How and with what to clean various types of dirt on suede shoes at home. How to clean suede shoes at home How to clean a suede insole

Almost every girl has suede clothes or shoes in her closet. This is not surprising, because the material looks very attractive and is one of the most popular. However, suede is not only beautiful, but also a demanding fabric. It does not tolerate moisture and requires special care, which is why it is so important to know how to clean suede at home.

This material can be of two types: artificial and natural. The latter has greater strength and better quality, but also costs accordingly. It is worth noting that both types require compliance with certain rules.

  1. Suede does not tolerate moisture; when wet, it swells and then becomes hard and brittle, so before wearing it is important to treat shoes and clothing with a water-repellent spray.
  2. Cleaning suede should begin with using a brush, this way you will refresh the appearance of the shoes and get rid of dust.
  3. It is prohibited to wash suede leather in a washing machine; you can only use wet cleaning.

The generalized rules are suitable for regular application to all things, however, we’ll talk in more detail about how to clean material from a variety of stains.

Home Remedies

In stores today you can find specialized cleaning products for suede and nubuck products, but why not buy expensive products, what can you use at home?

For dry cleaning you can use:

  • Use an eraser to remove grease stains.
  • Using a hard sponge, it will lift lint and remove dust and surface dirt. It is better to use it in combination with washing foam.
  • Using a crepe brush will make the surface velvety and tidy.
  • A crust of bread. Rye bread can easily cope with minor stains.

You can read in more detail about how to clean suede shoes.

All these tools are available and can be found in almost every home, but how to wash suede?

  • Light suede can be easily cleaned with vinegar. Use 9% vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Dampen a rag or sponge in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas. It is better to finish the procedure with a color restoring product.


Do not use vinegar on dark colored items as they may lose their color.

  • How to clean grease stains? Use starch, this powder will absorb excess fat, an excellent option for large items such as a sheepskin coat or a bag.

  • Baking soda with milk will help remove dirt from the fabric. For 1 glass of milk there is 1 tbsp. l. soda, apply the solution with a stiff brush, clean in a circular motion, wipe off the remaining product with a damp cloth or cloth. Dry the product.
  • You can prepare a cleaning product for removing heavy stains. Grate it, 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve the shavings in a glass of warm water. You can use washing powder. Apply the product with a stiff brush; after cleaning the shoes, let it dry at room temperature.

Each product requires an individual approach, so we’ll talk separately about the nuances of cleaning various types of things.

Cleaning light-colored shoes

Light or white suede is most often used for finishing shoes, although if you try, you can find sheepskin coats or accessories made from it. Since all of these items tend to get dirty outdoors, you need to know how to clean the material.

You will need:

  • Brush for suede and nubuck.
  • A soft-bristled toothbrush or light-colored bath towel.
  • A special eraser or a regular white eraser.

Most often, two cleaning methods are used. In the first case, you first need to comb the pile with a brush, do this in one direction. This way you lift the pile and get rid of surface dirt. Next, blot the wet spot with a paper or bath towel. This action is especially important when cleaning dirt on shoes, as you collect excess moisture. Next, use an eraser to remove the stains, then use a brush to remove any remaining residue. If the procedure failed to make the shoes clean, then the second method will tell you how to wash suede.

Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap in 800 ml. water. It is best to use the simplest possible soap, as long as it does not contain bleach. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the stains with it. Remove any remaining cleaning product with a damp towel. Next, place the item in a cool, dark place where it can dry completely.


Stain remover sprays can be used to clean colored suede, but you should not use them on light-colored fabric, as dark marks may remain.

A common problem is yellow staining on white suede, especially on sneakers that have suede inserts. You can clean it with ammonia. Foam a soap solution from liquid soap or washing powder, add ammonia to it in a 1:1 ratio. Clean the stain and let it dry.

Getting rid of greasy stains

Artificial and natural suede are cleaned based on the same principles, but the means may differ depending on the type of contamination. It is useful to know how to clean suede from grease stains at home.

First of all, you should blot the stain with a towel or napkin. Then treat the area of ​​contamination with starch or talcum powder; they will absorb the remaining fat. The oil stain will decrease in size. By the way, for light suede it is better to use salt. But the question of how to finally remove the grease stain remains open.

Temperature will help enhance the effect. Warm talcum powder or salt before use, or use an iron. Remember that you should use only the minimum temperature, as suede is afraid of hot temperatures.

If dry cleaning does not help, then use soap suds. You can make it from liquid powder or dishwashing detergent. Colored suede will only be refreshed by a special powder for colored linen, but products with bleach cannot be used. After the foam has settled, blot the product with a napkin.

Blood and wine

Another type of stain that is most likely to be found on a jacket or bag is blood or wine. They are difficult to remove even from simple fabrics, but we will give some tips on how to properly deal with stains.

The most important rule when cleaning blood is cold water. Under the influence of temperatures, the blood coagulates, then it will be almost impossible to clean it. Blot the area with a wet rag; if the stain remains and the blood is absorbed into the fibers, then make a concentrated soap solution. You can use the same products for it: washing powder and liquid soap. Shampoo will help remove wine; it is applied in the form of foam, left for 5-10 minutes, and the residue is removed with a towel.

You can use a solution of ammonia; it is important not to let the stains dry; they need to be cleaned within 2-3 days from the moment they appear. Colored surfaces can be cleaned with a low concentration alcohol solution, alcohol and water are taken in a ratio of 1:10, the stain is soaked, and then cleaned with a napkin.

Renewing suede

A quality item usually lasts a long time, but then in some places shiny areas appear that you want to get rid of. You can revive the product in several ways:

  1. Mix salt and milk, 100 ml. 1 tsp is needed, clean the product with the mixture.
  2. Wipe the damaged area with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.
  3. White products will be renewed after the following remedy: glass of water, 1 tbsp. l. alcohol and 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Small signs of wear will be removed by crumbling white bread.
  5. Steaming is a surefire way to make things look attractive again. Hold the cloth over hot steam for 5-10 minutes, wipe the worn area with an eraser.

Video: how to update suede on shoes?

These easy ways will help extend the life of your items.

Cleaning furniture

We have learned how to deal with stains on clothes, but artificial material is also used for finishing furniture. Cleaning artificial suede should not be wet; you can use soap solutions or ammonia. A steam cleaner is perfect; it will lift the pile, refresh the fabric, and remove dust.

An artificial suede sofa can have two types of markings: W or S. In the first case, the letter will mean that the upholstery can only be cleaned with water-based products, in the second, that specialized solvents can be used. If you see a combination of two designations in the instructions, then you do not need to think about how to clean artificial suede; all means except washing will be appropriate.

Now you know the basics of caring for suede fabric. It doesn’t matter whether you bought an artificial or natural material, it requires care, then the stains will disappear quickly, and the item will delight you for a long time.

Video: how to clean any suede?

The popularity of suede - velvety leather with a characteristic fine pile, the production of which is tanned with fatty substances, is due to its excellent decorative qualities. From year to year, designers of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories give preference to this soft, elastic, waterproof material, creating amazingly beautiful and stylish things.

But when replenishing your wardrobe with a suede product, you need to be prepared for regular, and most importantly, delicate care, since only under this condition can you maintain the attractiveness of suede, no matter natural or artificial. Let's find out which cleaning methods are the most effective, and how to keep things made of suede of different colors clean.

What types of pollution are there?

Although suede has good performance characteristics, it is susceptible to various types of contamination. The choice of one or another processing method determines the nature and origin of the stains.

In the case of suede, the most problems are caused by:

  • Shiny areas are an inevitable phenomenon due to prolonged use of clothing, shoes or accessories.
  • Oily spots. The main reasons for their formation are the interaction of things with the skin during wear and the banal carelessness of the owners.
  • Whitish stains. The main provocateur for the appearance of such stains is dampness. If measures are not taken in time, mold may spread, the fight against which is rarely successful.

  • Salt stains are the result of walking in the rain or sleet.
  • Yellow discoloration from sweat or white stains from deodorizing agents on the lining, which also happens quite often.
  • Contaminants of a protein nature that remain if milk, eggs, blood and other substances with a similar composition come into contact with suede. The reason is the careless attitude of the owners. Stains of this kind are considered the most difficult, so it is important to get rid of them as quickly as possible before the characteristic crust forms.
  • Oil stains from paints, glue or ink from a pen, to remove which you have to not only clean, but also degrease the problem area.
  • Dirt from dust - small suede fibers contribute to the accumulation of dust, as a result of which things acquire an unsightly grayish tint.

What to wash with?

When choosing a cleaning method, you must also take into account what type of suede you are dealing with: natural material or an artificial analogue. The original is easy to recognize by its sinuous grooves, multi-directional pile and variable coloring. Its artificial counterpart is characterized by a uniform hairiness of the surface with a certain orientation of the fibers.

Natural suede, due to its increased strength, has a fairly long service life, but contact with water is undesirable for it. When interacting with liquid, the material, due to its fluffiness, begins to actively absorb moisture, swelling and becoming hard. For this reason Maintenance of natural suede products mainly comes down to dry methods of cleaning from dirt. Whereas artificial fabric is easy on moisture. What is contraindicated for it is friction, which provokes deformation of the villi.

Professional care

Preserving the unique texture of suede and keeping it in good condition requires certain tools and skills. Today's variety of effective products for caring for this material makes it easy to select protective products for products of any type and color. Regular use of professional cosmetics for the care of suede shoes and clothing minimizes the negative impact of external factors and prolongs the life of your favorite things.

What should be in your home care arsenal:

  1. Water-repellent impregnation with silicone, thanks to which pile leather can resist the harmful effects of moisture and will not be afraid of dirt or dust.
  2. Foam shampoo, which copes well with salt stains, instantly removes dirt and deepens color.
  3. An aerosol paint that prevents color loss and restores rough spots on suede.
  4. Sponge brushes for removing dry dirt, restoring the velvety of the material, cleaning welts and seams.
  5. To remove stubborn stains, it is most convenient to use hard sponges that draw in dirt or loose erasers that remain in the stains and are then removed with a brush.
  6. Erasers for restoring shiny areas and hairiness.
  7. Several special brushes for delicately removing dirt and restoring worn, smoothed bristles. The most convenient combination option in this regard is a “2 in 1” brush, where one side is a rubberized comb, and the other is a rubber surface with short bristles.

The safest method of treating suede is considered to be sequential passage of a brush over the contaminated surface.

The advantage of mechanical dry cleaning is delicate and at the same time deep cleansing of the pile in the most inaccessible areas between the villi. The bristles comb through them efficiently, removing dried dirt, dust, and fatty deposits. The brush returns the original fluffiness to the pile leather, making things made from it look like new.

Alternative care

To clean suede products, you can use traditional methods:

  • Ammonia (5 ml) and soda (60 g). The ingredients are mixed, and then the resulting composition is applied to the problem area. Wait 10-15 minutes and remove the mixture with a damp cloth.

  • Using talc, chalk or starch with adsorbing properties it is easy to get rid of greasy stains. Simply sprinkle any composition onto the shiny areas, leave for an hour, and then brush off the powder.
  • Highly purified gasoline will help remove greasy stains. Soak a napkin in flammable material, lightly wipe the stain and leave for 40-50 minutes.
  • Lemon juice works well for stains and smudges from road salt. To prepare a cleaning solution, water (200 ml) is mixed with the juice of one fruit and the product is wiped. In this case, no rinsing is required. They let things dry naturally, and then “comb them.”
  • If you have difficulty removing old stubborn stains, then you should try the recipe: skim milk (100 ml) + ammonia and soda in equal proportions. The resulting composition is used to treat the contaminated surface, having previously tested it on a small area on the inside of the product.
  • With peroxide (5 ml) and ammonia (5 ml) you can remove stains of various origins, without worrying about the loss of brightness of the color of things. The mixture of these components has a gentle effect and prevents damage to delicate suede.

How can I clean it quickly?

Washing is permissible only for products made of high-quality suede. Using a washing machine is taboo; washing delicate materials is only allowed by hand.

How to wash natural suede?

  • Soaking is contraindicated for natural suede for the previously stated reasons. To wash it, the product is processed in weight, that is, on hangers or placed on a flat base.
  • A prerequisite is compliance with the temperature regime up to 30°C, otherwise the material will become stiff.
  • Suitable detergents are gentle formulations with a gel-like consistency.
  • To remove greasy stains from collars and sleeves, use ammonia with soda or peroxide, and gasoline will help clean complex stains.
  • Squeezing and twisting of the material is prohibited.
  • It is advisable to rinse the product with conditioner, after lubricating it with glycerin (2.5 ml) and water (1 l).
  • Drying in direct sunlight and near heating radiators is unacceptable. Dry the products in natural conditions, laying them out on a flat surface and rolling them up.
  • The dried item is combed with a special brush.

How to restore purity to faux suede?

The best option is to wash with a delicate gel and a brush. You need to add it to warm water and whip up a rich foam. Then process the product by weight, rinse and wrap in a towel. Dry unfolded. To clean velvety pile leather items at home, Do not neglect the capabilities of available means.

A few more alternative cleaning methods:

  • Cleaning with coffee grounds will help restore the cleanliness of brown or black suede items. You need to brew a flavorful drink. The grounds remaining at the bottom of the Turk can be used to wash off the oil and remove other complex contaminants. The main thing is to let this substance dry completely and then brush it off.
  • You can remove dried stains with ammonia. Prepare a working solution: water (1 l) + 3-4 drops of alcohol. Soak a cotton pad in it and treat the stains.
  • Salt helps with stains. It is applied in a small amount to the area of ​​contamination and lightly rubbed in with gentle movements, after which it is brushed off.

Furniture upholstery

To keep your suede sofa clean, use a rubber brush to avoid damaging the upholstery. You can trust the removal of greasy stains with an eraser and an alcohol solution. To protect expensive suede furniture, you will need to treat its surface with a dirt-repellent impregnation immediately after purchase.

Having a vacuum cleaner with a steam generator function or a household steamer greatly simplifies the task of cleaning a sofa or chair with a capricious suede upholstery.


  • Conduct a diagnosis of contamination and select household chemicals.
  • Perform vacuum cleaning to remove coarse dirt.
  • Treat the surface with a cleaning agent, creating a pressure of 3 atm. to knock out dirt.
  • Perform cleaning using two modes: a jet of detergent followed by suction of contaminants by the device.
  • Remove local contamination.
  • Dry the treated surface in any way: remove the moisture with a steam generator or blow it with air.
  • Rinse the upholstery with clean water under pressure.

Benefits of hot steam cleaning:

At the end of steam treatment, it is important to ensure that the upholstered furniture is completely dry under natural conditions.

Clothes and shoes

Due to greasy marks, a fashionable suede jacket, a luxurious raincoat or a designer dress made of piled leather no longer looks attractive. You can solve this problem using:

  • Steam processing. Hot steam not only effectively removes greasy stains, but also copes with abrasions, folds and creases. In addition to a special steamer, you can use a regular iron.
  • Eraser – if you don’t have a professional one, a simple stationery eraser will do, which can easily reach greasy stains in hard-to-reach places. To achieve the best cleaning effect, the material is lightly steamed.
  • Vinegar. Add 9% vinegar essence (15 ml) to water (1 l). Gently wipe the problem areas with a cotton pad soaked in the resulting solution. The remaining composition is filled with a sprayer and sprayed over the surface to restore the softness of a skirt or dress.
  • Collars, sleeves and elbow areas are sprinkled with a mixture of starch + talc, left for an hour and removed with a brush.

Stains on suede hats and gloves cause just as much trouble.

How to restore the appearance of your favorite accessories:

  • Prepare a mixture: milk (200 ml) + soda (20 g). Use a moistened cotton pad to wipe away dirt until it completely disappears. Then prepare a solution: water (1 l) + vinegar (5 ml) and treat all areas on the hat or beret. Wipe with a thick cloth and hang to dry.
  • Orange peels, which you simply rub on your headdress, or lemon juice, can help refresh a dark suede hat.
  • To clean gloves, use wool cleaners. For convenience, the gloves are treated directly on the hands, wrung out with a towel and placed in a horizontal position to dry.

To avoid losing the appearance of suede shoes, it is important to remove dirt as quickly as possible, that is, upon returning from the street.

Rules of care:

  • Immediately put boots or ugg boots to dry, placing crumpled newspapers inside.
  • You cannot place shoes near open heat sources, as this will cause them to become deformed.
  • Dirt, dust, and salt stains are removed only when the boots are completely dry.
  • Black suede can be cleaned well with dried rye bread; carbon paper is used to give a uniform color.
  • To restore softness and fluffiness, steam treatment is carried out at the end.

Can suede shoes be washed? How to care for her? These questions arise immediately after purchasing a new pair made from this material. Thanks to their spectacular appearance, softness and velvety feel, natural suede and nubuck are not inferior in popularity to smooth classic leather. Cleaning suede shoes at home is not difficult, but you need to do this after each use, following some rules. You will learn all the secrets by reading our article.

Advantages and disadvantages of suede

For many years, suede shoes have not gone out of fashion. Stylish suede shoes or boots will effectively complement any look - from sophisticated romantic to business. This material is popular due to the following qualities:

  • suede shoes made of genuine leather are comfortable to wear, especially for people with diseases such as foot deformities, bunions, or bowed big toe;
  • during wear, the suede does not deform, and wrinkles and kinks are not visible;
  • suede material has good thermoregulation - it is cool in summer and warm in winter;
  • Suede shoes go with most men's and women's outfits.

But expensive and spectacular shoes will not last long if you do not take care of them. To maintain her appearance, will require constant care. This is one of the main disadvantages of this material. Another disadvantage of natural suede is that it absorbs moisture, unlike nubuck. This is where the disadvantages end, and it becomes clear that suede products have much more advantages.

Take proper care of your suede shoes

How to properly clean suede shoes? In order for it to serve for a long time, you should follow several rules for caring for the material:

  1. You can only clean dry suede. If it is wet, it needs to be dried. At the same time, you cannot speed up the drying process by placing shoes near heating devices, otherwise they will become deformed.
  2. The surface of the material can only be cleaned with a special brush.. On one side there should be a surface made of rubber, on the other there should be hard bristles made of artificial material or soft wire.
  3. You can clean suede shoes at home, removing dirt and dust from them, using the rubber side of the brush. In this case, movements need to be done only in one direction. If you don't have a brush, use an eraser to clean the material. Each shoe color will require a separate brush or eraser. so as not to stain the surface of the material with remnants of dye from another pair.
  4. To restore shiny areas of suede, use the surface of a brush with stiff bristles., moving it back and forth. If you don't have a brush, use a dry bread crust or the end surface of a matchbox.
  5. The color of suede can be easily restored using special paints in the form of aerosols, widely available on sale. You can restore the color and clean the brown surface with the grounds remaining after making coffee. There are also water-repellent sprays on sale that protect suede material from moisture penetration.

Wet processing methods

For shoes made of natural suede, wet treatment is suitable, but not washing in the literal sense of the word. Under no circumstances should you wash suede shoes, otherwise they will lose their appearance and shape. Old stains, dirt and stains that have become ingrained into the material can be removed using one of several methods described below.


Method for removing contaminants

Ammonia and water

Mix ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, depending on the degree of contamination. Dampen a sponge with the solution and blot the dirty area well. Rubbing is not recommended, as you can wash off the paint and a lighter bald spot will form in this place. Next, blot the treated area well with a towel, removing any remaining dirt. Dry cleaned shoes

Ammonia, liquid soap and water

This removes greasy and old stains. Add soap to a glass of water and stir thoroughly to obtain a soapy solution. Then add half a teaspoon of ammonia. Using a sponge, treat the stain with the resulting mixture. Remove any remaining dirt with a damp cloth and dry the shoes, then brush

Ammonia and potato starch

In this way you can remove old stubborn stains. Mix the two ingredients in equal proportions to form a paste. Apply it to the problem area and wait for a while. When the paste dries, remove it with a brush

9% vinegar and water

This method is good for removing salt stains and gloss. Mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Dampen a rag with the solution and wipe off any shiny or dirty areas of the suede. Remove excess moisture with a dry, clean towel. Dry the shoes, then treat the surface with a color-restoring aerosol

Milk, soda and ammonia

This method is suitable for light suede. To clean suede shoes from dirt, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in 100 g of milk and add a few drops of ammonia. Using the resulting solution, carefully treat the stained area of ​​the material using a sponge, cotton wool or bandage. Then use a clean, damp sponge to remove any remaining dirt and milk solution. Blot excess moisture with a dry towel or napkin

water vapor

Steam removes shiny areas well, while lifting the pile. Hold your shoes over boiling water. It will be even better if you direct the steam from the neck of the kettle directly to the problem area. Then remove the moisture with a towel or napkin, then brush the skin

Gasoline and talc

This method removes greasy stains. Moisten the stain with gasoline and immediately sprinkle with talcum powder. After a few hours, after the gasoline is completely absorbed into the material, clean the stain with a stiff bristled brush.

Dry methods for removing grease stains

Dry treatment of greasy stains is no less effective than wet treatment. To remove stains, use talcum powder, starch, baby powder or tooth powder. Heat one of these ingredients in a frying pan, then sprinkle it on the greasy stain. Cover the powder with porous paper on top and press the area with something heavy for several hours. After the powder has absorbed the grease, brush the surface to remove any remaining product and raise the lint.

There is another way to clean suede shoes at home. To do this, use table salt or river sand. Follow these steps:

  • make a small bag from natural fabric;
  • pour sand or salt heated in a frying pan into it;
  • Place the bag on the stain and press it down for several hours.

If the stain has not completely disappeared, repeat the procedure using a new bag made of clean cloth.

This video will show you how to remove grease stains from suede products.

Suede clothing is pleasant to the touch. Boots, sheepskin coats, dresses and other wardrobe items are made from this material. However, they are rarely bought, since caring for suede products has many difficulties.

To keep things looking attractive for a long time, you just need to know how to clean them correctly. Caring for suede clothing will seem easy if you familiarize yourself with all the cleaning rules.

Traditional methods

You can get rid of dirt from dark or light suede at home using folk remedies.

Of course, it is better to give preference to cleaning products designed specifically for this material, but some are so expensive and unaffordable for many that you have to look for other ways to remove stains.

Doesn't matter, needs cleaning or natural suede for dust, home methods can be used.


You can clean a suede jacket or sheepskin coat at home using skim milk.

This method is suitable for products made of light-colored material. You should not use this technology on dark fabrics; marks may remain.

It doesn’t hurt to know how to clean suede at home with milk. After all, most homes have this product in the refrigerator.

How to clean suede:

  1. Take a glass of skim milk.
  2. Add 1 tsp to it. soda and mix well. It is better if the milk is warm, then the second suede care product will dissolve better.
  3. Moisten a cloth in the prepared mixture, take a dense material, and clean out all dirt.
  4. Then go over the surface with another piece of cloth soaked in water.

This way we can easily and quickly clean light suede at home using milk, which costs mere pennies in the store.

Cleaned shoes should then be rinsed in plenty of water, and a jacket, sheepskin coat or dress .


Cleaning suede is not an easy task, and it is not always possible to do it yourself. Sometimes you have to entrust things to dry cleaning, and you will spend a lot of money.

But ammonia works similarly to the procedures carried out in dry cleaning. They remove dirt using professional means, and the ammonia solution is no worse, even better, since it contains fewer aggressive substances that can harm the material.

How to wash suede from dirt:

  1. Prepare a solution of soap, water and add a few drops of ammonia in a separate container.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and try cleaning your jacket at home without washing.

The method is suitable for both artificial and natural fabrics. This method can be used to remove dirt from shoes and dresses.

After this, it is not necessary to send the item to the wash. This is an ideal solution - if the clothes were washed yesterday, but a stain appeared on them in the morning and there is no time to run home and change clothes. The sanded surface will not be much different if the white suede was treated shortly after washing.


When greasy stains appear on shoes or things, experienced housewives recommend using starch. This substance is good from natural fabric.

How to clean light suede:

  1. Sprinkle a little starch onto the dirt. Leave to soak. After 10-20 minutes, simply shake off any remaining powder.
  2. Old stains are removed with a mixture of starch and ammonia. They are mixed in such quantities to form a thick paste. It is necessary to apply the mixture to the stain, wait for it to dry, and clean it with a dry brush.

After using starch, white marks may remain on dark products. It's better not to take risks and use other suede cleaning products.

Use this method to remove grease stains from white jacket material. Cleaning a sheepskin coat made of light fabric is also carried out; it is not always possible to wash suede items.

Rubber eraser

For suede, cleaning is necessary when a stain has been placed. If dirt appears upon arrival to work, and there is no starch, milk or ammonia on hand, we wipe off the dirt with a stationery eraser.

This way you can clean , bag, care for shoes and clothes.

If you like to buy things made of such material, it is better to buy a special eraser. For cleaning suede at home, this product is better than the stationery one. Since it is intended specifically for this kind of thing, and has abrasive properties, which allows you to remove any dirt.

How to clean faux suede:

No use required here , dishwashing detergent or water. Just swipe the dirt over the dry surface several times. Make movements in the direction of the pile.

Caring for faux suede is a responsible task. It is better not to wash it again, and this approach is simply ideal for this material.

In addition, a special eraser can be used for white and black, and for colored clothes.

It is also convenient to carry it with you in your purse, and if necessary, it will save you from sudden contamination, and the stunning appearance of the product.

Now, everyone knows how to care for faux suede if the problem occurs outside the home.

Laundry soap

To clean suede at home, use 72% laundry soap. It disinfects, removes grease stains, wine and .

How to wash suede? Follow all the rules and you will probably be able to get your clothes in order.

How to clean suede boots at home, a handbag or jacket:

  1. Grind the laundry soap and pour it into a bowl of water.
  2. Beat it into foam.
  3. Take a sponge and apply foam to the dirty areas. The product can be completely processed.
  4. Shoes and bags should simply be rinsed with clean water. The jacket must be washed in a washing machine or by hand (see below for how to wash faux and natural suede).

Caring for white and black items with this product does not leave stains. Laundry soap is suitable for any products made from this material.


Its appearance depends on how you care for your suede. This material is whimsical and requires a special approach.

White marks may appear on the surface of products, mainly shoes and boots. These are signs of salt deposits.

Suede boots should be cleaned after every trip through puddles and even in dry weather. This material responds negatively to bad weather conditions, and dries out strongly in the sun.

You should also clean your jacket at home after you have been wearing it in the rain.

So, how to clean salt from suede? There is nothing complicated here. To remove white stains, it is enough to know a few tricks in caring for the material.

How to clean salt from suede boots:

  1. Wash your shoes with cool water. To remove dirt at the same time, you can add a little detergent or hair shampoo.
  2. When the shoes are dry, use a special brush. Comb them.
  3. Then treat the products with a water-repellent agent. Leave it alone for several hours, do not wear it outside right away.

After applying water-repellent impregnation, it is better to leave the product to dry overnight.

There are still safe methods for cleaning suede boots from salt. For this purpose, it is recommended to use ammonia.

How to clean suede boots with ammonia? Dilute 1 tbsp. l. ammonia in 5 tbsp. l. water. Soak the brush in the solution and thoroughly scrub the contaminated areas. Wait a while and wash your shoes.

How to wash suede boots?

Pour water into another container and mix it with vinegar. For 1 liter of liquid there is 1 tsp. vinegar. This composition is enough to wash shoes from ammonia, but for boots you will need more product.

Traces of salt on shoes appear due to their saturation with water. To maintain the appearance of the product, you need to know how to care for suede boots in the rainy season.

Firstly, we always wash our products from dirt and rain after coming from the street. Secondly, a few hours before going out, you need to clean your boots and apply a water-repellent spray.

That's the whole secret in caring for your shoes so that white traces of salt do not appear on them.


How to clean a suede bag at home? This question is the most common of all regarding such products. After all, such material is the most difficult to care for. Either the pen will open, then the lipstick will open, or the oil will accidentally spill. Find out how to wash a suede bag and forget about these problems.

First, let's figure out whether a suede bag can be washed? It depends on how bad it is.If the stains are small, it is better to try to remove them manually using suitable methods.If stains are everywhere, there is only one way out - washing.

Can faux suede be washed? Yes, it is allowed. The main thing is to do it carefully and follow all the suggested tips.

How to wash suede if it is a handbag:

  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30–35 degrees into a basin.
  2. Add detergent, preferably liquid. Shake until foamy.
  3. Place the bag in a container and let the dirt sit out. Pre-treat oil stains with starch and wait until it absorbs the fat.
  4. Take a brush and work in the direction of the pile. Clean off any remaining dirt.
  5. Rinse the bag, then set it to dry.

Leave the product on a flat surface and let the water drain on its own.The bag should not be twisted, used with a hair dryer or placed on a radiator to speed up drying.

Now, knowing how to clean suede bags, you will be able to remove dirt promptly and quickly.

Automatic machine

Can suede be washed in a washing machine? A question no less interesting to housewives than processing a bag in a similar way, only manually.

It is important to know how to wash a dress made of faux suede or naturally, so as not to spoil an expensive item.


  1. Check your pockets.
  2. Remove stains with improvised means.
  3. Turn inside out.

As you can see, the preparatory activities are very simple, even a child can figure it out.

Now, learn how to wash suede products in a washing machine. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

How to wash a suede dress:

  1. Place the item in the machine.
  2. Turn on the “delicate” mode.
  3. Set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees. In some cases, you can select the 50 mark (always ).
  4. Turn off the spin and turn on the rinse again. Turn off the dryer too.

That's the whole process of how to wash suede items. It is light, the main thing is to choose the right modes and temperature.

There is nothing complicated in caring for things made of suede. The material is fancy, but how velvety and beautiful it is if the products are cleaned correctly.

Suede looks elegant and very beautiful; it is not surprising that clothes, shoes, and many accessories are made from it. Of course, such material requires constant care, so today we’ll talk about how to clean suede shoes from various contaminants.

Proper care of suede is very important

Many people consider suede products too capricious and easily soiled and refuse to buy them. It should be noted that such fears are in vain, because knowing a few basic rules for wearing and caring for an item can significantly extend its service life and ensure excellent appearance for many years.

Many people consider suede products too capricious and easily soiled, refusing to buy them

Shoes are the item of clothing that is most exposed to the external environment. That is why it is so important to provide high-quality and timely care for her.

Shoes are the item of clothing that is most exposed to the external environment.

One of the most common contaminants is the settling of dust on the surface of the material, which is why the product appears dull and loses its former attractiveness. Since suede is a rather finicky material, not everyone will risk wearing it in wet weather.

One of the most common contaminants is the settling of dust on the surface of the material.

Let's look at several effective ways to clean suede shoes from dust and dirt in order to deal with the problem without much effort:

  • Before any cleaning, you should first wipe your shoes with an ordinary dry cloth. This will help remove excess moisture (if any) and get rid of dirt that has not yet been absorbed into the material.
  • Suede shoes do not tolerate water well, so to prevent damage during cleaning procedures, dry them thoroughly.

Suede shoes do not withstand exposure to water well

  • Traces of dust and dirt are perfectly removed by a special brush with soft bristles. All you need to do is gently brush the surface of the shoes, cleaning the contaminated areas, and they will again acquire a presentable appearance. Please note that you should refrain from increased friction and circular movements - this will only damage the delicate suede. Make movements in one direction, carefully combing out all excess. It is advisable to carry out this procedure after each wear if you want to preserve the beauty of the product for a long time. Thanks to this, dirt will not eat into the material, and you will not have to resort to more radical methods.

Traces of dust and dirt are perfectly removed by a special brush with soft bristles.

  • If you notice shiny areas on the surface, this does not always mean that bald spots have formed on the shoes and the suede has worn off. Sometimes it is enough to “comb” the material so that the fibers lie in the right direction.

Sometimes it is enough to “comb” the material

  • Over time, the color of your favorite shoes may fade, leaving them looking dusty even after thorough cleaning. To prevent this from happening, use special products for suede. They will carefully paint the fibers and also protect the product from the harmful effects of moisture. It is important to use only good products, because low-quality cream or impregnation can damage the capricious material.

Getting rid of stains

We cannot ignore the question of how to clean suede shoes from stains, because food, various liquids and chemicals can often get on them. Please note that before use it is better to test the product on a small area of ​​shoes. This way you will definitely be sure that the method is safe.

For minor stains, you can use a gentle folk remedy - a mixture of starch and ammonia.

For minor stains, you can use a gentle folk remedy. You will need potato starch and a few drops of ammonia. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting paste to the damaged areas and let dry completely. Then shake off the starch and carefully brush over the surface.

Cleaning products for suede shoes

Stubborn oil stains are removed with gasoline. Soak a cotton swab in it, and then, using gentle movements from the edges to the middle, wipe the affected areas with it. After cleaning, you need to treat the stain with a damp sponge and then dry it with a napkin.

Stubborn oil stains are removed using gasoline

Note! Please note that it is not recommended to wet the product! When exposed to moisture, suede loses its shape and becomes rough, so the sponge and cotton pad must be squeezed out well before use.

As for drying, it is forbidden to use heating devices or a hairdryer - the shoes must dry naturally.

Fresh oil stains can be removed with starch or talcum powder. It is enough to sprinkle oil traces with them and leave for 5-6 hours. After time has passed, remove the powder and wipe the shoes with a brush.

You can deal with rough areas using the following mixture. Take half a glass of milk, add 2 teaspoons of soda and a couple of drops of ammonia to it, stir thoroughly. Soak a sponge or cotton pad in the resulting emulsion, apply evenly to the surface of the shoe and leave for several hours. Then all you have to do is wipe the product with a brush and enjoy the excellent result.

You can deal with rough areas using a mixture of soda and ammonia

In winter, the question of how to clean salt from suede shoes becomes relevant, because windshield wipers scatter it everywhere to combat ice. One of the most budget-friendly means is a solution of ammonia. Mix it with water in proportions of 1:5, stir, moisten a foam sponge and clean. The effect can be improved by additional treatment with table vinegar (not to be confused with vinegar essence!). After completing all manipulations, do not forget to blot the surface with a paper towel. You can also use a soapy cleaning solution. Mix 250 ml of water with a tablespoon of liquid soap and add 5 drops of ammonia, shake until foam forms. Using a sponge, apply foam to the contaminated area, and after a few minutes, remove it with a damp cloth. It is also recommended to complete this procedure by applying a vinegar solution.

One of the most budget-friendly remedies for salt on shoes is a solution of ammonia.

Steam cleaning

Many stains can be removed by steaming shoes. Professionals use special steam-generating devices, but they are quite expensive, so not every housewife can afford such a device. How to clean suede shoes with steam at home? It turns out that this is not only possible, but also very simple. First, clean your shoes from dust and minor dirt using one of the above methods and dry them thoroughly. Fill a saucepan or any other container with water and bring to a boil. As soon as a sufficient stream of steam is formed, hold the product over it. Move and turn it over so that the surface is completely treated. You will soon notice how your shoes begin to look cleaner and their rich color has returned. As an alternative, some housewives use steam from a regular iron.

Important! The main thing is to carry out steam cleaning at a sufficient distance from the suede surface so as not to damage it due to exposure to high temperature.

At the end of all manipulations, do not forget to smooth the pile with a brush and let the shoes dry.

White suede care

Important! You need to pay special attention to snow-white products, since not all products are suitable for caring for them.

A solution of baking soda and milk will help get rid of dirt on white suede.

We suggest considering the best methods. How to clean light suede shoes quickly and effectively:

  1. Glycerin perfectly removes salt stains. It is enough to lightly wipe the product with it, and then smooth the pile with a brush.
  2. A solution of soda and milk will help get rid of dirt. Pour a tablespoon of soda into a glass of milk and stir. Thoroughly treat the suede with the solution, but do not let it get too wet. As soon as the product dries, remove the remaining soda using a napkin or a special brush.
  3. Diluted vinegar essence will cope well with traces of dust and stains. A teaspoon per glass of water will be enough to ensure that stains don’t stand a chance.
  4. It's hard to believe, but ordinary toothpaste does a good job of whitening stained areas. It is enough to apply it to the problem area, and then wipe off the dried residue with a soft sponge.
  5. A mixture of ammonia, water and hydrogen peroxide is intended to return the product to its snow-white color. Take one teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia per glass of water, and then carefully treat the desired area of ​​the surface.
  6. Dry cleaning is done using baby talc or potato starch. Apply them to your shoes and then thoroughly comb the pile with a brush.
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