Scenario with malvina in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten with Pinocchio. Scenario. All the heroes of the fairy tale

An expanded text of the script for the graduation party about the heroes of the fairy tale "Pinocchio", in which, on the way to school, Pinocchio saves his friends from the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater, meets Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat and, together with them, ends up in kindergarten, where the children say goodbye to their toys , friends and adults. The roles of all the characters in the theater are played by children, only the fox and the cat are adults.



To the music of _____, the presenting teachers enter the hall.


It’s light and elegant in our hall now,

Everyone has a lively, excited look.

Today we celebrate a big holiday,

We accompany our children to school.

Children enter to the music of _____,

perform a dance and vocal composition.(based on the song from the film “The Town of Bremen”)

Line up facing the audience.

Reb.1: It's not an easy holiday for us,

It only happens once.

And today to kindergarten

It’s not in vain that guests rush to visit us.

Reb.2: The holiday is sad and happy,

Because school is coming soon.

It's just a pity, I have to say goodbye

My beloved kindergarten and I.

Reb.3: Here we made friends and played,

Learned a lot of new things

Grew up imperceptibly

And they became quite big.

And now, and now,

Open the door for us, school!


So my preschool childhood flew by,

You are on the threshold of a different life.

Let the blue bird remain in memory

Your first prom.

Children perform a song

"Song of Parting"

sl. and music N. Kulikova.

After the end of the song, the child artists go behind the curtain, the remaining children in the hall sit down on chairs.


Yes, the years in kindergarten flew by unnoticed, our children have grown a lot. Their friend, the prankster Pinocchio, has also grown up. Yes, here he is, where is he rushing?

Pinocchio runs out and jumps.

The screen “Karabas-Barabas Theater” is put on the stage.


Papa Carlo sent me to school, look at my ABCs! Only I can’t read yet and it looks like I’m lost, tell me which way I should go, where is the school?

The children show him the direction to the “School” sign.


Isn't this a school?(points to the screen).There is such wonderful music there!

The children read the inscription to him: “Karabas Theater Barabas."


Well, nothing will happen if I just look behind this wonderful screen for a minute?

Pinocchio pulls back the curtain, behind him stand the children-puppets of the Karabas-Barabas Theater in puppet poses.


Hello! What are you doing here?


As you can see, we are hanging by our nails.


And aren't you tired?


I'm terribly tired, I really want to take a stick and beat someone up!



Dear Pinocchio, don’t be angry with Harlequin, he’s just terribly angry with our master Karabas-Barabas. Don't go, help us, get us off the nails, please.


Help us, Pinocchio, be a friend! Woof!



Pinocchio helps the dolls get off the “nails”, they thank him.


Well, what are you going to do now?


We don’t know, we’ll probably get hit by Karabas-Barabas and now all we can do is run.


What can you do?


We can sing and dance, and also perform plays.


Yes, well! Oh, show me!

Children-dolls perform the comic dance “Matryoshkas”.


Great! Papa Carlo would really like you! I could take you to him, but he would be very upset that I didn’t go to school, because he used his last money to buy me this wonderful ABC so that I could learn to read and write, and learn everything in the world.


So are you going to school?

Pinocchio, take us with you!


Please, it's even more fun together.

The children join hands and, to the music of ___, leave the theater in a round dance.

The screen is removed.

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat come out to meet the children.

They perform verses to the music of ____.


ABOUT! What wonderful children!


This is exactly what we need!


Dear Pinocchio! Where are you headed?


To school!


Pinocchio! Don't you know that you can't talk to strangers you don't know?


Woof! Let us through, we're in a hurry! Out of the way! Woof!


But what strangers we are!

This is Basilio the Cat - he is a former teacher, so smart, he has read so many books! And I - Lisa Alisa - a former actress, I was applauded by the Bolshoi Theater. So we met. And we are not strangers at all, we love children very much.

And why are these wonderful little kids alone on the street?


We are not little, we are going to school!




They tell you to go to school!


And why did you need this? Look, Basilio - he spent so many years at school, only he lost his sight, but what is the reward?


We want to learn a lot!


So you don’t have to go to school for this! We know such a place!


Yes! This place is wonderful! There are children living there too, they are so wonderful! And they learn a lot there too. It's called kindergarten. Would you like us to show you the way there?


Let's take a look at the kindergarten for a moment. It's very interesting what's going on there.

Show the way!

Children join hands and dance in a circle to the music of ____. They stop. A screen is brought out with the inscription “Kindergarten No. 54 “Buratino”.

Children meet them.

Boy 1:

Pinocchio! Hello!



Boy 2:

How did you come to us?


Where did I end up?

Girl 1:

Here is the inscription, read it!

All the dolls together:

But we don't know how.

Girl 2:

We will help you.

Children read the inscription.


Well, what did I tell you! These are how smart the kids are in kindergarten.


What else can you do?

Boy 1:

We can do a lot of things.

Yes, we will show you everything now!

Problems (children read in turns, other children guess, lay out the numbers).

1. Once to the bunny for lunch

A friend - a neighbor - galloped up.

The bunnies sat on a tree stump

And they ate five carrots.

How many carrots did you eat?

2. Granny fox knits

Mittens for three grandchildren:

“I will give you soon, grandchildren,

Two mittens each.

Take care, don't lose,

Count them all!”

3. To the gray heron for a lesson

Five forty arrived

And of them only three are magpies

We have prepared our lessons.

How many quitters - forty

Arrived for class?


Math is good...

Can you sing?

Boy 2:

But of course! Listen to how our vocal artists sing!

Children of the vocal group perform the song “Farewell Song”,

sl. and music T.Bokach.(Only a ray of sun will wake up above the earth)



What else can you do?

Girl 1:

But look and listen!

The children perform an orchestra to the music of ____.


Guys, you are so great!

We liked it so much!


Can I stay with you?


That's right, stay, you don't need this school!

Boy 2:

We also really like it in our kindergarten!

Girl 2:

But we have already grown up and it’s time for us to go to school!

Come with us!


Right! We are already big!


How big you are! Look, they haven’t even reached the level of the Cat.

Boy 1:

That's right, we are not adults yet, and we still have a lot to learn, but new kids will come to replace us, just like we were 4-5 years ago. And the time has come for us to say goodbye to the kindergarten and to everyone who remains here.

Girl 2:

Yes, here they are, our friends, little brothers and sisters. They came to see us off.

To the music of ___, children enter the hall with toys in their hands.


1. We, little guys,

Everyone has come to congratulate you.

You go to first grade

Don't forget kindergarten!

2. We are funny, funny.

You were like that, too.

We'll grow up a little

We will also come to your school.

3. Dolls, bears and parsleys

They look after you sadly.

Goodbye toys

They will give you their greetings.

4. There are new notebooks in the bag,

Pens and pencils.

There is no place for a horse in it,

You are no longer kids.

5. Take your backpacks, primers,

Notebooks, diaries,

And the song will be sung loudly

School calls for you.

6. And the time has come for us to say goodbye,

The school is waiting for you all to study.

We want to wish you

Only get straight A's.

Children perform a dance with toys to the music of ___.

After the dance, all graduates line up in a semicircle around the kids.

Reb.4: My dear doll,

The hour of farewell is coming.

Girls favorite dolls

Never forget.

Reb.5: All the girls and boys

They won't forget you, Mishka!

Give me your paw goodbye,

Goodbye, clubfoot.

Reb.6: You can talk to a bunny

Tell him your secret,

Sing him a simple song,

Tell a story quietly

Spin quickly in a dance,

But it's time for us to say goodbye to him.

Children perform a song

"Farewell to toys"

sl. and music T.Bokach.


Okay, guys, you really have grown up, go to school.


What about us?


You're stupid! We'll stay here! Let's roll around like cheese in butter! Look at the kids who stay here, they need an eye and an eye, we will help the teachers, and for this they will feed and water us, oh, we will live! With your mind, and my beauty and affection! We won’t get lost here, that’s for sure!


Okay, let's stay. And to you guys, bye, bye!

The heroes say goodbye to the graduates and leave with the kids, and the graduates wave after them.


This day has been approaching us for five years,

Well, somehow he showed up right away.

And the lilac blossomed for you

Like it has never bloomed before.

Bouquets, music, flowers

And the hall, bright with smiles -

All this for you, graduates,

Today is your farewell ball.

Reb.7: Our garden is sad today,

And we are just a little sad.

The day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us.

Reb.8: Leaving here a piece of childhood,

We are leaving for the first school grade,

But we'll be next door to you,

And we will remember you again and again!

Reb.9: More than once we will remember how we played

And how many things were there here,

How to draw in the evenings

And the forest, and the mother, and the stream.

Reb.10: How good books were loved

How did you go on excursions?

To know everything, everything, everything about life.

Reb.11: We will remember the group and the toys,

And the bedrooms are tenderly cozy.

How to forget friends, girlfriends,

Who have you been friends with here for so many years?

Reb.12: We will miss the bird cherry

What greeted us every time

And she nodded to us so friendly,

Like, good morning, good time!

Reb.13: Yes, we are sad, just a little.

After all, time cannot be turned back.

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road.

Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Children perform a song

"Farewell to our kindergarten"

sl. and music S. Nasaulenko.

Reb.14: I'm taking my boots home

There's a lot to do today.

Odezhkin's house, my locker,

You are completely empty.

And how filled it was in winter -

Sleeves stuck out

It used to be that the door, my cabinet,

I barely closed it.

Reb.15: Another baby will take your place,

I'm going to study.

Odezhkin's house, my locker,

We say goodbye to you forever,

Like old friends!

Reb.16: We grew up here little by little,

We learned to build and draw.

We can sing, we keep pace

Reb.17: And now we are from all the guys

We say “Thank you” together

To you, beloved kindergarten

And to all your employees.

Children perform a song

“We say thank you to everyone!”

sl. and music O. Shevchenko.

Reb.18: We especially want to say

Thank you, teachers.

You have so much knowledge and strength on us,

They spent their souls.

Reb.19: Lessons from your kindness

We are unlikely to forget.

After all, you are from morning until dark

They replaced our mother.

Reb.20: Assistant teacher

I didn't waste my time.

Never been idle

I was on time everywhere.

Thanks for your effort,

For cleanliness and attention.

Reb.21: For feeding us deliciously,

Thanks to our chefs.

So strong and big

We couldn't grow without you.

Reb.22: Thanks also to the healthcare workers,

That they took care of our tummies,

You were kind to us

And they fed us vitamins.

And our gratitude

Even for vaccinations.

Reb.23: Let's say thank you to the musician,

What revealed our talents.

What I taught you to sing, play,

Listen to music and dance.

Reb.24: Thanks to the psychologist and speech therapist,

We will not forget our conversations with you.

Thank you for teaching us to be friends,

speak beautifully

And live peacefully!

Reb.25: Let's say thank you to the physical teacher

That she didn’t let us be lazy!

Exercising vigorously in the morning,

And the fresh air tempered us.

Crawling, jumping, throwing and climbing

You taught us all with love,

Gymnastics and physical education

We fell in love forever.

Reb.26: From all parents and children

Let's say thank you together

For our wonderful kindergarten

Our manager.

For so many long years and winters,

He has become family to many.

We say goodbye

The road to school is waiting for us.

Reb.27: Our kindergarten, don't be bored,

Grow other kids.

Well, remember a little

Us, former preschoolers!

Children perform a waltz

"Farewell song"

sl. In Stepanova, music. T. Shikalova.


1. They flew by quickly and unnoticed

All four years, day after day.

Look, the kids have already grown up,

We will take them to school soon.

The sounds of a waltz are flowing quietly in the hall,

Tears come to my eyes.

What we once didn't say

We want to say goodbye to you.

2. Bow in a bow

To you for your hard, glorious work.

And the boys will dream for a long time

A studied route to kindergarten.

Word to the parents' committee.

Word from the manager, Art. teacher

Presentation of diplomas and gifts.


Remember, little friend,

Your own kindergarten.

Here you took the first step

To a new and big world.


Learn, work and win,

Don't get tired of dreaming.

Don't forget your kindergarten

At least the years will fly by.

Children perform a vocal and dance composition to the song “We are leaving” performed by the children’s vocal ensemble “Talisman”. Phonogram ___.

To the music of _____, the children leave the hall.

Characters :

Adults: presenters, fox Alice, cat Basilio.

Children of the preparatory group: Pinocchio, Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot, Tortilla, mouse, frogs, seller, boy with a book, author.

To the music of G. Sviridov “Waltz” the children enter the hall.

Presenter 1 : it’s light and elegant now in our hall,

Everyone has a lively, excited look,

Today we celebrate a big holiday,

We accompany our children to school.

Presenter 2 : it all starts with the school bell,

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean,

Everything will be late or sooner,

Everything is ahead of you, friends.

1st child : our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,

Today is graduation day,

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, it is like a home for us.

2nd child : every day we learned something,

It was difficult to write the first words,

In printed letters in a notebook.

3rd child : adults were taught to help in the garden,

Songs to sing, sculpt and dance.

We've been friends all this time

And they all loved to play together.

4th child : here is our glorious kindergarten,

We invite you to join the circle of guys,

Let's take each other's hands

And we’ll start our round dance.

Round dance song “We invite you to our garden”, lyrics. and music I. Yakushina.

5th child : here we were friends, played,

We learned the letters for the first time,

They sang songs, danced,

We read different books.

6th child : we read about Emelya,

He slept for a whole week

He sent buckets to the river,

He himself slept peacefully on the stove.

7th child : and also about Cheburashka,

He is not a beast, and not a bug,

I walked down the street with him

A very kind crocodile.

8th child : they tease her with Cinderella, -

From the fact that by the fire, sparing no strength,

She works in the kitchen,

Always with the stove and in the ashes.

9th child : our beloved Pinocchio,

Look at him -

The nose is, of course, very long

Ugly, so what?

It's a pity that in the fairy tale with Pinocchio

I can't visit

Together with him we could have done it faster

Find the miracle key.

Presenter 1: but today is an unusual evening,

A surprise awaits you,

We can visit a fairy tale

And find the miracle key.

Everyone takes their seats, and the ice cream seller comes out to the music.

Salesman : ice cream, ice cream,

tasty, sweet, pleasant for children,

hurry up, swoop in, sort it out quickly.

The seller makes a circle and leaves, Pinocchio runs out with the alphabet.

Pinocchio : how cozy, how wonderful, how everything here interests me,

So many sweets, cakes, how I crave ice cream.

There’s just one problem, I don’t have money,

Maybe they sell ABC, the school can wait.

A boy with books is walking towards him.

Pinocchio : Hello, boy!

I have the alphabet, it’s multi-colored.

The boy looks at the ABC.

Boy : I’ll definitely buy your alphabet.

And at the same time you will hear a fascinating story.

They exchange books and coins, the boy takes his place.

Pinocchio : now I'm rich,

How much money do I have?

The phonogram “What a blue sky” plays, music. A. Rybnikova, from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”

Alice the fox and Basilio the cat come out.

Alice : Hello, dear Pinocchio, where are you in such a hurry?

Pinocchio : I want to buy myself some ice cream.

Basilio : oh, Pinocchio, do you have any money?

Pinocchio : Well, have you seen it? ( Shows gold.)

Alice : Do you want there to be more of them?

Pinocchio : yes.

Basilio : then go to the land of Fools, there is a magical field there, called the Field of Miracles.

Alice : Dig a hole, put the gold in the hole, say “krex, fex, pex” and go to sleep.

Basilio : and in the morning a tree will grow on you, on which gold coins will hang instead of leaves.

Alice : It's clear?

Pinocchio : yes. ( Makes a circle.)

The fox and the cat dress up as robbers and attack Pinocchio.

Alice, Basilio : Well, stop, get your money.

Pinocchio : help.

Alice, Basilio : Well, okay, my friend, sit here until the evening, maybe you’ll be more accommodating.

They tie him up near Malvina’s house and leave.

The bell rings, Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot come out to the music.

Malvina : Well, the bell rang, it’s time to start our lesson.

Song "We are now students" music G. Struve

Malvina : we will study literature,

Piero, what do you have for this hour?

Pierrot : I was inspired by the muse at night,

Let me read now:

I admired the gentle dawn,

And the poplar that guards the house,

It’s so good,” the green leaf whispered to me,

Under the stars, under the sun and rain. (I. Kulikova.)

Malvina : ah, bravo, excellent,

I praise you, my dear friend,

What about the rest, ( addressing children)

Please read it out loud.

10th child : I have to bend over the flowers,

Not for tearing or cutting,

And to see their kind faces,

And show them a kind face.

(Samed Vurgun.)

11th child : pines, lindens and oaks stand like warriors,

Under the pine tree - sorrel and mint, under the birch tree - mushrooms,

How many blue, yellow, red

There are flowers intertwined there!

And from them the fragrance flowed in the sweet air!

(Gabdulla Tukay.)

The bell rings.

Malvina : Well, the bell is ringing again,

It's time to finish the lesson.

12th child : finished the job - go for a walk boldly, let’s play!

Game "Search" music T. Lomovoy.

Artemon brings Pinocchio.

Artemon : Look at Malvina,

Who was sitting in our garden?

He was tied to a post

I decided it would be better

Accepted as one of our own

Shaked off, fed,

And they sat me down to study.

Malvina : let's start our lesson,

We will repeat the count,

You have two apples in your pocket.

Pinocchio : You're lying, there isn't one.

Malvina : so let's assume that it's in your pocket,

You have two apples

And someone took one from you

So how many apples are in your pocket?

Pinocchio : two.

Malvina : Why?

Pinocchio : Well, I won’t give it back.

Malvina : ok, then, what do you have in your pocket?

Pinocchio : coins.

Malvina : How many?

Pinocchio : I think five.

Malvina : It wouldn’t hurt to count it.

Pinocchio : I can't.

Malvina : It's bad.

Well, let’s count together boldly ( addresses children)

And you repeat after us, ( to Buratino)

And don't lag behind.

Everyone counts the gold coins together.

Malvina : You have no aptitude for mathematics.

Let's move on to dancing.

Let's perform Artemon now ( addresses Artemon)

We are our favorite dance,

And you look carefully, ( to Buratino)

And repeat everything after me.

Dance of Malvina and Artemon, music P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz".

Malvina : It's your turn now.

Pinocchio : It’s very simple, believe me.

Malvina and Pinocchio are spinning and falling.

Malvina : Artemon, into his closet.

Artemon takes Pinocchio to the closet, and Malvina and he go into the house

Pinocchio (in the closet): ugh, what a nasty one,

You decided to teach me

I'm just too lazy to study

I would play all day.

A mouse appears in the closet.

Mouse : I see you are in big trouble,

I feel for you

We'll wait quietly for the night

And we'll get out onto the field.

There in the field of fools

The fox and the cat are waiting for you.

Pinocchio and the mouse run away from the closet, Alice and Basilio appear.

Alice : wow, brave, brave Pinocchio, you must have fallen from the moon.

Basilio : It’s strange how he remained alive.

Alice : no, it’s a silver lining, but you ended up in the land of Fools. It sells such sweet pies and lollipop cockerels!

Basilio : You haven’t spent your money yet, have you?

Pinocchio : No.

Alice : Today is the last night when you can sow money. By morning you will have collected a lot of money and bought all sorts of things.

Basilio : dig a hole, put in gold, sprinkle it well.

Alice : Yes, don’t forget to say: kreks, fex, pex.

Pinocchio : and you move away.

Alice : Oh my God, we don’t even want to see where you bury the money.

Basilio : God forbid!

The fox and the cat are hiding, Pinocchio is planting his money.

Alice : Why doesn't he leave?

Basilio : Will he really sit here all night?

Alice : Do you need to do something? We need to scare him.

Basilio : Exactly.

The fox and the cat whistle and scream loudly, Pinocchio runs away in fear, the fox and the cat divide the money, fight and leave.

And with fear at that very moment

I found myself in a swamp

He sat down behind a bush and fell silent.

Pinocchio runs out and hides behind a bush, frogs come out.

Dance of the frogs , music chosen by the music director

Pinocchio : shoo, frogs, tired of it.

frogs : And Tortilla the turtle knows a great secret.

Pinocchio : which one?

The frogs go back to their places and Tortilla appears.

Tortilla : Do you want to know the secret?

There is a wonderful country

She's interesting

Its inhabitants are unusual,

Smart and cute.

Pinocchio : how will I get there?

Am I in a magical land?

Tortilla : there is a big chest in the forest,

I need a golden key

You have a long way to go,

To find a map in it,

This key is not simple,

This key is golden

If you don't be stupid

You can find the chest.

He gives the key and leaves.

Pinocchio : I won’t look for the chest, that’s the answer,

There is no better country in the world than Igralia.

Now I’m going with the key, I’ll call all the dolls,

We will all have fun, rejoice and frolic.

Game "Find Yourself a Mate"

Malvina, Artemon and Pierrot appear.

Malvina : you are a merry fellow and a fool,

we need to find the casket,

Do you have a magic key?

Pinocchio : will you help, friends?

The fox and the cat run out.

Alice : oh, look, stupid Pinocchio with his friends.

Artemon growls at them.

Pierrot : I feel sorry for Alice the fox,

A stick is crying for her,

Basilio the beggar cat,

Thief, vile cat.

Basilio : Well, well, be careful.

The heroes drive them away.

Alice, Basilio : ok, ok, we won’t do it again, we promise.

Artemon : ok, we will believe you,

Well, we'd better check you out.

Pinocchio : we saw a golden key,

I need a big chest.

Alice, Basilio : yes, yes, we saw a chest in the forest, but it’s not that big, we’ll show you.

The fox and the cat take out the chest, Pinocchio opens it and takes out the ABC, showing it to everyone.

Pinocchio : I won’t sell the alphabet now,

I won't give it to anyone

To make friends with her,

I will learn to read and write.

I promise to be obedient

Don't offend anyone

I will now study

Four and five.

General dance "Pinocchio", music. A. Rybnikova, from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”

Artemon : we're going to school now

And we'll take the guys with us.

13th child : leaving a piece of childhood here,

We are leaving for the first school grade,

But we'll be next door to you,

And we will remember you more than once.

14th child : stop a moment, you are wonderful,

Give us back our childhood, at least for a moment now,

Say goodbye to what you loved passionately,

Farewell, our kindergarten, and remember for many years.

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten" music T. Morozova

15th child : our unspent cup of feelings,

And the living breath of spring,

And our love and gratitude,

We give it to you forever from the bottom of our hearts.

16th child : now we will become schoolchildren,

We'll go to first grade soon,

Because you raised us

We thank you all together.

Presenter 2: good morning, good hour, kids,

In the brightest, luckiest hour,

Let from every book you read

The clear sun is shining for you,

Many good things await you ahead,

We wish you all a good journey!

Everyone leaves to the music of G. Sviridov “Waltz”.

Literature used:

1. Tolstoy A. The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio. – M.: Prof-press, 2009. – 144 p.

2. Berdnikova N.V. A big holiday for kids / scenarios for matinees and entertainment in kindergarten. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. – 256 p. ( poetry)

Graduation in kindergarten. Scenario

Children enter the hall.
Host: There is one country in the world,
Can't find another like it.
Not marked on the map
And the size is small.

In that country this is the order -
Everything is in the hands of the guys.
And they all live together.
Like a family - one unit.

You probably guessed it?

Children: This is our own kindergarten.

Song "Kindergarten"

Presenter: There is noise and bustle in the kindergarten today.
All the guys dressed up - just beautiful.
The hour of farewell to kindergarten has already arrived.
Let's start, let's start our preschool ball.

This year, not all the children in our group are going to school. Some are still in kindergarten. Let's welcome our graduates. (the presenter names the child, the children take turns going to the middle of the hall).

1. this holiday is our joyful one, 3. today we say goodbye
Because school is coming soon. With your favorite kindergarten.
It's just a pity - we have to say goodbye. We have grown, we have grown.
My beloved kindergarten and I. We need to go to school.

2. We were friends here and played. 4. he is both sad and cheerful
We were the first to recognize the letters. This is a holiday for the guys.
We grew up imperceptibly, we say
And they became quite big.

(all together): “Hello, school!”
Goodbye, kindergarten!

Graduate song

Host: Guys, now it’s even difficult for us to imagine that just recently you were very small. You looked like the kids from the junior group who came to take you to school today. Meet them!

(kids enter the hall).

Look at us:
You were like that
How we are now!

We want to congratulate you,
You are going to first grade.
We'd go too
But we can’t yet!
Don't forget us
Come and visit us!

We want to congratulate you,
You are going to first grade.
Let the bell ring cheerfully
School welcomes you!

Graduate: Congratulations
And we invite you to dance.

Dance with kids

(gifts are exchanged, the kids leave)

(music plays, Malvina enters the hall with a briefcase)

Malvina: Hello, guys!
I am the Malvina doll.
I came to congratulate you
Welcome to first grade!

You have become quite big,
You are already graduates.
There will be first lessons
There will be first calls.
Everyone went to first grade.
It's your turn now!

Have you seen Pinocchio? Didn't he come here? He probably got lost on the way. Let's call him.

(name. Pinocchio enters)

Pinocchio: Hello, guys!
I am a cheerful Pinocchio.
My nose is sharp, my nose is long.

Where are you going?

Children: To school.

Pinocchio: And you too. (looks at Malvina)
What an incredible eco! What kind of school is this?

Malvina: At school they will teach you to write,
Draw, read, count.
This is where they will teach you everything!

Pinocchio: This is where you will be tortured first!
But they will teach you everything???
I don’t know what to teach me.
I already know everything myself!

Malvina: we need to really find out everything!

Pinocchio: Well, it worked again.
(mimicking) “We need to really find out everything!”
I already know everything!

Malvina: If you go to school,
You'll be even smarter.

Pinocchio: (to the children) Explain to me better. What do they teach in that school?
Host: Listen carefully, Pinocchio, the children will tell you everything!

Song "What They Teach at School"

Children: we can.

Presenter: Our guys have already learned all the numbers and letters.

Pinocchio: I don’t believe it!

Presenter: Now you will see for yourself that our guys know the numbers

Game "Stand up by number"

(while the music is playing, the children move freely around the hall. When the music ends, the teacher shows the number, the children stand up according to the required number)

Pinocchio: Wow, how smart they are!!!

Malvina: I got up early today
And she collected her briefcase.
I'm fine here:
Books, pens and notebooks.
And I didn’t forget the ruler,
She grabbed it too.

Pinocchio: Yes, and I don’t miss it,
I'll put everything in my briefcase!
Cubes, plates, cups,
Multi-colored papers.
Pyramids, rattles.
In general, all your own toys.

Malvina: What are you, what are you, Pinocchio?
What is this strange picture?
Well, why do you need toys?
Pyramids, rattles.
You will go to school to study,
Don't be naughty and have fun!

Pinocchio: (to the children) Do you know how to put together a briefcase?

Children: we can

Host: Our children know what to pack in a briefcase. Now we’ll teach you how to assemble too.

Game "Collect a briefcase"
(Pinocchio tries to put unnecessary things on the children)

Pinocchio: Well, they taught me how to put together a briefcase.

Malvina: You see, Buratino, children can do everything, they know everything. Give me your word of honor that you will definitely go to teach at school.

Pinocchio: Okay... so be it. I’ll go to school with you in the fall.

Malvina: Now, guys, it’s time for us to go. I need time to learn letters and numbers with Pinocchio. Let's not waste time.

accompanying you to school,
I wish you success.
And a Russian proverb
I remind you -
“Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness!”
Remember it, friends!

Pinocchio: Goodbye, guys. See you soon!

And now, dear graduates, your friends with whom you were in the same group want to wish you something.

(children of the older group leave)

1.You are a graduate today,
You graduated from kindergarten.
Pen, eraser and diary
They are in a brand new backpack.

2.We wish to receive
Only one rating is "five",
A lot to learn
Remember kindergarten!

3. The sunny summer will fly by,
Will you come to school with a bouquet?
We wish you to study well
And make friends with the whole class!

4.Very dear to mom
Every little step you take
Bring fives
More for her, my friend!

5. We are preschoolers today
We'll see you off to first class.
In parting we offer
Dance with us now!


Host: Well, that's all. The moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived.
And we gathered for the last time in our elegant hall.

Let's welcome our graduates once again.

(graduates exit)

1. Today in the hall with us are those
Who taught us to live together in a team,
Who pitied us, who loved us,
After all, we really needed this.

2. Who taught us to sing and draw 3. To all those who taught us good things,
And he took care of us, who fed us, who treated us,
Who washed our clothes, who treated us, And those who simply loved us,
And who always cooked compotes. We say: “THANK YOU!”

4. Dear educators,
“THANK YOU” we say to you,
What is so caring, diligent
You replaced our mothers,

5. Our dear nannies,
We say “THANK YOU” to you,
What was taught with a big spoon
Eat porridge in the morning.
Taught to be careful
So that we don't break plates,
Cleaning up after yourself, like making your bed

6. And we thank the doctor,
That everyone is as healthy as one.
Because I looked at the necks,
Got vaccinations.
Measured the temperature
She gave me vitamins.
To be strong and healthy
We went to school in the fall.

7. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Our manager,
Because the kindergarten is our home
Only year after year it gets more beautiful!

Graduate song

* * * * *
The manager's word

Presentation of diplomas.

Nadezhda Oshitko
Scenario for the prom “Travel with Pinocchio”

« Travel with Pinocchio»

Ved. 1 Good afternoon, dear parents!

Ved. 2 Hello, dear guests and colleagues! Today our kindergarten opened its doors to prom, dedicated to future first-graders!

Ved. 1 For parents, they will always be babies, but for us they are the smartest, funniest, most inquisitive children whom we have been proud of all these years.

Vedas 2. Let the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light

Today he enters this hall.

Play music to the whole planet,

We're starting our graduation party!

Ved. 1 The sun shines tenderly in the sky,

The breeze plays with the leaves.

Well, we are very sad today,

We say goodbye to our beloved children!

Ved 2: The kindergarten is very excited today.

Accompanying his children to school!

How many people are at our holiday!

Give way - first graders are coming!

Enter graduates to music.

1. There is a miracle garden in the world!

I am glad to go to this garden.

Here in summer and winter,

All my friends are with me.

It's good to live here!

And they grow in our garden.

Not cherries and not pears,

Sasha, Vanya and Katyusha.

2. It’s not cherries that live here -

Marinochka and Mishenka.

And it’s not the branches that make noise -

And Kolya, Dasha, Svetochki.

Our favorite gardener,

Calls everyone by name.

Our teacher,

He sings and dances with us

3. Help her in the morning

Nannies and cooks.

Protects our health


What a miracle this garden is here,

For guys like us!

4. There will be many holidays us:

new year, birthday, March 8th. And this one is the very first outlet, It will remain in the souls of children for a long time.

5. From year to year, for four years in a row, we came to kindergarten. Cheerful, satisfied... But those days are gone. Today we are graduates, And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren!

6. Today we are with kindergarten

We say goodbye forever.

Now we need to learn -

We're going to school.

Many, many days in a row

Summer and winter.

We went to kindergarten

To my native kindergarten.

7. We were always in a hurry here,

We loved him very much

It's a pity to say goodbye to him,

It's a pity to leave.

The best holiday

Sad and cheerful.

Today we are in kindergarten,

Escorts you to school

8. Here the walls have become family,

And cribs, and toys, Teachers and nannies,

And my friends and girlfriends.

But it's time to learn

The bell will ring soon.

And a cheerful, ringing song

He will call us to class.

9. You accepted us as babies,

Kindergarten, our home,

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

10. Hello, school! First class! Look at us quickly!

Tanya, Nastya and 3 Dashki -

These are the first-graders!

11. Our last holiday,

Our wonderful holiday -

We'll start everything together

A ringing friendly song!

Song: “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten”

1. Every day, like going to work,

We come to kindergarten.

And when we need to go home,

We don't want to go back!

Chorus: Oh, how good

Lives in kindergarten!

Oh, how is this song

It's fun to sing!

Do physical exercise.

Songs to sing and dance.

3. We don’t fight and we don’t cry,

They taught us to be friends.

We have fun all day long

It's good to live in the world!

Chorus. 2 times

Presenter 1: Today is an unusual holiday - today is a ball graduates,

Today they are all smiles, millions of warm words.

Presenter 2: Soon you will sit down at your desks, the bells will ring for you.

You are no longer preschoolers, you are now students.

Your joys and troubles were all divided in half.

Everything you have been taught. It will be useful to you at school.

We invite our graduates to a wonderful waltz!

Dance - "Waltz graduates»

Leading: Just recently you came to kindergarten as whiny little kids, you didn’t know how to wash yourself, you didn’t know how to dress, here they spoon-fed you. (kids included) Do you want to see how little you were? The kids came to the holiday today,

We brought our wishes for you.

1. We came to you today

Conduct to first grade.

This is the time!

2. Two - we want to wish you.

Become excellent students.

3. Three - we promise,

What would it be like in my native garden without you?

We learn a lot of new things

And we'll save the toys.

4. Well, four - we ask you,

Don't be lazy at school.

We wish you guys

Good to study.

Dance "Gnomes"

Graduates give the kids).

Presenter. Someone is knocking on our door,

And he’s afraid to come here.

I'll go and see

I'll tell you everything later. Goes to the door looks in:

Oh! I don't believe my eyes.

They're standing outside the door now,

Our good friends.

Both you and I know them!

Clap your hands loudly!

The first good friend is good,

Come to the guys in the garden,

Everyone will be glad to see you!

Runs out to the music Pinocchio and sings a song from the movie about Pinocchio.

Pinocchio. Hello boys! Hello girls! Hello everyone who is sitting on the bench!

Hello guys! Do you recognize me? I learned in the morning from Malvina that Sasha, Lesha and Marina, Andryusha, Nadenka and Anya. We gathered in the hall to say goodbye, that you were on your way to school, and so I decided to look at you.

Pinocchio becomes sad.

Leading. - Pinocchio, what happened to you? Why are you so sad?

Pinocchio. - I'm tired of not knowing anything. I can’t read, I can’t write, I can’t count.

Leading. – Pinocchio, Don't worry. We are going to the land of knowledge. Guys, let's take it Pinocchio with you?

Children. - Yes, we'll take it.

Leading. - To get to the Land of Knowledge you need to pass various tests. The path will be very difficult! Are you ready for adventure? Then complete my tasks.

Leading. - Guys, we are ready for travel? Then let's begin our journey. Come on, Pinocchio,

tell me what is 2+3?

Pinocchio: It will be, it will be something around six.

Leading: Children, is the correct answer?

Children: No! Will "5".

Leading: Well done guys, it was not in vain that they taught you. You can count, so you can play! Game "I think"

Children: I count, I count one, two, three, four, five

Leading: (Counts in order, stops at any number and claps, children should gather in circles of as many people as possible)

Pinocchio, look. Read this word to us.

Pinocchio: Either soap or not enough!

Leading (to children): What is written here? Children: Mother!

Pinocchio is crying.

Leading: Don't be upset, Pinocchio, we will give you this wonderful book "ABC". She will help you learn a lot. (puts the alphabet in his backpack)

Pinocchio: Thank you, friends! Well, it’s time for us to move on!

Leading. – After each lesson there will be a break at school. Let's take a rest and

Let's dance a funny dance.

Dance "mambo"

Leading. - We continue our journey.

Buratino tries to sit down, and the cat Basilio and the fox Alice come towards him (limps).

Cat and Fox: Where are you going? Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: I'm going to school to become smart and sensible.

Fox: Oh, smart - prudent.

Cat and Fox: Don't go Pinocchio, to school. Nothing good will come of this.

fox: Kids these days are all advanced, instead of lying on the couch they all turn to the computer!

Basilio: Disgrace! Floppy disk in their side! I lost my eye through this damned computer - give the poor blind cat food.

Fox: And I played, played "Shooters" and now I walk on three legs.

Basilio: Looks like you got shot pretty good.

Fox: Sitting at a computer within unreasonable limits is very bad for your health!

Together: And learning won’t lead to any good either.

Basilio: And deceive the stupid ones Pinocchio, we can do it anyway.

Fox (notices the backpack): Pinocchio, dear, and what is that behind your back?

Pinocchio: This is a backpack.

Fox: What's in it? Maybe gold coins?

Cat: Or maybe sausage?

Together: Show us, honey Pinocchio, what do you have in your backpack?

Pinocchio: There are school supplies there.

(The Fox and the Cat take off their backpack and throw it away. Pinocchio stands upset).

Leading: Pinocchio, don't be upset. We will help you collect everything. Our guys are very dexterous and will help you assemble your backpack.

Fox and Cat: Pinocchio, forgive us! can we help you too?

Game "Pack your briefcase"

Song "our kindergarten"

1. Kindergarten, kindergarten –

Our beloved home.

Every day in kindergarten (2 times)

In the morning we go.

2. Kindergarten will greet us

Kindness and warmth.

Here we dance, we sing - (2 times)

We live happily.

3. Guys are always welcome here

Games and friends.

Kindergarten, kindergarten – (2 times)

Friendly family.

Pinocchio: Thanks guys! I really want to study at school. As soon as I find my way to school, I will definitely take you with me.

Karabas Barabas enters.

Karabas: I'm Karabas guys, nicknamed Barabas! I heard that you are going to school? Children, don't go there. They won't teach you anything good there. Let me be your mentor and teacher. It’s not for nothing that I am a professor and doctor of puppet sciences. I'll teach you everything quickly (waves a whip).

Leading: What good things can you teach our children?

Karabas: Well, for example, do you know what is needed for school?

Leading: Yes, we are already ready to learn, and we know perfectly well what is needed for school and how to behave there.

Karabas: And now Pinocchio, we invite you to play the game with us “What do you need at school?”

Karabas: they take turns saying statements, and children must express their agreement or disagreement with them "Yes" or "No".

We take dolls with us to school in the morning, day after day. (No)

In the lesson, as if in the old days, he teaches all the children an ABC book (Yes)

Desk is a wonderful bed, don’t forget to sleep in it (No)

Take your time in class, write different letters (Yes)

Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a deuce. (No)

He will scold you again if he suddenly sees five (No)

In class you have to listen and secretly eat candy (No)

Open your ears wider and don't talk to your girlfriend (Yes)

If you know, don't yawn, quickly raise your hand (Yes)

Ved: You see, Karabas, what great guys! At least now they can be sent to school, without waiting for the first of September.

Karabas: Oh, yes! They decided to teach Karabas Barabas himself! Well, I'll arrange something else for you. I’ll quarrel with you all and make sure you don’t go to school.

He walks away with a sweeping gait and drops the key from his pocket.

Pinocchio: There are so many interesting things in the world (looks around). How I want to know everything. It’s not for nothing that my nose is so long, because I’m very curious. I wonder what's shiny there? (finds the key). Oh, what a beautiful key! Guys, isn't this yours?

Children: No!

Pinocchio: Whose is it?

Children's answers

Pinocchio: What can you open with this key?

Presenter: Only Karabas Barabas knows this. This is his secret.

Pinocchio: I’ll hide here and try to find out his secret, just don’t give me away (hides behind a jug, Karabas Barabas runs in, looks for the key).

Karabas: Children, have you seen my key?

Children: No!

Karabas (calls the girls over): Girls, come over, I’ll ask you something!

I know the boys took the key and don’t want to tell you.

(calls the boys over):

I know the girls took the key and don't want to tell you

Leading: Don’t try, Karabas, you won’t be able to quarrel between our children. They are very friendly with us. And if they quarrel sometimes, they immediately make up and have fun together. Look how they dance together and harmoniously.

Dance "coco jamba"

Karabas: Yes! I failed to quarrel between you. But you will never be able to find out the secret of the golden key.

Pinocchio(from his hiding place howling):

Reveal the secret!

Reveal the secret, unfortunate one!

Karabas: W-w-what secret?

Pinocchio: The secret of the golden key! Where is the door, door, door?

Karabas: (scared) Okay, okay! Just stop howling so terribly!

(looks around, speaks quietly):

The door is here, next to it, behind the curtain with a bonfire painted on it.

Pinocchio jumps out of his hiding place.

Pinocchio: Hooray! Found out the secret (teasing) found out the secret!

Karabas (Karabas catches up Pinocchio) Give back the key! they run out the door.

The Cat and the Fox appear to the music.

Fox: And yet Buratino got ready for school. But if this does not happen, it will not be so easy to deceive us. (whispering, laughing) We will now spread glue on this path, Pinocchio will stick and won’t go to any school, because…. (laugh) that it will be late.

They smear the path with glue and hide, rubbing their paws.

Karabas appears.

Karabas: Oh, it's a pity! Pinocchio found out from me the secret of the golden key. He's probably already on his way to school. Then I will catch him and take the golden key. This will not happen, nor Pinocchio, nor the children will go to school.

Karabas notices the sign "school", walks along the path, sticks, cannot move. The Cat and the Fox come out of their hiding place and pretend to be very depressed by the plight of Karabas.

Karabas: Help me get out, unstick me, do something.

Fox: This work will cost money.

Karabas takes out the money and hands it to Lisa.

Fox: Well, okay, Basilio, here’s one gold piece, that’s enough for you.

Cat (offended): Meow! I deceived you! Robbed!

The Cat and the Fox begin to fight, the Cat with a stick runs after the Fox, they run out of the hall).

Karabas: Uh-uh! what about me! Fraudsters!

Leading: Oh you! Serves you right! You will know how to harm people! Only kindness and beauty can help you.

Karabas: I will be good, help me.

Leading: Well, guys, let's help Karabas. Maybe he’ll get better and won’t be so angry. (They throw a rope and pull Karabas out)

Leading: Well, we’ll drive the Fox and the Cat away from our garden!

Karabas: Thank you for helping me out, and I will help you get to school. And where is Pinocchio, because he has a golden key. Let's call him together (Bu-ra-ti-no)

Appears Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: Here is my key and I know the secret of the golden key!

Karabas: Help the kids find their way to school.

To the music Pinocchio goes to the curtain, behind which the inscription is hidden "SCHOOL".

Pinocchio: Hooray! Let's go guys to school!

Presenter. We quietly open the door, We find ourselves in the Land of Knowledge.

Leaves Pinocchio, Karabas - drum.

Farewell song of heroes.

And today it's time for us to part

It's time for us to say goodbye to the kindergarten.

What do you want to tell us?

And a parting wish?

Children: 1. In a cozy kindergarten

We lived as if at home.

Any corners

We knew each other here.

2. We grew up as friends.

Loved to laugh

But now they have become big,

It's time to say goodbye!

3. Goodbye, sleeping dolls,

And the balls are shiny,

And affectionate nannies,

They were like mothers to us!

4. The school opened its doors,

Our desks and class are waiting for us.

We're leaving, but believe me

We won't forget you!

5. Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth.

We were next to them and it was light on a gloomy day.

You pitied us, you loved us,

You raised us like flowers. It's a pity that we can't take you with us to first grade.

Girl: Our kids have become a year older

And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,

Why are our teachers sad?

And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,

They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.

You gave them all your good heart,

Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,

They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,

You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,

To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

You are cordial, you help in everything,

You give so much affection to our children,

He meets them in his own kindergarten

The teacher is the best in the world!

And you have enough kind words for everyone,

You know how to give warmth and joy!

For patience, sincerity and love -

Our parents' gratitude to you!

SONG: "Educator" music etc. M. Eremeeva

1. Parents bring us to kindergarten every day,

They run, fly, leave, wherever they are.

We live, grow, laugh before your eyes.

And we honestly admit that we love you very much.

PR. You are our first teacher, you are like our parent

Friend and teacher educator, educator.

You are our first mentor, friend and nerves of steel.

Our guardian angel is our educator.

2 k. It happens, without a doubt, it’s difficult for you sometimes,

But you will always make the right decision.

Forgive the naughty girls for giving you too much heat,

You love kids, and we sing about you.


Verse 3 Our parents bring us to kindergarten every day

They run, fly, go wherever they are,

We live, grow, laugh before your eyes,

And we honestly admit that we love you very much.


Ved 1: And now our children will thank the kindergarten staff for their work.

1. Kindergarten is a cozy home –

Games and fun

But it's time to move out

A housewarming party awaits us:

A cozy, kind home,

Only wider, higher...

The call has been given for the move -

The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.

The path of knowledge awaits us.

Hello, school, new home!

Sadik, goodbye!

2. To our nanny Tatyana Pavlovna, thank you for the sun of smiles,

For attention, for comfort, for heartfelt good work

3. And our manager, Valentina Anatolyevna, is a beauty,

And he handles everything.

And her work is extensive,

And we will say a huge thank you to her,

For the ability to compete.

And trying to finance

For fresh food,

And prosperity to the kindergarten!

2. We say to the cooks Lyudmila Anatolyevna and Olga Genadevna - thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Go around the whole world, there is no better porridge than yours.

5. Thanks to musician Nadezhda Anatolyevna for the holidays and laughter,

Because now we all have talents.

6. Thanks to our doctors Elena Vasilyevna, that we are not afraid of colds.

No matter who you look at, they are all heroes.

7. Who seriously manages the entire household? Our caretaker Tamara Ivanovna!

In whose hands is always skillfully Argued any matter?

She always has paint, brooms, notebooks in order,

And on the New Year's tree, he dances and sings with us!

Let the enthusiasm sparkle in your eyes,

And it’s not good for you to be sick.

Let's break up. The hour has struck.

Remember us often!

12. Employees of our kindergarten,

From noisy and loving children.

Please accept this award -

Our smiles and these flowers!

Presenter 2: And what holiday would be complete without gifts and congratulations! The word for congratulations is given to the head of the kindergarten.

Presentation of diplomas.

Ved. 2: Dear guys! All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. A word to our parents graduates!

The word of the parents.

Song "Kindergarten"

After summer, winter - the years flew by,

Since we once came here.

And although the kindergarten is still waiting for us,

It's time for us to say goodbye. The school is calling us.


It's very sad to leave,

Leaving your beloved home.

A home where it's fun to meet

In our hometown.

Together with dad, together with mom,

Let's sing this song:

“The kindergarten is the best,

In our native city."

And we began to distinguish between truth and lies.

You told us not just a poem,

What is bad in the world and what is good.

Happy time has not passed in vain, -

And your love and native warmth

We will carry it in our hearts forever.

Thanks a lot! Thanks for everything!

Chorus (2 times)

Ved: We wish you success and happy school years!

Lots of knowledge, lots of laughter, lots of victories in sports!

Don't get sick, study, listen to the teacher,

Smile at people more often, please your parents.

We love you, we believe in you and hope for you:

The doors are wide open.

Good luck and to first grade!

And so, good luck! It's not easy to separate.

And you won’t come to us in the morning.

But we tell you, friends: "Goodbye"

Be happy your school time.

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