DIY crafts for February 23rd in elementary school. What a gift for a child to congratulate dad and grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Craft templates for the preparatory group for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dad is the most important man in the life of every child, a real example and the main authority. With the help of his father, the baby understands the world around him, receives lessons of courage, perseverance and reliability. The role of the father in raising a boy is especially significant, because only he can give an idea of ​​the male world - in joint activities, games, conversations. Therefore, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the main holiday of men, children in kindergarten and school are happy to make gifts for dad, grandfather, and older brother. How to make beautiful crafts for February 23rd with your own hands? We tried to put together the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on creating children's crafts for February 23 in the senior and junior groups of kindergarten and school - from paper, napkins and other improvised materials. With our lessons and recommendations, you can make real masterpieces of children's creativity! Of course, small children will need the help of their mother or teachers, but the result is worth it - you will get an original and beautiful craft for dad on February 23rd. So, inspiration in your work, and we will be happy to share interesting ideas!

DIY crafts for February 23rd in kindergarten for the senior group - step-by-step master class with photos

On the eve of February 23, in kindergarten, during manual labor classes, children make touching gifts with their own hands - crafts from paper, natural materials, plasticine. According to established tradition, such homemade military-themed souvenirs are created in the form of cars, airplanes, tanks, and stars. Today we will try to make with our own hands a popular “military” craft from plasticine for dad or grandfather - a tank. With the help of our simple step-by-step master class with photos, any child in the senior group of kindergarten will be able to independently fashion a gift for February 23rd for their beloved dad. A little imagination and patience - and you will get an excellent combat vehicle, almost like a real one!

Materials for children's crafts for February 23:

  • plasticine set
  • matchbox

Step-by-step instructions for the master class with step-by-step photos on creating crafts by February 23 for the senior group of kindergarten:

Beautiful crafts in honor of the holiday of February 23rd with your own hands from napkins - a detailed master class with photos for the younger group of kindergarten

As Defender of the Fatherland Day approaches, children want to please their beloved fathers and grandfathers by learning a poem for the holiday or making a cute gift with their own hands. For crafts in honor of February 23, the most affordable materials that can be found in every home will be used. So, we suggest making a beautiful craft for February 23rd from ordinary napkins - according to our detailed master class with photos. Such a lesson can be taught in the younger group of a kindergarten and together with the children you can create touching gifts for the most important men's holiday. So, on the “agenda” of the day is a card made from napkins in the shape of a star! On Defender of the Fatherland Day, every dad will be pleased to receive from his son or daughter such a bright red star, a symbol of the invincible Red Army.

List of materials for the napkin crafts master class for February 23:

  • basis for the product
  • cardboard star template
  • thick napkins - red
  • plasticine yellow
  • braid
  • stapler
  • glue stick
  • double sided tape

Step-by-step description of the master class on postcards made from napkins for February 23, with photos:

Original DIY crafts for February 23rd for dad, step-by-step master class with photos

When making a gift for dad on February 23, you can focus on personal interests and hobbies. So, a motorist dad will love a racing car - even the smallest child can easily handle such a craft. We have prepared a step-by-step master class with photos on how to create an original craft with your own hands for February 23rd in the form of a car, which can be supplemented with a funny driver figurine. Such a touching gift from a beloved son or daughter will be the best memory of the February 23 holiday for dad.

We are stocking up on materials for the master class “Racing car - a craft for dad for February 23”:

  • toilet paper roll rolls
  • gouache
  • colored cardboard
  • scraps of bright self-adhesive film
  • glue

How to make a craft with your own hands for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, step by step with photos:

Children's paper craft for February 23rd for dad, master class with step-by-step photos

Defender of the Fatherland Day is rightfully considered a national holiday glorifying the courage and reliability of representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Thus, February 23rd is celebrated with pleasure by all men, regardless of their age or military affiliation. According to tradition, on this day boys receive gifts from girls, and also prepare surprises for their fathers, grandfathers and brothers. In kindergarten or elementary school, you can teach a lesson on creating cute paper crafts with your own hands - we suggest taking our master class and using step-by-step photos to make a “Tie for Dad.” Such a comic children's craft for February 23 will lift your spirits and create an atmosphere of celebration and fun.

List of materials and tools for crafts for dad on February 23, according to the master class:

  • bright multi-colored sheets of cardboard - red, green, yellow, blue
  • image-pictures – “airplane”, “tank”, “ship”
  • corrugated paper of different colors
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • polyethylene
  • napkin

The procedure for making paper crafts for the holiday of February 23, step-by-step photos:

Fun DIY crafts for February 23rd for children at school, step-by-step description with photos

A gift for dad on February 23 can be made from the most affordable materials that are always at hand. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the school conducts themed labor lessons on how to create a fun craft with your own hands as a gift for dad in the form of a three-dimensional appliqué. In our master class with step-by-step descriptions and photos you will find many interesting ideas for crafts for the holiday of February 23.

February 23 is celebrated as one of the days of military glory of Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day (since 1995).

Most Russian citizens consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the Day of real men, defenders in the broadest sense of the word. Among the holiday traditions that have survived to this day are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorial sites, holding festive concerts and events, and organizing fireworks displays in many cities.
Traditionally, on this day, the strong half of humanity (grandfathers, dads, brothers, classmates, co-workers, beloved men) receives the legal right to accept congratulations, gratitude and gifts!

Your work should reflect the holiday. If your gift is universal, select the event Good mood or Undefined.

Master class

Master class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through a search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the MK stages from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: in an entry with the MK type, you cannot simply put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the entry type will be changed. If the site's User Agreement is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of courage, bravery, strength and bravery. We always congratulate our men on this occasion, regardless of whether they served for their Motherland or not. After all, they are our defenders who mean a lot to us, which is why it is so important not to deprive your loved ones of attention on this men’s holiday. In this article we want to present you with several options for original DIY crafts for February 23.

A gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day should be given from the heart and bring a smile to the recipient. Therefore, it is best to try to make it yourself, especially since auxiliary materials can always be found at hand for these purposes.

First of all, a gift for February 23 can be prepared from ginger dough. It's easy to mix:

  • First, use a mixer to mix 100 g of sugar and butter
  • In another container, mix the egg with flour
  • The contents of two containers need to be combined, add cinnamon, liquid honey, ginger and soda to them
  • Knead everything thoroughly and then roll it out
  • We cut out figures on the rolled out dough - these can be men, stars, tanks, airplanes - anything

All that remains is to paint the baked goods using cream or homemade mastic, which is also easy to prepare from marshmallows, powdered sugar, lemon juice, butter and potato starch.

Such DIY gift for February 23 a girl can present it to her brother, son, husband, dad and grandfather. Each of them will be happy to treat themselves to a delicacy prepared by a loved one. Young mothers who have small children at home can involve their kids in the cooking process in order to combine business with pleasure.

If you don’t know how to bake, and your men love sweets, you can use store-bought candies to make a very original “Chocolate Car”:

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Corrugated cardboard and paper (choose the color you like best)
  • Packaging film used in floristry
  • Wire (the more the better)
  • A piece of beautiful fabric
  • Braid
  • Thermal gun
  • Scotch
  • Toothpicks
  • Chocolates
  • Chocolate medals

Using a template, we cut out the interior of the future car from corrugated cardboard, onto which candies and other decorative elements will be attached using tape and a heat gun:

Men who like to treat themselves to salted fish and beer can be presented with a unique bouquet of dried roach, wrapped in newsprint, tied with a decorative ribbon:

Note that all of the above examples of crafts are best presented to family and friends. To congratulate veterans or teachers, it is better to make paper gifts.

Crafts for February 23rd from paper

You can use paper to make a very impressive card for February 23rd, which you wouldn’t be ashamed to give not on behalf of a child, but on behalf of an adult. As an example, here is a paper product:

To create such a paper shirt with a tie, you need two types of decorative paper and a template from which you need to cut out the elements of the product:

To decorate the card, you can use real buttons and even fabric (it will look good on a tie, for example). There is plenty of space in the middle of the card where you can write a congratulatory text. It’s good if the congratulator comes up with this text himself in poetic form.

Children's crafts for February 23

Very often educators kindergartens offer children to make crafts for February 23 for their fathers and grandfathers. It is clear that a preschool child will not be able to make some complex craft on his own, so mothers need to provide all possible assistance to the baby in preparing an important gift for a loved one, but in such a way that in the end it can be seen that the child tried himself.

  1. Airplane

  • A thin strip is cut out of cardboard of any color (the width should be approximately 3 cm and the length should be 20 cm). This strip needs to be folded in half and glued to the matchbox:

  • Make two more strips with the same width. The length should be 10 cm. These will be the wings, which also need to be glued to the matchbox:

  • Glue the tail to the plane: you need to cut two thin strips. We glue one exactly horizontally, and fold the second into a house shape and glue it to a horizontal strip:

  • All that remains is to make a daisy-shaped propeller and decorative elements for the airplane wings out of white paper. The result is a memorable craft for dad on February 23, which he can attach to himself on the rear view glass of his car.
  1. Racing car

  • Paint a toilet paper roll with gouache paint:

  • Cut out 4 circles from thick cardboard (these will be the wheels of the future car) and paint them like wheels with black paint:

  • On the sleeve you need to make a cutout for the driver of the car and attach a paper seat there (it needs to be done in exactly the same way as the body of an airplane - fold the paper strip in half, but place it perpendicular to the sleeve);
  • Place a plasticine man in the car.

To make a craft for February 23, you just need to find out what the person you want to give it to loves most. In any case, the main thing is to show attention, which is always pleasant for any person.

Crafts for February 23: photos

Video: How to make a gift for February 23rd with your own hands?

Well, of course, there is no way to leave dads without gifts on February 23rd. Both current and potential defenders of the Fatherland will be glad to receive a carefully crafted craft from their son or daughter. Be sure to check out this section. Having looked through its pages, you can easily find several (to choose from) ideas and master classes you like for creating original postcards, applications, small models of military equipment, medals and souvenirs. And the variety of creative execution techniques and materials used will really surprise you.

Let's surprise dads with unusual and touching gifts from children!

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  • Postcards for February 23. We make DIY gifts for dads for Defender of the Fatherland Day
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All sections | Crafts for February 23. Gifts for dad

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