How to remove traces of resin from clothes. How to remove resin from clothes: how to effectively make them clean. How to remove traces of sealing wax

Deal with tar stains- not an easy task. It may appear suddenly on a jacket or jeans. However, do not panic and say goodbye to your favorite thing in advance. Despite the difficulty, there are still ways to remove resin from clothes.

Before removing the stain, it is necessary to go through the preparatory stage. First, determine the type of material so as not to spoil the thing.

Depending on what the clothing is made of, you will need to choose the appropriate method.


The following rules apply:

  • Do not scrape off the resin with a fine knife. Clothes made of silk and chiffon should only be cleaned thermally;
  • Do not use acetone on artificial silk, the material will be destroyed;
  • Items made from natural silk can be cleaned with gasoline or turpentine;
  • Turpentine in its pure form is effective for woolen products;
  • It is better to expose denim clothing to low temperatures;
  • Leather items can be cleaned well with vegetable oil.

Preparing clothes

To remove resin from clothing, you must first prepare it. To do this, you can try to carefully cut off the stain using a knife or spoon.

IMPORTANT! When using a knife, be careful not to tear delicate fabrics.

Thermal removal

It will not be possible to completely cut off the stain with a knife, and it is advisable not to treat items made of delicate fabrics in this way at all. You can clean silk or chiffon items at home using a hair dryer or iron. Every housewife has these household appliances in her home, which means there is a chance of completely getting rid of resin if you start acting as quickly as possible.

The iron removal process is as follows:

  • Place a soft cloth or paper under the contaminated area;
  • The top of the stain is covered with material or paper with good absorbent properties;
  • I iron it with a hot iron;
  • The resin begins to melt and soak into the paper;
  • The paper is changed as it gets dirty;
  • After removing most of the stain, soak the item in warm water, rub the stain with laundry soap and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • Next, the product is washed in the usual way.

Heat with a hairdryer is used to remove resin from thicker fabrics. A stream of hot air is directed onto the area with the stain, which melts the resin. Its remnants are removed with a napkin, after which the clothes are also washed.

The thermal method helps to cope with fresh small spots. If, with their help, it was not possible to defeat the pollution, you can consider other options.


Small items can be saved by placing them in the freezer. Cold has a destructive effect on the resin, it becomes brittle and can be torn off from the fabric. Clothes must first be placed in a plastic bag and then in the freezer. You should hold it for as long as possible. To use freezing on large clothes, you can use ice cubes. Or apply a bag of ice or frozen fruits or vegetables to the stain. The bag is left until the resin hardens. After which you can try to tear it off the fabric.

Use of chemicals

If heating and freezing do not help to cope with the resin, you can use traditional methods and use one of the following remedies:

  • . The most effective way to remove traces of resin is ammonia or ammonia. To use it, you need to dilute it with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the stain for 30-35 minutes, then wash the item in the washing machine.

ATTENTION! Alcohol can cause colored items to lose their brightness.

  • Kerosene. It treats not only the stain, but also the areas around it to prevent the spread of contamination. Apply with a moistened cotton swab and then machine wash;
  • . You can use acetone, nail polish remover or white spirit. A cotton swab is generously moistened in one of the liquids and applied to the stain. It is better to rub the stained area, moving from the edges to the center. Then you need to wash the item by hand, and then in the washing machine.
  • Petrol. It is also applied to the stain using a cotton pad. The moistened disc should be left for 20-30 minutes, after which the item should be washed. For products made from natural fabrics, gasoline is mixed with laundry soap shavings.
  • Starch. And a paste is prepared from it, which also includes ammonia and turpentine. The resulting composition is applied to the stain and left until completely dry. Then the remaining paste and resin are removed with a brush and the clothes are washed.

Modern methods

The development of household chemicals has allowed manufacturers to create special stain removers that can cope with tar stains. For example, Vanish and Udalix have proven themselves well.

There are also modern methods, tested by many housewives. For example, you can remove the resin with soda (Coca-Cola, etc.). To do this, pour it onto the stain and leave it for half an hour, after which the item is washed in a machine. You can also use dishwashing detergent. It degreases the fabric and softens the resin, allowing it to be removed from the fabric.

When using any product, you should take care not to completely ruin the item. It is not recommended to use aggressive substances for this. And if several methods do not help, you can try taking the clothes to the dry cleaner.

A good, upbeat mood after a walk in the park or pine forest can easily be ruined by the discovery of tar stains on clothes. Especially often, active children who conquer the tops of park trees “delight” their mothers with tree resin on a T-shirt. Men often behave less than carefully when repairing wiring using rosin. All this brings fear to housewives, because due to the viscous sticky consistency, it often seems impossible to wash off the resin. You can’t take jeans or jackets in which you go outdoors and go to the park, or your husband’s garage outfit to the dry cleaner, as this is real pampering. But I also don’t want to throw out new things that have one small stain on them.

What is resin and how to deal with it?

The viscous, thick, brown or dark yellow substance has a complex composition. Due to its physical properties, it is always not very easy to wash resin from fabric and skin. In a liquid, softened state, it is deeply absorbed into the fabric, then cools and hardens far into the depths of the fabric. The first way to clean an item is to wash it with powder in the washing machine. The second desperate step can be considered an attempt to tear off the resin with a knife blade. Having failed with mechanical action on dirt, move on to the thermal method of treating clothes.

When hardened, the stain from amorphous substances resembles chewing gum. Therefore, many people believe that they can simply put the contaminated item in the freezer for a while, then scrape away any traces of dirt with a knife, and the resin will simply fall off. Instead of using a knife, you can simply knead and “rustle” the fabric as if it were paper, and particles of the dark, frozen substance will fall off. In fact, not everything is so simple, and not everyone can get rid of it with the help of frost.

It was not possible to clean the annoying viscous substance using low temperatures - let's try to use a radically opposite method. Place a layer of paper napkins under the stain, cover it with cloth or paper on top and heat it with a hairdryer. Some housewives claim that the resin will heat up, soften and flow out. But often such an experiment ends in failure, as the resin boundaries spread further and further across the fabric.

Resin removers

The storehouse of folk wisdom is expanding every year. By looking into it, you can find incredible recipes for getting rid of stains of any origin at home. Before going to the store for stain removers, rummage through your kitchen cupboards, medicine cabinet, and garage. There are always many products that are home “lifesavers” and are ready to easily remove tar marks from fabric.

List of the most effective “fighters” against traces of resin:

  • alcohol,
  • kerosene,
  • ammonia,
  • acetone,
  • petrol,
  • turpentine,
  • potato starch,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • White spirit solvent,
  • vegetable oil.

Some of these substances can be used independently, some need to be used only in combination with others.


Generously moisten a cotton pad with rubbing alcohol and wipe the fresh stain with it. The beauty of this method is that even colored fabrics are absolutely not afraid of alcohol. After the desired result is achieved and the tar trace has disappeared, repeat the procedure and send the rescued item to the washing machine. Even stains from pine resin can be easily removed in this cheap and simple way.


This category includes the following liquids: kerosene, gasoline, turpentine and nail polish remover (only if the composition contains acetone). In any of the above products, you need to moisten a cotton pad or cotton swab (this depends on the size of the stain) and wipe off traces of resin from pine or other wood with them. After dissolving the stains, hold the item under cold running water for a long time. This will help remove the strong chemical smell of the solvent. After this, the wardrobe item must be washed in a machine or by hand using conditioner. Be careful: this method can be disastrous for colored fabrics.


Soak the contaminated area with turpentine, and after the resin has completely softened, soak it in a paper towel, pressing down firmly on the fabric. Repeat the procedure several times. After the “press”, the clothes should be rinsed in cold water and then put into the washing machine, generously adding aromatic conditioner.

Starch + turpentine + ammonia

The only method that allows you to remove traces of resin from delicate items. To 1 tablespoon of potato starch, add 1 teaspoon of turpentine and ammonia. Stir the paste and apply it to the stain for 12 hours. When the paste dries, you need to clean it off your clothes along with the remaining resin.

Housewives love to use it for other purposes and wash various objects with it. Resin, as it turns out, can also be washed off with cola: you need to soak the item in soda for 5 hours, and then simply put it in the drum of your washing machine, adding powder and conditioner.

Vegetable oil

Fat helps remove tar stains perfectly. Use a swab soaked in oil to blot the blot and after 20 minutes wash it with laundry soap. After drying, you can wash the item in the usual way.

White spirit

Only white spirit will do a better job than regular alcohol. The procedure is the same: use a moistened cotton pad to treat stains from wood resin, rosin or even bitumen. Afterwards it is advisable to wash the item twice.

As you can see, people have learned to deal with absolutely any stains. The main thing is not to hesitate. The fresher the dirt, the easier it will be to destroy. People have come up with a lot of ways. By being smart and looking for folk methods on the Internet, you will save twice. Firstly, you will not need to buy expensive special products in the store. Secondly, your favorite thing will remain safe and sound.

After a fun weekend in nature and walks through the forest, in addition to pleasant memories and vivid photographs, there may also be less joyful consequences. There may be stains on your clothes from resin from the very forest that brought you so many pleasant emotions. Although, you can encounter such spots in a city park. If your child, or maybe you yourself, loves to hug fir trees and pine trees, then you too can become a victim of this problem. But don't rush to despair. There are several ways to remove resin from clothes without harming the fabric.

To begin with

Before you begin the actual removal, you need to do something. Do not rush to immediately wash the resin from your clothes. It has a complex structure that cannot be removed so easily. Therefore, as soon as you notice traces of resin on your clothes, try to remove it mechanically. You just need to be careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric structure. You can scrape it with a knife or other sharp object. After that, put this thing in the freezer. This step will help remove resin from clothes that was not removed with a knife. The low temperature will harden the stain, and any remaining dirt will be easier to remove.
We can say half the work is already done. But even after such actions, a stain may remain on the fabric. So, we continue the operation to remove resin from clothes.

How to remove a resin stain?

There are several measures you could take. They are available to everyone, and these funds are available in almost every home. So removing resin from your family’s belongings won’t be a big deal.

It is important to remember that each fabric has a different texture and quality, so these methods are not suitable for every type of fabric.

For example:

  • acids and alcohols can destroy some types of paints;
  • acetic acid and acetone can destroy silk acetate fabrics;
  • Bleach and alkali can only be used on white fabrics.

Also, during the processing itself, it would be useful to remember some general tips.

  1. To prevent the resin stain from spreading throughout the fabric while removing it, you need to moisten the fabric with water around the contaminated area. This will serve as a limiter. You can also sprinkle talcum powder or starch around.
  2. You need to treat from the edges of the contaminated area to the middle.
  3. If the area of ​​contamination is small, it is more convenient to apply the stain remover with a pipette or a cotton swab.

We wish you success!
Now you know what to do if you encounter unwanted tar stains on your clothing. You can start cleaning!

Many of us love to walk in a pine forest, getting a lot of positive emotions. But a good mood can be spoiled by dirty things, since pine resin stains are not so easy to remove. Let's try to figure out how to remove stains from pine resin on clothes?

Removing pine resin stains from clothes

A walk in a sunny pine forest can be ruined by resin stains on clothes, since removing such stains is very, very problematic.

Many people wonder how to remove wood resin from clothes so as not to spoil the attractive appearance of the item.

Remedies for tar on clothes

Thanks to modern progress, the niche of folk wisdom and tips for removing a wide variety of stains at home is constantly expanding.

With these tips, you can find the most effective solution for removing stains of almost any level of complexity.

In such a situation, you should not immediately rush and run to the store to purchase an expensive stain remover.

Since, by searching in your pantry, medicine cabinet, and even garage, you can find many ways to wash off pine resin without any problems or difficulties.

When answering the question whether it is possible to remove tar from clothes using such means, the answer will always be positive, since this is not one, but many means.

Particularly worth highlighting:

  • Alcohol;
  • Ammonia;
  • Turpentine;
  • Kerosene;
  • Petrol;
  • "Cola";
  • White spirit;
  • Vegetable oil.

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If the pine resin stain is still fresh, then the most effective way to get rid of the stain is to use alcohol and a cotton pad.

The cotton pad must be soaked in alcohol and the stain is wiped off; once the desired result is achieved, the procedure will need to be repeated one more time.

After which the “saved” item is sent to the washing machine.

This method will be effective even for light-colored items, since they are not afraid of the effects of the alcohol base.

Watch the video: How to remove wood resin stain from clothes

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This life-saving remedy includes kerosene, gasoline, turpentine and even acetone-based nail polish remover.

Depending on the size of the stain, a cotton pad or cotton swab is selected, moistened in the substance and carefully processed. After which the treated surface must be rinsed for 10 minutes under cold water.

This will make it possible to get rid of the unpleasant odor. After which the wardrobe item is washed manually or using a washing machine with the obligatory addition of conditioner.

It is worth understanding that before removing a stain from pine resin, you need to make sure that the item is not painted, otherwise, the likelihood of deteriorating the attractiveness of its appearance increases.


Smart housewives like to use Cola for purposes other than its intended purpose. To do this, the soiled item is soaked in the drink for 6 hours.

After which it is thoroughly rinsed and put into the washing machine, but it is worth using high-quality conditioner and washing powder.

White spirit

Only White spirit can cope with the task better than alcohol. The cleaning procedure will be identical. After which the item must be washed twice.

Watch the video: How to remove resin from clothes and shoes using improvised means

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Vegetable oil

Before you wash things from resin, you should understand that fats do an excellent job of removing resin.

A cotton pad or swab is moistened with vegetable oil, the required area is treated and left for 20 minutes, after which the item is washed using ordinary laundry soap.

We hope that thanks to our extraordinary and simple tips, you now know how to remove wood resin from clothes at home.

Resin is an amorphous substance that can melt at high temperatures and quickly harden when it drops. One of the main properties of resins, both natural and synthetic, is their ability, when cooled, to be fixed to almost any surface, forming a waterproof layer. This quality of this product has long been used by people in various fields of activity: they impregnate the bottom of boats, tar roofs, etc. However, it can cause a lot of trouble if viscous droplets get on a person’s skin and clothing or on the windshield of a car. How to wash the resin depends on its type and composition: natural and artificial substances behave differently under the same conditions.

Conifer resin

Tar stains are one of the most difficult stains to stain on any surface.

A walk through a forest filled with the aroma of pine needles at any time of the year can give a boost of healthy energy for several days. However, when you return home, you can bring with you not only pleasant impressions, but also sticky resin threads stuck to the skin of your hands, outerwear - a jacket or coat, and even to your hair - this can happen to children if they ran between trees and threw pine cones. There is also a risk of getting dirty with resin when working with coniferous wood. It is impossible to wash off hardened resin - the resin of pine trees, cedars and other coniferous trees - with ordinary water, but there are other ways to wipe off its traces at home.

How to cleanse your hands and hair

Products for removing tar from skin

Before washing the resin off the skin, it must be softened. Sunflower oil cleans the substance perfectly - it can change its consistency, making it more liquid, and thus allowing you to easily remove resinous traces. Vegetable oil can be used to wash resin off the hands of both adults and children without the risk of causing harm. However, it will not be possible to remove contamination with one movement. To remove tar stains from the surface of the skin, you need to:

  • dip a cotton swab into the oil, thoroughly saturating the cotton wool with it;
  • Rub the oil into the skin with gentle massaging movements without pressure for 5 - 30 minutes - depends on the size of the contamination;
  • wash your hands with hot water and soap.

Another skin-harmless substance that can be used to wash pine resin is drinking ethyl alcohol. A moistened cotton pad is applied to the area of ​​contamination for 15-20 minutes, after which the softened resin is wiped off with the same swab.

Alcohol slightly dries the skin, so after using it it is advisable to lubricate it with baby cream.

Food grade citric acid is also a product that can cleanse the skin of persistent impurities, including resin. To get rid of traces of tree resin, you need to take a cotton swab or foam sponge, moisten it with water, dip it in the powder and wipe the contaminated area. You should wash it moving from the edges to the center of the stain. After this, the remaining resin along with the acid is thoroughly washed off under running warm water and soap, and the hands are lubricated with any nourishing cream. It is not recommended to use acid if there are microtraumas on the hands - cracks, scratches, etc., as well as if we are talking about children's skin: this can cause irritation.

Mayonnaise is best suited for washing off oleoresin from hair. You need to do the following:

  1. Thickly lubricate the stained strand.
  2. Wrap your head in plastic wrap for half an hour.
  3. Wash off under running water with baby soap.

It is strictly forbidden to use any chemical solvents. They can cause scalp burns and damage the hair structure.

How to get rid of stains on clothes and glass

You can remove a thin layer of resin from clothing using solvents.

There is no need to try to immediately wipe off fresh resin from clothes - this will smear it over the surface and go even deeper into the threads. You should not wash the item in the machine or rub the stain with laundry soap - this will only worsen the situation. The main difficulty in removing resin stains from fabric is that the resin, which enters the material in liquid form, impregnates it and hardens into the fibers. Removal must be carried out in stages: first, surface contamination is removed, then the internal structure of the threads is cleaned.

Before removing the resin stain, the fabric should be placed in the refrigerator freezer for two hours. The frozen substance is then carefully scraped off the surface of the clothing. Stains on large items that do not fit in the freezer are covered with ice cubes for freezing. However, traces of resin on things made of thin fabric cannot be removed using this method - they can be damaged by scraping.

The second stage consists of using solvents, since it will not be possible to remove stains from the resin of pine and other coniferous trees from fabric without their help. You can clean the material with gasoline, white spirit or turpentine, in which you need to moisten a foam sponge. Pure alcohol or vodka also cleans resin well. Before using all these ingredients, the area around the stain should be moistened with water and covered with starch, something solid should be placed under the fabric, wrapped in a white cotton napkin, so that the solvent does not saturate the clothing on the other side.

When traveling in a coniferous forest by car, there is a risk that cones falling from the trees will stain the windshield with resin. To remove pine resin from glass, you can use gasoline, turpentine or white spirit. You can try rubbing the stain on the glass with diesel fuel.

Synthetic resins

The most common synthetic resin in everyday life is epoxy - it is used to make a strong adhesive that can bond any surface - from plastic to metal. If such resin accidentally gets on the skin of your hands, you need to remove it as soon as possible - after the substance hardens, this will be difficult to do.

You can cleanse your skin of epoxy resin using the following means:

  • baby cream - spread a thick layer on the stain, wash off after half an hour with soap and a brush;
  • any vegetable oil - apply to the skin, after 40 minutes wash off with soap and a hard washcloth;
  • soda paste - mix a tablespoon of water with three teaspoons of baking soda, apply to the skin, after 30 minutes wash with soap and water under a running stream of warm water.

Chemical solvents - acetone, gasoline, white spirit - should be used very carefully to clean skin from epoxy. Skin free from microtraumas should be carefully and quickly wiped with a swab soaked in one of these substances.

To remove epoxy resin from fabric:

  1. Freezing – If you put the clothes in the freezer, the resin will harden and can be scraped off.
  2. Melting - if you iron the stain with a hot iron and place a towel under it, the substance will gradually melt and be absorbed into the substrate. The stains remaining after this are cleaned with alcohol, then the item must be washed in a machine.
  3. Alcohols – wine, ammonia, denatured alcohol. Use a cotton gauze swab soaked in any of them to wipe the contaminated areas until completely clean.
  4. Natural turpentine - apply it liberally to the stain, leave for 20-30 minutes, then clean with a soft brush.

Pepsi-Cola or Coca-Cola can be used as a cleaner for manual cleaning. Wipe stains on clothes with a tampon soaked in drinks, then wash by hand or in a machine at a temperature of 38-40 degrees.

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