Scheme of attaching a baby to the breast. Correct placement of the baby to the breast. How to understand that the baby has latched onto the breast correctly

Establishing good lactation and proper latching technique plays an important role in further breastfeeding the baby. The baby is growing active, healthy, and developing well. How to properly feed a newborn with breast milk? It is worth finding out in advance how to start breastfeeding, what rules should be followed to avoid chest congestion, and whether the baby should be bottle-fed with an adapted milk formula in the first days. It will take about two months for the baby to learn to suck properly, so the mother must control the process all this time.

Even in the maternity hospital, many midwives pay attention to how to attach the baby when feeding:

  • tell different ways of feeding in comfortable body positions for mother and baby;
  • pay attention to ensuring that during feeding the baby does not “swallow” air, and why it can get into the mouth;
  • how to give breastfeeding, how to hold a baby;
  • why does a baby start spitting up milk after feeding;
  • They suggest using a step-by-step algorithm of actions in the first month before attaching the baby to the mammary glands.

Pay attention! Breast milk is the best food for a child's body after birth. No milk substitute will give the desired result. Milk will protect and strengthen the immune system, and the composition, rich in vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, will help the baby grow quickly and delight parents with their skills. In addition, application saves in difficult moments of colic, calming the baby, helping to overcome anxiety and pain.

  1. Mom takes a comfortable position. You can lie on your side, sit, but it is important that there is no tension in the shoulder girdle. Even one time of discomfort is enough for milk production to become worse. Don't rush, don't fuss, completely relax and enjoy the process.
  2. The next step is to position the baby correctly. It should be turned to face the chest, the baby's mouth should be level with the nipple, otherwise the baby will constantly pull on the nipple, injuring it. The head should not be held in place; the baby should move it freely.
  3. Application. Every baby has a grasp reflex, but during the first feeding, the baby should be helped: run part of the areola along the lip. When he opens his mouth, pull him in the desired direction rather than putting the nipple in his mouth.
  4. Sucking. It’s worth taking a closer look at the baby’s tongue; it usually covers the lower gum, and the lips are slightly turned out. The nose and chin are pressed tightly to the chest, and the sounds of swallowing milk are heard.

Poses for mother and child

In what positions and how to breastfeed the baby is the choice of each mother individually. The main conditions are comfort and convenience, first of all, for the mother. You can try different positions and choose the most optimal one for yourself.

Important! If possible, the baby can be completely undressed, and the upper part of the body can be exposed. Skin-to-skin contact and the accompanying touch will help establish a strong bond between mother and baby.

Tummy to tummy

Mother and child lie on their sides, facing each other. For convenience, you can place bolsters and pillows under different parts of the body.

Lying down

Be sure to take the correct body position. The position is similar to “tummy to tummy”, where the baby lies next to him, facing the mother. Sucking is done from the lower breast; it is permissible to place a pillow on the baby to make it more comfortable to lie on its side. If feeding occurs through the upper breast, the baby should be placed on a higher pillow.

In some cases, the position is transformed: the baby is placed on his stomach next to his mother, who lies on her back. However, this is not a very comfortable position for the baby, in which cases of regurgitation are common due to the tucked up tummy.


The child is half turned towards the mother, one of her hands is a support for the baby, under which you can place a bolster or pillow. The head is usually located in the ulnar fossa. The other hand holds the baby’s buttocks and back.


The mother sits down and places some kind of support nearby, on which the child lies, his body “hiding” under the armpit. This position helps to fully control the sucking process; it is easiest for the baby to latch on to the breast. The mother's hands are completely free.


For children who love to be in a sling, this position is a real salvation.

Chest grab

When discussing the question of how to properly attach a newborn baby to the breast for feeding, it is worth noting the importance of correct latch on the breast.

First, you should wash your hands thoroughly, but do not wash your breasts. The skin contains special substances by which the baby “recognizes” its mother. The smell of soap and gels will only scare him away and make him turn away from the breast.

If the glands are too tight, you should strain them a little so that the flow of milk becomes smooth. It is also permissible to squeeze out two or three drops of milk, lubricating the nipple with them - it will be softer, and it will be easier for the baby to grasp it.

Stages of breast capture:

  1. Make sure that the child has a straight back. The mother wraps her fingers around the breast (just below the nipple and areola) and points it towards the baby.
  2. The child, sensing a familiar smell, opens his mouth wide. If this does not happen, a few drops of milk are squeezed onto his lips.
  3. There should be part of the areola and nipple in the mouth.
  4. Feeding process. Some babies suckle quickly, others more slowly. If the milk flows out, the baby's head is slightly raised and the index finger is placed under the lower lip. The baby will purse his lips tighter.

Pay attention! During the process, the sounds of swallowing should be heard, otherwise the baby will “swallow” air, and there will be painful colic later.

  1. After the baby has had enough, you should carefully pull out the nipple (place your finger between the chest and the corner of the mouth). Hold the baby in an upright position so that he burps air.

The breasts should not hurt either before or after feedings - this is a sign of improper attachment or the development of pathology.

The very first application

The very first time the baby is put to the breast within an hour after birth - this is how lactation is stimulated and the uterus contracts at a more accelerated rhythm. For three to five days, the baby drinks colostrum, which it needs to form the correct microflora. The first application is the key to successful further breastfeeding and good development of the baby.

Is it worth giving a second breast?

During feeding, the baby sucks milk of different compositions:

  • anterior - saturated with glucose, carbohydrates, thirst-quenching, arrives within the first five minutes;
  • the back is nutritious, fatty, which satisfies hunger.

Lactation consultants suggest giving only one breast during feedings so that the baby eats both fore and hind milk. It is recommended to offer a second breast if the baby does not get enough to eat or in order to stimulate more intense lactation.

Frequency and time of applications

How long to feed a newborn baby with breast milk at one feeding depends on the individual baby. If the baby was born with a phlegmatic temperament and likes to eat for a long time, he will need more time. In matters of feeding time, the speed of sucking and the structural features of the mother’s mammary gland play a role.

Additional information. It happens that the baby immediately falls asleep after one or two minutes. In such cases, it is necessary to stimulate him so that he continues the process, otherwise he will soon demand the breast again.

In the first months, the baby is constantly on the breast, so he eats often. This happens due to the fact that lactation is established, and the baby is establishing its feeding schedule. During this time, he eats as often as he needs and as much as he needs. Therefore, you should feed on demand, not by the hour.

How many minutes does feeding last?

Breastfeeding a newborn should not be done over time, since one baby may be full faster, while another – slower. On average, one feeding takes from 15 to 40 minutes. During periods of teething, colic, poor health and lactation crisis, feeding may take longer.

Distinctive features of the Guards in the early days

In the first days, it is not milk that comes, but colostrum - a nutritious, sticky liquid with a large amount of immunoglobulins and antibodies. His baby only needs a little (up to 10 ml, by the third day - about 100 ml), in no case does it need to supplement the baby with formula, colostrum contains all the necessary nutrients. The number of applications at this time is approximately 7-15 times.

On the third to fifth day, the breasts fill with milk: the mammary glands swell, ache, and the temperature may rise. The frequency of feedings increases, which is necessary to establish successful lactation. The baby gives signals when he wants to eat: he shakes his head, sticks out his tongue, screams and cries.

In the first days, the child loses up to 10% of weight, but this is not at all from hunger, but from the loss of fluid during breathing, its evaporation through the skin, with urine and meconium.

Is the child full?

It is not always easy for an inexperienced mother to understand whether the baby can eat enough during one feeding, or whether he should be given a second breast, maybe offered a formula.

How to tell if your baby is full:

  • the breasts become soft and empty after feeding;
  • the baby is active, not capricious, has clear eyes and smooth skin;
  • weight gain occurs according to all prescribed standards;
  • urination and defecation are frequent (in babies on pure breastfeeding, often after each feeding), feces are yellow-mustard in color.

Common feeding mistakes

It is important not only to breastfeed correctly, but also to avoid the following mistakes when feeding:

  • There is no need to hold your breasts. The mother worries that the baby can’t breathe, and ends up with a poor milk flow and a capricious baby;
  • Wash your breasts before and after feedings. There are no bacteria on the mother’s mammary gland; soap can only destroy the protective lubricant. The best antiseptic is breast milk;
  • Adding water, compote or tea. In the first 6 months, the baby does not need anything other than milk, which is both food and water for the baby. By supplementing it with other drinks, there is a possibility of worsening lactation, so that the child will refuse the breast altogether;
  • Pumping after feedings. The remaining milk after feedings is not harmful and will not harm the mammary gland in any way.

Irregular nipple shape

If the mother has naturally flat, inverted nipples, then it is more difficult for the baby to latch on to them, so he may cry and be very capricious. In this case, you should stretch the nipple a little with your hand or a breast pump before feeding. During the breastfeeding process, the nipples will acquire the desired shape.

There are options for special overlays that will help to successfully establish lactation when the nipple has an irregular shape or when it has cracks. Cracked nipples can be lubricated with breast milk, take air baths, and the problem will quickly disappear.

Feeding your baby with breast milk is natural, although sometimes very difficult. You should give yourself a little time to establish lactation and teach the baby to latch and suckle correctly, and soon there will be no trace of all your worries.


A woman, while still pregnant, must make a clear decision to breastfeed. This forms a dominant in the brain for the formation and development of lactation. Proper breastfeeding is impossible without internal installation. The support of family and friends in this matter is important.

Second rule: the first feeding of an infant

Ideally, the first application of a newborn occurs in the delivery room. Early contact promotes the development of lactation and the colonization of the skin and intestines of the newborn with bifidum flora. The medical staff will show you how to properly position a newborn for feeding. If the condition of the child or the postpartum mother does not allow this, the first breastfeeding is postponed. If the woman’s condition is satisfactory, the medical staff teaches her to express herself independently. This skill will prevent the extinction of milk production and the development of lactostasis. If there are no contraindications, the child can be fed expressed milk during a separate stay.

Third rule: proper attachment of the baby to the breast

The problem of how to properly put a baby to the breast, especially for the first time, is very important. It is still unknown to a newborn how to latch on to the breast. And mom needs to remember or learn that how to breastfeed your baby correctly:

  • immediately before feeding, the mother needs to wash her hands and pour warm water over her breasts;
  • decide on the position for feeding. This is usually sitting (reclining) or standing (after an episiotomy);
  • the baby is placed on the crook of the elbow, the other hand brings the nipple as close as possible to the baby’s mouth;
  • obeying reflexes, the baby will grab the nipple and begin to suck;
  • The breast should be given so that the baby captures the nipple and almost the entire areola with his mouth. At the same time, his lower lip will be slightly turned out, his chin and nose will touch his chest.

The child's nose should not sink. How to properly position your baby for feeding is also important for the health of the mother. If you breastfeed your newborn incorrectly, you can develop several breast problems. First of all, these are maceration and cracked nipples.

  • Breastfeeding a newborn, especially the first few days, should be no more than 20 minutes each. This will allow the delicate skin of the nipples to harden and get used to the new impact.

Often this does not work out. The child may be restless or overweight and constantly demand to eat. In such cases, a nursing mother needs to arrange air baths more often and lubricate the nipples with healing ointments, such as Bepanten.

  • one feeding - one breast. If the child has eaten everything from it and is not full, offer a second one. Start the next feeding with the last one. This way the baby will receive not only foremilk, but also hindmilk.

Fourth rule: signs of milk production and flow into the breast

Symptoms of lactation are:

  • tingling or tightness in the chest;
  • secretion of milk when the baby cries;
  • For every suckling of the baby there is a sip of milk;
  • leakage of milk from the free breast during feeding.

These signs indicate that an active oxytocin reflex has formed. Lactation is established.

Fifth rule: feeding on demand

A newborn baby needs to be fed frequently. In Soviet times, there were rules according to which breastfeeding was carried out once every three hours and no more than twenty minutes. Nowadays, it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. Give breasts literally at the first squeak. Especially capricious and demanding children almost every hour. This allows you to feed the baby and give him a feeling of warmth and care.

Frequent feeding eliminates the need for mandatory pumping and serves as a preventive measure for lactostasis. And night feedings will serve as an excellent stimulation of the main lactation hormone - prolactin.

How long to breastfeed is ideally determined by the baby himself. If you turn away or fall asleep, it means you’re full. Over time, the baby will eat less often.

Rule six: sufficiency of feeding

In the process of its evolution, human milk goes through certain stages: colostrum, transitional, mature milk. Their quantity and quality composition ideally meets the needs of a newborn. They also secrete early and late milk. The first is produced at the very beginning of feeding, rich in water and proteins. The second comes from the posterior parts of the mammary gland and contains more fat. It is important for the baby to get both.

There are times when a mother feels like she has no milk and the baby isn’t getting enough. To determine the adequacy of feeding, there are certain criteria:

  • restoration of body weight at birth by the 10th day of life with an initial loss of 10%;
  • 6 - 18 wet diapers per day;
  • the child poops 6 - 10 times a day;
  • positive oxytocin reflex;
  • audible swallowing of the baby during sucking.

Seventh rule: accounting possible problems with feeding

  • flat or inverted nipples. In some cases, by the time of birth this difficulty resolves itself. Others need to remember that when sucking, the baby must grasp both the nipple and most of the areola. Before feeding, try to stretch out the nipple yourself. Find an acceptable feeding position. For many mothers, a comfortable position is “under the arm.” Use silicone pads. If your breasts are tight and your newborn has a hard time sucking from them, express. The breasts will become softer in 1 - 2 weeks. And the child will not be deprived of mother's milk.

There is no need to try to “stretch” the nipples before giving birth. Excessive stimulation will lead to increased uterine tone. Over time, an actively sucking baby will normalize everything.

  • cracked nipples. The basis of prevention is proper breastfeeding. If cracks appear, use silicone pads. Make applications with lanolin ointment and Bepanthen as often as possible. If the cracks are deep and feeding is painful, use a breast pump;
  • leakage of milk. Easily solved by using special inserts. They are disposable and reusable;
  • there is too much milk and the baby is choking on it. Express some foremilk. When feeding, it will flow out under less pressure;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands. Occurs when milk overflows. The breasts are painful, swollen, hot to the touch and very dense. Milk does not flow out of it. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to quickly remove milk from the breast. Latch your baby or express your baby more often. Take a warm shower before feeding. Give a light massage of the mammary glands. This will improve churn. To reduce swelling after feeding, apply a cold compress;
  • lactostasis and mastitis. Occurs when the milk ducts are blocked. The body temperature rises, the chest hurts, the place of stagnation turns to stone. Pumping is painful. A warm shower, gentle breast massage and frequent feeding of the baby come to the rescue. When an infection occurs, antibiotics are required.

Infectious mastitis is a serious complication that requires medical intervention. Failure to treat is fraught with surgical intervention and even loss of the breast.

  • lactation crises. They develop at 3–6 weeks, 3–4 and 7–8 months of a child’s life. During these periods, the most important thing is to apply more often and be sure to feed the baby at night. Drink teas with lemon balm, fennel and cumin. Rest and eat well.

Feeding a baby with breast milk is a labor-intensive, but delightfully natural process. Remember this, and everything will work out.

Mother's milk is an indispensable product necessary for a newborn. Attachment to the breast, especially the first one, is a responsible and important step in the life of a mother and her baby. A woman should not only know how to properly latch onto a baby for feeding, but also have a positive, emotional attitude - both milk production and further successful feeding depend on this.

Primary feeding occurs in the maternity hospital. This process is controlled by a doctor and an obstetrician, telling the woman in labor what and how to do. On the other hand, it is advisable for a woman to learn everything about the application technique in advance.

Sometimes, for various reasons, it is not possible to feed the baby - this may be affected by the condition of the mother or baby. In such cases, the baby is fed expressed milk. However, the longer this happens, the more difficult it can be to wean him to the breast, and if, moreover, this is done illiterately, the newborn may completely refuse mother’s milk.

If everything was successful the first time, by the third or fourth feeding the parent confidently brings the baby to the breast and she develops her own individual style of this procedure, including a position that is comfortable for herself and the baby. Why is this so important?

There are several reasons:

  1. First of all, the child is fed and provided with all the nutrients necessary for the development of the body;
  2. A stable psychological attachment is established between the parent and the baby;
  3. The mother does not experience stagnation of milk and is not at risk of breast inflammation and mastitis.

Doctors insist that it is very important to feed the baby after birth. In order for him to be able to absorb mother's milk in the future, and for him this is an unfamiliar process, beneficial bifidobacteria must enter his intestines, which create a favorable microenvironment. It supports the little person’s immunity and allows him to digest food. That's why even a little expressed milk helps the baby adapt to his new diet.

Proper nutrition also includes optimal latching onto the breast by the baby's mouth.

How should a baby latch on correctly?

Inexperienced, young mothers believe that the baby should take the mother's nipple. In fact, such a grip is considered incorrect.

Immediately after the baby is born, the doctor will definitely check whether the newborn has developed a sucking reflex. This is very important, because this is the only way the baby can get his food. The ability to suck is inherent in it by nature, so most children know how to latch onto the breast correctly the first time. But mom needs to help him with this.

The baby needs to take not only the nipple, but also the surrounding breast tissue - the areola. Thanks to this capture, during sucking the cavities are stimulated, into which synthesized milk enters through the ducts.

In order for the baby to take advantage of the generous offer, he must be in close contact with his mother, tummy and face facing her. The nipple is located opposite the baby's mouth. The baby usually senses the approach of the long-awaited feeding and opens his mouth wide. In some situations, the mother may direct the nipple just above his lips. There is no need to push the child or specially place the breast on him - he must do it himself. You can drop some milk on his lips, and then the baby will definitely not go wrong.

If the baby only grasps the nipple, you can carefully remove it by pressing on the chin.

Incorrect application is dangerous because:

  • The baby will receive only part of the beneficial nutrients, or even remain hungry;
  • The mother may experience painful cracked nipples;
  • This also threatens milk stagnation in the glands.

Feeding can be complicated by the child's capricious and whiny behavior. Then you first need to calm the baby down with stroking, rocking, soft, affectionate words, and only then try to feed the baby. But if you don’t know how to properly latch your baby on for feeding, you can harm both yourself and him.

How to properly attach a baby to the breast: video

Choosing a feeding position

The parent only needs to find a comfortable position for herself and the baby a couple of times in order to use it successfully. Usually, there are several such positions; in emergency cases, mothers can feed their children even while standing. However, at home it is more comfortable to do this, reclining or sitting.

The most important thing is that the mother should not feel tired for a while, because the child will have to be held in at least two places so that he does not roll down or slip out of his hands.

The main provisions are well known to mothers who have given birth more than once:

  1. Probably the most common position is when the mother sits comfortably, and the child is in her arms, facing her and pressing his stomach. At the same time, he does not need to turn his head to reach the nipple.
  2. When the baby needs feeding at night, the mother can lie on her side and place the baby on her back. She will have to lean on her elbow and, hovering over the child, give him the nearest breast from above. This position allows the mother not to get out of bed at every request of the baby.
  3. A quite comfortable position is when the mother puts a pillow on her knees and the baby on top, so that his body is actually located under her armpit.
  4. Some feed children in a lying position, placing the baby on their stomach, but usually this method can be used if the child is absolutely healthy and has a strong sucking instinct.

Main rules when feeding:

  • The child’s body should always be on one level line;
  • The baby's head should not be tilted back;
  • The baby should be held from slipping by the head, shoulders and hips; sometimes you can hold the baby by the back and buttocks;
  • When feeding, the mother's shoulders are always relaxed.

Having provided such conditions, the mother can be calm about the nutritious nutrition of the baby. If twins are born, you can feed two at once, then the mother will not worry about one of the babies. By the way, milk production will only increase from this.

How to properly place your baby to the breast for feeding

Before feeding an infant, the mother should take care to clean her hands and rinse her mammary glands with water at a comfortable temperature.

The usual algorithm of actions:

  1. Having chosen a comfortable position, the baby is placed facing you, with his tummy facing his stomach;
  2. If necessary, the baby is slightly raised, making sure that his body is in the same plane, and the chest is brought to him;
  3. The nipple is directed towards the baby's nose - this way it is convenient for him to quickly find a source of food;
  4. The breast can be picked up in order to move the nipple over the baby’s lips;
  5. Next, the child must act; if he only grabbed the nipple, you will need to gently press his chin and try again;
  6. It is important that the baby’s face is not completely buried in the mother’s breast.

Young mothers often wonder how to find out if everything is done correctly? This can be determined by such signs as the calm state of the baby, his measured breathing, the absence of tears and excitement. In this case, only natural sounds of sucking are heard, and the baby's lips are turned out. There is no need to worry if there is no pain in the chest during breastfeeding.

It is always important for a mother to know whether the feeding was complete, in a word, whether the baby is full. Based on the fact that the child simply physically cannot get enough of one feeding, he must be given breastfeeding upon request. Most doctors came to the same opinion.

You can understand that the baby is receiving the optimal amount of milk by the following signs:

  • The baby is constantly gaining weight, and he meets all medical standards;
  • The child is in a good mood and has good sleep;
  • The bladder and bowels are emptied regularly, and the feces are yellow in color;
  • The baby’s skin is even, smooth and clean, and its eyes are clear;
  • The baby asks to eat often enough;
  • After the feeding procedure, my mother’s breasts are soft and empty.

It has been noticed that in the first days of feeding, the baby may require milk from 8 to 14-15 times a day, but later such requirements become more stringent and the baby asks to eat 3-4 times in one hour. Of course, this is a difficult time for a mother. But this happens only in the first months, up to about six months. Starting from the second month, the baby's needs gradually decrease, and some children even go without food at night. But of course, this is an individual process, and such data cannot be generalized for all infants.

Having an idea of ​​how to properly attach a baby for feeding, a young mother can avoid many problems. In addition, she should know that it is not regular and long-term feeding of the child that spoils the shape of the mammary glands, but sometimes unnecessary pumping procedures. Therefore, is it worth denying your beloved child another meal, and at the same time basking near the warm mother’s breast, because a little person needs not only food, but also close contact with a loved one.

A newborn is born defenseless and vulnerable. He is just beginning to adapt to new living conditions. The way he eats also changes. At the same time, all systems and internal organs continue to form. The normal development of the digestive tract, immunity, and the baby’s overall health depend on milk. This is why natural breastfeeding is so important. But not all mothers know how to properly latch onto a baby for feeding, and this is very important for the child.

How to properly position your baby for feeding

Mother's milk is an ideal product for a baby, but in some cases women in labor are forced to give up breastfeeding. This is due to problems with lactation, making it impossible. And, unfortunately, women themselves are often to blame for this because they do not know how to do it competently.

However, if you are unable to establish breastfeeding, do not be too upset - there is a huge selection of artificial mixtures in stores, and they will help you decide on your choice.

It turns out that the correct latching technique is important not only for the child, but also for the mother:

  1. For a new mother, this is necessary, first of all, for her own health. Typically, breastfeeding can last quite a long time - more than one and a half years. If you do not comply with some requirements, then feeding your baby can cause nipple injuries, cracking and very painful sensations, because there are numerous nerve endings in this area.
  2. The advantage of correct positioning of the baby is the release of a sufficient amount of milk, which means that the baby will grow quickly and gain optimal weight. The result is the full development of the baby’s still imperfect organs.
  3. When feeding is organized correctly, comfortably and conveniently for both the baby and his mother, the milk will be completely emptied and will not stagnate in the milk ducts of the mammary glands. But it is known that their obstruction can provoke mastitis - an inflammatory process of tissues that is extremely dangerous for women's health.

In addition, if the mother feeds the baby ineptly, the baby may even refuse to breastfeed. Neither the mother nor the child will benefit from this.

How to properly position your baby for feeding

First of all, you should remember that everyone should be comfortable. Any discomfort already indicates that the necessary rules have not been followed:

  • The mother needs to be in a position that is comfortable for her, and the baby, best of all, needs to be on his side (he does not need to lie on his back);
  • It is important that all parts of the baby’s body are level, especially the neck - otherwise he will not be able to swallow food;
  • In order for the contact to be complete, to promote a close psychological connection, and, accordingly, good milk production, there must be a minimum of barriers in the form of clothing between the baby and the mother. The best option is breastfeeding, but then the temperature in the nursery should be adjusted;
  • When feeding, the baby should be completely pressed against the mother's body, while holding the baby's back and shoulders.

The mistake of many mothers in labor is to pull the baby's head to the nipple and put pressure on it. The baby does not need to be forced, he just needs to be pointed in the right direction. After two or three such repetitions, the child will already take the optimal position, and feeding will no longer cause difficulties.

What position should the mother take?

A condition for successful feeding is a comfortable position for the mother. If she feels tired, painful, or numb in her body, it will be difficult to concentrate on what is important. Fortunately, you can choose the most comfortable position and there are several such options:

  • You can feed the baby while sitting - his face is turned towards his mother, and his tummy is pressed against the mother's. The baby does not have to turn his head to reach the nipple. In this case, the mother can tuck a pillow under her back for comfort.
  • Holding the baby in crossed arms, it is possible to feed the baby in a standing position.
  • When the lactation process is well-established, the mother can allow herself a reclining position on her back - she places the baby on her stomach and holds it from rolling off. If a child is strong and strong, he can easily cope with the “extraction” of food. This position is not recommended only for weak infants.
  • When you need to breastfeed at night, you can choose the mother's position on her side. The baby touches her tummy and takes the lower breast, making only a slight effort to lift the head. This option allows mom and baby to relax and, at the same time, engage in the feeding process.
  • You can also breastfeed on your lap - for this, a pillow is placed on them, and the baby is placed on top, so that its legs are behind the parent’s back, and its torso is near the armpit.
  • Some mothers prefer to put the baby on his back, and, being on his side, lean his elbows and give him the breast from above.

Each mother can choose a position that is suitable only for her, and periodically change it if necessary. In fact, women are quite inventive in this regard and are able to feed their baby in any, even not very conducive, environment. Under normal circumstances, every mother has one or two favorite positions that they use regularly.

Sometimes women, at the level of instinct, almost intuitively determine how to properly attach the baby for feeding. It doesn't take much time to understand this.

Latching on the breast when feeding

The correct attachment can be determined by how the baby takes the nipple. He doesn't have to make any effort to reach it. You should also make sure that the baby always has his tummy facing his mother when feeding. A mandatory condition is the baby's independent action - he must take the breast himself, and in most cases, he does it correctly.
Mothers need to focus on important signs:

  • She should not feel pain, burning, or any discomfort;
  • The baby should be calm at the time of feeding;
  • If the baby grasps not only the nipple, but also part of the gland tissue surrounding it, this is a correct grasp;
  • A baby's lips tend to turn out while he sucks;
  • In addition to swallowing, the mother should not hear any other sounds accompanying feeding.

If the baby only takes the nipple, you can gently remove it by lightly pressing his chin.
Having figured out how to properly attach the baby during feeding, the mother must find the optimal position for herself and her child. The reason that the baby is capricious and nervous may be her own incorrect behavior. Perhaps the baby’s head is tilted too far back, or his nose is too tightly pressed into his mother’s chest. In some situations, it is uncomfortable for the baby to suck because his head is turned to the side.

How to properly attach your baby during feeding

Before feeding the baby, you should change his diapers or nappies, wash him, and, if necessary, calm him down. The baby should be in a good mood, so you should not take long breaks between feedings. The nipple should look into the little one’s nose - this will make it easier for him to grasp it along with the areola. Only after the mother has prepared herself can the process begin.
Since the baby instinctively sucks everything that comes into his mouth, you can start by rubbing the lower part of the nipple area along his lips. When the nipple is directed directly into his mouth, the newborn is able to squeeze it strongly, unwittingly causing pain to the mother, and sometimes seriously injuring her.
Young parents who are faced with lactation for the first time need to know a certain algorithm of actions, this helps to avoid mistakes, the consequences of which are the baby’s refusal of milk.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The most suitable position is selected that will not burden the mother;
  2. The baby is positioned with his face and tummy facing him, the neck and head are level;
  3. You can press the baby a little closer to your body;
  4. The baby should be lifted by grasping the mammary gland and passing it over the little one's mouth;
  5. As a rule, after this the baby readily takes the breast;
  6. The nose should not be allowed to rest tightly against the skin of the chest;
  7. If the correct grip does not occur, you need to carefully remove the baby's lips by lightly pressing on the chin.

If you still do not understand the system of attaching a baby to the breast, watch a detailed and understandable video from a lactation consultant:

If a child cries, this is not necessarily a whim. Perhaps he is hungry and feeding is the best option. If the baby does not take the breast, you can put a few drops of milk into his mouth.

Related questions

With the onset of the lactation period, women have many related questions - how to understand that the baby is full, what to do if milk stagnation occurs, whether a certain feeding schedule is needed. Useful recommendations will help new parents learn more about the details of baby food:

  • It is advisable to feed the baby on demand;
  • Feeding time is individual and depends on the baby’s activity and milk production; it can last more than half an hour;
  • The frequency of feeding depends on the baby's appetite;
  • There is no need to be afraid that the baby will overeat - excess milk will still be eliminated through regurgitation;
  • When a child is capricious and this is not related to hunger, he will need to be calmed down with gentle words and strokes;
  • You cannot remove the baby’s breast until he releases it himself;
  • If milk stagnates, it must be expressed regularly. If trouble happens and seals appear in the gland, a shower under warm water, cabbage compresses with honey will help.

To understand that your baby is full, you can pay attention to the following signs:

  • The baby releases the breast on his own;
  • Is in a good mood;
  • Gets enough sleep;
  • Growing quickly.

How to properly attach a baby for feeding worries many mothers, and this is really important to know. The first feedings may not be entirely successful, but the mother needs to remain calm. Setting up the process may take some time, so the parent will have to be patient. If everything is done correctly, very soon the child will happily receive nutritious nutrition.

The birth of a baby is a great joy in the family, accompanied by no less excitement, worries and questions. But there is one that stands up straight from the very first seconds - this is the correct attachment of a newborn to the chest. A lot depends on how quickly feeding is established - both lactation itself and the health of all its participants.

It is easier and safer (in terms of consequences) to master the technique of attaching a baby as soon as the baby is born. If you miss the moment, you will have to relearn it for a long time and deal with the consequences.

Why is this so important

Breastfeeding is a vital necessity for newborns. Mother's milk provides them with nutrition, fully taking into account the needs and characteristics of a particular child's body. This is an important aspect of establishing a psycho-emotional connection between mother and child. When feeding, a relationship arises and strengthens, which gives the child a feeling of protection, peace, and the mother - peace. If feeding is overshadowed by unpleasant sensations for any of the participants (pain in the nipples, hunger, inability to get enough milk, etc.), there can be no talk of any happiness or peace.

Regular breast stimulation promotes the development of lactation. This is how the mother’s body “studies” the baby’s needs and adapts to them. To do this, it is recommended to feed the baby often and do it strictly according to his request. If the latch is incorrect for a long time and the problem is not given due attention, the milk gradually “leaves”, because the body receives information that it does not need as much of it and “curtails” lactation. If you don’t start working on the problem in time, the mother will have to switch to formula milk and solve the problem of weight loss - after all, the child did not receive enough nutrition.

Correct attachment during breastfeeding gives the baby the right amount of milk. If he grabs the breast incorrectly, he only gets what has accumulated next to the nipple. The child is hungry, he lacks healthy “hind” milk, and the mother develops cracks in her nipples, which develop into lactostasis and even mastitis. And pumping will not help here, because the root of the problem remains unresolved.

Incorrect attachment to the breast is accompanied by tummy problems in children. After all, along with the milk, they swallow air, which provokes pain, colic or excessive regurgitation (due to which the child remains hungry, because he “lost” part of the milk eaten).

If the child grabs only the papilla, he injures it, causing pain to the mother. The biological significance of the nipple is to serve as a conductor of milk, but not its source. The position of the nipple in the mouth should be such that it takes only an indirect part in feeding. To stimulate the milk ducts, it is necessary to influence the areola located around the nipple. There are several ways to position mother and baby when feeding, but this point remains key.

How to apply after childbirth

The first time a newborn is put to the breast usually occurs immediately after birth, under the supervision and guidance of a doctor or midwife. They will tell you how to do everything right and point out mistakes. But some theoretical preparation will help you get used to each other and avoid the most common mistakes.

Finding out how to properly latch on to your baby for feeding is now quite simple. Mom has a lot of detailed videos and pictures at her disposal that show the whole process. Having prepared, it will be easier not to get confused at the most crucial moment.

Mom learns how to attach her baby quickly, developing her own system. It can take up to two months for a baby to master the correct grip. All this time, the mother needs to carefully monitor the process and quickly correct all “problems.” The most active movements in a child when sucking are made by the lower jaw; it grasps the breast deeply, and the nipple is directed upward, towards the sky.

How to do it right

Mastering the breastfeeding technique is simple in theory. But it’s not easy to apply the acquired knowledge right away. But even in this case, mom absolutely must not despair and give up - a lot depends on her perseverance and positive attitude!

First of all, decide on the position. You can feed lying down, sitting/half-sitting, standing (after an episiotomy, for example). When choosing a position, keep in mind that the baby can suckle at the breast for quite a long time, which means the mother should have the opportunity to relax and spend time in comfort.

In any position, the baby should be pressed tightly to the mother with his tummy and lightly reach for the nipple. The baby's mouth is wide open and deeply grips the areola, the nipple is directed towards the upper palate, the baby's lower jaw actively works when sucking, and the nose has access to air.

It is important to place a newborn for feeding while lying down in such a way that the mother lies flat (her head is not raised on a bent arm), and the baby’s mouth is at the same level as the nipple. Otherwise, it will pull on the chest, causing cracks and microtraumas. Lying on her side, the mother holds the baby by the butt and back, holding him close to her.

You shouldn’t fix the baby’s head, at most you can direct it towards the chest at the very beginning, and then the baby should be able to move it freely.

Many mothers worry that it will be difficult for the child to breathe because the nose rests on the chest. In fact, he feels completely comfortable in this position, receiving enough air through the edges of the spout. By pressing her fingers on the breast from above in order to help the baby breathe, the mother only makes it more difficult for him, because this impairs the flow of milk.

The remaining rules can be grouped as follows:

  • correct application. Every child from the first seconds of life reflexively seeks the breast - this is an innate unconditioned reflex. To make the task easier for him, at first you can help a little - point the head towards the chest, move part of the areola along the lips. In response, the baby's mouth will open wide and he will be able to latch onto the breast correctly. At the same time, its lower lip will turn slightly outward and capture the lower edge of the areola. By the way, not all of it ends up in the child’s mouth - the lower part is larger than the upper. This type of grip is also known as an asymmetrical attachment - because the areola is not grabbed symmetrically.
  • correct sucking. During the process, the mother can see part of the baby’s tongue covering the lower gum and sponge. It is the tongue and lower jaw that actively stimulate the milk ducts and “squeeze out” the milk. The cheeks move in rhythm with the sucking, the baby swallows deeply. The nose and chin are pressed tightly to the chest.

Signs of correct attachment

There are several signs of proper breastfeeding that will tell the mother that she is on the right track:

  • During feeding there is no pain or it is insignificant and passes quickly. In the first days of feeding, the skin may be too tender and react painfully to constant irritation. Then the epithelium is renewed, and the painful sensations go away. Severe pain is a sign of a feeding problem. If the baby has latched onto the breast correctly, there should be no pain.
  • If after feeding the breasts become empty and soft, mother and baby are doing everything right. The child receives and eats well.
  • The baby grabs the breast with a wide open mouth and during feeding there is no corner between the lips, the cheeks are not tense, the lower lip is slightly turned out and covered with the tongue. The chin is pressed tightly to the mother’s chest, sometimes drowning in it.
  • During feeding, there should be no noticeable work of the muscles of the face, lips, or cheeks. Only the lower jaw and tongue work.
  • When sucking there are no “extra” sounds - smacking, whistling, etc. Only throats can be heard.

If the mother determines that the newborn’s attachment was incorrect and the baby is not latching onto the breast correctly, you need to carefully pull the nipple out of his mouth and offer it again. And so on until the correct grip is obtained. To remove the breast from the baby, you need to carefully insert the tip of your little finger between the lips at the corner of the mouth to break the vacuum. Otherwise, damage to the nipple is very likely.

Signs of improper attachment

Sometimes it’s possible to put a newborn to the breast correctly the first time, but more often than not, mother and baby have to go through the process of adjustments and establishing contact and interaction. Along the way, it is important not to ignore the signs of an incorrect grip and correct them immediately.

The following points can tell your mother that there is a problem:

  • When feeding lying or sitting, the baby's tummy is not pressed against the mother. He lies on his back, turning only his head towards the nipple. This makes sucking difficult and prevents you from fully eating.
  • the baby's chin is not pressed to the chest;
  • When latching onto the breast, the baby does not open his mouth wide. As a result, he only grabs the nipple, which after feeding takes on a transversely flattened shape;
  • lips are extended forward or, conversely, turned inward;
  • when sucking, the baby's cheeks tense and/or are pulled inward;
  • there is no necessary asymmetry when grasping the chest. Normally, the child grasps the areola asymmetrically - the lower part is larger than the upper. If most of the areola remains below or it ends up equally in the mouth, then the grip is incorrect;
  • the breast becomes tense or stretched when feeding;
  • decreased lactation. If the baby does not suck out all the milk, which always happens when the latch is incorrect, the mother’s body perceives this as a signal to curtail the production of “extra” milk. If the problem is not solved in time, the milk may disappear completely;
  • breast problems. Constant incomplete emptying of the breast leads to stagnation of milk, lactostasis and even mastitis. In addition, if the child grasps incorrectly, he often injures the skin of the breast, causing cracks in the nipples.

Incorrect latching of a baby to the breast can cause many problems of a very different nature. We must pay maximum attention to this issue from the very first days. You need moral support from loved ones, because a positive attitude is no less important than knowledge of technology.

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