Clowns performing on stage script. Scenario of the game program “Playing with Nesmeyana. Performance of clowns "funny clowns". Scenario for a children's party with a clown. scenario for a children's birthday party with clowns

Game program for children of senior preschool age “Meeting with a clown”

The purpose of the game program is to increase children’s interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle.


1. Instill an interest in an active lifestyle in all participants in the educational process.

2. Form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, dexterity.

3. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, courage, dexterity, attentiveness, and imagination.

Props for games: phonogram of musical games and fun music for the competition, ball, balloons, A-4 sheets, pencils (felt-tip pens);

Undercheerful music children enter the hall. A clown comes on stage.

Clown : Hello, here I am! Hello! Firework! Let's get acquainted. My name is Pencil. Do you remember? What's your name? Say it in unison!

Clown : Say your name - one, two, three(children's answers) Everything is clear! All the boys today are called Boo-boo-boo. And the girls"Syu-syu-syu" !

Clown: How are you? I can't hear! (children answer)

Clown: How beautiful and elegant you all are today. I want to make friends with you. I invite you to dance together, and it’s called “Friendship”(dance "Friendship" ")

Clown: You're in a great mood! Top class! So we can start ourprogram . Well, shall we play, sing, dance? (cheerful music sounds)

Clown: Oh, how I want to play! Do you like games? Now we'll find out! I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I!

Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?




Ice cream?


Marmalade? Treasure?

What about the slaps?

Who loves sunbathing?

Who likes to yell?

Swimming in a muddy puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Clown. Tell me, guys, do you do exercises in the morning? I

I do the same thing, but not simple, but fun exercises. Do you want me to teach you too?

Clown. Hey girls, spread your arms,

Let's sit on the floor, like in an apartment. (squatting)

And now everyone stood up together,

They removed their hands to their belts.

Step everyone to the right, step everyone to the left,

You are all like queens!

Clown . Hey boys, let's cross our legs

And let's jump on the spot,

And with your hands up and down,

Let's all clap for an encore!

And then sneeze together, And now you need to laugh!

Clown . Now everyone puts their hands on our shoulders together,

So that there is no melancholy or boredom,

Right foot forward, and then vice versa.

Everyone sat down on the floor together,

We spun, stood up, sat down, as if we were on a carousel!

Clown. Now listen to the command:

Grab yourself by the ears

And tongues out,

And wider elbows,

And just like that, all together, jump on the spot!

Clown . Well, they turned out to be real monkeys!

Clown: I announce a musical warm-up.(musical warm-up "The giraffe has spots everywhere..")

Clown: By the way, since we decided to have fun today, we’ll do the opposite. Game "Vice versa" Clown : Are you tired of answering? We allow you to remain silent. Are you guys obedient? (the clown takes the ball, music plays) . Guys! I invite you to a fun ball festival! We'll play with them. The game is being played. Children pass the ball to each other while music plays. Whoever is left with the ball is eliminated.

The clown takes balloons.

Clown : But my balls are not easy. These are sharprosiki. Sharprosiki - well, balls with questions. Whoever answers the question gets the ball.

1. What color balls did Piglet like?(Green)

2. How many balls did I have when I entered the hall?(3)

3. Who tried to convince the bees that he was not flying on a balloon and that he was a big cloud?(Winnie the Pooh) Oh, what great guys! Do you know how to dance?

Dance game "Lavota" to music .

Clown : Now we suggest you play with the balls.

The game is being played "Kangaroo" - with balls between their legs they run to the high chair and back.

The game is being played "Circus Performers" - hold the ball on your finger, knee, nose for as long as possible.

The game is being played "Artist" - who can draw a ball faster?

Clown: I have a game for you - I’ll read the poems now, I’ll start, and you finish, answer in unison: “Me too!” »

This morning I woke up early...

I washed my face with tap water...

Then I made the bed...

I like to sleep until the evening...

For breakfast I ate porridge...

Then I sang songs loudly...

Then I went for a walk...

And he started throwing stones at the cats...

I saw a baby elephant at the circus...

He looks like a pig...

I love eating pears...I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time...

Clown: Well, well done guys! Get in a circle and let's dance

("Dance of the Little Ducklings")

Clown : Well done, guys! It's time to express admiration for your talents. It's time for us to say goodbye and go to another kindergarten! And goodbye, let's sing a song together“A smile will make everyone brighter”

Lyrics of the song "A smile will make everyone brighter"

And then for sure

Suddenly the clouds begin to dance,

And the grasshopper begins to play the violin...

From the blue stream

The river begins

The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile.

From one sunny smile

The saddest rain will stop crying.

The sleepy forest will say goodbye to silence

And claps his green hands.

A smile will make everyone warmer -

And an elephant and even a small snail...

So let it be everywhere on earth,

Like light bulbs, smiles turn on!

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...

And she will return to you more than once.

When a child's birthday approaches, parents are faced with the question of how to celebrate it? The easiest option for parents is to invite little guests to a children's entertainment center or cafe with a children's menu. The most profitable option is to invite the children home and organize the holiday yourself. If for some reason parents don’t want to entertain the kids themselves or don’t have enough time to prepare, then entertainment professionals can help - children's animators. Fortunately, there are now plenty of agencies providing this service, and you can choose a program to suit every taste.

To celebrate the holiday you will need:

  • An adult clown costume (can be improvised, as long as there is a nose and a wig);
  • Clown noses for children (according to the number of invited guests), some other attributes are possible, for example, wigs, headbands with pigtails, ties, etc.;
  • Whatman paper and drawing media;
  • A selection of fun music;
  • Balloons;
  • Small souvenirs for prizes;
  • Delicious food and cheerful mood.

Entertainment script.

It is best for children to eat at the festive table before the start of the entertainment program. And you will have time to change clothes and prepare for competitions.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, a clown appears with a bunch of balloons (there should be the number of balloons for the number of children, plus 1 for the clown).

Clown: Hello! Friends! How glad I am to see you! What kind of holiday are you having?

(children answer)

Clown:(asks again) - Jam day? (No). Cookie day? (No). Day of torment? (No). A-a-a, School Day? (No). Got it, got it! Birthday!!! (Yes).

Clown: There are so many of you! Let's get acquainted! I know one fun game called “Tender Names.” Stand in a circle. We will throw a ball to each other and say our name. The one who catches the ball must call this name affectionately. Then throw the ball to the next person and say your name. Let me start. My name is Button (throws the ball to one of the children). Child: “Button”, etc. until each child says his name.

Clown: That's how we met! Now, I suggest you join the clown corps and have fun until you drop! Do you want it? (children answer)

Clown: Then you need to undergo a special rite of passage to become a clown. Now let's check how attentive you are children. (The clown plays the game “Attentive Listeners”). All guests stand in a circle. The clown stands in the center of the circle. The driver (clown) gives commands, and he himself carries them out exactly the opposite. Children should listen carefully to the clown and only do what he says, not what he does. For example, the clown says: “sit down,” and he rises on his toes, while the children must squat down; “hands up”, and he lowers himself down, etc.

Clown: Well done! We completed the task! Now, I can accept all of you as merry fellows - mischievous people. (Hands out clown noses and other attributes). We are now going to a cheerful clown country called “Laughterland”, and we will fly there in balloons. All children take a balloon and run around the room to cheerful music.

Clown: Now, let's play with your balloons. (Game “Keep the ball in the air”). Let's see whose ball will hang in the air longer and not fall to the floor. To prevent it from falling, you need to blow on the ball from below, like this. (The clown demonstrates how to hold the ball) Now try it! (A game is played. The child whose ball was in the air the longest receives a prize from the clown).

Clown: How clever you all are! Now we'll see how serious you are. This is a test of seriousness. The game is called "Bug". Now, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose who will be the first bug. (They choose). Now, everyone stands in a circle, and the little insect gets on all fours and, crawling in a circle, says:

I'm a boo-bu-bu-bu-bug!


I'm red, I'm blue!

I'm the most beautiful!

Whoever laughs first repeats all the same actions and words. Thus, two insects crawl. Whoever laughs next also repeats everything. There are three of them. And this continues until there is only one player left or none at all. The last player remaining earns a prize.

Clown: You guys are very funny! Remind me why today is a holiday?! (Birthday). What do they do at all birthdays? (dancing). I also invite you to perform my favorite dance - “Lavata”. Children dance along with the clown, repeating the movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Clown: We had a great dance! And now I propose to draw a portrait of our birthday boy! But we won’t be drawing quite normally! I have prompts here that tell you what part of the body each of you will draw. Pull out a picture for yourself. (Children pull out a picture from a clown’s hat, on each of them are drawn parts of the body that one or another child will draw. On whatman paper, guests take turns drawing a portrait of the birthday boy in accordance with the prompt cards. After the portrait is ready, you can glue children's multi-colored palms with the names of the guests, prepared in advance.

Clown: Well done! You made a very beautiful portrait! Now let's see how smart you are. Let's play the game "Guess who I am?" I have pictures here, but I won't show them to you. You yourself will try to guess what is shown there. You see, the pictures are not simple, they have holes for the head. Stick your head into the hole and try to guess who you are in this picture. You can ask questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” (They play a game).

If the children are not tired, you can show them two to four children's tricks, for which you need to prepare in advance.

Clown: Who's birthday is it today? (Children call). Then quickly start singing your birthday loaf! (They play the game “Loaf”).

Clown: What is missing from our birthday? Of course the jetta!!!

The clown brings out a cake with candles. You can purchase self-igniting candles for more fun.

Clown: Everyone please come to the table!

While the children are drinking tea, you can play another game.

Clown: While you enjoy the cake, let's compose a greeting from all of us. Only, bad luck, the words in the congratulation were all mixed up and here it turned out that our birthday boy did not need to wish for it at all. Can you help me figure it out? I will read a congratulation, if the wish fits, you shout “yes”, and if it doesn’t fit, then shout “no”. Are you ready? Let's start!

Happy Torment Day! (No)

Happy birthday! (Yes)

We wish you happiness and joy! (yes)

Grow (name of the birthday boy) bigger, (yes)

Definitely become fatter, (no)

And beautiful, and funny, (yes)

Both loud and pugnacious. (no)

Be kind and give care, (yes)

To be mean is to bring everyone to tears! (no)

For mommy to love (yes)

With a strap to hit me more often (no)

She fed me chocolates. (Yes)

And grandma made cheesecakes,

Yes, delicious buns! (yes).

You can end the holiday with a fun disco and cutting prizes from a string.

  • Children's Animators "Confetti"
  • Date:
  • A party with a clown for children is always fun and funny. Kids love this...

- This is the most common type of holiday. It doesn’t matter who celebrates it - an adult and a child. It so happens that the clown is associated with such words as kindness, laughter, smile. And we always expect a sea of ​​positivity and an ocean of laughter from this guest.

It instills peace in our souls and distracts us from pressing problems. In the circus he is alone, on the playground he is different. And the clown animator comes to the children for the holiday.

Who is the script for a children's party with a clown intended for:

  1. Yes, to everyone indiscriminately.
  2. It is better for children from 3 (three) years old. Younger people may be intimidated by clown makeup.
  3. Definitely funny friends.
  4. For guys who like to laugh a lot.
  5. For graduations and birthdays.
  6. For relaxation and home.
  7. School party.
  8. A trip to nature.
  9. The script requires more than 1 (one) hour.

What is included in the script for a children's party with a clown:

Scenario for a children's party with a clown. Event plan:

The scenario of a children's party with a clown will forever leave vivid memories with your child. On this day he will remember when he was the center of attention, when it was so much fun.

We, parents, try to make the world of our children a better place. We want to see happy eyes and faces. Therefore, we need to be closer and open to the children. Never compare with anyone, but only encourage and help.

it couldn't be easier. There are people who care about the fate of children. They will always amuse the children and give their all to any children's event. After all, they put their soul into every word, into every number. And this is not given to everyone.

Let's all have fun together to the fullest. Let's show what we can do. And you will show what you can do.

How to prepare a script for a children's party with a clown.

The clowns came to visit us.
Target: Create a good, positive mood in children from participating in games and fun. Contribute to the creation of a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process.
- Improve motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements.
- Develop the ability to interact in a team.
- Foster a sense of mutual assistance and attention to each other.
Preliminary work: preparing musical accompaniment, attributes and props for entertainment, learning the words of songs and fables with children.
Equipment and materials: costumes for clowns, a stereo system, CDs with recordings of moving children's music, balls, a large candy bar with sweets for children, balloons.

Progress of entertainment


Hello guys! Which one of you is sitting and sad? . Who looks sour? Our entertainment will lift your spirits.
We invite everyone to fun gymnastics (a cheerful melody sounds).

Game "Fun Gymnastics"

Children move in circles one after another

Then, in a circle, they perform movements according to the lyrics of the song:

Place your hands on your belt first,
Shake your shoulders left and right.
You will reach your little toe to your heel.
If you succeed, everything is in perfect order.
And finally you should meow,
Quack, croak, bark and grunt. Well done!

Do you like fairy tales and cartoons? I suggest playing a fun game.

Game "Clap and Stomp"

I will call name fairy-tale heroes, if it is a good hero you clap, and if it is an evil one, you stomp. And so we begin. I jumped and jumped and met Malvina (children clap), Karabas-barabas, a wolf, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, a bunny, etc.

Well done!!! Now guess the riddle:

He's the funniest guy in the circus.
He is a great success.
All that remains is to remember
That's what he's called, the merry fellow.

Two clowns run in with balloons to the music.

Clowns in chorus:

Hello, merry fellows and playful people!

We came at a merry hour -

see us soon!

Children clap their hands.

Chupa: I am Chupa!

Chups: And I am Chups!

Together: Chupa – Chups!

Chupa: What’s your name, tell me, say your name!

Game "Say Your Name"(children shout in unison)

Chups: Everything is clear: all the boys are called “Boo-bu-boo”, and the girls are called “Syu-syu-syu”!

At the end the clowns cry.

Clowns: How sad we are.

Host: What happened?

Clowns: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, we were joking!


Friends, we brought you balloons -

all full of surprises!

Chup: We'll take the red ball and start laughing!

(A soundtrack of laughter sounds, the clowns laugh. They invite the children to laugh)

Leading: Chupa and Chups, let's play a fun game.

Game "Funny riddles"».

I will make riddles, and you will guess, and the guys will help you.

The bunny went out for a walk

The hare's paws are straight...

(not five, but four)

At Irinka and Oksanka's

There are three-wheelers...

(not sleds, but bicycles)

For vaccinations and injections

Mothers take their children to...

(not to schools, but to the clinic)

And capricious and stubborn,

Doesn’t want to go to kindergarten...

(not mother, but daughter)

Mom asked Yulia

Pour some tea for her...

(not a pan, but a cup)

The roads have become drier - I have dry...

(not ears, but legs)

Birthday is around the corner - we baked...

(not sausage, but cake)

Lada is all wheezing and sneezing:

Ate a lot...

(not chocolate, but ice cream)

For lunch for son Vanya

Mom cooks soup in...

(not in a glass, but in a pan)

I was able to choose for myself

a pair of mittens for...

(not for legs, but for arms)

The frost is crackling in the yard - You put your hat on...

(not on the nose, but on the head)

We see you are funny guys:

love to laugh and play.

We'll take the blue ball and start dancing now.

Dance-game “The giraffe has spots and spots”

Chupa:- We’ll take the yellow ball and start playing.

Game "I"

I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am!


Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?


What about the baskets?

Who loves cake?

What about ice cream?

What about chocolate?

What about marmalade?

And who loves treasure?

What about the slaps?

Who loves sunbathing?

Who likes to yell?

Swimming in a muddy puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

- Who likes to sing?

Chupa: We’ll take the blue ball and start singing now.

Do you know the song “Let Pedestrians Run Clumsily Through the Puddles”? And we will sing this song like little frogs (kwa, kwa kwa, etc.), and now like little dogs, kittens, little mice.

Leading: We will take a green ball and start playing with balls.

Playing with balls (walk in pairs, holding a balloon between your shoulders, bellies, backs, foreheads). Clowns show.


Guys, we played today,

sang and danced, laughed and joked!


And they forgot the tricks! (takes a tray covered with a napkin and says in unison the words “akhalai-makhalay, syasli-mosyasli, open it, there is a large candy there, open the candy, and there are small candies in it, bow)


Guys, don't be shy, smile more often!

And stay so cheerful!

Clowns say goodbye to children.


I invite you to a fun disco.

Municipal public utility “Sanatorium nursery-garden No. 3 “Nest”

Entertainment script “The Clowns Came to Us”

for older groups

Compiled by: Olkhova N.N. - teacher of the senior group “Fairy Tale”

Abilkasova A.K. – music director

Ekibastuz 2015

Zhanna Rushanovna Fedina

Together with my daughter we celebrate children's BIRTHDAYS! I am the presenter and musical director, and my daughter is the CLOWN.

We have many scenarios. Here's one of them.


Good afternoon, dear friends!

Every person in life has a reason at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, for his personal holiday - his birthday. Today is Sophia's birthday.

Today you, Sophia, turn 10 years old. This is the first round date in your life. This is the first two-digit date of years. 10 years - ANNIVERSARY!

I wish you ten years

Live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles.

Useful gifts, surprises,

Less insults and whims!

Let everything be fine at school and at home:

Nice, clear and cool!

I wish you a cheerful laugh,

More luck and success!

All together: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (3 times)

And now a SURPRISE awaits you, we invited you to visit you for your anniversary birthday...


Hello everyone, friends!

I greet you all today!

My name is Clown Tyapa,

And I'm not a bungler at all.

You couldn't imagine a better reason for a meeting,

I am a cheerful clown and I was in a hurry to see the most beautiful, charming, attractive girl for her BIRTHDAY! (approaches the birthday girl and gives a flower, feeling shy)

Great, it’s just great how beautiful you all are, how are you feeling? The most important thing is your mood, without which a joyful holiday is simply unthinkable! (answers) I don’t hear something? How are you feeling?

So, tell me, guys, who’s birthday is today?

“What is customary to do on a birthday?”

(The answers, of course, were different: play, eat cake, give gifts, blow out candles, etc.)

“True, but it’s still customary to wish the birthday girl all the best! What do you want to wish her on this wonderful day?

I, the clown TYAPA, announce a competition for the best wishes for the birthday boy!

Birthday has arrived!

Today is a holiday, treats

There are candies, there are cookies!

But congratulations are not enough.

And now we will fix it. Everyone now wishes something good to our birthday girl on this wonderful day! I invite everyone to approach the colorful balls and write their congratulations.


Great! We hope that all your wishes will come true!

Tell me guys, do you like to travel?

(children answer)


Then I invite everyone to go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon! (all party participants receive balloons). Whoever inflates the balloon first will be the first to enter the magical land. The only condition: you need to make sure that the ball does not burst. So, let's inflate...

Balloon competition:

who will inflate it faster! So, let's fly!


Here we are with you on the island of fabulous adventures. Got there first. (Name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures! Now we will divide you into two teams (girls and boys)

Competition "Jumble"

You need to throw as many balls as possible across the line. Whichever team has more balls on their territory loses.

Competition "Funny Clowns"

Children on their team dress up their own clown


We are the most fashionable and modern clowns Disco


Now let’s check how accurate you are, so come up to me one by one and take the rings in your hands!

Competition "Ring Throw"

Who will hit the target with more rings?

Competition "Chamomile" music

A chamomile is made from paper in advance - as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal.

Children tear off the petals and begin to perform tasks: walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister. MUSIC


All these fabulous creatures speak different languages, the Eurovision 2012 competition is taking place on the island and you, TYAPA, can now try it too.



Zhele e bebese dve veselekh gese,

Eden Sirey Dregay Belay,

Dve veselekh gese


There lived and bibisi two hanging gisi,

Idin syriy drigiy biliy,

Two hanging gisi


Jules, booby, two, vusyulyuh, gusyu,

Yudyun syuryuy drugyuy byulyuy,

Two vusyulyuh gusyu


Zhulu u bubusu two vusuluh gusu,

Udun suri other bului,

Two vusuluh gusu


Zhala a babasa two vasalah gasa,

Adan shed dragay balay,

Two vasalah gasas


Zhyalya I babyasya two yasyalyah gyasya,

yadyan syaray crappy balyay,

Two vyasyalkh gyasya


Well done! You have once again managed to prove that your mood is at the highest level! You sing wonderfully, but what about your dancing? Let's check!


And no need to test us, we are all great dancers, right guys? Will they check us? I know how much I love to dance! And here is my magic bag, if you take something out of it, your legs will start dancing! (The CLOWN himself first puts on the thing from the bag and dances, and then the children)



And now Tyapa and Sophia will play a JOKIC LOTTERY.

You will receive comic gifts from the birthday girl!

1. We will have to live by learning grief,

Don't forget about the days of the calendar.

(Prize - calendar)

2. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?

Life will be joyful and bright.

(Prize - markers)

3. It’s time to get rich and save money,

in kopecks, paper bills

so that it is safe to store them somewhere,

You get the safe at home.

(PRIZE - piggy bank)

4. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.

(Prize - comb)

5. While the teacher is “removing the shavings” from you?

Calmly brew a mug of tea.

(Prize - mug)

6. To the one who receives this candle,

You'll have to travel around the world.

(Prize - candle)

7. Although this cream is inedible,

But the smell is simply incomparable.

(Prize - cream)

8. Receive a tube as a gift,

So that the tooth shines in the sun.

(Prize - toothpaste)

9. Friend's address, phone number

where can I find it if I need it?

Let it be in summer and winter

will be in your NOTEBOOK.

(Prize notepad)

10. And it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet,

Because you got a chocolate bar.

(Prize - chocolate)


Competition “Invitation with Ribbons”

Children take hold of the ends of the ribbons, and the leader holds all the ribbons by the middle. Then he releases the ribbons, the children find themselves distributed in pairs. After all, 2 tapes are connected together.


collect pictures in twos to see who is faster

Competition "Who can draw a clown the fastest"

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team runs up and draws one element.

Performed by the birthday girl it sounds

song "Happy Birthday"

(children stand in a circle)

1. On the day when happy smiles

Flow from radiant eyes,

Back in greeting cards

Someone remembers us.

And when gifts are impatient

We wait, holding our breath,

On this bright holiday, birthday

I will be the happiest of all.

Birthday, birthday,

Believe in a fairy tale again.

It's for adults for a moment

Opens the door to childhood.

Birthday, birthday,

That's what I want to hear

Wonderful words of congratulations,

Happy birthday to you!

2. On the day when pleasant surprises

They surround us everywhere

Even all the pranks and whims

We are forgiven this time.

Treats are prepared on this day

And welcome guests are waiting,

Oh, what a pity it’s a birthday holiday

Comes once a year.


Let everyone remember this day

Dancing, dancing and fun

After all, we were not too lazy to have fun -

Only pleasure.


A joint photo will help us finish the anniversary as a memory of such a wonderful day.

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye! As a farewell, we will arrange an unusual fireworks display in honor of our birthday girl. Let us all once again congratulate Sophia on her birthday!

GET READY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Taking a photo together as a souvenir of such a wonderful day helps us end the anniversary.

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