How to use a water epilator. How is an epilator different from a depilator? Do you use an epilator?! Well, you're a heroine

Manufacturers of hair removal products are constantly improving and expanding their product range. Every year, improvements appear in the form of new attachments that allow you to minimize pain and get rid of the problem forever.

However, each product is individual in its own way and therefore it is important to know how to properly remove hair using a depilator and how to properly treat the skin before and after depilation.

Skin preparation

  1. It is very important to determine the exact time when you want to perform the procedure. This is necessary so that the skin is calmed by this time and there is no inflammation.
  2. 2-3 days before depilation, you need to shave your legs, because the longer the hair, the more painful it will be to remove it.
  3. If you have a high pain threshold, then you should worry about pain relief in advance. In pharmacies you can buy a huge number of painkillers for any person and for any skin type.
  4. Immediately before epilation you need to take a hot bath or shower to steam your skin well. This will help reduce sensitivity as the pores will be enlarged and unwanted hair can be removed without any problems.

Basic rules

There are 4 basic and most important rules when using an epilator:

  1. Always read the instructions carefully, which is supplied with the device, and always strictly follow all the precautions written in it.
  2. Most epilators can remove hairs that are at least 1mm long., but now some manufacturers have begun to produce their equipment with additional attachments that can remove even the smallest hairs. Also, you should not remove too long hair; it is better to remove it a couple of days before depilation, or, if there is absolutely no time, shorten it using a special trimmer.
  3. When using the depilator for the first time It is best to give your preference to the nozzle that captures the largest amount of hair, and it is best to set the speed to the minimum.
  4. After the procedure The skin must be moisturized with cream every time.

Step by step guide


  1. The areas of the ankles and the areas on the back of the knees are considered the most painful and sensitive when depilating the legs. The remaining areas get used to the unpleasant sensations within a few minutes. Therefore, you should consider which zone is best for you to start the procedure with.
  2. Next, you should prepare the skin for further hair removal using a scrub. for the body or a hard sponge. You should also steam your feet an hour before.
  3. Then, following the instructions, begin to gradually remove unnecessary vegetation.


  1. Before the procedure, the hairs should be slightly shortened so that they are not too long.
  2. Also, to relieve irritation and pain relief, you can treat the armpit area with an ordinary ice cube, then apply a small amount of baby oil.
  3. The skin in the axillary area has its own characteristics, therefore, to reduce pain directly during epilation, the skin should be slightly pulled upward, this will ensure easier and more effective removal.

Bikini area:

  1. The bikini area is the most sensitive of all. Because of this, it should be treated with special care.
  2. When epilating, it is recommended to cool the skin using a special mitten or spray., which can be purchased together with the epilator in regular hardware stores or ordered from specialized online stores.
  3. After the procedure, the area is treated with alcohol, after which chamomile moisturizer is applied to soothe the skin.


Before purchasing a device, it is very important to read the list of contraindications and make sure that this type of hair removal is suitable for you. For example, an epilator is contraindicated in case of severe irritation and inflammation of the area where hair needs to be removed, and in case of open wounds on the skin. Also, people with diabetes, vascular inflammation and allergies will not be able to use it without consulting a doctor.

Without any additional attachments, hair removal can be carried out only on the legs, and it is strictly prohibited to get rid of excess facial hair using it.

Despite the efforts of manufacturers and a huge selection of products for pain relief, hair removal is still one of the most painful procedures, however, it is also one of the most effective. Therefore, decide for yourself whether you are ready to endure or whether it is better to look for a more gentle option.

After care

Almost always, after the hair removal procedure, irritation appears, which can lead to inflammation and worsening. This occurs due to the huge formation of bacteria, so it is necessary to neutralize them in a short time and soothe the site of irritation.

Some advise using a special cream or lotion for sensitive skin for treatment. Baby cream is ideal for the same purpose; it gently moisturizes and soothes. However, it should be borne in mind that using baby powder or talc for this is a big mistake, since they have been scientifically proven to be harmful due to clogging pores and causing inflammation.

If you experience a burning sensation or notice minor injuries, you should disinfect the area as quickly as possible. Alcohol with a low percentage, hydrogen peroxide, or, if available, some herbal tincture are good for this. This will help to quickly and effectively disinfect the skin and destroy all harmful bacteria, as well as tighten the pores.

However, be sure to ensure that any of these solutions do not come into contact with the mucous membrane. And after completing the procedures, spread a layer of cream with a moisturizing effect.

  1. If you are concerned that alcohol-containing solutions will cause more harm than good, then you can always replace them with antiseptic tinctures of Miromistin, Chlorgesedin or Furacilin. They are more harmless and do not cause a burning effect after treatment.
  2. If you see that inflammation has already begun, then you should immediately turn to more serious means and use antiseptic ointments like Miramistin, Malavit or Actovegin.
  3. Ointments containing panthenol, are some of the best products for treating inflammation. Thanks to them, the skin structure is easily restored, and all germs and irritation instantly disappear.
  4. Products for treatment after hair removal can not only be purchased at any pharmacy, but you can also make it yourself using folk remedies: (for example, one of the best medicines is a tincture or decoction of herbs, and especially chamomile or calendula. Lotions from these decoctions should be made several days after the procedure.)
  5. It is also important to take care of the area from which you have removed, but also a couple of days after hair removal, since at this time your skin is especially vulnerable and needs special protection. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using deodorants and perfumes containing fruit acid to avoid causing irritation.
  6. Avoid exposure to large amounts of ultraviolet rays on unprotected areas, and also do not use solariums earlier than 48 hours after hair removal, as this can lead to inflammation and pigmentation.

Hair removal using electrical devices is a good way to achieve the desired smoothness of the skin for up to several weeks. How to use an epilator correctly? How to reduce pain? Such questions come to girls who decide to use a popular beauty gadget for the first time. Knowledge of small subtleties will allow you to carry out hair removal competently and minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Hair removal devices: pros and cons of use

An epilator is an electrical device designed to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body. It is equipped with moving plates that, while rotating, capture hairs and pull them out by the roots. This procedure causes considerable discomfort, so using an epilator is not recommended for women with a low pain threshold.

In addition, contraindications to this type of hair removal are pregnancy and varicose veins in the areas of hair removal.

As you can see, the list of restrictions is short, and the use of an epilator is suitable for most women. You just need to choose a device that is simple and easy to use.

Modern electrical hair removal devices have useful options that make the hair removal process more comfortable and painless.

For example, LED lighting helps not to miss even the finest fluff, the massage attachment reduces discomfort, and the movable epilator head ensures smooth gliding.

Many devices can be used directly while taking a bath or shower, which significantly reduces the level of discomfort.

Many women choose hair removal with an epilator, because this method has its undoubted advantages:

  • long lasting effect. After the first procedure, the skin remains smooth for an average of 2 weeks, but this period increases each time. Constant damage to the follicles causes new hairs to grow slowly and become weak and thin;
  • ease of use at home. Every girl can use an epilator; all you need is a little skill;
  • lack of long preparations for the process. There is no need to heat the wax or cook sugar paste, and then remove the remaining product from the body. No additional devices except the epilator itself;
  • the device can be purchased at an affordable price, it is easy to store and convenient to take with you, for example, on a trip;
  • Can be used on any part of the body.

The disadvantages of this type of hair removal include:

  • pain during the procedure. Pulling out hairs by the roots in some cases causes such severe discomfort that women refuse to use the epilator after the first attempt;
  • duration of the process. At first, hair removal takes quite a long time. First you need to let the skin get used to it, so a low speed of rotation of the plates is selected, and the procedure is carried out with “breathes”;
  • ingrown hair. A very common problem when using electrical appliances. During the procedure, it is difficult to control the correctness of hair removal, so they begin to grow at the wrong angle. As a result, red spots and pustules form on the skin;
  • The device is not recommended for use on the face.

Before you begin the procedure, you should figure out how to do hair removal with an epilator correctly. This will allow you to evaluate all the advantages of the method and mitigate its disadvantages.

At first glance, hair removal with an epilator seems to be an elementary procedure, but some tips still won’t hurt.

  1. Before the procedure, you need to steam your skin by taking a hot shower or bath. This makes hair removal easier and reduces discomfort. If the epilator model allows you to use it in water, this will make the process even more comfortable.
  2. If the epilator is used only on dry skin, you should dry your body well with a towel. You cannot use creams and lotions before the procedure, otherwise the hair removal process will be very difficult.
  3. It is advisable to treat the body with a scrub or a hard washcloth. This improves access to hairs, and keratinized skin flakes do not interfere with hair removal.
  4. The length of the hairline should be within 5-7 mm. This is enough to capture hairs with the epilator plates. Excess length should be cut off, otherwise the hair will not be removed, but will break off.
  5. When performing the procedure for the first time, you need to use the epilator at low speed and in those places where the hairs are thinner. This will allow you to adapt to new, not entirely pleasant sensations.
  6. The epilator removes hair against its growth; this must be taken into account when choosing the direction of movement. Do not press the device too hard against your skin.
  7. Using products after depilation will help get rid of redness, the appearance of which after the procedure is absolutely normal.
  8. After each use, the epilator should be rinsed and dried.

Red dots on the skin are a normal reaction after the procedure. After a few hours they go away on their own.

In between hair removal sessions, it is advisable to use a scrub at least 2-3 times a week.

The skin can be lubricated with creams that slow down hair growth.

The first hair removal sessions are usually the most painful. But after 3-5 procedures, the unpleasant sensations become much less pronounced. This is due to both the skin getting used to it and the hair structure changing: it becomes weaker and easier to remove.

Features of the procedure on different parts of the body

Epilation on different parts of the body differs in the degree of pain. The device is most often used to remove hair on the legs, armpits and bikini area.


The most popular procedure performed with an epilator at home is leg epilation. The device is easy to use on such a large surface, and most women rate the pain when removing leg hair as tolerable.

To prepare your legs for epilation with an epilator, you need to take a hot shower and rub dry skin with a hard towel.

The device must be placed perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Movements are made from bottom to top without pressure. The most sensitive areas are the ankles and behind the knees.

Shaving your legs with an epilator without pain is possible if local anesthetics are used, but you should not abuse them.

Armpits and bikini area

The armpits and bikini area are the most sensitive areas of the body. A large number of nerve endings makes epilation in these places very painful. To minimize discomfort you need to follow simple recommendations:

It is not forbidden to use an epilator in the deep bikini area, but, as a rule, this is only possible after preliminary anesthesia.

The electric epilator is ideal for home use. With its help, it is easy to get rid of unwanted hair, and regular use of the device leads to a slowdown in the rate of hair growth. This means that with each new procedure the effect of smooth and silky skin will last longer and longer.

An epilator is an indispensable assistant in the fight against unwanted hair. How to use an epilator without it hurting? Let's figure it out.

Basic rules to help get rid of pain

Not every woman knows how to cope with unpleasant sensations during hair removal. Turning on the water in the bathroom so that no one can hear, clenching your teeth and cold sweat on your back - these are the sacrifices women have to make in order to remove unwanted hair. Let's try to figure out how to use an epilator so that it doesn't hurt.

  1. The first rule that will answer the question of how to reduce pain is maintaining the length of the hair. Many women use a regular razor as a means of shaving. If you plan to use an epilator, you will have to wait a while so that the hair has time to grow at least 5 mm. Hair less than 5 mm long may simply not catch on the tweezers of the device or may not come off completely, making the epilation process even more painful.
  2. The second rule is to use the device at low speeds. To ensure that the device can capture and remove all hairs, only low speeds can be used. At high speeds it is impossible to remove thicker vegetation.
  3. The third rule is epilation in water. Currently, there are a huge number of different epilators. Give preference to those that can be used in water. This way you can reduce discomfort. Water steams the skin, allowing you to remove hair without effort.
  4. The fourth rule is to shave against the hair growth without using any effort. The question of how to make epilation painless is perfectly answered by the simplest rules written in the instructions for the device. You should shave only against the direction of hair growth. If you are used to wielding the razor in any direction in different directions, then you will have to get rid of this habit.

Individual approach to different parts of the body

How to reduce pain in different parts of the body? It doesn't matter whether you shave in water or as usual, there is a different hair removal technique for everything, since each part of the body has its own sensitivity threshold.

The process of bikini hair removal is very unpleasant and painful. In this case, anesthesia is the best solution to the problem. There are many different cooling sprays with a freezing effect, such as Lidocaine. Creams with similar properties, for example, Emla, are also sold. Contact a consultant at the pharmacy and they will select a suitable pain reliever for you.

The most pain-free area is the legs. Shaving your legs with an epilator is much more pleasant than shaving your bikini area. Very sensitive areas are under the knees and on the ankles; here the procedure must be carried out especially slowly in order to cause as little discomfort as possible.

The third area with unwanted hair is the armpits. A special approach is needed here, since the skin of the armpits is extremely sensitive and prone to irritation. To shave properly, you need to stretch the skin a little, then the hairs will be removed easier and easier. After completing the procedure, you should lubricate the skin with something soothing to prevent redness and irritation.

  1. Breathe evenly and calmly, this always helps reduce discomfort.
  2. Carry out the procedure in the first days of the cycle, they are considered the most painless.
  3. Pre-steam and scrub your skin. This will help avoid the problem of ingrown hairs.
  4. Don't use ice. It constricts blood vessels and complicates the process of pulling the bulb out of its socket, which leads to increased pain. It is better to apply it after the procedure.
  5. Use the cooling and massage attachments that are usually included with the device.

There are many ways to reduce pain during hair removal. But the simplest one is to completely abandon this procedure and switch to depilation. Depilation is the removal of hair without damaging the hair follicle. The most popular products include creams and machines. There is no need to make huge sacrifices to remove unwanted hairs; it is better to carry out the procedure more often without feeling pain than to torture your body every time.

Conclusion on the topic

A few simple tips to make hair removal pain-free will help you reduce pain. Unfortunately, the most painless epilator has not yet been created, but by following a certain sequence of actions, you can reduce discomfort to a minimum. In the most extreme case, you can simply refuse hair removal and prefer depilation.

  • 1. What is an epilator and what is it for?
  • 2. Pros and cons
  • 3. Which parts of the body can be used with an epilator?
  • 4. How to prepare your skin for hair removal
  • 4.1. How to numb the skin
  • 5. How to properly epilate with an epilator without pain
  • 6. Additional tips and recommendations for those who decided to undergo the procedure for the first time
  • 7. Skin care after hair removal
  • 8. Contraindications
  • 9. Frequently asked questions and answers
  • 9.1. Why does an epilator break off hair shafts?
  • 9.2. Is it possible to use an epilator during late pregnancy?
  • 9.3. Why doesn't the epilator pull out hairs?
  • 9.4. Does hair grow quickly after epilation with an epilator?
  • 9.5. What is better to use: an epilator or a razor?
  • 9.6. Which is better: trimmer or epilator?
  • 9.7. What is better: epilator or electric razor?

What is an epilator and what is it for?

An epilator is a small electric machine for removing unwanted hair on the body. The device can operate from mains or batteries. On the head of the instrument there are rotating discs with tweezers. The number of tweezers depends on the model; on average, it has from 20 to 40 tweezers. There are models with one or several speeds, attachments, and auxiliary accessories.

The principle of operation of the epilator is based on plucking hairs. Tweezers grab the hairs and pull them out by the roots. After using an epilator, hair does not grow for an average of 3 weeks.

Pros and cons

The epilator is easy to use and effective as a result, but any method has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of a mechanical epilator:

  • inexpensive;
  • does not require any additional tools;
  • easy to use;
  • compact (you can take it with you on the road);
  • wear-resistant (with careful use the machine will last for a long time);
  • hair does not grow for 3–4 weeks.


  • pain during the procedure;
  • possible skin irritation;
  • some hairs break off rather than be pulled out by the roots;
  • provokes ingrown hairs under the skin;
  • makes noise when working.

Despite the disadvantages, thousands of women prefer to use an epilator, considering this device the most practical and effective.

What parts of the body can be used with an epilator?

Hair removal with a household electric epilator can be done on any area: the face (many models have special attachments for the face), arms, legs, bikini area and intergluteal space, and armpits.

How to prepare your skin for hair removal

Before using an epilator, you should prepare your skin to reduce soreness and reduce the risk of irritation.

Those who are doing the procedure for the first time need to know that mechanical hair removal can cause quite severe and even unbearable pain. But each time the discomfort will be less, as the hairs become thinner and grow less frequently.

Preparation rules:

  1. The length of the hair should be from 0.5 to 1 cm. Shorter hair may not be caught, and long hair may break off.
  2. In 15 min. Before using an electric epilator, you need to steam the skin in hot water and use a scrub or rub it with a hard washcloth.
  3. After the shower, dry your body. It is not recommended to use any cosmetics, especially oily ones.

How to numb the skin

Removing unwanted hair with an electric depilator is not a pleasant process. Everyone's sensitivity is different, and some women feel the pain quite strongly.

You can numb the treatment site at home with special anesthetic creams. For example, Emla cream. Lidocaine spray is also great for reducing sensitivity. Menthol essential oil or the liquid drug Menovazin provide a mild analgesic effect. Some epilator models include a cooling glove. It facilitates the process and is designed for reusable use.

An analgesic tablet relieves pain for several hours, but it should be remembered that such drugs are toxic to the body.

How to properly epilate with an epilator without pain

Following the rules of epilation technique with an epilator will help you carry out the procedure comfortably. Hands and the head of the instrument are treated with an antiseptic before the procedure.


  1. Immediately before epilation, it is recommended to treat the area of ​​the body to be epilated with talcum powder (for children or cosmetic). It disinfects and degreases hairs, improving their grip with tweezers. If talc is not on hand, you can treat the skin with any antiseptic.
  2. The machine is plugged in and the speed mode is selected.
  3. The epilator head is brought to the skin at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. With light jerky movements, the machine is moved along the skin, against the growth of hair. The tool will not immediately pull out all the hairs in one area. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to repeat the movements in one area of ​​the body 5–7 times. To reduce pain, the skin should be pulled with the other hand.
  5. After hair removal is completed, the body is treated with an antiseptic.
  6. The machine is cleaned, treated with alcohol, and put into a case.

Additional tips and recommendations for those who have decided to undergo the procedure for the first time

  1. Epilation with an epilator is not recommended for women during menstrual periods; during this period, sensitivity increases and the pain may be stronger.
  2. It is better to start epilation at the lowest speed.
  3. You need to use the epilator smoothly, without making sudden movements, as this will cause the hairs to break off.
  4. If you don’t have any anesthetics on hand and the pain is severe, you can use an ice bag to cool the skin.
  5. Many models come with attachments for different areas, which help reduce pain.
  6. Before epilating your armpits or bikini area, you should try the machine on a less sensitive area – your legs.
  7. Depilation should begin from the edge of hair growth, gradually moving further.
  8. It is better to epilate in the evening so that the skin calms down overnight, although it is believed that it is less sensitive in the morning.

Skin care after hair removal

Skin care is necessary at home to maintain its beauty and health.

Bepanten cream and its analogues (D-Panthenol, Pantenstin) will help to quickly calm the epidermis and reduce irritation. Baby creams with extracts of chamomile, aloe, plantain, sage, and calendula also have excellent antiseptic and healing properties. The cream is applied to the body 20–25 minutes after hair removal and continued to be used 3–4 times a day for several days.

For the first 3–4 days after depilation, it is forbidden to sunbathe, go to swimming pools, saunas, baths, or take hot baths. Clothing that comes into contact with the leaded area must be made from natural fabrics. You should try not to touch the skin with dirty hands. You should not use hard washcloths or cosmetics containing alcohol for the first few days.

To prevent ingrown hairs from appearing, 5-7 days after depilation, you need to steam the skin and thoroughly treat it with a scrub or rub it with a hard washcloth. It is recommended to repeat such actions 2 times a week until the next hair removal.


You should not use the epilator if:

  • any inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin damage (scratches, cuts, sores) in the depilated area of ​​the body.
  • a large cluster of protruding moles on the body;
  • oncology;
  • feeling unwell, unwell.

An epilator for varicose veins is not an absolute contraindication. In the early stages of varicose veins, you can use an epilator in some areas of the body, but you should consult your doctor. During pregnancy, it is better not to use the method for the first time. Pregnancy is not a ban on using a machine, but pain can cause severe stress to the body, which is very harmful for a woman in this position.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Why does an epilator break off hair shafts?

Typically, hairs break off at high speed and with sudden movements.

Is it possible to use an epilator during late pregnancy?

Hair removal with a machine during pregnancy is possible if the woman is already accustomed to this method and does not feel severe pain.

Why doesn't the epilator pull out hairs?

Perhaps the tool is of poor quality or the technical rules are not followed.

Does hair grow quickly after epilation with an epilator?

Everything is individual, on average hair begins to grow after 3 weeks.

What is better to use: an epilator or a razor?

An epilator is better because the skin remains smooth for a long time compared to shaving.

Which is better: trimmer or epilator?

The trimmer cuts off the hair and the epilator pulls it out. The effect of the trimmer lasts several times less.

What is better: epilator or electric razor?

In terms of efficiency, an electric epilator is better than a razor.

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