrasound features that suggest Down syndrome and other serious diseases may disappear without a trace.

Secondly, If a chromosomal pathology is suspected, doctors have time to conduct a special genetic study and, if the result is unfavorable, terminate the pregnancy.

Thirdly, in the first trimester, the gestational age of the fetus is determined with an accuracy of 2-3 days. Obstetricians focus on this age in all difficult situations.

Ultrasound timing

Ultrasound is performed on all pregnant women at certain times: 12-13 weeks, 22-23 weeks and 31-32 weeks. This allows you to promptly identify the widest possible range of possible fetal diseases and complications, as well as determine further medical tactics.

Period from 12th to 13th week of pregnancy
The very first genetic blood test. Specialists have the opportunity to evaluate several important points: the anatomical features of the fetus and the thickness of the collar zone - a marker of Down's disease.

Period from 22nd to 23rd week of pregnancy
At this gestational age, it is possible to exclude the overwhelming number of existing malformations of the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract of the unborn child.

Period from 31st to 32nd week of pregnancy
Ultrasound allows you to diagnose late developmental abnormalities of internal organs, such as the heart. In addition, doctors determine the growth rate of the fetus and how its size corresponds to expected ones.

Do they perform a third ultrasound when examining the baby and the placenta by a doctor?

The decision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determined that every pregnant woman must undergo an examination of the condition of the fetus using ultrasound diagnostics, that is, undergo an ultrasound. The purpose of this order is to prevent the birth of children with severe hereditary diseases. In this case, a woman up to 12 weeks must register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic at her place of residence.

Timing of planned ultrasound examination

The ultrasound examination is carried out as part of triple screening. To get an informative conclusion, a woman should not only get a diagnosis from a doctor, but also take a blood test on the same day. Thus, doctors receive more reliable results, supported by the results of biochemical tests.

At what time to do an ultrasound is established by order No. 457 of December 20, 2000. The study periods correspond to the trimesters of pregnancy, one for each. Each diagnosis has strictly defined goals.

Determination of gestational age

Pay attention to the fact that the so-called obstetric period appears in determining the timing of pregnancy and the conclusions of diagnosticians!

What does this mean? Doctors do not keep track of the actual gestational age; they count from the 1st day of the last menstruation, if only because the woman herself sometimes cannot say as a result of what sexual intercourse she became pregnant. The calculations include a standard menstrual cycle of 28 calendar days. At your first visit to the antenatal clinic, you need to know exactly the date of your last period. With this information, the doctor will calculate the number of weeks of pregnancy.

The actual period is clarified at all ultrasound sessions, especially in the first trimesters. During the diagnostic process, individual parts of the fetal body are measured, their length, circumference and correlated with development tables. The ultrasound method, especially in the early stages, is the most reliable indicator.

It is generally accepted that the difference between the obstetric and actual gestational age is 14 calendar days. But this is true in about 25% of cases, sometimes the difference can be either 3 or 1-1.5 weeks. This is due to the peculiarities of the process of fertilization of the egg.

Goals and methods of routine ultrasound during pregnancy

Each ultrasound is done for a specific purpose; it is important that the timing of the examinations is strictly observed. In this case, the information content will be maximum.

The first is done as part of a comprehensive examination, which should identify gross chromosomal, genetic pathologies and defects in the anatomical structure of the fetus. It is performed between 11 and 14 weeks.

What is done as part of the first diagnosis of the condition of the ovum using ultrasound?

  • A normal pregnancy is detected, while an ectopic pregnancy is excluded;
  • Determine the gestational age in weeks;
  • Detect gross heart defects of the fetus;
  • Check the presence of internal organs (liver, stomach, abdominal organs);
  • The main musculoskeletal dimensions are measured, such as BPR, KTR;
  • Analyze the placenta insertion site;
  • Measure the length of the cervix;
  • Assess the condition of the umbilical cord;
  • Analyze the risk of placental abruption;
  • Fixed if there is uterine hypertonicity;
  • The volume of amniotic fluid is calculated.

To detect chromosomal abnormalities, measure:

  • Thickness of the nuchal space (TN) of the fetus;
  • The length of the child's nasal bone.

The first ultrasound examination is a source of valuable information about how the fertilized egg and the “baby place” were formed, one of the most important examinations of the early period. Information obtained up to 14 weeks based on the first ultrasound, coupled with blood tests, allows you to make decisions about continuing the pregnancy or terminating it.

Ultrasound of the first trimester allows you to avoid the birth of children with organ pathologies, such as Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, as well as malformations of the cardiovascular system, neural tube and other abnormalities.

If any abnormalities in the development of the fetus are suspected based on the results of an ultrasound and blood test, the woman is referred for additional examinations. In such cases, you need to get advice from a geneticist; it is possible to do research directly on fetal tissue or amniotic fluid, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy.

The second planned ultrasound of the fetus, performed in the period from 22 to 24 weeks, is aimed at obtaining information about the development of the fetus, the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord. What actions does the doctor perform during the second planned ultrasound examination?

  • Specifies the number of fetuses in the uterus;
  • Measures the parameters and functional development of the internal organs of the fetus;
  • Corrects the duration of pregnancy;
  • Determines the gender of the unborn child;
  • Eliminates congenital malformations of the fetal functional systems;
  • Analyzes the condition of the placenta, its location and structure;
  • Makes a conclusion about the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • Determines the baby's height and weight.
Not all malformations can be examined in the early period, therefore, the second ultrasound is no less important than the first. On it, doctors can see signs of diseases that are incompatible with life. In this case, you can have time to make an interruption for medical reasons.

An ultrasound examination is prescribed in the third trimester from 30 to 34 weeks. During the 3rd ultrasound procedure, they look at the same indicators as in the second trimester, only they are guided by other age norms. Considering that the due date is approaching, pay attention to the position of the baby in the uterus. The degree of aging of the placenta and the condition of the cervix are assessed.

At this time, Doppler diagnostics of the condition of the vessels of the umbilical cord, uterus and middle cerebral artery is also mandatory.

It is important to adhere to the specified time frames in weeks and not to delay the ultrasound examination. The periods are determined according to the trimesters of pregnancy, one for each. Each diagnosis has strictly defined goals.

Our mothers had to live through 9 months of pregnancy, having a very vague idea of ​​​​how their body was changing and how the baby was developing. Modern medical technologies have made it possible to make the period of waiting for a child more comfortable for a woman, relieving her of many worries.

Ultrasound examination - the main method of studying the anatomical and functional state of the fetus throughout pregnancy. Ultrasound allows you to determine the presence and duration of pregnancy, find out the sex of the child, and most importantly, with the help of ultrasound scanning, doctors can monitor the development of the embryo and take timely measures if any trouble is detected.

At MedicCity, patients have the opportunity to undergo ultrasound examinations during pregnancy using premium equipment. The scanner is indispensable for diagnosing fetal development during pregnancy, identifying congenital pathologies and other potential dangers. Our highly professional doctors and candidates of medical sciences with extensive experience in this field, armed with first-class equipment, will do everything possible to ensure that the waiting period for the child proceeds as smoothly as possible!

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

What does ultrasound screening show?

Ultrasound scanning is a highly informative, non-invasive and safe way to obtain data on the health of the expectant mother and fetus. The method is based on the analysis of differences in the reflection of ultrasonic waves from structures of unequal density.

The purpose of an ultrasound examination is to assess the condition of a woman and her unborn child, as well as to identify possible deviations from the norm in order to take the necessary measures (ultrasound for fetal pathology).

Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to confirm the fact of pregnancy, obtain data on the formation of the fetus, the structure of the uterus and appendages, as well as the condition of the placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid. The results of ultrasound largely determine the tactics of pregnancy management and preparation for childbirth, as well as the choice of method of delivery.

After confirming the fact of pregnancy, all subsequent ultrasounds are performed according to the schedule drawn up by the attending gynecologist.

The following reasons may be the reason for an unscheduled ultrasound in early pregnancy:

  • discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the norm for the current stage of pregnancy;
  • the woman has bleeding (single or frequent);
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of a “frozen” pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy and other pathologies of early pregnancy;
  • the age of one or both future parents exceeding 35 years.

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Timing for fetal ultrasound

At what stage (trimesters) of pregnancy is ultrasound performed? This is one of the main questions of interest to future parents.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 457 of December 28, 2000, the mandatory examination of pregnant women, along with biochemical screening (blood test for the content of specific proteins), includes an ultrasound, which is carried out at 11-13 weeks, as well as 2 morphological ultrasounds during second and third trimesters. A total of three screening ultrasound examinations are performed during pregnancy.

Routine fetal ultrasound by week of pregnancy is done at the following times:

  • 1st trimester screening - at 11-13 weeks;
  • 2nd trimester screening - at 20-24 weeks;
  • 3rd trimester screening - at 32-34 weeks.

Additional (unscheduled) ultrasound examinations can be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor at any stage of pregnancy. This should not frighten the patient, since ultrasound does not have a harmful effect on the body. Repeated procedures may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis or, if a particular pregnancy pathology is detected, to take the necessary measures to improve the health of the woman and fetus.

First fetal ultrasound helps to establish the exact duration of pregnancy, obtain data on the size and number of embryos, hear the fetal heartbeat, assess the degree of its development, and detect possible abnormalities.

Heart rate, formation of the nasal bone, thickness of the nuchal region and coccygeal-parietal size (CPR) are extremely important parameters by which the formation of the fetus is judged. Significant deviations from the norm, coupled with the corresponding laboratory test results, will indicate the presence of pregnancy pathology.

Important! The screening should be deciphered by a professional. This is the only way you can be sure that no pregnancy pathology has gone unnoticed. Attempts to independently evaluate the results of an ultrasound will not provide an objective picture of what is happening and will only add anxiety to an already emotionally difficult period for future parents.

At the second ultrasound during pregnancy checks whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the current stage of pregnancy. The length of the child’s limbs, the size of his head, internal organs, the volume of the chest and abdomen, etc. are assessed. It is equally important during this period to monitor whether the internal organs, spine, and cardiovascular system are developing normally.

Also, during ultrasound screening of the 2nd trimester, the condition of the walls and cervix, appendages, location, thickness and structure of the placenta, and the number of vessels in the umbilical cord are assessed.

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Third fetal ultrasound - key. At this stage, the doctor carefully analyzes the compliance of the anatomical and functional state of the fetus with screening standards for a given period of pregnancy. It is extremely important to identify late developmental defects.

If the results of the 3rd trimester screening show some delay in fetal development, the patient is prescribed additional diagnostics (assessment of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, embryo and umbilical cord). The doctor also analyzes the state of the “uterus-placenta-fetus” system. Close attention is paid to the placenta - its attachment zone, degree of maturity and thickness.

Determining the sex of a child during the third planned screening reaches 90% accuracy.

More information about prenatal screenings you can read.

Unscheduled ultrasounds during pregnancy are performed if:

  • the patient experiences pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suffered an infectious disease;
  • does not feel fetal movement after the 20th week;
  • has bloody or other discharge;
  • premature labor has begun;
  • contractions appeared at 36-40 weeks;
  • there are other complications of pregnancy.

Ultrasound protocol during pregnancy

Deciphering ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy reveals the parameters of fetal development in the womb at different stages. Ultrasound indicators by week of pregnancy include the following data:

  • HC - the circumference of the child’s head;
  • FL - length of the thigh bone;
  • BPD - size between the temples (biparietal diameter);
  • CRL - the length of the embryo from the crown to the coccyx (this parameter makes it possible to determine the gestational age by ultrasound).

When deciphering an ultrasound by week of pregnancy, the following fetal malformations can be identified:

  • spinal cord herniation, which threatens the normal development of the spinal cord and brain;
  • heart disease;
  • accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull;
  • absence of the brain (this defect can lead to termination of pregnancy);
  • fusion of the duodenum;
  • delayed mental development of the child (Down syndrome).

Photo of the fetus at 11 weeks

Photo of the fetus at 27 weeks

Photo of the fetus at 28 weeks

Types of fetal ultrasound

Familiar to everyone ultrasound image - a black and white flat image with spots and dots understandable only to a specialist - this is the result of an ultrasound examination carried out in two dimensions: width and height ( 2D ultrasound ). Today almost every antenatal clinic is equipped with such a device.

Three-dimensional ultrasound of the fetus or 3D ultrasound during pregnancy - a more informative and modern diagnostic method that provides a high-quality image of the fetus in volume and color. The image obtained with a 3D ultrasound is practically a photo of the fetus, in which you can see the child’s facial features and even his facial expressions.

Today, many paid medical centers offer the 3D ultrasound service. When choosing a clinic, you should pay attention to the qualifications of the doctor, because competent interpretation of the results is the most important stage of screening. At MedicCity, ultrasound diagnostics are performed only by highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience.

3D ultrasound during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life, full of both joyful expectations and worries. Without a doubt, seek help from specialists - our highly professional doctors will help you in solving all medical issues!

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body needs regular examinations and monitoring of the process of bearing a child, so you need to know at what week to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

Ultrasound snapshot photograph
apparatus consultation inside
planned in rest position
development snapshot view

This examination allows you to always keep the situation under control and obtain data that can guide the gynecologist on further actions, if required. In addition to many indicators that only a doctor can understand, the expectant mother will be able to receive visual information about her baby.

The research principle is based on echolocation: ultrasonic waves are reflected from the tissues they penetrate. At the same time, images of these tissues appear on the screen. The reflected rays are received by a sensor, which perceives the received signals depending on the density of the tissue. This allows a clear image of the fetus to be displayed on the screen.

Today, such research is the safest and most effective. It has been used for 40 years, but so far no negative effect on the unborn baby has been noticed. Let's figure out when is the best time to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

Time of first examination

Every expectant mother needs to know when to have the first ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. It is carried out 3-5 weeks after the start of the last menstruation. Today in obstetrics two diagnostic methods are used:

  • through the abdominal wall;
  • transvaginal using a vaginal sensor onto which a special condom is placed.

It is worth knowing that no matter at what stage you perform your first ultrasound during pregnancy, it is the vaginal examination that increases the reliability and accuracy of the information obtained, since the sensor comes into contact with the internal organs. In this case, there is no need to fill the bladder before diagnosis. Already on the 4-5th day of delay, the fact of classes can be confirmed. It turns out that embryological pregnancy is determined at a period of 2 weeks.

Vaginal examination

At the time when you can do your first ultrasound if you are pregnant, the diameter of the ovum is only about 5 mm. To determine the exact date, it is necessary to measure the size of the embryo from the head to the tailbone. The probability of error in this case is no more than three days. If there is no need to confirm the fact of conception, and the absence or presence of uterine pathology has been established in another way, the first planned ultrasound visit is carried out during pregnancy for up to 12 weeks.

We figured out when you can go for the first ultrasound during intrauterine pregnancy, and now let's understand what it shows:

  • 7 weeks – embryonic head;
  • 8 weeks – fetal limbs;
  • 9-11 weeks – limb bones and ossification points;
  • 11-14 weeks - presence or absence of the stomach, kidneys, bladder, all fingers of the fetus.

When the first ultrasound examination is performed during pregnancy, the “nuchal collar space” needs to be measured. The normal size is a maximum of 3 mm. At 3 mm or more, the fetal neck begins to swell, which indicates a chromosomal disorder and the risk of Down's symptom.

It is important to measure the “nuchal space” when carrying twins. The sooner you detect it, the more accurate the result of the examination for the presence of Down syndrome will be, since it is during pregnancy with many children that errors in detecting this symptom are possible.

Collar space

Conducted ahead of schedule

Sometimes the doctor decides to prescribe ultrasound diagnostics earlier than usual. This happens when there is a risk of developing any pathology.

There are several cases when the first ultrasound examination when pregnancy appears is done ahead of schedule.

  1. Risk of abnormal development of the genital organs.
  2. Differential diagnosis of a woman with a uterine tumor or fibroid.
  3. Suspicion of hydatidiform mole, uncompleted pregnancy.
  4. Suspicion of the development of tubal and other ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Possible miscarriage.

In these cases, the woman experiences certain symptoms, which is why the doctor changes the date at which he performs the first ultrasound of the pregnant woman. The most serious symptom is bleeding after a missed period and a positive test. About.

Bleeding may indicate any of the conditions mentioned above. During ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage, women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen.

If a hydatidiform mole is observed, the fetus does not develop, and the membranes begin to grow in the form of blisters that grow into the uterus and can enter the brain and lungs. This condition can be determined by the size of the uterus, which begins to grow faster than expected. The woman’s health deteriorates and, if measures are not taken, death is possible.

Examination in the first trimester

The first screening ultrasound is done at 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. It is prescribed to detect fetal developmental abnormalities, genetic abnormalities, and also helps diagnose possible problems with placental blood flow and fetal positioning. Screening can be performed vaginally and through the abdomen.

First planned trip

In the first case, you will have to undress from the waist down and lie down with your legs bent, after which the doctor inserts a thin sensor into the vagina. The procedure does not bring any unpleasant sensations, but the next day you may experience some bleeding. When examining through the abdomen, you need to undress to the waist or lift your clothes. The specialist applies a special liquid to the abdomen and moves a sensor over it.

After screening, the doctor draws up a protocol where he writes down the main parameters determined during the study. These include:

  • heart rate;
  • coccyx-parietal size;
  • embryo imaging;
  • collar space size;
  • chorion structure;
  • location of the chorion;
  • structural features of the uterine walls;
  • features of the uterine appendages.

After the ultrasound, the patient is sent for a biochemical study, which is also part of the first screening procedure. The specialist takes blood from a vein to obtain the necessary information. The last meal should be four hours before the test.

Once you have figured out when to do the first screening ultrasound examination during pregnancy, you should not hesitate. With the help of diagnostics, it is possible to determine the term with an accuracy of up to a day, find out how the fetus is developing, whether there are any defects or features of the genital organs that can complicate the process of bearing a child or even interrupt it.

Ultrasound helps determine the due date

Preparing for the study

Once you have decided when it is better to go to the doctor and do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, you should prepare for the study. If the diagnosis is performed through the abdomen, you will need to drink approximately two liters of still water two hours before the procedure. You should not urinate before the procedure.

If you are deciding how to prepare for your first ultrasound during early pregnancy, you need to know what you need to take with you to the doctor:

  • condom;
  • towel;
  • shoe covers;
  • diaper.

A condom is required to fit over the transvaginal sensor. Some paid clinics provide their own consumables, which are included in the cost of the appointment. So you don't have to carry them with you. Check with your administrator for this information. Use .

Also, before the examination, you need to wash the external genitalia and put on clean underwear. The day before the planned study, it is necessary to completely eliminate fried and fatty foods, limit the consumption of seafood, chocolate, and citrus fruits.

As soon as you understand what time doctors do the first ultrasound in early pregnancy, make an appointment. You are now a future mother, so take care of your baby and do everything to protect him from various diseases.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

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