How to make winter shoes non-slip? Slippery soles of winter shoes: what to do What to do if your shoes slip on the snow

Another Monday morning turned into a nightmare. I wasn’t even late for the office, but I couldn’t show up at my workplace on time. Fell in front of the building itself! The ice and the flat soles on my boots played a cruel joke on me. An abrasion on the knee, torn tights, and a ruined manicure seemed insignificant compared to the broken screen of a mobile phone. I couldn’t call a taxi to go home and warn my boss about my lateness from a damaged mobile phone. I had to go into the office and convince my colleagues that I had not been beaten.

That same day, I became determined to find a way to make my shoes safe. I admit, the matter did not end with just one Google. I went to a couple of shoe stores, workshops and even called my grandmother for advice! This woman knows everything!

Do you think now I’ll just talk about what I managed to find out? You are wrong! Today I will share with you practical recommendations for upgrading your shoes. After all, I even tested some of the collected tips in practice. And not just on a slippery street, but on a skating rink!

Rubber pad

A shoe store suggested that I buy a rubber pad that would prevent my shoes from slipping. Honestly, it's a terrible thing! I didn’t try it on because, obviously, it wouldn’t decorate my boots. Although I don't deny that for men with black boots who don't really care about appearance, this really is the way to go. And I would have bought these for my grandmother... If I hadn’t found a more effective way to protect my shoes. Read on about it.

Ice access

The shoe store also offered me a special studded sole - “ice shoes.” It resembles sports boots and is attached discreetly. However, I refused such a purchase. I'm afraid my boss won't appreciate the scratches on the office floor that the metal spikes will probably leave. This option will not work for men either - they will click with their spikes as if they were walking in heels.


The wise grandmother turned out to be incompetent when it comes to non-slip shoes. Although I gave you the idea. She read somewhere that if you glue a layer of sand to the sole of your boots, you won’t be able to slip.

I couldn't test the idea. It's not a matter of skepticism - I just don't know where to look for sand in winter. But I found several similar tips on the Internet. People actually put glue on the soles and put the shoes on the sand. The grains stuck, and by morning it became safe. They say the method worked. The downside is that the grains of sand gradually disappear, and after two days the procedure will have to be repeated.

I don’t know about you, but this method seems crazy to me. After all, sand will remain on the rug in the hallway and on the shelf with shoes! It's a very time-consuming method, isn't it?

Grater and other nonsense

One of the bloggers advised to fight ice with the help of, believe it or not, an ordinary grater! Like, you need to rub the sole with a grater, it will become rough, and you won’t fall.

Sand is better than damaging your shoes in such a barbaric way! But this is not even the worst option I found. The second adviser suggested upgrading the sole with small screws or nails.

If you don’t mind the money spent on shoes, then please check these methods and write the result in the comments. I just laughed at this. I love my boots too much to mock them like that.


A man on the forum claimed that shoes would not slip if the soles were rubbed with raw potatoes. They say starch will create a rough coating. Honestly, I tried it. But she didn’t even reach the testing site, the ice skating rink. It was slippery already two meters from the entrance. What a pity! I was already prepared to put a bag of potatoes at the doorstep especially for shoes...


On the day of my fall, a friend advised me to put an adhesive plaster on my shoes. Like, thanks to him, she never slipped during the winter. The option seemed more logical to me than the previous ones, so I tried it. The striped sole did not bother me - the main thing is not to fall!

I tested the effectiveness of the patch in icy conditions at the skating rink. Indeed, I was not slippery. Joyful, I went home and along the way... I slipped. The bandage has come off! A friend confirmed that it really does come off often and has to be changed every day.

Conclusion: a band-aid is a solution, but not the best solution.

The best solution!

In fact, saving yourself from falling into ice is very simple. The method has been tested by me personally and is affordable for anyone. I'm sure you won't even be surprised. The solution is sandpaper! The shoe workshop advised us to modernize the shoes with regular sandpaper. There they glued two small strips to each sole. But you can do this at home too. First, use the same sandpaper to rub the sole, then degrease it with alcohol, and then glue the strip with shoe glue. As the shoemaker said, this requires coarse sandpaper.

With the sandpaper strips glued on, I went to the skating rink again. And it didn’t slip! I could walk on ice as if I were on asphalt and not be afraid of falling. A week has passed, and I am still walking confidently on the slippery sidewalk. At the same time, the stripes are not noticeable, do not leave traces and do not give themselves away in any way. Now I advise you to try this method!

I hope my conclusions will be useful to you, and you will feel safe even in icy conditions. Let's take care of ourselves in any bad weather!

Winter - how beautiful it can be. Especially when everything around is white and white. The trees, shrouded in a snow-white blanket, look fabulous, as if you are being transported to the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

And how many winter fun there are! Playing snowballs, skiing, snowboarding, sledding, building a snowman, ice castles and slides!

And everything would be fine if it were not for numerous injuries associated specifically with the winter season.

You are walking down the street, one careless step and you are already flying, slipping, to the ground. Scolding the slippery soles of the shoes. (photo1) At least there is glue on the thorns. Spikes! And this is a thought!

Although in fact there are several ways to make your shoes not so slippery and how to protect yourself on the road. First of all, you should initially buy winter shoes with grooved soles. Smooth is not suitable in any case. It's like driving a car in winter with summer tires!

But, if you nevertheless become the owner of beautiful shoes, but not practical for winter, well, you can cope with such a sole. Or rather, make it less slippery.

Many have probably heard about methods such as: rubbing the sole raw potatoes or sprinkle with hairspray . However, in practice these methods are far from ideal. The shoes still slip...

But in flatbreads, potatoes would be ideal as a filling. Still, it’s better to use it as food than to rub the sole of your shoes with it. Do you want to enjoy delicious flatbreads with potatoes? I advise you to read the recipe “Tatar flatbreads with potatoes”.

Can be glued to the sole coarse sandpaper . But it will have to be changed periodically, as it will wear off and become smooth. True, it is not uncommon for the sandpaper that you seem to have firmly glued to the sole to fly off. So if you walk a lot in a day and often do not count on this method as a panacea. Or have spare pieces of sandpaper and glue in your bag.

Here is another way: apply glue to the sole for a moment, and until the glue dries sprinkle sand on the soles , just not small. However, the sand will have to be renewed periodically. As they say, nothing lasts forever on earth. But at least for a short time, the shoes will be less slippery.
Alternatively, glue it to the sole fabric-based adhesive plaster . It can be bought at a pharmacy. Glue them crosswise. Not the most durable method, such a patch lasts for a day or two. an option it is very fast. If you carry spare “elements” in your bag, that is, already prepared cut pieces of plaster, then you can change the old one or stick on a torn piece at any time, even in the middle of the street.

You can also stick it piece of felt . Moreover, it is better not a whole piece, but in pieces, so the shoes will slip less on the ice.

As a constructive method, this option is also suitable: simply take the shoes to a workshop and ask them to apply it to the sole. polyurethane protection . It will allow you to walk on ice without slipping.

However, the most effective way is this: ice drifts or ice accesses , which can be purchased at sports or shoe stores. Now they sell both for men's rough boots and for elegant women's boots.

Ice access shoes are attachments on shoes with a studded surface, thanks to which you, like a climber, will catch the ice and not slip.

Upon arrival at the site and entering the room, the nozzles are removed. This is perhaps the most reliable and proven way to avoid falling on ice. Of course, you will have to spend money on purchasing them, but in any case, it will cost you less than if you then walk around with a cast after being injured in a fall.

Well, if you still find yourself “unarmed” on the ice and falling cannot be avoided, you also need to be able to fall.

Firstly, your hands should be free. This means you don't have to keep them in your pockets or carry them in each bag. It is thanks to the hands that you can balance and control the body. And in some cases, it even helps avoid falling.

Secondly, if balancing does not save you and a fall cannot be avoided, do not put your hands forward. This way you can easily injure your hand, or even break it. When falling on your side, have time to group yourself and press your hands to your body. Even if there are bruises, at least it's better than a fracture. (photo7)

But when you fall on your back, have time to tuck your chin to your chest so as not to crash your head on the ice. Otherwise, a concussion, or even a traumatic brain injury, is guaranteed.

Watch your step, don't count the crows, glide as if you were skiing and be careful on the road! Then you will remember winter only from the good side, and not from your hospital bed.

Mila Alexandrova

New boots, especially those with leather soles, can be very slippery on smooth and wet surfaces. And it also happens that your old favorite shoes make you dance on the ice. If you encounter a problem like this, don't treat it as something insignificant. Slippery shoes can cause serious injuries, not to mention the discomfort you may experience. Before throwing slippery and uncomfortable shoes into the trash, try making the soles less slippery with a minimum of effort.


New shoes

    Put on new shoes and walk in them, preferably on rough surfaces. If your shoes are brand new, they are probably very slippery because the soles are still perfectly smooth. Walk on the floor in new shoes. Contact with the surface will cause slight roughness and scratches on the sole, making the shoes less slippery. So put on your new shoes and walk around the house in them as much as possible.

    • Walk in new shoes on uneven surfaces:
      • Concrete (not smooth)
      • Gravel
      • Rocks, stones and so on
      • Textured metal gratings, walkways and so on
    • You can also take off your shoes and, holding them in your hands, rub the soles well on an uneven surface.
  1. Rub the sole with sandpaper. Are you unable to walk on rough surfaces? Try scratching the sole with sandpaper; just take off your shoes and rub the soles with sandpaper. Now put on your shoes and evaluate the result.

    Use a nail file. If you don't have sandpaper, a nail file or similar tool may be a good alternative. Use it in the same way as sandpaper. Use a nail file to rub the sole to make it rougher.

    • You can use a file. This is a more convenient tool that will help you cope with the task. As with sandpaper, choose a file with a higher grit.
  2. Wear shoes and the soles will wear out over time. Another way to make your boots less slippery is to wear them as often as possible. Walking is the best way to make your shoes less slippery. It will take you anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to fix this problem. Put on your new shoes or boots and walk in them as much as possible.

    • If you decide to use this method, be careful if it is very slippery outside. In this case, it is better to wear another pair of less slippery boots (rain or ice). This will help you avoid unnecessary injuries.

    Additional funds

    1. Purchase a special coating for slippery soles. If your old boots are bothering you, the problem is not that you haven't worn them enough, but that you've worn them out too much. In this case, you can use special pads that need to be glued to the slippery surface. Of course, the best option would be to use special pads designed for this purpose.

      Buy anti-slip spray. This product significantly reduces the risk when walking on slippery surfaces. However, before purchasing such products, consult the seller or read reviews. Choose only high quality products.

      • Typically, anti-slip spray can be purchased at the same store that sells sole pads. However, the price may be higher.
    2. Use hairspray. Don't want to spend money on purchasing special anti-slip products? Use what you have at home. However It is important to note that the use of these remedies does not guarantee good results. Such a product is hairspray; simply spray a coat of polish onto the soles of your shoes. Let the polish dry for a minute or so. Now you can put on your boots.

      Use voluminous paints. This paint is often used in children's art kits. In addition, this paint is used to apply patterns on T-shirts. Under the influence of temperature, the paint expands and a three-dimensional image is obtained. Therefore, it is appropriate to use this product in our case, since loose dried paint will create a rough surface on the sole. Simply apply a thin layer of paint to the sole, leave it for a few hours to dry, and appreciate the result!

      • After a while, you will need to repeat the process, since the effect of the paint is also temporary. However, the process should not be repeated as often as with hairspray.
      • If you have time, you can paint a picture on the sole; This is a great way to make your boots truly unique and show off your creativity.
    3. Use masking tape. Stick two pieces of adhesive plaster with a rough fabric backing onto the sole. Stick two strips crosswise for best effect.

      • However, change the adhesive tape periodically as it loses its adhesive ability over time.
    4. Take help from a professional if you are dealing with a very expensive pair of shoes. If your pair of shoes is expensive enough to warrant being subjected to various experiments, take them to your local shoe repair shop. The specialist will offer you more gentle options that will not ruin your favorite boots.

    Find out what to avoid

      Before you buy shoes, put them on and see if they slip too much. Many businesses (especially restaurants) require employees to wear special, certified non-slip shoes. If your workplace also has a similar requirement, check with your employer before deciding to use one of the above methods. Otherwise you may get into trouble. More importantly, it can cause unpleasant health consequences, such as injury.

      Before you wear your new shoes to work, be sure to test them somewhere else. Try to choose a surface that is very similar to the one you have at work. Walk near your house in new shoes and you will understand how comfortable you are in them.

      Do not use any spray or adhesive that is not safe for the material your shoes are made from. If you are dealing with a pair of shoes made from a thin material, such as leather, be sure to read the instructions on how to properly use the product before using the product you choose. Although, as a rule, these are isolated cases, some low-quality products discolor or negatively affect the condition of shoes.

10 tips: to prevent shoes from slipping in winter - what to do? Winter time has arrived with snow, frost and ice. And your feet suffer from this, because often winter shoes are very slippery. What can you do to prevent your shoes from slipping on ice in winter? Here are some tips! 1. Don't put it in a long box. If today you find that your shoes are very slippery and there is no grip on icy surfaces, start correcting this error on the same day. Otherwise, you may not be able to hold on and the slippery sole will let you down. 2. There are both home and store-bought methods for improving shoes. If you are tormented by the question: “What should you do if your shoes slip on ice?”, then the first popular method is to smear the sole with glue (moment or resin-based glue) and carefully quickly sprinkle the sole with sand. This way, when you go outside, your sole will have a good layer of anti-slip agent, and the glue will not dissolve in the snow. 3. Another popular way to get rid of slippery soles is to rub the sole with half a potato and let it dry. The starch found on the potatoes should help prevent slipping. (this method has not been tested in practice, so you need to be as careful as possible with it). 4. The most common method of getting rid of slippery shoes is to stick thick or emery cloth on them. If you use this method, please note that the glue must be used so that it does not dissolve in water and holds the fabric tightly. It is better to stick several small pieces so that they create relief for the shoes. 5. The easiest way to get rid of slipperiness is to stick a fabric-based adhesive plaster on your shoes. Here you don't need any glue or fabric. In this method, everything is already ready - all that remains is to stick it on. But such anti-ice will last for about 1-2 days. 6. If you switch to purchased anti-slip products, you can choose ice access shoes. These are rubber stretchers for shoes with metal soles with spikes. They really do a very good job of preventing slipping, but at the same time they knock very hard on tiles, floors and other surfaces. 7. If you don’t want ice access, choose rubber stretchers. They are similar to ice shoes, but they do not have a plate on the sole, only rubber bands with screws on the surface. This option is not as loud, so it may be more suitable. 8. If you don’t want to worry about choosing anti-slip products, and don’t want to rack your brains over handicrafts either, then go straight to a shoe repair shop. A preventative made of rubber or caoutchouc, correctly placed on shoes, will be a very good collision in the path of slippery shoes. 9. When selecting a product, be careful; ice shoes have their own sizes, which may not coincide with yours and will eventually fall off your shoes. 10. And in conclusion, I would like to say that all methods are good only when you are more careful and attentive when walking and when choosing shoes. Take care of your health in advance!

One of the most unpleasant and traumatic situations that we face every winter is black ice.

It is very easy to slip and fall on an unprotected piece of soil, but the consequences can be quite serious - from a simple sprain or dislocation to an open fracture of a limb. Elderly people are especially at risk, whose coordination, for various reasons, may be somewhat impaired.

How to find a solution to this problem, because not leaving the house or constantly moving by transport, depriving yourself of the joy of walking, is not an option. In order to prevent sad developments, you need to take care of your comfort and safety in advance, including taking all measures to prevent your shoes from slipping in winter.

It is necessary to think about how comfortable winter shoes will be to wear in advance, even when purchasing a new pair of warm shoes or boots.

Remember a few rules for choosing new shoes for cold weather, from the point of view of safe wearing:

  • The sole should be made in the form of a tread with a deep pattern. It’s even better if the stripes go in different directions - this will help to have a stronger grip on frozen asphalt. You will have to give up shoes with a smooth outer surface of the foot - such a model will ensure that you fall on the first slippery section of the road.
  • Choose models from those manufacturers who adapt their products to the conditions of snowy and long winters. High-quality and safe shoes can be purchased from shoe manufacturers in Russia, Scandinavia, and Canada.
  • Please note that when exposed to sub-zero temperatures, the sole material hardens and becomes more slippery. The best choice would be boots made of polyurethane, rubber or polypropylene.
  • After trying on a new pair, don’t hesitate to check it for grip right in the store. Walk on the tiles, try to ride on your feet and evaluate how you feel. If you feel that already on the tiles your legs are moving in different directions, then you will not be able to walk even a meter on the frozen ground.
  • For the winter, avoid stiletto heels, high platforms or pointed toes. For daily walking, choose products with a stable heel or a solid base of sufficient width.

Pay attention! When choosing a model for the winter, you don’t need to focus solely on its visual appeal.

Remember that warm shoes should be functional, made of high-quality materials that can keep your feet warm and allow you to feel comfortable outside in any weather conditions.

If you have already purchased winter shoes and are sadly convinced that the soles slide on the ice and prevent you from moving fully, there is no need to be too upset.

We will suggest some folk tricks that can protect you from ice:

Way Action Durability
Glue Apply Moment or other super-resistant glue to the sole.

Let it dry and vigorously rub the applied layer with sandpaper until roughness appears on the surface of the sole.

No more than one week
Patch The fastest, but also the most short-lived method, which is suitable only for dry frosty weather.

Simply cover the clean platform of the boot with a regular medical adhesive plaster, placing the strips crosswise

1 – 2 days
Felt Cut a piece of felt that completely follows all the curves of the shoe insole.

Glue the material on the outside or nail it with the smallest nails.

With the same success, felt can be replaced with sandpaper

About 10 days
Relief If the sole does not have any pattern, you can apply the relief yourself with any sharp object - a knife or a nail.

The main thing is to do this carefully so as not to pierce the material through, otherwise the shoes can be thrown away

Depends on the quality of the applied drawing
Screws Select short screws with a wide head, carefully screw them into the sole and correct the excess length.

Keep in mind that when walking in such shoes on a wooden or other type of floor, there is a risk of scratching the coating

For the entire wearing period

In addition to home preparations, you can go to a shoe shop, where you will be offered to do “prevention”, that is, to install heels made of metal or rubber.

Or you can independently purchase ready-made protective pads in the shoe department, which are put on the toe and back of the boot, preventing slipping.

Rules for traveling in icy conditions

In addition to special devices designed to make the sole more stable, you must follow the rules of behavior on the street in icy conditions:

  • Take your time when walking and do not lift your legs high.
  • Step on your entire foot, trying not to shift your body weight from heel to toe, as we usually do when moving under normal conditions.
  • When going down or up a slippery slope, do not walk straight, but place your feet in a herringbone pattern, placing your feet diagonally to the slope.
  • Do not keep your hands deep in the pockets of your outerwear. It is better to use them for additional balance when walking.
  • If you still can’t resist and feel like you’re starting to fall, don’t put your hands forward and try not to land on your tailbone. It is best to press your elbows to your body and turn around a little to fall on your side - thereby you will protect your body as much as possible from serious consequences.

Pay attention! The best reflexes, including how to fall correctly, can be obtained in sports sections and clubs. Don’t ignore an active lifestyle, play sports, and then your body will become more trained, and your reaction will be lightning fast.

What to do if your foot slips in your shoes?

If you regularly wear shoes that do not fit well on your feet, you will not only not be able to move beautifully and safely, but you will also develop such unpleasant phenomena as calluses, corns or seals on your toes.

What can you do to prevent your favorite shoes, shoes or boots from chafing and causing constant discomfort?

There are several ways to deal with slipping feet in shoes:

  • Adhesive silicone insole. This simple option will help reduce the volume of the shoe, securely fix your foot inside and reduce fatigue from constantly being in shoes.
  • Anti-slip heel— excellent overlays made of modern materials, installed on the back of the shoe. Depending on your size, as well as the required filling area, you can choose backdrops of various parameters and thicknesses.
  • Special inserts on the toe. There are soft fabric pads available that can mold to the front of your shoes and fit comfortably into the back of your boots. This way you can reduce the size to the required size and prevent chafing on your fingers.

Pay attention! To avoid discomfort when wearing, select shoes according to the manufacturer's sizing chart, not tight or loose on your feet.

It is better to go for new clothes in the afternoon; it is at this time that the foot swells a little and, as a result, increases in volume. It is necessary to take this fact into account when buying a new pair, so that wearing it will always be pleasant and comfortable.

Use our tips, and then even the most slippery shoes will no longer be a problem for you.

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