Disruptive application for February 23. Paper cutting

On February 23, our country celebrates a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this holiday it is customary to congratulate military men. What are the main types of troops in the modern Russian army? The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are divided into three types of troops: ground forces, air force and navy. Today we will make three-dimensional applications with their symbols.
Author: Bushik Egor, student of 1st “B” class of MBOU secondary school No. 57 in the city of Krasnodar, 8 years old.
Head: Stash Margarita Pshimafovna, primary school teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 57 in the city of Krasnodar.
Goal: making three-dimensional applications for the holiday of February 23.

Tasks: familiarizing children with the symbols of the modern Russian army, developing creative discoveries, teaching perseverance and accuracy when performing crafts.
Purpose: three-dimensional applique - decoration for the holiday of February 23. The master class will be of interest to adults and children who want to fill the festive atmosphere with exclusive homemade products.
Materials and tools:
1. white cardboard,
2. colored metallized cardboard with embossing,
3. double-sided foam tape,
4. glue stick,
5. scissors,
6. simple pencil,
7. ruler.

Description of the craft:

We found on the Internet and printed out the emblems of the ground forces, air force, and navy on sheets of white cardboard:

Also, on the Internet, we selected and printed on white cardboard one coloring page of types of military equipment for each type of armed forces. For the navy - warship:

For ground forces, their main striking force is the tank:

For the air force - military aircraft - attack aircraft:

And we also needed images of employees in the uniform of the corresponding types of troops:

They were also printed on white cardstock.
The emblems of the types of troops were cut out along the contour.
Next, the child colored the military equipment with colored pencils.
On the sheets with equipment and military personnel, frames were drawn at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edges of the sheets. Leaving these frames, they cut out the outlines of combat vehicles and employees.

We attach the emblem of the ground forces to a sheet of beautiful embossed metallized cardboard with an adhesive pencil. We glue the frame with double-sided tape along the edges.

We remove the protective layer from the tape and attach the sheet to the tank, aligning the edges of the colored cardboard - the base.

Next, we also paste over a frame of tape and apply a sheet with a military man in a field uniform.

Along the edge of the resulting picture we glue strips of colored metallized cardboard 1.7 cm wide.

To make a picture support, we cut out two pieces of cardboard measuring 20 cm * 7 cm, glue them together, bend a piece 3-4 cm long and glue it in the center of the back side of the picture.

In the same way, we produced paintings depicting elements inherent in the air force:

and the navy:

Thus, we got acquainted with the image of the emblems of the main branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the differences in the military uniforms of different types of troops and made beautiful paintings that can serve as a gift to real men for the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland. Thank you for your attention and wish you creative success.

Svetlana Uvarova

Target classes. Making postcards using 3D technique appliqués.

Tasks. Develop children's creative abilities. Develop cutting skills.

Cultivate accuracy, perseverance, and the ability to complete the work started.

Move classes. Guys, as you already know, there will soon be a holiday dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Yours dads everyone served in the army and there they wore military uniforms, but they probably didn’t have to wear uniforms. Therefore, today on class we will produce with you a gift - and it will be"uniform" for our dads.

I will tell you and show you what to do, and you will repeat all my actions after me and do the same.

For work we need:

1. Colored paper - yellow, black, blue or green.

2. White paper.

3. Templates.

4. Glue stick.

5. Scissors

6. Oilcloth.

7. Simple pencil.

8. Red felt-tip pen.

First we take a shirt template. Place it on a sheet of white paper and trace it. Then we circle

tie template on black paper. Now we cut out the details. Cut out shoulder straps from yellow paper (2 small strips) and buttons. On the sides (at the top of the shirt) make 3 cm cuts and

we design the collar. Then glue on the tie.

Our shirt is ready, now let's start making the uniform.

Take a rectangular sheet of colored paper (green or blue). We bend the shelves along the dotted lines. Then we glue the shoulder straps from yellow paper, bend the lapels, and glue the buttons.

Then we take the shirt, coat it with glue on the wrong side and glue it to our uniform.

And the last stage of our work will be drawing a star on the shoulder straps.

These are the uniforms we got.

Application for February 23 — in this article we have collected the most interesting and easy-to-make options for homemade paper gifts for children's creativity.

Traditionally, applications and crafts for February 23 are considered an excellent souvenir that children of preschool and primary school age can make. Such a gift will please both dad and grandfather or older brother and will allow the child to feel the atmosphere of the Defender of the Fatherland holiday.

DIY gifts for February 23rd are a great way to spend time with your child fun and usefully. After all, creating thematic applications is the development of fine motor skills, the formation of aesthetics and artistic taste in a child, mastering the basics of composition and simply the development of creativity and imagination.

Adults participating in the process of creating a gift from paper, in turn, will be interested in new techniques for making crafts.

The goals of our craft topic today will be:

As part of our today's review of the most interesting paper gift ideas for Defenders of the Fatherland Day, we will tell you what types of applique there are for February 23rd.

In order to make a memorable souvenir gift for dad from paper, you will need:

  • Colored or white paper
  • napkins or corrugated paper,
  • buttons, shaped pasta, cereals and plasticine,
  • Paints, a pencil with which we will apply the line for the drawing,

Application for February 23: postcard or panel made from pieces of paper

A memorable do-it-yourself souvenir-gift for February 23 may well be in the form of a panel or an appliqué postcard made using the mosaic technique.

All you need to do is draw the outline of the craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day and tell the children how to cover them with pieces of paper of the appropriate color.

Making a card for dad on February 23rd from rolled paper

For this appliqué technique, you will need soft paper - napkins or corrugated paper are best. We tear or cut the leaves into small pieces, roll them into balls and then paste them over a panel or postcard. It is better to glue with a glue stick. In your work, you can use either colored paper of appropriate shades or plain white paper. The latter just needs to be painted in the appropriate color after gluing.

Application for February 23rd from terry paper

A mosaic panel or paper applique postcard can also be made using the trimming method. Its essence lies in the fact that pressure is applied to a piece of paper with a long and thin object. You can press on the paper, for example, with a knitting needle or a ballpoint pen, or with a tube. At the same time, twist the paper, twisting it around a stick or tube. The result is terry paper, which is glued with a flat base to a postcard or panel.

Application for February 23: buttons, pasta, cereals

If everything is clear with buttons and curly pasta - they can simply lay out the appliqué design we need, then we will have to tinker with the cereal.

First, you should paint the cereal itself in the desired colors, dry it and then glue it onto paper generously spread with glue. Moreover, it must be glued according to the drawing.

Application for February 23: plasticine

Interesting crafts for February 23rd from platinum. We draw or print out the outline of the future postcard or panel on paper and ask the child to “decorate” it using plasticine balls of the desired color. Plasticine balls can be left round. They can also be flattened or spread over the panel.

Click Class

Tell VK

Initially, February 23 was still considered a holiday for those men who are associated with the military sphere. Now, this is a holiday for all males, so everyone needs to be congratulated: grandfathers, fathers, brothers. And, most importantly, put a piece of your soul into this congratulation, so I want to come up with something original and solemn.

Of course, more often such cards are made by children; mothers only supervise the progress of the work. But you can turn it into a masterpiece if you use different techniques and call on the entire reserve of your accuracy. By the way, there is one for this holiday.

I want to inspire you with different ideas so that you put aside your business and get creative.

In our kindergarten, children are not yet given homework; they try to make themed greetings themselves, but sometimes the child himself asks on the weekend to make an applique or a postcard. Then you also have to look for ideas that are not difficult to repeat, but also show the child how aesthetically pleasing the result looks.

Of course, most often children remember that they need to make a postcard when they go to bed, and it needs to be submitted tomorrow. So let's look at a few easy ideas that will take no more than half an hour of your time together to implement.

For example, create a greeting with a three-dimensional Russian flag. I know that at this age kids still cannot cut straight along the lines, so you will have to prepare the blanks in advance.

Use scissors with jagged edges.

The cardboard is folded in half and a backing is glued to the front side.

A black strip is glued diagonally, which will serve as the basis for the flag.

Three stripes of the same size (about 4 cm) in the colors of the Russian flag are cut separately: white, blue, red.

These strips are glued only at the ends, creating a small arch.

If it is difficult for a child to explain how to make such a flag, then use a simplified version.

Take red paper and toothpicks.

Cut a small strip of paper measuring 3*1 cm and fold it in half.

Make two cuts near the edge that did not become folded and glue this flag to the toothpick.

It's very easy to replicate the following idea.

You will need two strips of cardboard of the same width, but different lengths. A number is cut out from one edge. Next, glue both halves at the beginning.

I also liked one idea. The execution results in a very mature and strict design. But it is also done quickly.

We roll up the cardboard - the base.

We take smaller paper and cut out a star and a slot in the middle for the inscription.

Before gluing the two sides, write text in the place where the slot is.

You can mark this place with a pencil.

How to make voluminous cards for school with your own hands

Volumetric congratulations always look more original than the usual flat ones. But it also takes more time to create them. They have more details, so these options are more suitable for schoolchildren.

For example, the idea with a boat and an anchor looks very nice.

To do this, you can print a template, cut out the ship, waves and anchor according to the internal diagrams.

Transfer the drawing to colored paper and carefully use a stationery knife to repeat the inner lines of the drawing.

Then you need to bend the cardboard in color and place it with the fold up.

Glue paper with a cut out ship onto the front side of the cardboard. You can use contrasting cardboard.

Paste a white sheet of paper inside on which you can write a congratulation.

Interesting options include three-dimensional images of balloons and ships.

For example, on this postcard a boat is made using the origami technique. And on the basis of it the entire composition is created.

Here is a detailed diagram of the order in which you need to fold the sheet.

Or such an interesting option with a 3D ship.

I would also like to show you a sweet version of a three-dimensional congratulation.

I think that our defenders will definitely appreciate this!

Beautiful congratulations from paper for dad on February 23

I would also like to congratulate dad in a very unusual way. For example, giving a card that requires very painstaking work.

To create it, you need to take a sheet of cardboard and bend it in half.

Then draw 3 squares, measuring 2.5 * 2.5 cm. Inside which you can draw thematic objects: an anchor, a steering wheel, a balloon, an airplane, a ship, a clock or a star. You can draw it yourself, but I’ll give you a template.

Then carefully cut along the contour with a sharp blade or stationery knife.

Paste a congratulation printed on a white sheet of paper inside.

You can make a card in the form of a shirt and tie.

There are different ones, for example, ones with a drawn tie.

Or with a jacket.

You will see a template for such a postcard just below in the corresponding section.

Let's create such an orange, bright postcard ourselves.

For this we need double-sided cardboard and one sheet of colored paper.

Fold the sheet in half. On the front side, at the fold, we make a cut at a distance of 3 cm from the edge.

From the back side of the sheet we completely cut off a line 3 cm wide. This way the collar of the shirt will protrude above the postcard.

Now we also retreat 3 cm from the sides and make horizontal cuts 3 cm long. We bend their ends inward.

It's time for the tie.

We need a square of double-sided colored paper, measuring 15*15 cm.
We fold it diagonally.

Then we turn the ends to the resulting fold.

Turn the tip up.

Now we turn the end inward, as in the photo.

We bend the edges towards ourselves and push them inside with our finger.

Now we reduce the width of the free edge of the tie by tucking the sides.

We glue the resulting part onto the postcard.

Contrasting colors look very nice: black and white.

Also, to achieve greater similarity, use a sheet of velvet paper as a basis.

DIY greeting cards using scrapbooking technique

Congratulations created using the scrapbooking technique are very rich and unusual.

When many different parts with different textures are used. Anything will do here: wallpaper, twine, buttons, wood. Of course, it is better to choose a color scheme that combines well with different colors.

You can even sew on some decoration elements using a sewing machine.

I also like the option of wooden cards. But due to the fact that not everyone knows how to cut from it and does not have a special milling machine, let’s take this design as a basis. And we will replace the wood with thick cardboard, which is sold in stores for handicrafts and creativity.

Or such a cool idea.

Because this card looks very noble and expensive.

Schemes and templates for postcards for February 23

I have prepared several templates with congratulatory inscriptions. Which you can print and use in your creativity.

Template for creating a star for this greeting.

Take a sheet of paper and stick two strips on it for the St. George ribbon.

Then cut out the star according to the template.

You tuck its edges using your finger and a ruler. Then, using the same ruler, we bend each ray of the star in half.

You need to start along a line from top to bottom. As in the photo. This will make 5 lines from each end.

Now we make these lines more visible with our fingers and begin to glue the star to the blank with St. George ribbons.

All that remains is to cut out only one star and find the right place for it in the overall picture.

Now I want to show the inscription options.

This template can be printed on colored paper.

Another idea for congratulations.

Set of fonts.

Also a diagram for cutting out an airplane.

Template for unusual cards. Figures in squares need to be cut out.

Scheme of a small postcard.

Template for a postcard - a jacket.

Take note of ready-made solutions.

Original applications for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Nowadays, applications with congratulations using the origami technique are very popular.

Here is a diagram for creating a greeting in the form of a shirt.

Here is another very cute idea for an applique in the shape of hands.

We will need two sheets of cardboard.

Trace your left arm and cut it out.

And we fold it in half, then in half again, to make a small accordion. We tuck the ends because we will glue them to our palms.

Now you need to decorate the front side of the applique.

Glue the edge of the accordion to one palm, the other edge to the other palm.

The applique is not at all complicated, but it will be very interesting for children to make.

There are a lot of options for original postcards for men, the main thing is to choose the one that best suits the character of your men.

For example, our dad perceives this holiday purely in the colors of camouflage and vest, so we choose the color background of the cards accordingly.

If you do not want to focus on the military past of the holiday, then you can create such interesting options with stylized features of a man: a hat, monocle, mustache or cane.

I would like to know your opinion on the entire selection of ideas. Bookmark the article to repeat your favorite illustration with children.


Tell VK

Creative appliqué technique is the best solution for creating themed crafts and greeting cards for Defender of the Fatherland Day. And the degree of complexity of this artistic creativity can be any, depending on the age of your charges. The pages of this section present many options for children's applications for the holiday on February 23, from small cards to large collective plot compositions. We invite you to organize constructive activities for children on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day, using the experience of colleagues outlined in this section.

The best army scenes are in various appliqué techniques.

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All sections | Application for February 23 on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day

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