What to prepare for the maternity hospital. The most complete list of things for the maternity hospital. Newborn at home: how to dress for discharge

Some mothers begin packing a bag for a trip to the maternity hospital almost from the moment they learn about their interesting situation.

There is no need to rush so much, but there is no need to delay it either. The optimal time to prepare things for the hospital is around 36 weeks of pregnancy.

This is understandable: by preparing in advance, you can choose all the best, and also make sure several times that you have not forgotten anything.

Moreover, such a fuss is usually pleasant for a mother who is in constant anticipation, because when she sees bright goods for children, she just wants to buy something for the future.

This issue should be approached with maximum responsibility in order to go to the maternity hospital with a calm heart.

When should you start packing for the maternity hospital?

It is worth understanding that packing an “alarm suitcase” is a rather labor-intensive task, therefore, as already mentioned, you should start packing as early as possible so that real contractions do not take you by surprise.

Usually, preparation of things begins from the moment the precursors of labor appear (dropping of the abdomen, intensification and frequency of training contractions). But these phenomena are rather subjective; they may not be pronounced, especially in women giving birth for the first time.

Moreover, the period that separates the appearance of real contractions from the appearance of harbingers of labor also cannot be precisely named. For example, the uterus can prolapse two weeks before the onset of labor, or a few days.

Therefore, by 30-32 weeks, the expectant mother should at least make a personal list of necessary things and begin to gradually acquire what is not in the house, so as not to tire herself of shopping in the last weeks.

Before you do this, check with your personal specialist whether everything on your list is allowed to take with you at the clinic you have chosen for childbirth. Some maternity hospitals provide their own package of necessary things for women in labor, but its components are not always sufficient in practice.

By 34-36 weeks, things should be put in proper shape: if the linen (robe, shirts, towels) is not fresh, wash it and iron it well.

What things to take with you to the maternity hospital?

When all the things on the list have been found and purchased, it's time to put them into bags or bags. If possible, do the packing yourself. You should not trust your husband, mother or friends to purchase the necessary things, so that already in the delivery room it does not turn out that in a hurry some components of the “suitcase” were purchased incorrectly or are missing altogether.

Things needed during childbirth

All items intended directly for childbirth do not have to be completely new, but they must be washed well.

In some clinics, for example, gowns and slippers are provided to women in labor, but if your hospital does not provide this, then the list should be as follows:

1 Loose T-shirt or nightgown with three-quarter sleeves. It should be of medium length, preferably made of natural fabric.

2 Seasonal robe and socks, preferably cotton.

3 Slippers, preferably rubber. Fabric ones lose in that they are completely inconvenient to take a shower in.

4 Napkins or paper towels on a roll.

5 A free bag to put the things you brought to the department in.

6 During labor you will most likely need to drink. It can be purified or mineral water, but not carbonated. You can take light herbal tea with you. By the way, in most maternity hospitals you are not allowed to take food with you and eat it before giving birth.6

7 Hygienic lip balm, since during labor, due to rapid breathing, lips can become very chapped and chapped.

Interesting! What is a caesarean section and when is it needed?

8 Disposable diapers are extremely necessary if you were taken to the maternity hospital when your water broke. They can also be useful in case of heavy discharge and during examination after childbirth.

Things needed for mom after childbirth

1 Loose pajamas or shirt that unbuttons in the front, allowing you to put your baby to your breast without taking off your clothes. Perhaps a nursing bra will come in handy in the first days.

2 Disposable postpartum panties.

3 Postpartum pads. Any maximally absorbent pads, including urological ones, will do.

4 Lactation pads for bras.

5 Moisturizing and healing nipple cream.

6 Personal utensils. You can also eat in the canteen of the maternity hospital, but if food is brought to you, then you must only bring your own dishes.

7 Hygiene supplies (toothpaste, brush, intimate hygiene soap, shampoo, razor, comb).

8 Postpartum tightening bandage.

Things you need after birth for a newborn

1 Cotton pads for wiping folds and treating umbilical wounds.

2 Flannelette, flannel or calico diapers, as well as several reusable diapers.

3 Seasonal clothing. These include undershirts, rompers, hats (it is advisable to purchase several different sizes), several pairs of cotton socks. If the season is cold, then booties and man-type pajamas will come in handy.

4 Baby soap and wet wipes. Please note that in a hospital setting it is much more convenient to use liquid soap with a dispenser than a single piece.

5 Diapers for newborns. When purchasing diapers, pay attention to the weight markings indicated on the packaging. The first diapers for a baby should be marked “2-5 kg” or “Newborn”.

It is important to decide in advance what to take with you to the maternity hospital, collect an “alarm” package with all the clothes, hygiene items, diapers, nappies that will be needed during the prenatal and postpartum periods for mother and child. In order not to forget any of the things that you will need in the maternity hospital, you need to make a list in advance, buy and put everything in separate bags, which you put in a visible place so as not to forget in the chaos before going to the maternity hospital.

Usually, for pregnant women after 30-32 weeks, the doctor, in consultation, gives an approximate list of documents, things for the baby and mother that it is advisable to take for childbirth. But the maternity hospital can set its own rules, limit or expand this list. We offer you a reminder for the prudent - a complete list of what to take with you to the maternity hospital.

What things will a woman in labor definitely need?

Experienced mothers recommend that every expectant mother in labor decide in advance what she needs to take with her, make her own list of what she needs for the maternity hospital, and purchase the necessary things for childbirth. This list can be divided into 3 parts:

  • documents;
  • things and hygiene items for women in labor;
  • things and hygiene items for the child.

Mandatory documents to take to the maternity hospital

In a separate transparent folder with a button or lock, you need to put the documents that will definitely be needed for registration at the maternity hospital:

  • passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • birth contract (if one was drawn up);
  • birth certificate (if you have it, you don’t have to take it in advance; in any case, it will be transferred to the maternity hospital);
  • in case of early hospitalization in pathology - a referral from a doctor at the antenatal clinic.

Things and hygiene items for mom

Different maternity hospitals set their own rules regarding items that the expectant mother can take into the room, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of stay in the selected medical institution in advance. Some maternity hospitals welcome the mother and baby to be immediately dressed in household clothes; other hospitals use exclusively their own sterile nightgowns, gowns, diapers, caps, and undershirts.

In any case, experienced mothers take with them to childbirth clothes for the delivery room and for the postpartum period:

  • several light cotton nightgowns, unbuttoned at the chest;
  • rubber or leather slippers that can be washed;
  • a bra for a nursing mother, usually with front clasps;
  • a set of special disposable mesh postpartum panties;
  • disposable diapers for the first days after childbirth;
  • a light or insulated robe (depending on the heating in the rooms);
  • a couple of pairs of warm or light socks;
  • face towel, bath towel for shower, roll of paper hand towels;
  • usual personal hygiene products: a small tube of toothpaste, a brush, a comb, if necessary, hairpins, hair bands, postpartum pads, shower gel (small bottle), liquid baby soap, toilet paper (preferably soft);
  • special breast pads that are inserted into the bra;
  • cosmetics that the expectant mother usually uses;
  • mobile phone with charger;
  • personal cup and spoon;
  • a bag for dirty or no longer needed items;
  • water without gas;
  • a magazine or book to keep you occupied during the postpartum period;
  • on the recommendation of doctors, if necessary, a postpartum bandage.

If the father is planned to be present at the birth, it is also recommended to put together a package of necessary things for him in advance. Dad needs to take a T-shirt, pants, slippers, and socks to the maternity hospital. In addition, he must have with him a passport, the results of fluorography and certain tests taken before childbirth. You must definitely take them with you, otherwise you will have to return home and you may miss the most touching moment in the life of a married couple!

It is recommended to pack the nightgown in which the mother plans to give birth, slippers and things for the father in a separate bag, which can be quickly removed from the general “alarm” bag. You also need to pack separately a set of first clothes for the baby and the first diaper.

Baby essentials

The antenatal clinic can also give you an approximate list of things for a newborn baby that you need to take with you to the maternity hospital. Some hospitals provide only their own sterile diapers for newborns; “child-friendly” maternity hospitals welcome it if the baby is dressed in clothes prepared in advance by the parents from the first minutes of life. These questions need to be clarified during an introductory visit to the maternity hospital or on its website on the Internet.

  1. Clothes that will be put on the baby in the first minutes after birth: onesies, a vest, a blouse or slip, a hat. In maternity hospitals that promote the most natural childbirth, vernix is ​​removed only 10-12 hours after birth, so the first set of clothes will be hopelessly spoiled by unwashable stains.
  2. Several sets of clothes for the baby: 2-3 lightweight or insulated bodysuits, with closed sleeves, 3-4 long-sleeved sleepsuits, 2 lightweight caps and 2 flannel ones, a couple of pairs of rompers, vests and blouses for changing if the baby spits up or a diaper will leak.
  3. 2 pairs of “scratches”.
  4. A couple of light ones and a couple of flannel diapers: you can cover your little one with them or put them under the baby.
  5. Personal hygiene products for a newborn: powder, baby milk, oil, diaper cream. It is best to take miniatures of this children's cosmetics to understand whether it is suitable for the baby and then either change the brand or buy larger bottles.
  6. Baby sanitary wet wipes.
  7. Diapers for newborns. Experienced parents recommend taking several diapers of a certain brand for the first days - if they suit the baby and do not cause allergies, then you can then buy a package.
  8. Electronic thermometer.

"3 packets" rule

Many people say that while pregnant, a woman’s brain “switches off” a little, so it’s better to write in advance a list of what to take with you to the maternity hospital, and check off items already purchased and put aside. They need to be placed in plastic bags, since many maternity hospitals do not welcome cloth bags or suitcases.

  • 1 package - things for the mother, father and baby in the maternity room;
  • 2 package - things for mother and baby for the postpartum period;
  • Package 3 - things for mother and newborn for discharge.

You will need to take the first two packages with you immediately when contractions appear, because it is not known how long the birth will last; if it is fast, then postpartum things will be needed within a few hours after the birth of the baby. And happy relatives will be able to bring the third package to the baby’s official discharge.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

There are things that are not included in any maternity hospital list, but sometimes without them it’s like being without hands. Many mothers claim that life in the maternity hospital has been made much easier for them:

  • electric kettle;
  • breast pump;
  • a bottle with a pacifier for feeding the baby;
  • nursing pillow;
  • nipple covers;
  • pacifier.

If the maternity hospital doctors are not against the presence of these things in the newborn’s room, then they can also be included in the list of necessary items, but purchased in addition and brought a little later, for example, on the second day of the mother and baby’s stay in the hospital.

In any case, every expectant mother should make her own list of what she needs for the maternity hospital, decide what she will take and pack according to her taste.

While expecting childbirth, expectant mothers think about what things will be useful for them and their baby in the maternity hospital. A detailed list of everything you need can be obtained from the hospital where you plan to give birth. But there are also general recommendations on fees.

There are no specific dates for when exactly you need to pack your things for the maternity hospital.

At this time, you can start looking for a crib and a stroller, as well as a minimum of clothes for the child. You can start preparing the apartment, disassemble and throw away unnecessary things, think about where the crib and stroller will be. It’s worth thinking about thick curtains or blinds for the windows in advance.

Which bag to put things in

In the maternity ward, it is better to check in advance whether it is possible to bring things in bags. Since most such institutions recommend using packages. If it is not possible to clarify this information, you need to prepare capacious packages. To avoid misunderstandings in the reception department.

Bag No. 1. For the maternity ward

List of documents required upon admission to the maternity hospital:

Also needed:

  • Rubber, washable shoes.
  • Napkins for intimate hygiene, disposable handkerchiefs.
  • Sterile diapers 90x90 (1 pack);
  • Soft toilet paper.
  • A bottle of non-carbonated drinking or mineral water.
  • Anti-varicose stockings.
  • Phone with charger.

You will also need towels (2 pieces are required), shower gel, shampoo, a teeth cleaning kit, and a comb. You need to bring 2 plates, a spoon and fork, and a cup.

Home clothes and sleepwear for the prenatal department are also necessary if you have to go to bed early. But in most cases, you will have to change clothes in the maternity ward. The shirt will be issued by medical staff. You can take a snack with you - cookies, apples, bananas.

If the expectant mother wears glasses or contact lenses, they and all the necessary accessories must not be forgotten.

Bag No. 2. What you need after childbirth

The list of everything that will be needed after delivery can be divided into parts. Things for mom and what the baby will need. It is better to take them with you, unless you have to go to the maternity hospital in advance.

Childbirth can be rapid, and loved ones may not have time to bring everything they need. Some maternity hospitals have problems with baby diapers, and instead of postpartum pads they use sterile gauze.

The table shows a list of what the baby needs:

Mandatory May be required (relatives will inform you)
Baby liquid soap – 1 bottle Mix – 1 box
Diapers (smallest size for newborns) – 1 pack Bottle with nipple – 2 pieces
Diaper cream – 1 tube Pacifier – 2 pieces
Powder (alternative to cream) – 1 bottle Sliders – 3-4 pieces
Wet wipes – 1 large pack Baby vests – 3-4 pieces
Disposable diapers 60x60 – 1 pack Cap – 3 pieces

The list of necessities for a woman in labor can also be divided into what is definitely needed and what may be needed.

Things that may be useful:

  • Breast pump.
  • Housewear (if allowed in a medical facility).
  • Postpartum bandage (after emergency caesarean section).

In the same bag you can put decorative cosmetics, which will be useful for checkout. It is better if everything is at hand, since the maternity hospital staff may rush the discharge and there will be no time to make it beautiful.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

Prenatal and postnatal first aid kit

When going to the maternity hospital, you can pack a first aid kit with you. It is worth taking the medications that your mother will need.

These could be:

  • Aspirin or Paracetamol, in a situation where, due to the flow of milk, the temperature rises and the woman’s general condition worsens.
  • Levomikol is an ointment for treating perineal sutures or after cesarean section. This will speed up healing and prevent possible suppuration.
  • Visine-type drops may be useful to relieve redness in the eyes after pushing.
  • Packaging of Noshpa or Drotoverin.
  • Suppositories with glycerin for constipation. After childbirth or caesarean section, difficulties with bowel movements may occur.
  • If a woman suffers from hemorrhoids, it is better to take special creams or ointments with her to the maternity hospital. Since the disease can worsen after childbirth.
  • A package of antibacterial patches and a sterile bandage can be useful in the postpartum department.
  • Medicines that a woman takes regularly should be taken first.
  • It’s better to take anti-colic medication for your baby

Bag No. 3. What things to take for discharge for a newborn baby

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby will vary slightly depending on the season.

These changes will affect, first of all, the “dowry” for the child.

Discharge in summer

You will need:

Discharge in winter

For winter, the discharge kit should consist of:

Discharge in autumn

If the baby is born in September:

  • Thick fleece envelope.
  • Warm woolen blanket (as an alternative to an envelope).
  • A light blouse, on top of which you can wear a thick knitted suit with long sleeves.
  • A thin cotton shirt, blouse and rompers made of dense natural material (can replace the option from the point above).
  • Thick knitted hat.
  • Thin cotton and thicker knitted caps are an alternative to a cap.
  • Cotton socks and thick cotton booties; if September is cold, then woolen ones.
  • Anti-scratch mittens made of dense natural material.
  • A beautiful ribbon to tie up an envelope or blanket.

For October babies you will need:

In November, items from the winter list will be suitable.

Discharge in spring

For March babies you can put together the following kit:

  • A warm envelope on padding polyester or a woolen blanket or blanket.
  • A cotton shirt and a thick flannel suit.
  • Lightweight jumpsuit with fleece.
  • Thick cotton socks.
  • Wool booties.
  • Dense “anti-scratch” pads.
  • A thin cotton or linen cap, a thick fleece or woolen hat.

If the child was born in April, you will need:

For the May statement, a summer list of things is suitable. You need to navigate by the weather.

Although a woman has a supply of diapers and wet wipes in the maternity hospital, it is better for her family to grab a couple of diapers and a mini-pack of wipes in case of unexpected circumstances. After all, mom will have already packed her things, and urgently needed hygiene items may end up at the bottom of bulky bags.

Things for a newborn baby to be discharged from the hospital:

Bag No. 4. What should mom take for discharge?

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby cannot be complete without clothes for the woman to wear when she is discharged. Spouses need to discuss in advance what to take for their wife for discharge. It should be something she likes and fits well.

Summer release:

Winter discharge:

  • Comfortable outerwear for the season.
  • Comfortable winter shoes.
  • Option 1 – jeans and a cozy jumper.
  • Option 2 – tights, tight dress.
  • Option 3 – leggings and a warm sweater.
  • Jewelry optional.

Release in autumn:

  • Outerwear if necessary; a warm cardigan will do in September.
  • Shoes for the season.
  • Option 1 – jeans and sweatshirt.
  • Option 2 – leggings and a long light sweater or thick tunic.
  • Option 3 – Tights and a loose dress.
  • Accessories upon request.

Spring release:

  • Weather-appropriate outerwear.
  • Beautiful and comfortable shoes.
  • Option – 1 jeans and a T-shirt and a light cardigan.
  • Option 2 – Pants, shirt or blouse.
  • Option 3 – Leggings and tunic dress.
  • Jewelry and accessories optional.

It is better to give cosmetics and a hair dryer with things that will be needed after childbirth.

What should dad take?

Partner births are not such a rarity now. Each medical institution has its own list of what the future father or other person who wants to take part in childbirth will need.

When preparing for a joint birth, a man needs to undergo a medical examination - have an X-ray of his lungs, take tests. Most likely, these will be AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis. You will need both a staphylococcus smear and a physician’s report on your general health.

Your partner needs to have:

  • Passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, physician’s report and laboratory test data.
  • Disposable set of shoe covers, cap and robe.
  • If allowed, just a change of comfortable clothes.
  • Light snack, water.

A camera should only be taken if agreed upon with your spouse. Childbirth is not an easy process, and she may not want to be filmed.

Planned caesarean section: what you need to take for childbirth

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby during a caesarean section is not much different from the usual.

It includes:

Otherwise, the list will not differ much from the usual one. It will also include:

After a caesarean section there are dietary restrictions. On the first day you can only drink still water. Liquid and soft foods are allowed. Relatives need to take this into account when collecting food parcels for the mother in labor.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

The following little things may be useful in the maternity hospital:

What should not be brought to the maternity hospital

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby has limitations. They depend on the specific maternity hospital. Somewhere laptops, tablets, and electric kettles are strictly prohibited, as recharging them increases the load on the power grid.

Usually in the maternity hospital there is a cooler with drinking hot and cold water, and a microwave oven. Somewhere you cannot bring your own clothes (robes, nightgowns, pajamas); women in labor are given hospital “nighties” and dressing gowns.

  • Even if it is forbidden to bring your own clothes to the maternity hospital, this does not apply to underwear. It should be made of natural fabrics, a comfortable model.
  • If you can bring your own dressing gowns and pajamas, then they should also be made of light natural fabrics, easy to take off and put on.
  • Flowers with a strong odor are prohibited. It is better if the bouquet presented is of gerberas, wildflowers or scentless roses, small in size.
  • You should not send products to the maternity hospital that cause allergies or increased gas formation in the baby.

A general list of things prohibited in the maternity hospital:

  • Synthetic underwear and clothing.
  • Flowers with a pungent odor and a large amount of pollen.
  • Confectionery with cream.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes.
  • Smoked, spicy, salty.
  • Dishes made from white cabbage cause increased gas formation in the newborn.
  • Chicken eggs and meat.
  • Milk, full-fat sour cream (it is better to replace it with fermented milk products - bifilife, kefir).
  • Sparkling water, sweet lemonades.
  • Cigarettes, alcoholic drinks.

When leaving the maternity hospital, it is important not to forget to pick up all the necessary documents:

  • Card (exchange) of the woman in labor with all the necessary information about how the birth took place.
  • A special card of the child fully filled out with data about him.
  • The birth certificate is provided to the civil registry office.

Preparing for a trip to the maternity hospital, Mom should make a list in advance of everything necessary for herself and the baby, sign the collected bags, inform relatives where they will stand.

It is better to warn your husband in advance about what things to take for discharge so that he does not confuse anything.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby

List of necessary things for the maternity hospital for mother and baby:

In the last months of pregnancy, starting from the 36th week, a woman, as they say, should be in full combat readiness. At any moment, the little one can “knock” and “ask to be born.” Contractions, after which they almost always begin suddenly, and the expectant mother must grab the things she collected earlier and run to the maternity hospital.

From personal experience

The first preparations for the maternity hospital followed a strict list, which was announced in the antenatal clinic. I don’t remember what it included, but the package was modest, and as a result, my husband ran to the maternity hospital, now with a spoon, now with a pacifier, now with pads...

The second time I became smarter and “downloaded” the list from the Internet. My husband looked at me getting ready for the maternity hospital, to put it mildly, with surprise. “Are you moving?” - he asked when I packed a huge bag and placed it next to three bags. Otherwise! A set of bed linen, a small electric kettle, a hairdryer, books, magazines and even an MP3 player is already a rather large package. And a lot of things for the baby, for the doctor, and for yourself, your beloved. Well, I didn’t forget about him (they were going to give birth together). Where would he be without slippers, a robe and a razor?

As a result, I went to the maternity hospital with a “mini-kit”, and my husband supplied everything else as needed. Thank God that he had the patience to convince me that I wouldn’t need everything in the maternity hospital. I can imagine how the maternity hospital workers would greet me. The third time I will definitely get ready without unnecessary things, but with everything necessary.

In the meantime, let’s discuss what should be taken to the maternity hospital and what should not be taken.

Traditional list

Each maternity hospital has its own characteristics, and the lists of necessary things are very different. For example, if in the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth, there is hot water by the hour, or even none at all, then you will simply need an electric kettle. Therefore, be sure to take into account the conditions of the maternity hospital.

But still, the main set is traditional things, which you cannot do without even in the most modern maternity hospital with all the amenities.


  • Passport (without it they will not be discharged from the maternity hospital);
  • Exchange card (without it they will be sent to the observation department);
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital (if any);
  • Insurance policy (if any);
  • Passport, sterile clothing for the accompanying person (for partner childbirth);
  • Money.

Personal care products

  • Soap. Some maternity hospitals require liquid soap and disposable towels;
  • Toothpaste and brush;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Towels;
  • Disposable diapers (useful for both baby and mother);
  • Pads (special postpartum pads are sold, but some doctors advise using regular torn sheets);
  • Underwear (comfortable panties (several pieces), nursing bras, and breast pads);
  • Cloth. Preferably two nightgowns with a comfortable top for feeding, a dressing gown for the season, slippers (must be washable);
  • Cosmetics (for those times when you can’t do without face and hand cream).

Things for the baby

This list is the most pleasant and is worth paying the most attention to.

  • Diapers (it is best to take a whole pack of diapers for newborns, because you will not have the opportunity to wash the diapers if you are determined to use them in the future);
  • Wet wipes (however, to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to wash the baby with clean boiled water using ordinary cotton wool);
  • Baby skin care products (powder, diaper rash cream, lotion);
  • First aid kit (belly button care products are a must, ask your pediatrician about everything else);
  • Disposable diapers.

Pacifiers, bottles and formula cause a lot of controversy.

Baby clothes

Choose clothes based on the season. The number of things should be sufficient, but not excessive. Size - from 56 to 62. Pre-wash and iron clothes. You will need:

  • Hats;
  • Bodysuit or vest;
  • Knitted blouses;
  • Diapers (thin and flannel);
  • Socks, thin mittens;
  • Blanket.

Prenatal and postnatal first aid kit

Agree on the list of medical supplies with your doctor. Each maternity hospital requires certain medications, and some offer their own, or ask you to buy them as needed. However, it wouldn’t hurt to buy some pharmaceutical “remedies”:

  • Bandage and cotton wool;
  • Syringes, vein catheter, dropper;
  • Oxytocin;
  • Kedgood;
  • Sterile medical gloves;
  • Glycerin-based laxative suppositories;
  • Ointment for cracked nipples;
  • Electronic thermometer;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka;
  • Calendula tincture.

Items to be checked out

You don’t have to take a bag with these things with you to the maternity hospital. It will be brought to you immediately before discharge. It should contain elegant things for the baby and mother. Please note that the things you wore to the maternity hospital will not fit you when you leave.


  • Water without gas;
  • Herbal tea;
  • Cookie.

You may also need the following things:

  • Breast pump;
  • Dishes;
  • Electric kettle or boiler;
  • Thermos.

However, do not rush to pack everything into bags for the maternity hospital. These things should be in a visible place so that, if necessary, your husband can see them and bring them to you at the maternity hospital.

List of "absurdities"

You can find fault with all of the above. For example, why use a breast pump when in the first days there is no milk at all, but only colostrum, which, as it seems to every mother, is not enough for the baby, so they rush to feed the baby with formula.

Or cosmetics. It’s hard to believe that a new mother will have time to paint her lips and eyelids immediately after giving birth. But, to each his own. When you are discharged, you want to be in full swing.

However, there are more absurd things in the proposed lists:

  • Watch;
  • Knitting;
  • Books;
  • MP3 player;
  • Sandwich with cheese;
  • Washing powder;
  • Basin;
  • Baby monitor;
  • Pillow;
  • Night lamp;
  • Elegant dress;
  • Limousine and others.

However, if you see the meaning in these things, then feel free to take them to the maternity hospital. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable. Good luck!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

It's time to give birth. You need to prepare yourself properly and pack your bag. And of course, provide the baby with everything necessary. So, what should you take with you to the maternity hospital?

Signs of imminent labor

Labor will begin soon if:
  • The mucus plug has come off.
  • I would like to clean up my apartment or do some repairs in one day, immediately.
  • Pain appeared in the abdomen, in its lower part. At first almost imperceptible, then more and more noticeable, more and more powerful.
  • It became easier to breathe.
  • I don't feel like eating.
  • Sporadic diarrhea or vomiting.
  • My stomach dropped.
  • Anxiety has increased, it feels like you don’t know what to do with yourself.
  • Change of activity of the baby - increased activity is replaced by complete silence.
  • The amniotic fluid has receded.
If the amniotic fluid comes out, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

When to prepare things for the maternity hospital

In the early stages, preparing for the maternity hospital is somehow strange, no one immediately thinks about it. Most often, packing begins at the end of the second trimester or a few weeks before the expected due date. It’s better when you feel good, when you can go shopping and pharmacies, and choose the most suitable things.
If you are not pregnant, but carried the entire term at home, your gynecologist should have told you that childbirth should be expected from the 37th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. And this means that already at week 35 you need to prepare everything you need so as not to get nervous and fuss once again.

What things to take to the maternity hospital

The list of pregnant women should be given to you at the maternity hospital. By following it you can collect what you need. But don’t forget about the little things that will not only be useful to you, but will become even more useful. So, what to take for yourself on the list and in addition to it.


They can be prepared in advance. You need a passport, as well as a copy of its first page and registration, that is, registration. An exchange card is required, which describes how the pregnancy progressed and includes information about all studies. An insurance policy and an agreement with the maternity hospital are also required, if there is a birth certificate. If you are giving birth with a partner, then he needs a passport, a health certificate, and tests. You may need the doctor's phone number, you need to take it in advance and the address of the maternity hospital.

Items for the antenatal department

You need to have with you:
  • Replaceable shoes that are comfortable, lightweight, and easy to clean.
  • Robe.
  • Nightgown.
  • Socks.
  • Linen.
  • Towel.
  • Shaving machine.
  • Dental care products.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Shampoo.
  • Comb.
  • Bed linen, if necessary.
  • Utensils - spoon, cup.
  • Phone and device for charging it.

Postpartum ward items

After giving birth you will need:
  • Disposable panties or regular ones, but made of natural material.
  • Special pads that are used after childbirth.
  • Several bottles of water, preferably still.
  • Several special bras for comfortable feeding of the baby.
  • To prevent milk from leaking, one pack is enough.
  • The same personal hygiene items - toilet paper, soap, teeth cleaning products, a towel, maybe even several towels - one large and a smaller one, paper towels, a shaving machine, a comb. If conditions in the maternity hospital allow, you will need shampoo.
  • Disposable diapers - up to 10 pieces.
  • Garbage bags - roll.
  • Compression stockings, if the doctor insists.
  • Breast pump, if available.
You may need a postpartum bandage for those who were recommended by a doctor.

Things for a child

For the baby you need to take:
  • A package of the smallest diapers.
  • Cosmetics - baby oil, soap, cream, wet wipes, powder.
  • Clothes for the season - overalls, vests, scratchies or special mittens, caps, socks, rompers, blouses.

Things for a partner

  • Passport;
  • Fluorography;
  • Change of clothes and shoes;
  • Water and food.

Items to be checked out

Discharge is always a solemn moment. Usually they are greeted by the closest and dearest people. After giving birth, it’s not always possible to look your best, but at least you need to take decent clothes with you, and the baby should also have something to wear, necessarily according to the season (socks, rompers, blouse, cap) and an envelope. If you have someone to deliver all this to on the day of discharge, then you don’t have to take it with you right away, but prepare it.

How to wash things in the maternity hospital

It is recommended to wash the first children's clothes with baby soap without any additives. You can put shavings into the washing machine, for example, grate baby soap and wash as usual. You should not use children's powders or liquid soap, there are many different additives, and it is not yet known how children's skin will react.

Which bag should I use to pack my things for the maternity hospital?

Depends on the internal rules of the maternity hospital. You need to ask in advance what kind of bags are used there. Most often, things are collected in the maternity hospital in medium-sized thick bags with handles, they are also called “T-shirts”. They are sold in any supermarket. It's better to use new ones.

How to pack things in the maternity hospital

Distribute things in such a way that it is convenient to get them out and not forget what is where. Sometimes ready-made maternity hospital kits are sold in a transparent bag, but it needs to be checked against the list that is given out in the women's office.

Do I need to take baby things to the maternity hospital?

At the present stage after childbirth, if there are no complications, the baby is in the same room with the mother, but sleeps in a separate crib. This means that the mother will take care of him, the baby will need clothes and cosmetics. Once upon a time, maternity hospitals provided everything state-owned, including diapers. Nowadays, more often than not, everything is used, including bed linen, so it is better to take everything you need so as not to experience discomfort.
Packing things for the maternity hospital is quite labor-intensive work. You need to have time to prepare them before going to the hospital. Usually, shortly before giving birth, the gynecologist or in the maternity ward where the baby will be born gives you a list that needs to be collected; everything you need is indicated there.

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