Strengthening gelatin hair mask. Recipe for a gelatin mask for home hair lamination. Mask with gelatin for damaged hair

For quality hair care, you can use your usual products. They can be found in every housewife's kitchen. One of them is gelatin.

There are many effective recipes for healing and restoring curls with this component. A gelatin mask is a simple and effective way to restore beauty and health to them.

We'll tell you how to make gelatin masks for hair of any type, how to dilute gelatin to a jelly state, how long to leave on your hair, and how to rinse it off correctly.

Useful properties

Masks with gelatin are suitable for all hair types.

The product itself is a source of a number of valuable components: calcium, phosphorus, proteins, vitamins B and E, iron, glycine, proline.

In combination, they have a multifaceted beneficial effect on the strands.

Recipes for gelatin masks help restore shine, strength, volume to your hair, and fight hair damage. They will be especially useful for weak and thin strands.

Benefits of gelatin masks:

  • eliminate fragility;
  • help cope with the consequences of improper coloring;
  • give strands obedience, make them easier to style and comb;
  • makes curls soft;
  • For dry hair types, masks with gelatin moisturize them; for oily hair types, they dry them out. This can be achieved by adding additional components to the formulations.

Using the products helps achieve a lasting healing effect. The use of gelatin for home lamination is popular.

In salons, plant resins are used for this procedure. Gelatin compositions are similar in effect.

They envelop each hair, creating a kind of protective film on it that lasts quite a long time.

How to make at home: gelatin-based recipes

There are many recipes for gelatin-based masks. Let's look at the most effective ones.

With egg

Helps strengthen and restore strands.

15 g of gelatin should be diluted in water, stirred, add egg yolk, stir again.

Heat slightly in a water bath, then let cool to room temperature.

Apply to the entire length, rinse after half an hour. Repeat once a week is enough.

With yeast

The combination of gelatin, yeast and oils helps saturate the curls with a complex of useful substances.

Gelatin is diluted with water. In another container, combine a tablespoon of yeast and three tablespoons of medium liquid kefir and let them react.

Combine the ingredients, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and the conditioner you usually use. It is also enough to repeat once every 7 days.

With oils

The combination of the main component with both herbal ones will enhance its effect.

You can add ethers, suitable for hair type. Keep for about 45 minutes. You can repeat it 1-2 times a week.

With kefir

In combination with kefir, the nutritional value of the main substance increases many times.

You can add cocoa, which will make the curls shiny and bright (recommended for brunettes).

Pour 20 g of cocoa powder into 100 ml of water, let the liquid cool, add 20 g of the main product.

Let it swell and heat in a water bath, then add 25 ml of kefir.

After the mixture has cooled, distribute it through the strands. You need to keep it for an hour. You can repeat it once a week.

With mustard

An excellent remedy for accelerating growth. After preparing the gelatin mass in water, add 10 g of dry mustard to it.

Stir and apply evenly to length using a comb. Rub some of the mixture into the roots.

With honey

Great recipe for hydration. You need to dilute 12 g of gelatin in warm water, then add 9 g of honey. Heat the mixture slightly to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Allow the composition to cool slightly, then spread over the entire length and insulate. Leave for half an hour. You can make a mask 1-2 times every 7 days.

With henna

Dissolve a teaspoon of the main component in a quarter cup of water.

Let it swell, then add a teaspoon of colorless henna.

You can add an egg yolk and a pinch of mustard.

Mix everything and distribute along the length. Keep it for half an hour. The frequency of repetition is similar.

With shampoo

You can make an excellent gelatin shampoo. Mix a teaspoon of gelatin with a tablespoon of shampoo (you can take the one you are used to using, but it is better for children).

The resulting product is applied to pre-combed strands and rubbed into the roots.

After ten minutes, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair with plenty of water and rinse with conditioner.

With balm

There is a recipe with balm, for which you need to combine 10 g of gelatin, 60 ml of water, 20 g of balm, 10 g of honey and one egg.

All components must dissolve well, then you need to apply them and leave for an hour. These masks can be used every time you wash your hair.

For growth

If the goal is to accelerate the growth of strands, you can pay attention to the following recipes:

    Add pre-mixed 10 g of mustard and colorless henna and one egg to the swollen gelatin.

    Apply the composition to the roots and insulate your head. Leave for 20 minutes.

    The composition with bread and lemon also stimulates hair growth. Soak regular black bread (about 100 g) in half a glass of milk, add a tablespoon of dissolved gelatin mixture and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

    You need to keep the composition for 40 minutes. These products can be used once a week.

With incredible lamination effect

Gelatin can be used for. To carry out this procedure, you need to take a package of this product, water, balm or hair mask.

For short hair, 3 tablespoons of gelatin are poured with three tablespoons of water. The longer the strands, the more ingredients you need to take, but the proportions remain the same.

Pour in the product, stir and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes.

At this time, wash your hair as usual. Do not use balm or conditioner; pat strands dry with a towel.

The swollen gelatin must be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven, but do not let it boil, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

Add half a tablespoon of mask or balm (if the length is longer, the amount also increases).

The composition is applied from above with a distance of 1 cm from the roots.

You need to distribute it evenly, using a comb. Carefully process the ends.

Then insulate your head and leave the mixture for an hour. During this time, you can warm it up a couple of times with a hairdryer.

After this time, go to the bathroom and rinse off the composition with warm water.

It is advisable to dry naturally. The optimal frequency of the procedure is no more than once a week.

Hair lamination with gelatin and milk, video recipe:

How to dilute, how long to keep, how to wash off

  • The product should only be dissolved in warm boiled water.
  • When heating the mixture in a water bath, do not let it boil, otherwise the beneficial components will be destroyed. If the composition boils, it is better to prepare a new one.
  • When dissolving the product, do not allow clumps, otherwise you will have a hard time combing them out after application.

  • For oily hair, in addition to the main substance, you can add egg white to the composition of masks with gelatin; for dry hair, you can add yolk and fatty dairy products.
  • Apply masks to clean hair.
  • The mixture must be prepared immediately before use.
  • It is necessary to use a chilled composition, otherwise it will be very difficult to apply.
  • It is recommended to apply the composition to the entire length, except for the roots, treating the ends well.
  • If you plan to keep the mask on for more than an hour, insulate your head.
  • It is not recommended to leave gelatin mask formulations on overnight, as hardened gelatin can make hair more fragile.
  • You need to keep the mixture for 15-60 minutes, depending on the effect you want to achieve.
  • Remove compounds with warm water.
  • It is recommended to dry your hair naturally and not with a hairdryer.
  • You can repeat the procedure no more than once a week.

Possible contraindications

Gelatin masks do not cause any harm, but there is a number of contraindications and precautions things to consider:

    Individual intolerance to any of the components is possible. This may manifest itself as a rash, itching, redness, and burning.

  • Do not apply products to the scalp - this promotes the formation of a crust, can clog pores, and cause itching and burning.
  • The compositions should not be used on open wounds or other injuries, as this may contaminate the wound and cause suppuration.
  • Pure gelatin cannot be used if the hair is dry. This can dry them out even more. In this case, it is worth adding some kind of moisturizing component, for example, balm.
  • It is not recommended to use masks for coarse hair and curls, as their rigidity may increase further.
  • Don't use products too often as this can put too much stress on your hair and weaken it. Experts advise doing this no more than once a week.

Gelatin masks are a good way to improve the condition of your strands. A variety of recipes helps you choose a recipe for your hair type and solve any problem.

The main advantage of gelatin is its composition, which is based on the substance collagen, which gives hair elasticity and health. The use of such a mask can solve many scalp problems - it will restore brittle hair, enhance its growth, add volume to the hairstyle and become an excellent alternative to salon lamination.

By supplementing the composition of the mask with other components, you can enhance the properties of gelatin and simultaneously provide the mixture with other positive qualities. But before making a choice towards one or another ingredient, you need to determine your hair type and the cause of the problems, if any. Various compositions of these useful masks are also successfully used to prevent all kinds of ailments associated with a lack of keratin in the hair.


In general, a gelatin hair mask at home is quite safe, but its contraindications should be taken into account:

  • If there is an individual intolerance to the main component, then the mask should not be used. In case of allergies to related ingredients, they must be replaced with others;
  • It is not recommended to apply such a mask to the skin - it fits tightly and blocks the access of oxygen, which can cause itching and clogged pores;
  • the use of homemade masks with gelatin is allowed if there is no damage to the skin;
  • If you have curly hair, it is not advisable to use a homemade gelatin mask, as it will make the hair stiff;
  • You should not use this product too often, it is quite hard on your hair.

Making gelatin at home

The component requires preliminary preparation, but this is easy to do:

  1. Pour 1 package of gelatin into a glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. Pour it with a small amount of warm boiled water (3-4 spoons).
  3. Cover and leave for half an hour.
  4. If there are any unmixed collagen lumps left in the resulting mixture, you need to get rid of them.
  5. A little shampoo or conditioner is added to the resulting solution, and then used in the final composition of the masks.

How to apply gelatin masks

In addition to avoiding applying a homemade mask to the skin and hair roots, there are other rules that must be followed:

  1. Before using the collagen composition, you need to wash your hair and wet it a little.
  2. Apply any homemade mask and cover your head with film or a plastic bag, leaving it alone for 10 minutes.
  3. Then, without removing the bag, apply warm air to your head using a hairdryer.
  4. Wait half an hour.
  5. Remove the mask with water without using shampoo.
  6. Masks must be applied at least once every 7 days.

Mask recipes

Recipe for dry and damaged hair

To give your hair a healthy look, you need to add a spoonful of honey, brought to a liquid state, to the gelatin. It would be useful to supplement the list of components of such a mask with a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort. Since the herb St. John's wort has a slight coloring effect, it is better to use chamomile for light hair.

Mask for oily hair

Add fresh lemon juice (from half the fruit) to the gelatin solution. Lemon has a lightening property, so the mixture will not only get rid of the greasy effect, but will also give a bright color to light hair.

Mask for normal hair

Prepare the gelatin solution in accordance with the rules, mix the raw yolk into it.

Nourishing mask at home

Honey in combination with gelatin (take in equal quantities) will fill your hair with vitamins. To add shine, you can add raw yolk, and burdock oil will give a healthy look - add it in the amount of 1 spoon.

Lamination mask at home

To give the lamination effect, gelatin is diluted with water in accordance with the rules. The result will be achieved in any case - when using the classic recipe, or from using masks with other components, because collagen is an excellent natural component that imitates keratin straightening.

Gelatin mask for hair growth

Many recipes for gelatin hair masks, among other properties, provide hair growth, but the use of mustard makes the composition especially effective. For the usual amount of gelatin solution, use a spoonful of mustard powder; it must be dissolved in the gelatin liquid. Do the same with colorless henna (you need half as much). Finally add 2 raw yolks. The mixture must be heated before application.

Recipe with balm and gelatin

You can add hair balm to the mixture with any composition, it will not cause harm. In addition, when diluting gelatin with water, the balm can be mixed in equal proportions with shampoo (or replace it altogether) and combined with gelatin.

To add shine

It is difficult to find a better product than honey for adding shine to hair. A glass of milk will help enhance this property. Bee honey and gelatin are dissolved in it and then applied to the head.

Mask with essential oil and gelatin

Essential oils are selected for composition depending on their properties and the desired result. Lavender oil will help get rid of dandruff, sage essential oil will soothe itching, and pine essential oil will help prevent hair loss. Gelatin dissolved in water is combined with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. 6 drops of the selected essential oil are added to the resulting mixture. All oils are strong allergens, so you first need to do a test by dropping a couple of drops of oil on the crook of your elbow. If after 15 minutes there are no reactions, you can safely add oil to your homemade mask.

With castor oil and gelatin

This oil wonderfully strengthens hair and promotes its growth. Add 1 tsp of salt to the gelatin mixture (only sea salt has medicinal properties), the same proportions are observed when adding oils - castor oil and burdock. To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil (choice: jasmine, ylang-ylang, lavender, geranium or rosemary).

With burdock oil and gelatin

Half a spoon of burdock oil will enrich the gelatin solution with a large amount of vitamins and help cope with fragility and dullness.

With herbs and gelatin

Herbal infusions also have a positive effect on hair. They soothe, relieve itching and make them obedient. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers, nettles and mint and let the infusion cool. Then add to the gelatin composition.

Mask with apple juice and gelatin

This fruit adds shine to your hair. Gelatin should be diluted in juice, not water, maintaining the proportions.

Homemade mask for the night

If severe hair problems occur, in some cases the gelatin mask can be left on all night. You should not supplement it with other substances; just mix it with conditioner balm. Be sure to wash it off in the morning.

Video of making masks at home

In the video you can clearly see how to dilute gelatin in water and make sure that the effect of such a mask prepared at home is amazing.

Photos before and after using gelatin masks

The result after using a homemade mask with gelatin is comparable to the effect of the best shampoos and conditioners. After several procedures, the hairstyle becomes more graceful and voluminous. It can be seen that the hair has become much better looking and endowed with health.

Gelatin is a wonderful substance that allows you to care for hair along its entire length, bringing benefits to it. Thanks to it, you can save a lot of effort, time and money on expensive keratin straightening procedures. All the components of homemade mixtures are quite accessible, and preparing them is not difficult.

Every woman’s dream is voluminous hair with shine. But each of them is stopped by the fabulous price of various procedures in beauty salons and good drugs for treating and restoring the natural beauty of hair. But in any home there are products that can strengthen hair and make it healthier just like store-bought ones. One such product is gelatin. All housewives use it in the kitchen. It is inexpensive, so a gelatin hair mask is available to absolutely everyone.

What are the benefits of a gelatin mask?

If you use masks based on the product for preparing jelly-like dishes, your hair will seem to become covered with a film. It makes them shiny and protects them from the influence of negative environmental factors. In addition, it retains moisture, thereby moisturizing the hair. This gives the hair a lot of volume. The mask also treats split ends.

Using gelatin masks you can get rid of the following problems:

  1. Hair stiffness and cross-section.
  2. Loss.
  3. Dry ends.
  4. Unruly hair.
  5. Damaged roots.
  6. Thin and weak hair.

The benefits of such a product as gelatin for hair are obvious, but no harm is observed from it. After all, this substance is very similar to human connective tissue.

How a mask with gelatin works

The gelatin contained in the mask has a lot of collagen, which lacks water. Cosmetology uses it as a protective substance in the form of a film that allows air to pass through and creates a smoothing effect. This is what makes hair shiny, manageable and voluminous. At its core, a mask with gelatin is the same lamination.
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Standard mask recipe

The simplest gelatin mask contains gelatin, water and shampoo, which helps wash the mixture out of your hair.

Simple mask ingredients:

  • 1 part gelatin;
  • 3 parts water;
  • 1 part balm or shampoo.

To make it more convenient to correctly measure all the ingredients, you can use a simple tablespoon. That is, 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, 3 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. shampoo. Only you can determine exactly how many spoons you need, taking into account the length and thickness of your hair. The mask must be applied not only to the roots, but to the entire length of the hair. It should be kept for half an hour to an hour.

To prevent gelatin from turning into lumps under the influence of water, you need to fill it with cold water, and after 15 minutes heat the mass in a water bath. Immediately after this, you can pour in the shampoo.

The most commonly used masks with gelatin

The basis of any mask is gelatin and water. You can add other ingredients at your own discretion. Instead of plain water, you can use milk or a decoction of any herb. For hair with damaged structure, a base such as kefir is perfect. If you add honey to the gelatin mixture, you get a nutritional effect, and lemon juice adds shine.

  1. Nourishing mask: 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, 3 tbsp. l. water, 1 yolk.
  2. Hair growth mask: Take the main components in normal proportions. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. henna, which will strengthen the hair. You need to keep the mask on your head for about 40 minutes.
  3. Fruit mask: Instead of water, fruit juice is added to the mask. For those with fair hair – lemon, for dark hair – carrot. Apple juice can be used by women with any hair color.
  4. With mustard: 2 tsp. gelatin; 4 tbsp. l. water; 2 tsp. henna; 2 yolks. This mask is used only when warm. Keep for about an hour. If you feel itching or discomfort, the mask should be washed off immediately.
  5. For oily hair: 1 yolk, 4 spoons of vinegar, 1 spoon of gelatin, 1 spoon of shampoo.

Making a mask with gelatin at home

To properly prepare a gelatin mask yourself at home, you should know several important rules:

  • Gelatin must be of high quality. An instant product will not work. It must be white, pressed into a plate.
  • Gelatin must initially be dissolved in cold water, and then heated in a steam bath, stirring constantly.
  • The mixture must be cooled before use.

You need to apply the mask this way:

  • lean over the bathtub;
  • rub the mixture into the scalp with your fingers in a circular motion;
  • the mass must be carefully distributed over all hair, using a comb with sparse teeth;
  • You need to prepare a towel to remove excess product.

Remember that the gelatin mask must be applied to clean hair. Particular attention should be paid to the ends.

Beautiful curls consist of: shine, thickness, splendor, health. If your hair is very dry, lifeless, dull, constantly shiny and covered with dandruff, this means that something needs to be done with it. As a rule, these problems are accompanied by hair loss and split ends. The best way out is to provide the strands with useful elements. This solution would be a mask made on the basis of gelatin. With its help you can get rid of half of these problems. More often, the effect occurs after the first applications. The curls become softer, more manageable, begin to shine like a mirror and stop splitting.

This is explained by the presence of collagen in gelatin. Its molecules have the ability to penetrate deep into the hair and restore it. Collagen glues damaged parts of the hair together. This is how the fight against split ends occurs.
Healthy strands do not split and shine.

Many women strive for shiny hair. They try to choose the right shampoo and conditioner and try to lubricate their strands with oils. It has an effect. However, using gelatin will significantly speed up the process of adding shine to your hair.

A gelatin mask covers the curls with a film, resulting in a lamination effect. This feature of collagen allows you to protect your hair from the influence of the external environment, for example, curling irons or flat irons. The ability of this film to retain moisture in the hair itself helps prevent dryness and lifeless appearance of the strands.

Volume is one of the most important features of beautiful hair. Thanks to the volume, even sparse strands look rich. Women try to achieve this effect using a wide variety of methods, foams and mousses. They can significantly weigh down the strands and dry them out, which will contribute to their rapid loss. Thanks to gelatin masks, the hair thickens and creates an overall voluminous effect.

Such advantages of applying a gelatin mask to curls have attracted a wide circle of admirers of such a procedure. The simplicity and unpretentiousness of this hair care helped women cope with their problems. However, you should understand that the right approach and regularity can help. It is important to know how to apply and make such masks correctly.

Features of applying a mask at home

For excellent and quick results, it is important to use this mask correctly. There are several rules for carrying the mixture:

  • Gelatin must be properly dissolved so that no lumps form. First you need to dissolve it in cold water, i.e. leave it for half an hour. Then warm it up a little in a water bath. You can't boil it.
  • If you wish, you can add a little balm or hair conditioner to the resulting mixture.

  • Strands should be thoroughly washed and dried before applying the mask.
  • There is no need to rub the composition into the hair roots. It is carefully distributed along the length of the strands, starting from 2 cm from the roots.
  • For the best effect, the mixture is applied to the curls, covered with a film or bag. It is important to insulate this structure with a towel. You can warm up your covered hair with a hot stream of air from a hairdryer.
  • To wash off the mask, you need non-hot water. If difficulties arise, stylists allow you to use shampoo. It should not be aggressive so as not to wash away the effect from the hair.
  • The recommended frequency of the procedure is no more than twice a month. It should be done in the spring and autumn months. To prolong the effect, you can apply no more than eight procedures during one season.

Ease and simplicity of use contributes to frequent health procedures at home. The differences from salon care will not be noticeable.

Preparation of the basic composition of the mask and shampoo with gelatin

To manufacture the composition, you should use high-quality raw materials. If the gelatin is of low quality, it can harm the strands. Be sure to take into account the expiration date and manufacturer. As a rule, the use of instant powdered gelatin as the main component for a mask is not suitable.

Advice! When choosing a product, pay attention to white gelatin. It contains that very beneficial collagen. The product must be in plates. No need to pay attention to the price tag, beauty comes first.

Indeed, such gelatin is much more expensive. However, its quality is many times higher than that of powder. Therefore, its effect will be stronger.

The crushed plates in the amount of one tablespoon are mixed in water (4 tablespoons). It is better to boil the water first. After pre-soaking for half an hour, it is heated in a water bath for several minutes. The gelatin should swell. It is important not to bring the mixture to a boil, otherwise its properties will disappear. After complete dissolution of this composition, it is cooled to room temperature. The basic composition is ready. As a rule, oils and herbs necessary for specific hair, for example, dry or slow-growing hair, are mixed into it. You need to add vitamins E and A and 3 drops of essential oils. It is recommended to mix balm (3 tbsp) or hair conditioner into the composition.

It is not necessary to rub the composition into the skin. It is important to apply this product to the entire length of the strand. However, the roots should not be weighed down. To distribute the composition, especially for those with long strands, you can use a comb with infrequent teeth. You can remove excess amount of product with a towel.

Advice! Hair must be washed thoroughly before use; excess oil will interfere with the penetration of collagen into the hair. In addition, when applying the mask, it is important to rub it into the tip of the hair.

The basic foundation can be used either individually or in combination with other components important for the health of a woman’s curls. Most often used:

  • mustard;
  • egg yolk;
  • lemon juice;
  • burdock, almond, rosemary and other oils;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • milk;
  • mineral water and other ingredients.

Women often prepare shampoo for washing their hair with gelatin. It can be done using water or a decoction of the above herbs. Store the product for no more than seven days in the cold in a tightly sealed container. To make gelatin shampoo, take a decoction or water in the amount of a third of a glass. Three tablespoons of gelatin and 50 ml of any shampoo are dissolved in it according to a well-known method. It is better to use a quality product to keep your strands safe. The resulting product is applied to the hair for ten minutes. After this, they are thoroughly washed.

Recipes for effective masks

There are many options for masks. They have one base. Other ingredients may vary in their properties and preferences.

  • A product with the addition of yolk is suitable for different hair types. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. gelatin, dissolve it according to the indicated scheme in 3 tbsp. l. water. Drive 1 raw yolk and 3 tbsp into the resulting mixture. l. balm. The last component must also be of excellent quality. This composition should be applied for thirty to forty minutes.
  • A mask with gelatin, mustard and Iranian or Indian henna powder helps increase hair growth. To prepare it, you should take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and three to four tbsp. l. boiled warm water. Add the yolk and 3 tablespoons of hair balm to the swollen, uncooled gelatin. Experts advise beating the yolk before stirring. After the composition is completely dissolved, you can mix in a teaspoon of mustard and the same amount of henna. For fair-haired girls, colorless henna will be useful, but brunettes can use natural henna to give a red tint to their strands. This mask also stays on the hair for thirty to forty minutes.

  • Honey gelatin-herbal mask is used to nourish curls. Various essential oils (6 drops) mixed with base oils (1 tbsp) are added to the composition of such a mask, depending on the desired effect or a specific problem. The basis of such a mask is two tablespoons of gelatin powder and the same amount of crushed grass. An infusion is made from this herb based on one glass of boiling water. The herb is infused for half an hour. Then the resulting infusion should be filtered and cooled. After this, gelatin is infused in it. Hair balm and honey are added to the resulting composition in the amount of 50 ml and 1 tablespoon, respectively. The oils are mixed together separately from the gelatin mixture, and then stirred into it. To improve the healing effect, you can combine the composition with aloe juice.

Advice! Before squeezing juice from aloe leaves, they can be kept in the cold for about a week. It is better to use a plant that is more than three years old.

After preparation, the mixture is applied to the strands according to the previously described principle for at least half an hour.

The base oils used for this mask vary in their properties:

  • to strengthen the structure of weakened hair and protect it from loss, use cedar or hazelnut, walnut, and burdock oils;
  • to accelerate the growth of curls, castor oil or wheat and pumpkin oils are used;
  • to eliminate dandruff, you need to use poppy seed, castor or cedar oil;
  • to reduce oily hair, it is important to use sesame oil or jojoba and avocado extract;
  • To add a healthy glow, you can use coconut, almond, soy, avocado and wheat oils.

The following are used as essential oils:

  • lavender and lemon for normal hair;
  • eucalyptus, pine, sage and ginger for oily hair;
  • chamomile and ylang-ylang for dry hair;
  • tea tree and rosemary to eliminate dandruff.

Beautiful, well-groomed hair is not only a gift from nature, but also the result of hard work.

Homemade gelatin hair mask has long been one of the most widely known hair care methods, and there are many reasons for this.

What are the benefits of a gelatin mask?

Firstly, gelatin is a great budget option.

Secondly, such masks give, without exaggeration, a stunning effect. Hair begins to shine, becomes more voluminous and noticeably healthier. In addition, gelatin protects hair from external negative influences. It is almost impossible to find negative reviews from those who have used this mask at least once.

And finally, the main thing: gelatin has no contraindications for use, and the recipe can be selected in such a way as to get rid of those hair problems that are plaguing you.

Here is a visual photo TO And AFTER uses of gelatin hair mask:

Gelatin is the base for many effective masks that can be prepared at home. Today we will talk about the best recipes based on it.

How to make a gelatin mask

Preparatory stage

  1. The mask is applied only to clean, damp hair. It would be a good idea to use a deep cleaning shampoo before this procedure: such products will simplify the passage of beneficial nutrients into the hair structure. But it is better to avoid using air conditioning.
  2. The hair is not dried after washing and before application - neither naturally, nor, especially, with a hairdryer.
  3. Mask/balm/shampoo plays a significant role in recipes. You need to use the product that works best on your hair. If you make the wrong choice, there is a risk that all your efforts will be ruined.
  4. It is not recommended to make gelatin masks before bed: kinks may form on the hair, which will not disappear until the gelatin is washed out of the hair.

How to dilute gelatin for a mask

  1. When preparing the gelatin base, it is important to avoid the appearance of lumps in the mixture. They will be extremely difficult to wash off or comb out. If lumps still form, you will have to repeat the cooking process again.
  2. Almost always, gelatin is diluted with water like this: for one spoon of powder there are three spoons of water. If this volume is not enough for your hair, you can increase the amount of the mixture. The main thing is to adhere to the proportion 1:3.
  3. All recipes involve heating the gelatin in a water bath until the granules are completely dissolved. However, you can melt it in the microwave. In some cases, certain components are added to gelatin (for example, solid honey or too thick cosmetic oil), but more often it simmers over low heat all alone :)

Applying a gelatin mask

  1. It is most convenient to apply the mask with a brush, which is usually used to dye your hair.
  2. It is not recommended to get close to the hair roots - it can dry out the skin, cause irritation and dandruff. Therefore, it is better to step back ~5 cm from the roots and distribute the mask evenly throughout the hair, thoroughly lubricating the ends.
  3. Whatever mask recipe you choose, after application, cover your head with cling film or a shower cap, and wrap it tightly with a warm towel on top. Sometimes the hair is heated with a hair dryer for about ten to fifteen minutes, but some of the masks do not require additional heat treatment.

How long to keep

The gelatin mask should be held for at least 45 minutes, ideally 1-1.5 hours so that the gelatin has time to act and the effect is maximum.

How to rinse off correctly

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use hot water for rinsing. Ideally, this should be cool boiled water.
  2. After rinsing, hair is dried only naturally.

So, having dealt with the key issues, we can safely move on to studying a wide variety of mask recipes.

Classic hair mask with gelatin

The simplest mask helps to increase hair volume, adds elasticity, silkiness to hair and greatly simplifies the styling process.

Cooking method: Gelatin is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3. After swelling, heat well in a water bath, stirring constantly, then leave to cool to room temperature. After this, add a mask/balm/conditioner.

Exposure time: 15 min. warm up with a hairdryer, 45 min. keep on hair.

Wash: lukewarm water.

What can replace water in a mask?

The classic recipe can be easily improved by replacing the water with another healthy liquid. For example, you can get a restorative hair mask if gelatin is diluted with fat in the same proportion milk. Milk helps restore weakened, damaged hair. When choosing milk for a mask, you should pay attention to the product that has a minimum shelf life.

Fruit juices also go well with gelatin:

  • carrot contains large quantities of vitamins A and E, and is perfect for red-haired girls who want to brighten their color;
  • apple juice– a good addition to a mask for brunettes. The vitamins contained in apples prevent split ends and significantly stimulate hair growth;
  • lemon, of course, suitable for blondes. Half a lemon will be enough to refresh the color. In addition, this citrus fruit will help fight oiliness.

Needless to say, juices for the mask should not be packaged, but freshly squeezed.

Masks for volume

Gelatin masks themselves have a positive effect on hair volume, but you can experiment to achieve stunning results.

Hair mask with gelatin and glycerin

Cooking method: The main difference from the classic mask is the proportions. Gelatin (2 tablespoons) is diluted with half a glass of water. Then follow the usual manipulations: swelling, heating, cooling. Then add a tablespoon of glycerin and hair balm.
Exposure time: 45 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Gelatin-based mask with mustard and egg

This version of the mask gives silkiness and also has a positive effect on the growth of hair follicles and hair thickness.

Cooking method: Gelatin is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and immediately after swelling, 0.5 teaspoon of mustard and egg yolk are added to it (if your hair is oily, you can add the whole egg). The mixture is sent to simmer in a water bath and in this case thorough stirring is doubly important: the yolk may curdle.
Exposure time: 50 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Masks with vitamins for hair

Typically, vitamins for masks are purchased at pharmacies - in the form of oily liquids or in ampoules. It is best to make masks with gelatin and vitamins during the cold winter months, when your hair needs especially careful care.

Vitamins A and E normalize fat balance, strengthen hair from the inside and enrich it with oxygen. Vitamin B6 moisturizes hair and helps fight breakage. B12 is a real godsend for severely damaged hair, but it should only be used alone, not combined with other vitamins, since it neutralizes their effect, and such a mask will be of little use.

Hair shine mask

Cooking method: Mix gelatin with water in standard proportions and heat. Add half an ampoule (or twenty drops) of vitamins A and E, an yolk and a tablespoon of hair balm.
Exposure time: 45 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Gelatin mask for hair growth

Cooking method: Dilute a teaspoon of gelatin with two tablespoons of burdock oil and melt. Add twenty to twenty-five drops of vitamin B12 and a tablespoon of pepper tincture.
Exposure time: varies from 20 to 40 minutes. Focus on your own feelings: when you feel that your head is slightly burning, it’s time to take a shower.
Wash: cool boiled water.

Gelatin masks for split ends

Mask with honey and chamomile

Cooking method: A tablespoon of gelatin is poured into 100 ml of chamomile decoction, heated and a teaspoon of liquid honey is added. Please note: if the honey is solid, then it must be diluted in a water bath when the gelatin dissolves.
Exposure time: 40 min.
Wash: lukewarm water or the same chamomile solution. It will be especially useful for fair-haired women to use this method of rinsing.

Mask with henna and gelatin to combat split ends

Cooking method: It is better to use colorless henna for this mask. Blondes should strictly adhere to this rule: instead of the desired result, you can get trouble in the form of greenish hair color. A tablespoon of gelatin is diluted with 100 ml of water, heated, henna and egg yolk are added.
Exposure time: 25-30 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Moisturizing masks

These recipes are ideal for those women who suffer from. The masks described below will moisturize and nourish damaged hair, and also get rid of dullness.

Hair mask with gelatin, lemon and egg

The yolk makes hair elastic and also gives it a healthy appearance.

Cooking method: In standard proportions, gelatin is dissolved in lemon juice. After it swells, the yolk is added (to avoid an unpleasant odor, it is advisable to remove the film from the yolk), and the mass is sent to simmer in a water bath. Then, when the mass has cooled, one and a half to two tablespoons of balm are mixed into it.
Exposure time: 1.5 hours.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Apple cider vinegar mask

First of all, it is worth remembering: it is strictly forbidden to replace apple cider vinegar with white one - it can cause serious damage to your hair. It is apple cider vinegar that perfectly saturates hair with moisture and leaves it fresh for a longer period.

Cooking method: Add 1 tsp to a classic gelatin mask. vinegar and 0.5 teaspoon of essential oil of your choice.
Exposure time: 40 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Hair straightening masks

Mask with gelatin and hops

This mask will not only help straighten the most stubborn curls, but in addition, the use of the mask will have a positive effect on the hair structure. Any girl will love this recipe.

Cooking method: A tablespoon of gelatin is mixed in standard proportions with water, and then 200 ml of hop infusion and a little honey are added.
Exposure time: 2 hours.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Straightening mask with gelatin based on shampoo

By and large, the difference between shampoo and conditioner in a mask is only that the base with shampoo can be used as a standard means for washing your hair, but only a couple of times a week. And you should also apply the shampoo mask to damp hair.

The shampoo should be the most common one, without additional effects or containing harmful components such as silicone.

Cooking method: Two tablespoons of gelatin are poured into half a glass of water, heated and two tablespoons of shampoo are added.
Exposure time: 40 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Masks for oily hair

A hair mask with gelatin and linseed oil maintains fat balance, improves skin condition and prevents split ends. In addition, this oil is absorbed very quickly and does not leave behind an unpleasant “oily” feeling.

Cooking method: Add 0.5 teaspoon of flaxseed oil to the swollen gelatin (base composition) and heat over low heat, stirring constantly.
Exposure time: 20 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Hair mask with gelatin and sweet almond oil

Almond oil is a great helper for those who want to get rid of oily shine. It nourishes well and gives hair elasticity and elasticity.

Cooking method: 0.5 teaspoon of oil is mixed with a teaspoon of gelatin and heated for about seven minutes, stirring quickly, then cooled.
Exposure time: 45-50 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

It must be said that almond oil is also suitable for hair prone to dryness: you just have to double its amount and make a mask according to the same principle.

Mask with gelatin and grape seed oil

Grape seed oil is rich in unique microelements, nourishes hair and gives it a beautiful shade.

Cooking method: Gelatin is diluted with water in a standard ratio of 1:3. Then add two tablespoons of oil, mix and heat in a water bath. When applying, it is recommended to properly lubricate the ends.
Exposure time: 1.5-2 hours.
Wash: lukewarm water.

Green tea hair mask

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has an antibacterial effect. Tea is an indispensable aid in the fight against dandruff, oily hair and scalp irritation. Plus, your hair will retain a very pleasant aroma for a long time.

Cooking method: Gelatin is poured into tea in a ratio of 1:5 and, after swelling, the following components are added: a spoonful of honey and 5-7 drops of cosmetic oil. Then heat for a few minutes.
Exposure time: 40 min.
Wash: lukewarm water.

By the way, you can also rinse your hair with green tea. The most ordinary tea leaves will give your hair a spectacular soft shade.

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