Happy New Year for colleagues. Funny Happy New Year greetings to colleagues Happy New Year greetings to employees at a meeting

New Year is a grandiose holiday on a universal scale. On this day, of course, the most secret dreams and desires come true - it cannot be otherwise.

That’s why New Year’s greetings and wishes are so important so that the year will definitely be successful. And in order to forever maintain good, kind relations with colleagues, you must warmly congratulate them on the New Year.

We have prepared the best options for congratulations - choose which one you like best!

In verse

To a male colleague

Inspiration, prosperity
For my colleague I wish,
And stability, luck,
Happy New Year!

On New Year's winter hour,
Take our words,
You are very kind and cool,
You are our wonderful colleague,
Always be healthy
Life for many years!

Female colleague

The snow is spinning outside the window,
And snowdrifts up to the knees.
Soon the New Year will come,
And he will take us captive.
I wish you, colleague,
In that captivity of great love,
Long life - more than a century,
And only with a white stripe!

Our colleague is beauty,
Only kindness comes out
We wish you this new year,
Life without sadness and worries,
To have fun again and again,
And let there be only love all around!

To the boss man

We wish you, boss,
Follow your path with success,
We help you with your career
We can't let you down.
Most importantly, be healthy
We love you very much, we appreciate you,
And of course we are ready,
Let's drink to you in the New Year!

Your work is not easy,
But all this doesn't matter yet,
After all, the New Year is already around the corner,
He walks very bravely.
You are the boss, and we are like children,
We take the best from you,
All the best in the world to you,
We love you and take care of you!

To a woman boss

Let me congratulate you,
On the bright holiday - New Year,
And, of course, add:
You have a wonderful life, without worries!
Success in business and endeavors,
May business always flourish!
Boss you are just super,
There are no others like them in the world!

We wish you fame and recognition,
Career growth and prosperity,
And a bright, interesting life,
As a boss, you are wonderful.
And you, as a woman, are lovely,
Smart and very interesting
Today is everyone's New Year,
Success is sure to await you!

Universal congratulations

Let the snow sparkle outside the windows
And let the fireworks shine brightly,
But we are not afraid of the winter chill -
It's very hot in the spacious office today.
We are seeing off the Old Year together.
And there were successes and failures in it,
And let the New One only bring good luck,
And we will achieve everything, without a doubt!

Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends!
I wish you so much money
To go to the sea often,
So that you can achieve
All goals and all dreams,
To make your head spin
From career heights,
So that love reigns in the family
Tenderness, friendship, countless blessings,
And so that work brings
Only joy and honor!

Bubbles quietly melt in glasses
And the candles sparkle as if in bliss!
Happy New Year, my beloved team!
Happy New Year, best colleagues!
Let there be more bright days at work,
Stay together, never lose heart,
And even if the goals become more and more difficult,
Don't give up - move forward!
And in the New Year your dream will come true -
And there will be many bonuses and incentives.
Dear colleagues! All the best!
And new grandiose achievements!

In prose

Traditional congratulations for the boss

Happy New Year! Thank you for your joint work and wish you only the best in the New Year: excellent health, family well-being, professional success, love and complete happiness!

Happy New Year! I would like to wish you success, pleasant surprises, good health, may all sorrows remain in the past, may your eyes always sparkle with joy, and may happiness bloom in your soul!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you success always and in everything, as many joyful moments as possible, financial well-being! Health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Today is a magical holiday - New Year! Let it bring only good things: luck, joy, love, surprises! May this holiday never end, and may everything you wish for on New Year’s Eve come true! Good health and eternal family well-being!

These days, when all those closest to you are nearby, when the most amazing miracles are happening around you, I want to wish that happiness goes hand in hand with you all this year, good luck accompanies all your affairs, and a friendly family always awaits you at home, and comfort reigns! Happy New Year!

Office women

Dear women of our workforce! May the sun shine brightly for each of you in the New Year, may your bosses smile and forgive mistakes, may every man help for free, and may your salary only grow! Without you, our office would become boring, because you are our priceless decoration!

My dear colleague! You are a professional, a wonderful woman, and may all your wishes come true today, on this big holiday! Let your husband love you, let your children obey you, let them appreciate you at work, raise your salary and give you vacation whenever you want!

I wish a magical New Year's Eve to my beloved colleague! Let the New Year turn into gifts and surprises, let men always delight you with their attention, and let your work produce mind-blowing results! Let everyone around you love and appreciate, and let your loved one remember all the time - what a blessing it is to be next to such a woman!

Wishes for male colleagues

Our dear men! You are the support and hope of our team; you cannot be found stronger and more beautiful in any office! Let your bosses not remember you in a bad mood, and let your salary make you happy every month. Don’t forget to take care of and help us, your fellow women, and then the New Year will definitely be successful!

My dear colleague! May all your sorrows melt away on this day like snow in spring, may the gifts be as varied as the toys on your Christmas tree, and may your bosses be as friendly as most people on this wonderful holiday!

New Year is not only a family holiday, but also a collective one! Therefore, dear colleague, I wish you a festive mood, like New Year’s fireworks; salaries are the same as the number of bubbles in a glass of champagne; prosperity that will accompany you all year! Love and good luck in the New Year!

Cool congratulations

You are the boss of all places! Happy New Year, I congratulate you! Let the contracts please you, let the employees favor you; so that the family is always in order, and so that everything in life goes smoothly!

Happy New Year, my dear colleague! Let tonight turn into a noisy corporate party, where joy, fun and the best people reign! Just so that after the holiday there is still a salary, no one is offended, and there is no need to improve your health! Happiness and good luck in the New Year!

New Year is coming! May your salary, my precious colleague, never melt away! I wish you that this year there will be at least a Lamborghini standing under your window, at least Jolie nearby, and there will be so much money in your socks that Gates himself will be jealous!

In this New Year, I want to wish my best colleague personal and career growth, good health, monastic patience, a non-greedy accountant, the opportunity to come drunk, rich and happy on any working day, and... stay that way for the whole year!

I want you, colleague, to have fun all year! So that you spend as much as you want every day, without denying yourself anything, and still have even more left over! May you be as happy and joyful as when the chimes struck! And also health, good luck, a car, an apartment, an island... In general, everything that our salary is not enough for!

New Year is a time of wishes that always come true. And if you, colleague, did not have time to wish for everything you wanted, then I wish you this: a large apartment (more than one), an expensive car (more than one), a beloved wife (only one) and a lot of money (infinite)! Happy New Year, with new happiness!

In conclusion

A congratulation for a colleague should be chosen taking into account your relationship and status: the higher the position relative to the congratulator, the more business-like it should be. But the most important thing in congratulations is good wishes and a festive atmosphere, then whatever is written will be pleasant for everyone and will definitely come true!

Happy New Year, dear friends!

Here is a collection of texts for officially congratulating colleagues on the New Year (from the company management, boss, administration of the institution, etc.). All texts are written in prose.

A special page with wishes will help you to briefly congratulate (personally) someone. The site also has a collection of texts addressed to.

All names and names of organizations are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change these data to the ones you need. Recommendations for using texts are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear friends!

We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The past year has left us with many pleasant memories, invaluable experience, new discoveries, knowledge and vivid impressions! This will remain with us forever, we will be able to use these gifts for the benefit of ourselves and those around us.

May the new year be peaceful and happy for you, bring the fulfillment of your cherished desires, help you fulfill wise decisions and realize brilliant ideas.

Good health, activity, optimism, prosperity, love and family happiness to you and your loved ones! And we wish educational institutions, thanks to your inspired work and talent, to remain attractive centers of culture and knowledge, goodness and prosperity!

Rectorate of St. Petersburg State University

Option No. 2

Dear friends, like-minded people, colleagues!

The most magical time of the year is coming - New Year and Christmas. We sincerely congratulate you on the opportunity to write a new page in your life!

Let the results of the outgoing year leave you with a feeling of satisfaction with the fruits of your labor, your choices, your activity and decisions made, plans implemented.

We wish that in the new year your hopes disappear only due to the fact that they came true. Let dreams of awards leave you due to the fact that they have all been received in full and rightfully. Let the ability to successfully overcome difficulties cease to be in demand due to the absence of obstacles in your life and professional path. Let the lack of warmth, love, spiritual generosity and tolerance (if any occur in your life) from the people around you stop bothering you due to the fact that it will be satisfied to a sufficient extent for you. Let financial claims fade into history due to the onset of material “satiety”, complete financial freedom and independence.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to fully realize your talents and abilities in your chosen professional field, and may the feeling of gratitude for your successful destiny live in you next year (and for the rest of your life).

Administration and management of the company


Option #3

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2020!

May the coming year justify your hopes for miracles and magic that everyone believes in on this most magical holiday of the year.

May the whole coming year be filled with new meetings, joyful events, wonderful discoveries, unforgettable impressions, cheerfulness and good mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, meetings joyful, affairs successful, and troubles minor.

Team of GBOU Secondary School No. 12, Tver

Option No. 4

Dear friends!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish your life to be filled with the joy of new discoveries, significant events and promising plans!

Let every morning be good, your working day productive, and every evening dedicated to your family and friends, the happiness of communicating with whom will always give you support and strength to make everything you plan into reality!

I wish you good health, active longevity, optimism and prosperity!

Administration of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 64" Orel

Option #5

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

You have worked hard in the past year, implemented many plans and great ideas, expanded your knowledge, professional skills, abilities and received many bright impressions and, we hope, have become a little closer to the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

You rightfully deserve all these valuable components of a prosperous life and will definitely use them in the future. May the new year be generous for you with joyful events and news, professional and personal successes, give you the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and immediately ensure the emergence of new desires. Let it fill your home with peace and comfort!

We sincerely wish you indestructible health, steadily increasing well-being, successful creative search, joyful meetings and new discoveries!

General Director of Marketing-Info LLC

Option #6

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the management of Revizor LLC and on my own behalf, I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year's holidays are the starting point for new deeds and beginnings, a time of good hopes and joyful expectations. This is a time of summing up and reflecting on the past, a time of great hopes and new ideas. And dreams and goals are what makes us move forward, not lose heart, and overcome difficulties. On this path, the cohesion and unity of the team is not the least important, which helps to achieve new victories!

What our next professional year will be like depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I would like to wish you all faith in yourself and your strengths, your professionalism and invaluable experience. May the year become for you a year of realizing yourself, your talents and abilities, making bold decisions, opening new horizons and achieving new heights.

May the coming year increase the number of happy moments, and may the people you love, appreciate, respect and cherish share them with you!

Director of LLC "Revizor"

H. E. Kharitonov

Option No. 7

Dear friends!

I sincerely and joyfully congratulate us all on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

I sincerely wish that when summing up the results of each year, we will be visited by a feeling of pride in ourselves, our successes, achievements, decisions made, brilliant ideas and results of fruitful activities. I believe that the feeling of regret about wasted time does not visit any of us and I want it to always be like this!

May the coming year, like all subsequent ones, bring you as many pleasant surprises as there are days in the year. May good news follow you every day, and may your dreams come true with constant consistency.

Happiness, health, prosperity, fulfilled hopes, creative energy and optimism to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,

Director of Pyramid LLC

G. L. Ivankovsky

Option No. 8

Dear friends!

Every long journey begins with a small first step... So the year begins with wishes. With all my heart I wish you the stability that is so necessary for successful further development.

Let your health steadily strengthen and increase. Let your professionalism grow steadily. May the results of your activities, successes, achievements, decisions made and goals achieved consistently bring you a sense of triumph. Let your material well-being and productivity steadily increase. Let your family and friends, colleagues and friends, be consistently patient, generous in soul, and spare no warmth and love for you.

And may your life consistently bring you a sense of satisfaction, joy, and happiness!

Happy 2020!


group of companies "Stimul"

Option No. 9

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Every year sets new challenges for us, gives us new discoveries, poses new riddles and expects new professional feats from us... The coming year will be no exception and will give us a chance not only to take advantage of the accumulated experience and knowledge, but also to start with a “clean slate” if something didn't work out before. Therefore, I sincerely wish you to do the same as our students do:

  • playfully overcome obstacles;
  • solve non-trivial creative problems jokingly;
  • easily and vividly fantasize, communicate and make discoveries;
  • live with pleasure and enjoy every day, regardless of the weather, health, political situation and other vagaries of a changing environment;
  • have fun in style;
  • work enthusiastically on the proposed tasks;
  • quickly forget the unpleasant, draw conclusions, and shake yourself off, move on to new successes.

Let your work bring you only pleasure and satisfaction, your family and friends - love and attention, friends and colleagues - support and understanding, parents of students - respect and gratitude, and fate - pleasant surprises, generous gifts, wonderful meetings and great opportunities to make your dreams come true!

Head of preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Magic Lamp"

N. A. Mamonova

Option No. 10

Dear friends!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

The past year has clearly demonstrated that aspiration is the main component of any magical changes in the life of an organization and each of its individual members. If you strive to get to the moon without even reaching it, you will find yourself among the stars.

Therefore, I sincerely wish that in the new year your health, talent, professionalism, joy, happiness, love, prosperity, new discoveries, optimism and success will strive for infinity, and anxiety, sadness, despondency, bad mood and ailments will strive to zero!

Best wishes,

General Director of Stroika-Trest LLC

J. P. Sidorkovsky

Option No. 11

Dear colleagues!

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holidays of the New Year and Merry Christmas!

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world is approaching, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults. He gives people all over the Earth goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly, faith in miracles!

I wish you a special magical mood in the New Year, so that you begin the implementation of your plans with inspiration and energy.

Let 2020 take over the baton of creativity and creation, increase new traditions, and delight you with new achievements.

Good health, peace and prosperity to you!

Administration of Children's Music School "Nota"

Option No. 12

Dear friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the coming year be filled with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success. Let it be different: bright and cheerful, sincere and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

May the new year give you opportunities to realize all your plans and people who are ready to support you on the path to new successes.

Conquer new heights, follow unknown roads, discover new things and don’t be afraid to dream! We wish you peace, strength and self-confidence, strength of spirit and body, honest victories and well-deserved love!

Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,


LLC "Recruiting agency "Kadry for nothing"

All texts given on the page can be used both orally and in writing. If you decide to use a written version, try to adhere to the following design rules:

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. However, if the design (drawing) of the sheet or the length of the text does not allow for a centered layout, a widthwise or left-edge layout is allowed.
  • After the main text, on the left side, indicate the position of the author (or several). If the author is a team of the organization, the positions are not listed (see as in the samples).
  • The author's last name is indicated opposite the position (layout on the right edge of the sheet). If there are several authors, they list them all. If the author is a group of employees, the names are not listed.
  • Such texts do not contain the organization’s seal or personal signatures.

In this material we propose to consider in detail the format and words on how to congratulate you on the New Year in an original way. Most often, the celebration takes place as part of a large corporate event and everyone, of course, wants to stand out and be remembered for something special.

Pre-planned and well-prepared New Year greetings to colleagues can be so special. This is a great opportunity to bring joy to another person, give optimism and simply lift your spirits.

About unusual congratulations

It is recommended to discuss specific ideas for congratulating employees in advance, at least a few weeks before the planned holiday, in order to eventually have time to prepare and buy everything. This approach not only makes it interesting to congratulate, but also lifts the mood and evokes joyful emotions. You need to take care of the original presentation of gifts and some beautiful, kind and sincere words of congratulations in advance.

Dear colleagues, I have the great honor to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. These are wonderful holidays that are always associated with magic and creativity. I hope that all the wishes made this year on the festive midnight will definitely come true. May we all be in-demand specialists and may our salaries grow exponentially next year!

On the winter holidays, I would like to wish all my colleagues to finally grab the bird of luck by the tail and hold it tightly, without letting go, until next year. Whoever comes across this bird online, don’t forget to share your success and joy with your favorite colleagues!

This congratulatory speech is suitable for the situation of congratulating colleagues on the New Year. Celebrate the last day of the year in a fun and unforgettable way. Remember that summer is just around the corner and vacation time will begin soon. Now, after the winter holidays, it’s time to push yourself to work in order to get great bonuses in the summer.

On the eve of the holidays, people strive to say kind words to everyone they know - relatives, friends, employees. Sometimes there is not enough imagination to express feelings to so many people. Especially if it’s not the closest ones, but Happy New Year greetings from colleagues.

In many companies, it is customary to celebrate holidays together. This promotes team cohesion and, as a result, higher work results. If the company provides greeting cards, it will be more interesting to write different words for everyone.

Here are some examples that may be useful. Among them are warm words to employees and Happy New Year in prose.

Warm words from the boss

“Dear colleagues! Let there never be sadness in life, all controversial issues are resolved in your favor. I wish you career growth. For my part, I promise decent pay in accordance with each person’s abilities. May all adversity be left behind. Let's enter the New Year as a friendly, cohesive team and increase productivity to the envy of our competitors. I hope that we will continue to find mutual understanding on work issues. I am proud that many of the employees have become true friends. This indicates the development of the corporate spirit of our company. Let us remember that we serve the same cause and are aimed at a common result. Happy New Year!".

“Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year to your colleagues and business partners. We gathered at the festive table for a reason. During our work, our employees became true friends, almost family. We went through a lot of difficulties and spent a lot of nerves. But today I want to wish that the most difficult things in our lives remain in the past, and that success and prosperity await us ahead. Happy holiday!

Wishes from an employee

“With all my heart, I hasten to address Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, partners and all those with whom our work is connected. Each year begins with summing up the past period and plans for the future. I wish that there are no limits to development both personally and professionally. May all tasks be within the capabilities of our team. So that nothing disturbs you at home, and at work there is continuous positivity and productivity. I wish everyone good health, strength, patience and the desire to achieve new professional heights.”

“Dear friends, please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year. I urge my colleagues and bosses to forget all sorrows and worries, remember only pleasant and cheerful moments. Drive away everything that does not bring happiness, and next year let everything new and positive await you. Let it be full of jokes, games and laughter. May love await you at home and respect at work.”

“Dear employees. Don't be sad, have fun, strive, achieve, hope and love. Believe in what we do and our work will reward us in full. There are many obstacles ahead, but we will overcome them if we stick together. When working for results, do not forget about the simple human attitude towards each other. Only in a friendly team is it possible to achieve heights.”

Greeting cards from the union to employees

“Dear colleagues! We wish this wonderful holiday to take place in good friendly company. So that laughter, songs and jokes can be heard along with the clinking of glasses. May the whole coming year be just as merry. May all wishes made at midnight come true. May luck be with you. So that you go to work with a smile and leave tired but happy.

We wish you to be warmed by the love and care of your loved ones on this festive night. May there be no room for gifts under the tree, and may the table be overflowing with treats.”

“Friends, please accept Happy New Year! We love and respect our colleagues very much. On this day we wish that the whole next year will be profitable and successful. So that all the worries of illness and adversity leave you. Let the problems fade into the background, and hope and joy await ahead. Long life and successful work!”

Congratulations to colleagues in poetic form

“Happy New Happiness, friends!

On this wonderful night

Can't live without a glass

And drive away sadness!

Pour the wine

Congratulations sound

And to the sound of crystal

Guests will knock on the house.”

“The fluffy snow is swirling today

Quietly, quietly lies on the ground,

On this wonderful day, without a doubt,

Please accept our congratulations!

Happy New Year to colleagues and friends!

Everyone’s soul will be more cheerful!”

“The white snowflake is spinning,

And the guests dance in a circle,

The soul strives to have fun

After all, the New Year is coming!

We congratulate our colleagues,

We wish you happiness and victories,

We sincerely wish you all

Love and many, many years to come."

happy new year funny

"Friends! Everyone is preparing for the New Year in advance. But as soon as the chimes strike, in an instant we find ourselves in the old year. And again we look forward to the next holiday. I wish you to appreciate every moment of your life. Let every little thing be remembered - a child’s smile and a decorated Christmas tree.”

“Today our colleagues congratulated us on the New Year in prose and poetry. Let me join them too. Let there be a sea of ​​success, a garden full of happiness, a refrigerator full of love. Let the running boots carry you away from any failures. Let a self-assembled tablecloth await you at home. And any wishes came true without a magic wand. We wish you lots of laughter, fun and optimism in the coming year. After all, with a smile you can overcome any obstacles.”

“Dear friends, please accept my colleagues’ congratulations on the New Year. It's a great time now - the holidays are just around the corner. This means that what we have been missing all year is weekends. Spend them so that they last for the whole next year!”


Who stubbornly pushes their heavy cart all year long? Who can take off just before the finish line and overtake persistent competitors? Who has repeatedly brought your own enterprise out of the most critical situations? That's right, his employees are hardy and loyal workers!

And if some are afraid of the coming Year of the Rat, then for real professionals this is a year of new opportunities, new rapid breakthroughs. Therefore, sincerely and from the heart, colleagues!

By the way, you can do this not only in prose, but also in poetry. Don't have time to compose yourself? Please, at your service is a whole selection of funny New Year greetings for colleagues.

There would have been no talk of any success if our team had not gotten down to business! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan... but behind all the numbers and calculations there is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill not a single process is conceivable and not a single idea is realized.
The past year has been successful, thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to the common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

This is what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day unprofitable - when we all celebrate the best and richest New Year together! Let our business bring us continuous income, and let our expenses be so small that we won’t even talk about them!
Happy New Year and Happy New Happiness to you, gentlemen!

We are pleased to wish you a Happy New Year! We sincerely wish you to realize all your plans in the coming year and bring all your conceived ideas to life! And let not only next year, but always have a loved one and a faithful friend nearby!

Dear office neighbors, friends and girlfriends through work joys and troubles! Happy New Year! I wish us to upset each other less in the coming year, become an even more friendly team and celebrate the next New Year with the same composition!

Dear colleagues! Having you nearby makes work more pleasant and easier. Communication with you charges you with optimism and cheerfulness. Thank you for your attention and willingness to support. It is very pleasant to work in a team in which you feel the elbow of your partner. I wish that in the new year we become even better, even closer, and that working together brings us joy. Happy New Year!

Colleagues! We worked together, I won’t hide it,
I'm happy to go to work
And sometimes I really want to tell you:
I won't find anything else like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill your wishes,
Luck will not bypass anyone!
We'll fill everyone's glasses with champagne,
Let's dry them now for the New Year!

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -
Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

We have worked fruitfully,
All year it was as if we were at war.
And we achieved some results,
We deserve Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I wish you happiness in the coming year,
Let there be systematic successes
In work, in relationships and in love.

Let Santa Claus be cool
The crisis will be over!
Let everyone be at work,
It will be everything we wanted!
We waited for career growth,
It's all easy and simple!
Respect just flows
And it’s an honor to be with him!
The boss smiles
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the names
The premium is amazingly worth it!
However, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

I wish my colleagues
Cool and new!
Happy New Year
And I write poems for them!
Let everything become real
Our sweet dreams!
Let all plans come true
Our bright minds!
May we be respected everywhere
We deserve it!

And, choose also on our portal.

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