Copybooks for children - letters, numbers, games. Uppercase and lowercase letters: how they are written in Russian Alphabet capital letters print

A person’s handwriting is formed in childhood, in the first grade, and this time must not be wasted, since retraining a child will be much more difficult. And teachers, as a rule, pay attention to the formation of handwriting only in the first grade, and even then not properly. A child's first assistant in developing handwriting is copywriting. Already in kindergarten, your child became acquainted with these notebooks when he wrote hooks and curls, and, I hope, now the copybooks no longer frighten him. You can move on to writing capital letters.

But you should start writing in capitals no earlier than in 1st grade, only after becoming familiar with the letter. The teacher will show you how to write correctly, and the copybooks will help you consolidate the skill. Copybooks are also suitable for correcting handwriting.

In addition, they will serve as a good help to caring parents in teaching their child in the summer. It is very important to practice copybooks in the summer, since children’s skills, especially in elementary school, are greatly lost over the summer and without daily summer training it will be difficult to start studying again in the fall.

But not all recipes are equally useful. When purchasing a copybook, pay attention to the spelling of the letters and whether they are depicted correctly.

You can download and print the copybooks from this page of our website, we have already made sure that the letters in them are written correctly, and also the arrows indicate in what order to write the elements of the letters.

To open the full version of the copybook sheet, click on its thumbnail image.

Copybooks with capital letters

Every day a person uses uppercase and lowercase letters in writing. Previously, only capital letters were used, which were the same height. They had clear boundaries. After writing began to develop, the symbols acquired more rounded shapes.

What is important to know

In modern Russian, the use of capital letters causes problems for many people, since not everyone knows how to write lowercase or uppercase characters. Despite the constant improvement and development of the language, there are a few basic rules that will help determine spelling depending on what the writer wants to convey.

Highlights use of capital characters:

  • The positions indicated in the official document are written with a capital letter;
  • the beginning of phrases containing the words Central, State, International, Russian;
  • separate stylistic use of the words Motherland, Man, Center;
  • polite address expressed by a pronoun;
  • religious books: the Bible or the Koran;
  • abbreviation: VLKSM;
  • literary books;
  • production brands of technical products.

Lowercase characters are written in such cases:

Distinctive features of lowercase characters

There are several differences you should know about:

  • Font. A lowercase letter is smaller than an uppercase letter.
  • Writing. Capital letters are written with features that are taught about in school.
  • Use. Small symbols can be found much more often.

Using symbols in Word

Due to the rapid development of information technology, users often use the Microsoft Office Word program in their work. However, not everyone knows that you can also write lowercase or uppercase characters in it. To do this, use a combination of certain keys.

Features of printing alphabetic characters in Word:

  • you need to type the required text on the computer;
  • select it and press the Shift and F3 keys together;
  • we get the spelling “lowercase characters of the Russian language”;
  • if you click them again, you can see “Lowcase Symbols of the Russian Alphabet”;
  • if you need to work with the text further, you should press Shift+F3 again.

Capital letters: example

Capital characters are used in such cases:

Capital letters in gadgets

Often when using a smartphone The question arises how to include capital letters. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • the keyboard opens first;
  • select a key with an arrow indicating the upward direction (the key is usually located on the left);
  • a capital letter is written;
  • If you want such letters to appear all the time, you need to press the button twice in a row.

Lately, many people are often confused When should you write in capitals?, and when a lowercase letter. This affects the attitude of other people, especially if the mistakes are serious.

Russian letters differ from each other not only in style and sound designation, but also in size. Correct spelling follows certain rules. Uppercase and lowercase letters - what every schoolchild knows, especially elementary school students. But the knowledge acquired at school is forgotten very quickly, and adults are unlikely to remember the definitions of these terms.

Uppercase and lowercase letters are two types of graphic icons on a letter. It is interesting that the division into such varieties is not found in all languages. They are present in the Cyrillic alphabet, as well as in the Greek alphabet, Latin, and Armenian. The situation in Georgia is unusual. There are no capital icons (with a specific meaning of use), but individual sections of text (for example, titles, headings) are typed with large icons. They have small outlines, but differ from them in size. In other writing systems, there is no division between capital letters and small letters.

To get acquainted with them for the first time, it is enough to learn some brief information:

  • capital – the one that is larger;
  • lowercase – the one that is smaller in size.

And in order for the information to be remembered better, linger in the head for a long time and not turn into confusion, you need to study the issue deeper, delving into the details.


This is the capital, big, beautiful, initial one. The letter sign is increased in size compared to the others. Most often there is only one in a line, and it is with it that the sentence begins. In elementary school, children learn with great diligence to write the first alphabetic sign - after all, it should turn out beautiful.

The first official use of capital letters was noticed in the 15th century. However, further research showed that people tried to beautifully design the initial characters of first names, last names, and sentences long before the beginning of the 15th century. Such graphic icons, decorated with ornaments and curlicues, were called initial letters.

Capital letters inin the text are written only in cases that are confirmed by spelling rules. The most common of them, which are most often encountered in practice, will be indicated below.

Another definition of “capital” is found in elementary school at the stage of teaching written literacy. It is less common, so it does not appear in dictionaries. Used only to differentiate the type of writing, the antonym for the word “capital” is “printed”. When a teacher asks you to write down a word, a sentence, or a text in words, he means lowercase and capital letters. And their choice should be based on the rules studied.


This is a small letter. In sentences and text, it is found much more often than graphic icons of the previous type. This is explained by the fact that small letter signs are used several times more often in writing - these are the rules of Russian spelling.

All letters that do not fall under the capitalization rules are lined up in one line and have the same height, which is why they are called lowercase.

Pay attention! The stress in the term “lowercase” falls not on the first, but on the last syllable, no matter how much one would like to associate its pronunciation with the pronunciation of the word “line”.

Useful videos: how to write small capital letters?

Main differences

Uppercase and lowercase letters have a number of differences from each other.

They are as follows:

  • Size. The capital one is about 2 times larger than the small one. This is clearly visible when using a notebook sheet with a wide line: a large letter occupies the entire height of the line, and a small letter fits in half of it.
  • Writing. The capital letter has many more details and features of the style, which first grade students are diligently trying to learn. It is much more complex than the small one in style.
  • Frequency of use. Capital letters appear in the text much less often than small ones, because their choice must be justified by certain rules.

Having learned for himself how capital letters differ from small graphic icons, a person stops confusing these two terms with each other.


A clear example of what the styles of both categories look like.

When comparing graphic icons next to each other, it immediately becomes clear which of them are CAPITAL and which are lowercase.

Spelling capital letters

In the Russian language, the use of two types of style is subject to the rules of the corresponding section of spelling. According to them, a new sentence begins with a capital symbol, which seems to lead an army of small, ordinary icons. It shows that the previous thought has ended and another has begun, or simply indicates the beginning of a thought. Direct speech, quotes, and each new line of the poem begin with the capital letter.

But there are other, more complex rules that explain the spelling of capital and lowercase letters:

  1. First names, last names, patronymics of people and adjectives based on them. For example: Andrey Igorevich Yablochkin, Petka’s car.
  2. Animal names and adjectives derived from them. For example: Tuzik, Murka, Kesha, Fluff, Tuzikov’s collar.
  3. Geographical objects, places, names (continents, cardinal points, countries, cities, villages, villages, regions, republics, islands, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes). For example: the Black Sea, the Baltic, the Atlantic Ocean, the city of Moscow, the continent of Africa, the village of Yantarny, the Republic of Adygea.
  4. Names of firms, companies, stores, enterprises. For example: the Rostvertol plant, the Pyaterochka store, the Belvest shoe company.
  5. Names of great historical events, most important documents (First World War, Peter's era).
  6. Names of printed publications, works of art, dishes (Murzilka magazine, Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper, Moonlight Sonata, painting Barge Haulers on the Volga, Caesar salad).
  7. Names of ministries, important government organizations (Ministry of Education, City Duma).
  8. High positions of great national importance (President, Queen).
  9. The first word of the names of holidays and important events (Birthday, Christmas, Easter, Victory Day).
  10. Use the pronoun “you” when expressing special respect is required.
  11. Abbreviations - consist entirely of capital letters (KPRF, MLM, SFU).

In all other cases, when the word is not included in the category of proper names, but is a common noun, lowercase are writtenstyles.

Possible difficulties in choosing an option

In Russian, most rules are ambiguous and have additional explanations or exceptions.

Important! When choosing the size of a letter (capital/small) is required to fill out important documents or perform serious tasks or work, it is better to check yourself in dictionaries and reference books.

Possible difficulties in choosing the size of a graphic icon:

  1. Proper names of mythical, historical, literary heroes, which began to be used in a generalized, figurative sense, to designate a certain character or way of life of people. The rules for writing such words are ambiguous: some are written with a capital letter (Oblomov, Napoleon, Hamlet), others with a lowercase letter (Don Quixote, Judas, Hercules, which have become common nouns). The variant of their use is given in the dictionary.
  2. The names of geographical objects and important historical events, used in a generalized (figurative) meaning, have the same distinctions and their own writing features: sodom (debauchery), Olympus (top), Kamchatka (last places) and Chernobyl, Mecca, Hiroshima.
  3. The names of devices, techniques, and units of measurement, derived from the names of their inventors, are written with a lowercase letter. For example: X-ray, volt, pascal, etc.
  4. and terms where one of the words is a proper noun, as well as adjectives based on them, do not have a large icon (Achilles' heel, Demian's ear, X-rays).
  5. Adjectives that were made up of a person’s last name and first name using the suffixes –sk, -ovsk, -insk – are written with a lowercase letter (Dalevsky dictionary, Prishvinsky prose).

Useful video: Russian lowercase letters


In fact, delving into the material taught in lessons at an educational institution, the student masters the spelling of graphic signs well, understands the differences and features of their use, which means they do not have serious difficulties in complying with this norm.

The main thing is to remember the definitions and understand some of the difficulties. And in case of difficulty, do not forget about the possibility of turning to the dictionary.

The ability to write is one of the most important skills, along with reading, that any person should master (see also:). Many parents unreasonably believe that they need to start teaching their child as early as possible, that this skill is the highest indicator of the level of development. Is this true? Many experts agree that you should not start teaching your child to write until he is 5-6 years old. Teaching a preschooler to write beautifully is not an easy task; it requires composure, perseverance and attentiveness.

All parents want to be proud of their child and try to teach him to write at an early age. But this approach can only do harm if you don’t know how to deal with your child correctly.

Children aged 3-4 years, for the most part, are fidgety. They want to run, jump, play, but not write out some letters and numbers in boring copybooks. If you nevertheless decide to teach your child to write, then remember: now you will need to practice penmanship with your child regularly, otherwise after a while he may forget everything you taught him!

Not everyone may like these activities, so he may begin to write letters and numbers quickly and sloppily, wanting to finish with them as quickly as possible and eventually move on to some more interesting things. All this can lead to the development of ugly handwriting, which will not be so easy to correct later. Let's figure out what experts are talking about: is it worth starting to teach children to write in preschool age, how effective will such classes be and their consequences?

Should parents teach a child under 5 to write?

Teaching children to write at 3-4 years old is not worth it for a number of reasons:

  • Children lose the sense of novelty inherent in learning at school. When a student realizes that all they start learning in class is writing numbers and letters, he loses all interest in learning. The child becomes bored and lazy to complete the task. We are no longer talking about any incentive and joy to learn new things every day.
  • Writing skills turn out to be incorrect. Two experts in the field of child development (physiologist Maryana Bezrukikh and early development specialist Lena Danilova) are convinced that the development of writing skills, including penmanship and speed writing, does not occur in one year, but gradually. This takes years. You shouldn’t throw all your energy into teaching your child to write beautifully. All this may negatively affect his entire style of writing in the future.

Correct posture must be developed from a very early age, as soon as the baby takes his first pencil and sits down to draw at the table. This will help avoid many spinal problems in the future.

At first, a preparatory base will be sufficient for training. Teach your baby to sit at the table in the correct position, and also teach how to grasp a pencil or pen. Over time, you can begin the learning process, but remember that it is important to be consistent in your teaching techniques. Each number and each letter should be explained separately, explaining and comparing. A child is only able to fully evaluate the technique of writing a particular letter when he or she is closer to 5-6 years of age.

Haste in learning always only causes harm; it is especially important not to rush at first. By pushing your child, you will cause him to make mistakes in writing individual elements.

Increasingly, irregularities in height and width and slope will occur. It will become almost impossible for your baby to connect letters into words. Then, upon entering first grade, the child will fall into the hands of a teacher who will be forced to correct many of your mistakes.

When should you start?

Usually, it is at school that we learn to write letters and numbers beautifully. Learning to write there takes place in several stages: first, children are shown how to sit at a school desk correctly, then how to hold a pen or pencil. Teachers give the child the first ideas about letters and numbers, talk about what height and width the lines and slopes in them should be, and show how to correctly connect them together.

Early mastery of accurate writing of numbers and letters does not guarantee the preservation of this skill in the future. It is important to place the hand so that the child gets minimally tired during the work. This skill, as well as the skill of beautiful handwriting, comes from regular practice. A baby who loves to run and jump can hardly be forced to sit at a notebook. When the parents succeed, their only goal is to finish everything quickly so that everyone falls behind, and then run off to play. Such an incorrect approach risks ruining children's handwriting for a long time.

The child himself must want to learn to write, and until this time, classes can be carried out in a playful way

Let us conclude: it is advisable to engage with your child in a playful way. Any learning activity should be presented easily and naturally. Don’t rush to put a 3-4 year old child on a line with copybooks and notebooks. Wait a couple of years, then your successes with him will be more tangible and less painful. Until this time, you should only prepare your little hands for future writing.

Preparing a preschooler to master writing skills

All of the above does not mean that a 5-6 year old child does not need to be prepared for school, because before he begins to learn to write, it is necessary to master a wide variety of skills. This is where the help of parents will come in handy. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Thanks to full development, the child will be able to write beautifully in the future, so that both his and your eyes will be happy. Teach your baby to do everything carefully, to show diligence and attentiveness. These are the skills that should be developed in children during the preschool period. We are talking about ages from 2 to 5 years. The following activities will help you do this.

Exercises to develop fine motor function

You can develop fine motor skills in different ways, for example, by modeling from plasticine
  • finger gymnastics: a great option to stretch naughty fingers is to play together a game called “Twister”, only with your fingers;
  • make a shadow theater using your hands;
  • make applications from all kinds of materials (colored paper, felt, autumn leaves, grains, etc.);
  • learning to cut out (first simple shapes, then more complex pictures);
  • make drawings on semolina, sand (we recommend reading:);
  • folding, paper modeling, origami;
  • design;
  • weaving bracelets and figures from rubber bands;
  • activities with loose and small objects (cereals, legumes, pebbles): repeating a pattern, making a mosaic, stringing pasta on a string, etc.;
  • modeling from clay, dough, plasticine;
  • copybooks, coloring, drawing.

Remind them of the importance of posture. Pay close attention to your position at the table. In the future, while concentrating on the writing process, posture control will be carried out at a subconscious level.

It is very important to teach your baby to hold a pencil from an early age. Today, there are comfortable triangular pencils with a thick diameter on sale. Thanks to them, it will be easier for the child to master this skill. There are also special pencil attachments on sale that teach correct grip.

Don't do the same activity for too long. Alternate activities, and also do not forget about minutes of rest, when it is important to give your fingers and arms the opportunity to rest and relieve tension.

There are many colorful and interesting copybooks for younger children, where the child will learn to trace, shade and much more.

The method of teaching writing developed by M.T. has proven itself quite well. Strizhakova. It's called "From Drawing to Letter." All children love to color and shade drawings. The shading method can also be used in copybooks with wide or narrow rulers.

Copybooks for kids may be interesting. In such teaching aids, tasks are given to trace contours, drawings, figures, and numbers using dots. Remember, we are all learning, which means everything needs time and no rush.

What do you need to know when learning to write?

If a preschooler asks you to teach him to write, then during teaching, adhere to the following rules:

  • Be sure to praise your child during classes for any of his successes and do not scold him if something suddenly doesn’t work out for him;
  • start learning with simple tasks, first draw along the dots, then along the dotted lines;
  • Only after the child understands how to write printed letters and numbers can he move on to writing capital letters.

There is no need to spend a lot of time on classes; 20 minutes a day is enough. There will be enough of them so that the child can learn something, but at the same time he will not get bored and will always be interested.

Writing numbers should be meaningful, so you should, first of all, learn to count to 10. You can start memorizing numbers by the age of 4-5, and when you start writing them with your child, be sure to tell him the names so that he remembers.

So where to start:

  1. Teach your baby to navigate the arrangement of cage elements. He must be able to determine its sides, upper and lower boundaries, divide the cell into 4 identical parts, find its center and corners.
  2. An important step is teaching the child to maintain the angle of inclination while writing numbers. You can determine the slope as follows: draw a segment that will connect the upper right corner of your cell with a point placed in the middle of the lower edge.
  3. Before moving directly to writing numbers, the child should practice drawing dashes, checkmarks, circles, and semi-ovals. It is from these elements that all numbers are made.

Important! The height of the number is always equal to the size of the cell in the copybook or notebook, so it occupies almost the entire part of the cell. The right edge of the number always touches the right side of the cell, without going beyond its edges.

Let's look at the example of writing the numbers 0 and 1. By analogy, you can independently teach your child how to write correctly:

Buy or download mathematical copybooks. First, the fidget must circle the numbers using dots, then dotted lines. On one line, examples should be repeated 2-3 times so that you can focus on them all the time. You can also buy a stencil for your baby; he will definitely like to trace various signs on it. To prevent loss of interest and boredom while practicing with copybooks, give your child the opportunity to draw circles, suns or hearts next to the numbers. With such entertainment we learn and absorb new material faster.

Learning numbers by dots

Copybook coloring pages with numbers


Before starting to write letters, the child must master the alphabet and understand what a particular sign looks like. Copybooks with block letters will definitely help him with this. Pay your child's attention to the boundaries of the lines, explain to him that the letters must be written so that they do not go beyond these boundaries. Conduct handwriting lessons with him in the form of a game, compare letters with various objects. For example, you can compare “O” to an inflatable ring, “C” to a month, and “U” to a slingshot. This will make your classes more fun and exciting, and it will be easier to remember the names and appearance.

Start learning how to write capital letters only after your child has mastered printed letters well. First, show several times how to correctly write a new sign. Comment on your actions, tell us how and where you draw the lines, what elements the letter consists of. Then write this letter together, help the preschooler in his first experiences with writing. For better understanding, you can show with your fingers in the air how to do it, and then ask your baby to repeat after you. Once he succeeds, you can give him time to write on his own.

Engage with your child, develop his fantasy and imagination, train fine motor skills and coordination of movements, praise his every achievement. Then you will definitely be able to teach your child to write without spending a lot of time and nerves!

Here you will find copybooks for children “Printed letters and capital letters” with tasks in pictures for download from Little Fox Bibushi, in which the child will learn to write printed and capital letters of the Russian alphabet, learn syllables, and insert missing letters into words. The recipes are available for free download at the bottom of the page. Bright pictures attract children's attention well, and they also serve as hints for tasks.

Copybooks for children - Printed letters and capitals - Rules for implementation:

After you download and print the printable letters and capitals worksheets for children, you can start tracing letters and completing assignments. All tasks are intended for preschool children. Each sheet is a separate letter with cursive and assignments.

  • First of all, the child needs to trace the printed letters, then write the letters independently according to the model.
  • Then write this letter into the words (in the empty cells).
  • And finally, you need to circle the capital letters on each sheet. In this case, the child must carefully follow the arrows that indicate in which direction each letter should be written.

Draw the child's attention to the arrows that are located on capital letters and explain to the child that the arrows indicate the correct direction of writing letters, and the dots indicate the beginning of their writing. If you want to ensure that your child develops beautiful handwriting, show him with an example how to work with arrows and make sure that the child initially writes the letters correctly, according to the model.

If your child is just starting to learn letters, first use the “Letters” introductory copybooks for children from the previous material. Write us your feedback in the comments and wait for new tasks for children from Bibushi!

Have fun!

You can download Copybooks for children - Printed letters and capital letters - in the attachments at the bottom of the page

We write the letter A, learn syllables: AM, AN, AT, AP, AK, AS, MA, PA, NA, SA; insert the missing letters into the words “Banana”, “Butterfly”, “Lipstick”.

We write the letter B, learn the syllables: BA, BO, BU, BI, BE, BE, BAK, BOK, BUK, BIM, BYM, BEM; insert the missing letters into the words “Beads”, “Baba Yaga”, “Beaver”.

We write the letter B, learn the syllables: VA, VO, VU, VI, YOU, VE, VAL, VOL, VUL, VIN, VYN, VEN; insert the missing letters into the words “Crow”, “Girl”, “Star”.

We write the printed and capital letter G, learn the syllables: GA, GO, GU, GI, GY, GE, GAS, GOS, GUS, GYT, GET; insert the missing letters into the words “Nest”, “Snowman”, “Penguin”.

We write the letter D, learn the syllables: YES, DO, DU, DI, DY, DE, DAM, HOUSE, DUM, DING, DING, DEN; insert the missing letters into the words “Grapes”, “Gift”, “Palace”.

We write the letter E, learn the syllables: EM, EN, ET, EP, EC, EC, ME, PE, NOT, BE, VE, CE; insert the missing letters into the words “Nest”, “Snowman”, “Penguin”.

We write the letter E, learn the syllables: YOM, YON, YOT, YOP, YOK, YOS, MIO, PYO, NYO, BYO, VYO, SIO; insert the missing letters into the words “Airplane”, “Donkey”, “Tiger Cub”.

We write the letter Z, learn the syllables: ZHA, ZH, ZHU, ZHU, ZH, ZH, HEAT, ZHOR, ZHUR, JUR, FAT, FAT; fill in the missing letters in the words “Blackberry”, “Jerry”, “Flag”.

We write the letter Z, learn the syllables: FOR, ZO, ZU, ZI, ZY, ZE, ZAM, ZOM, ZOOM, ZIN, ZYN, ZEN; insert the missing letters into the words “Truck”, “Steam Locomotive”, “Umbrella”.

We write the letters I and Y, learn the syllables: IM, IN, IT, IP, IR, IS, AY, OH, UI, EY, EY, HEY; insert the missing letters into the words “Books”, “Pyramid”, “Trolleybus”.

We write the letter K, learn the syllables: KA, KO, KU, KI, KY, KE, SKA, SKO, SKU, TKI, TKY, TKE; insert the missing letters into the words “Blob”, “Snow White”, “Wolf”.

We write the printed and capital letter L, learn the syllables: LA, LO, LU, LI, LY, LE, KLA, KLO, KLU, VLI, VLY, VLE; insert the missing letters into the words “Stroller”, “Carlson”, “Lemon”.

We write the letter M, learn the syllables: MA, MO, MU, MI, WE, ME, SAM, SOM, SUM, DIM, SMOKE, DEM; insert the missing letters into the words “Mask”, “Merida”, “Suitcase”.

We write the letter N, learn the syllables: NA, BUT, NU, NI, NY, NE, SAN, SON, SUN, LIN, LYN, LEN; insert the missing letters into the words “Elephant”, “Monkey”, “Strawberry”.

We write the letter O, learn the syllables: MO, BY, BUT, TO, DO, GO, COM, GOR, BOL, FON, ANGRY, GOS; insert the missing letters into the words “Bucket”, “Leopold”, “Crown”.

We write the letter P, learn the syllables: PA, PO, PU, ​​PI, PU, ​​PE, PAP, POL, POOH, PIC, PT, PEF; insert the missing letters into the words "Bee", "Rapunzel", "Puzzles".

We write the letter P, learn the syllables: RA, RO, RU, RI, RY, RE, KAR, VOR, FUR, TYR, DYR, MER; insert the missing letters into the words “Heart”, “Aurora”, “Basket”.

We write the printed letter C, learn the syllables: SA, SO, SU, SI, SY, SE, SKA, STO, SLU, SVI, SMY, SNE; fill in the missing letters in the words “Leaf”, “Jasmine”, “Cheese”.

We write the letter T, learn the syllables: TA, TO, TU, TI, YOU, TE, TAM, TOT, CLOUCH, SILH, THOUSAND, TEN; insert the missing letters into the words “Pan”, “Timon”, “Flower”.

We write the letter U, learn the syllables: MU, PU, ​​NU, BU, VU, SU, SOUL, LUN, GUZ, TSUM, CHUK, SHUP; insert the missing letters into the words “Spider”, “Baloo”, “Medusa”.

We write the letter F, learn the syllables: FA, FO, FU, FI, FY, FAR, FOM, FOOT, FIS, FYR, FEN; insert the missing letters into the words “Shoe”, “Fairy”, “Traffic light”.

We write the printed and capital letter X, learn the syllables: HA, HO, HU, HI, HY, HE, HAM, HOL, HUN, HIT, HYCH, HES; fill in the missing letters in the words “Fly”, “Pocahontas”, “Nut”.

We write the letter C, learn the syllables: TsA, TsO, TsU, TsI, TsY, TsE, TsAR, TsOK, TsUN, TsIS, TsYG, TsEP; insert the missing letters into the words “Ring”, “Singer”, “Button”.

We write the letter H, learn the syllables: CHA, CHO, CHU, CHI, CHE, CHE, TEA, CHOK, CHUM, CHIN, CHES, CHEL; insert the missing letters into the words “Balls”, “Bee”, “Turtle”.

We write the letter Ш, learn the syllables: SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI, SHE, SHE, SHAL, SHOCK, NOISE, SHIN, CHEF, SHOP; insert the missing letters into the words “Pine”, “Ball”, “Pear”.

We write the letter Ш, learn the syllables: SHCHA, SHCHO, SHCHU, SHCHU, SHCHU, SHYO, TASH, KOSCH, LUSCH, NISHCH, MOTHER-IN-LAW; insert the missing letters into the words “Brush”, “Koschey”, “Box”.

We write the letters b and b signs: fill in the missing letters in the words. Remember that there are no words that begin with these letters.

We write the letter Y, learn the syllables: WE, PY, US, WOULD, YOU, SY, DREAMS, HLY, KNY, FOREHODS, ZHNY, WHEEL; insert the missing letters into the words “Soap”, “Kopatych”, “Pancakes”.

We write the letter E, learn the syllables: TE, ME, VE, PE, BE, SE, MER, SER, PER, NET, MET, DET; fill in the missing letters in the words “Screen”, “Mary Poppins”, “Relay Race”.

We write the printed letter Y and the capital letter, learn the syllables: MY, PY, NU, BY, VY, SY, TUR, CUR, SUR, JUR, DUR, LUR; insert the missing letters into the words “Iron”, “Nyusha”, “Pan”.

We write the letter I, learn the syllables: MYA, PYA, NYA, BYA, VYA, XYA, FLYA, GLYA, VNYA, SNYA, ZYA, SHMYA; insert the missing letters into the words “Worm”, “Sonya”, “Cherry”.

You can download other copybooks with tasks for printing:

Here you can download and print out free copybooks for children “Letters” with tasks, thanks to which kids will be able to get acquainted with the printed letters of the Russian alphabet.

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DIY flashlight from a jar How to make a flashlight using glow sticks
Girls, look what beauty you can make from a mason jar! I came up with such an interesting little thing from a simple coffee jar. It is quite universal. Do you want it to be a stained glass lantern... Or do you want it to be a vase! I'll tell you how to make it
We'll tell you how to clean a mink coat at home: from grease stains and champagne
Clothes have the unpleasant property of getting dirty while being worn. If we are talking about T-shirts or trousers, they are easier to clean than, for example, a mink coat. All fur products require careful care and compliance with certain precautions. mink
Methods for tying a sash belt
To practice karate, you need a kimono and an obi (belt). Kimonos are sewn from mixed fabrics that have good breathable properties and give the product a neat appearance. The obi is made from several layers of cotton. The width of the belt is 4-6 cm, the length varies
Master class “Easter bunnies” Do-it-yourself Easter eggs, hares made of fabric
Do-it-yourself crafts will help you decorate your interior or holiday table. Using simple patterns and a step-by-step master class, we offer to make original bunnies. In this article you will learn a soft baby bunny, a whole garland of bunnies and a cap