When is the best time to get your hair cut in August? Lunar haircut calendar for August - favorable days. When is the best time to cut hair in August for women?

The right day to cut your hair is a guarantee of a hairstyle that will not disappoint you. Using our lunar haircut calendar, you will definitely choose the best day for this.

August 2 and 3: The Sign Leo will come into force, which is very favorable for cutting hair. Under its influence, the hair structure is strengthened and it becomes thicker. The new moon on August 2 will also have a positive effect on visiting the hairdresser. A new hairstyle will give you confidence.

August 4, 5 and 6: these days the constellation Virgo will show its positive influence on haircuts. The hair will grow quite quickly and will be able to maintain its shape well. The energy of this period will help you attract material well-being with a new haircut.

August 9, 10 and 11: the ambiguous influence of the Scorpio Sign can both harm and improve the structure. Don't be afraid to visit the salon if you have thin hair: a haircut these days will make it stronger and your hairstyle will become a little thicker. You will also notice that your intuition will strengthen. It’s a good idea to carry out wellness treatments to make your hair stronger.

August 12 and 13: The Moon will come under the influence of the Sign Sagittarius. This is not the best time for a haircut; it should be postponed. Otherwise, it is quite possible that your health will worsen. Moreover, it will not last long. Hair will become less manageable and grow faster.

August 14, 15 and 16: under the influence of the Moon in the Sign of Capricorn, haircuts always go well. Hair grows healthy and strong, and styling lasts a long time. But for this it is advisable to choose a fairly simple hairstyle.

August 17 and 18: The Moon will move into the Sign of Aquarius. This sign does not influence positively or negatively, but it is during this period that it is good to experiment. Any interesting and completely unexpected haircut options are best done during the influence of Aquarius. You can also experiment with hair color.

August 19 and 20: It is advisable to avoid exposure to hair, especially when it comes to the use of chemicals. The sign of Pisces will make the hair more vulnerable, so even an ordinary haircut can damage its structure. After this, the ends begin to split noticeably, and sometimes dandruff appears.

August 21 and 22: cutting your hair these days is a bad idea. The Aries sign does not have the best effect on hair structure. After a haircut, they may lose their original beautiful appearance and begin to fall out.

August 23 and 24: The time of Taurus influence is very suitable for haircuts. This will only improve the hair structure, and you yourself will be satisfied with the result, due to which you will begin to feel better than before.

August 25 and 26: The sign of Gemini does not affect the structure of the hair, but if you cut your hair on one of these days, your hair may begin to curl and become less manageable. For your hairstyle, choose something light, you can curl it specifically: this way you will attract positive energy.

August 27 and 28: Take part in wellness treatments. The constellation Cancer will not have the best effect on your haircut. Not only may you not be very happy with the result, but you may also have problems in your relationships with loved ones.

August 29, 30 and 31: Do not put off getting a haircut under any circumstances. The Leo sign is perfect for visiting the hairdresser. You will not only become more charming and attractive, but you may also improve the structure of your hair.

The moon influences all areas of our lives, but we ourselves can change a lot. Successful styling can literally transform your life, because it is included in the list of the best means for increasing self-esteem. Listen to the advice of hairdressers and astrologers and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2016 04:08

Each day of the week corresponds to a specific patron planet, which influences everything a person does on that day. ...

Your hair color will stay gorgeous and vibrant for a long time if you choose the right day to color it. From our article you will learn when, according to astrologers, it is best to visit the hairdresser.

August 1: the influence of the Cancer Sign makes the first day of August unfavorable for hair coloring. The fact is that the result will not be at all what you expected. Moreover, chemical exposure to hair can ultimately ruin its structure and cause harm. But you can decide on a hair color that suits your Zodiac Sign.

August 2 and 3: The coloring will be very successful. Leo, which has entered into force, will allow you to maintain a beautiful, rich color for a long time and cause as little damage as possible to your hair. It is especially favorable during this period to paint yourself in golden shades.

August 4, 5 and 6: The moon will move into the constellation Virgo. Toning, coloring and covering your gray hair during this period will help you feel more comfortable and confident in the workplace. However, you will achieve such success only by using natural dyes.

August 7th and 8th: During the period of influence of the Sign of Libra, it is advisable to dye your hair in a color that is not very different from your natural shade. Otherwise, multiple discord may arise in the family and in relationships with loved ones.

August 9, 10 and 11: Coloring during the influence of Scorpio can greatly harm your hair. Therefore, astrologers recommend postponing it. On the other hand, using natural dyes, you will even add beauty and charisma to yourself. Light hair coloring is not prohibited.

August 12 and 13: It is recommended to be careful with coloring. The Sagittarius sign does not have a clear effect on hair structure. Painting with vegetable dyes can help your bosses like you. However, the color is unlikely to last long.

August 14, 15 and 16: The Moon will move into the sphere of influence of Capricorn. This Sign is suitable for tinting and covering gray hair, choose any colors you want. Astrologers say that painting with natural dyes will attract wealth to your home. If you choose a bright hairstyle, you will attract good luck in love.

August 17 and 18: time to conduct the most extravagant experiments on hair. The influence of the Aquarius sign will allow flowers and the most daring hairstyles to last for a long time. And if you choose dark colors or paint yourself black, you will save yourself from a lot of worries and problems. You can also use signs that will help attract good luck with the help of hair.

August 19 and 20: The Sign of Pisces will come into force. Hair can be damaged very easily, so it is better to avoid dyeing these days. Carry out strengthening and healing procedures. You will notice the result almost immediately.

August 21 and 22: The coloring will be successful, so don’t deny yourself a visit to the salon. The Moon will move into the Sign of Aries, so you can attract good luck in work matters. To do this, choose either natural dyes or a bright shade of red.

August 23 and 24: great days for any type of coloring. The dye will also apply well to gray hair. Taurus has a very positive effect on hair, so you don’t have to be afraid of damaging it. If you choose a light tone, important people will soon appear in your life.

August 25 and 26: Astrologers advise painting your house with the help of someone close to you. The Gemini sign will help you attract a positive attitude in this way for a long time.

August 27 and 28: From an energetic point of view, it is better not to dye your hair on this day, as you may encounter unexpected problems and conflicts. Moreover, due to the influence of the constellation Cancer, the hair can be severely damaged.

August 29, 30 and 31: you can change your hair color to the opposite: the Leo sign in this case will fill you with luck, which will also help attract monetary wealth. Any actions with hair these days will be successful.

Since these favorable days for hair coloring are not always suitable for cutting hair, be sure to check the most favorable days for visiting the hairdresser. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.07.2016 04:29

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The calendar is calculated according to Moscow time. For other cities it is necessary to make an appropriate adjustment.

August 1, Sat. (13th lunar day, Sun. 19:41 - Sun. 01:32), moon in Capricorn

August 2, Sun. (14th lunar day, Sun. 20:25 - Sun. 02:30), moon in Capricorn

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Financial condition will improve. Staining with soft dyes is recommended.

August 3, Mon. (15th lunar day, Sun. 20:56 - Sun. 03:40), moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may arise. This day is lucky only for those who dye their hair dark shades with natural dyes.

August 4, Tue. (16th lunar day, Sun. 21:19 - Sun. 04:55), moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. You will experience mental discomfort. Dye your hair only in dark colors.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. There may be obstacles in business. Dyeing your hair in light or red shades will be successful.

It's better to give up the haircut. Trouble will arise. Dye your hair the color that brings you luck and confidence.

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will prolong your life. Dyeing with natural dyes will enhance your business success.

Not a very good day for cutting and coloring hair. You may not like the result.

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will give beauty and well-being. Good shades for painting would be light and red.

August 10, Mon. (22nd lunar day, sun.22:37 - zech.12:18), moon in Taurus

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions. However, there is a possibility of gaining excess weight. For coloring, choose natural shades.

August 11, Tue. (23rd lunar day, Sun. 22:51 - Sun. 13:30), moon in Taurus

August 12, Wed. (24 lunar day, Sun.23:10 - Sun.14:44), moon in Taurus

A very bad day for cutting and coloring. Health problems may arise. You can choose natural dark shades for coloring; this will attract success at work.

August 13, Thu. (25th lunar day, Sun. 23:35 - Sun. 15:58), moon in Gemini

A very bad day for a haircut. Health problems may arise. Coloring can cause conflicts.

Haircut can attract depression.

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You will find warmth. A radical change in hair color will bring you health and profit.

Favorable day for cutting hair. People will like you. You should not dye your hair.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair; you may lose positive energy and face financial problems.

August 19, Wed. (30/1 lunar day, Sun.04:51- Sun.20:37), moon in Virgo

Refuse to cut your hair and chemically dye your hair; you may end up in trouble and quarrels. On this day, it is better to dye your hair with natural dyes, this will attract profits to you.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair; you may lose positive energy and face financial problems. Hair coloring with a tint balm or foam will correct financial problems.

Unfavorable day for cutting and bleaching hair. A haircut will lead to waste. Dyeing with natural dyes will help in career growth.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You may be influenced by bad thoughts

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth. A good day to lighten your hair.

August 24, Mon. (6th lunar day, Sun. 12:24 - Sun. 21:57), moon in Scorpio

A haircut on this day helps to improve the health of the body and eliminates negativity. Refuse to dye, you may cause quarrels.

August 25, Tue. (7th lunar day, Sun. 13:53 - Sun. 22:19), moon in Scorpio

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may also arise at work.

August 26, Wed. (8th lunar day, Sun. 15:17 - Sun. 22:48), moon in Sagittarius

A very favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Gain health and longevity.

August 27, Thu. (9th lunar day, Sun. 16:34 - Sun. 23:28), moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and other manipulations with hair. You can attract illness.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Your health may deteriorate. It will be useful to dye your hair with henna, this will increase your authority at work and strengthen your immune system.

August 29, Sat. (11th lunar day, Sun. 18:25 - Sun. 00:21), moon in Capricorn

A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will enhance your mental acuity and intuition. Painting it gold or copper can bring you profit.

August 30, Sun. (12th lunar day, Sun. 18:59 - Sun. 01:27), moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Misfortunes are attracted. Only dyeing with natural dyes is allowed; this will increase your status.

August 31, Mon. (13th lunar day, Sun. 19:24 - Sun. 02:40), moon in Aquarius

Favorable day for cutting hair. A haircut will attract happiness and improve your appearance. But it’s better to refuse coloring.

The waxing moon in August - from August 1 to 2 and from August 20 to 31. A haircut on the waxing moon will speed up hair growth and promote profits.

The waning moon in August is from August 4 to August 18. Cutting your hair during a waning moon will slow down hair growth and keep your hair in shape longer.

The lunar calendar allows you to identify the most favorable and unfavorable days for coloring and cutting your hair. August 2016 is the final peak of the holidays, so plan your visit to the salon in advance in accordance with astrological recommendations.

Week from 1 to 7 August

Dominance of Cancer in the waning Moon.

Dyeing and cutting hair are allowed, but do not expect significant changes in your life after changes in appearance. A waning moon will not promote rapid hair growth.

A light haircut will retain positive energy.

Dominance of Cancer and Leo. New Moon.

For those who want changes in their personal and professional environment, the lunar haircut calendar for August 2016 advises them to start making changes in their appearance. The day is favorable for extraordinary haircuts and unusual hair coloring.

The dominance of Leo in the waxing Moon.

All hair manipulations activate cash flow. The energy received after cutting and coloring your hair will also be directed to the health sector. The lunar calendar sends those who lack motivation to the salon.

Dominance of Leo and Virgo in the waxing Moon.

A radical change in appearance and reduction in hair length will strengthen and improve your financial situation and force your bosses to look at you from the best side.

Today, according to the lunar calendar, health treatments for hair are favorable for haircuts and coloring. The day is suitable for mesotherapy (anchor).

The dominance of Virgo in the waxing Moon.

The dominance of Virgo and Libra in the waxing Moon.

One of the most favorable days according to the lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring for a visit to the barber. Voluminous hairstyles, large curls and light dyeing will have a positive impact on your life. Life after the changes will be filled with bright colors and good emotions.

Hair coloring is prohibited, as it will negatively affect the family situation. The day is favorable for haircuts. Especially the lunar calendar for August 2016 advises anyone who wants to remove more than half the length of their hair to go to the salon.

Healthy hair treatments will have an effect after just one treatment.

Week from 8 to 14 August

The dominance of Libra in the waxing Moon.

The result of any changes in appearance will have a positive impact on all areas of life! A haircut will improve your intuition, and changing the color of your hair will add self-confidence. On this day, any girl will feel like a star and will attract the attention of men.

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Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for May 2016

Any changes in appearance will attract the opposite sex. Otherwise, cutting and coloring your hair will not affect your life. For those who do not need excessive attention, it is better to refuse a visit to the barber.

The dominance of Scorpio in the waxing Moon.

The day is unfavorable for any changes in appearance according to the lunar color calendar for August 2016.

Better relax at home and take care of your health.

The dominance of Scorpio and Sagittarius in the waxing Moon.

The day is favorable for those who want to bring life back to dead and lifeless hair. The influence of the planets on this day is ambiguous. For those who do not have problems with hair, it is better to hold off on changes in appearance.

The day is not very suitable for haircuts. The hairdresser will be disappointed with the result of the work, or the haircut will quickly get boring, and you will no longer like yourself. In addition, changes in image will have a bad effect on your well-being.

The dominance of Sagittarius in the waxing Moon.

It’s as if the day was specially created for any manipulation of curls, be it coloring, cutting or wellness treatments.

Dominance of Sagittarius and Capricorn in the waxing Moon.

Any changes in appearance will have a successful impact on life. After cutting and coloring, the hair will become shiny, vibrant and stop splitting.

A radical change in image will have a positive effect on your personal life.

Week from 15 to 21 August

The dominance of Capricorn in the waxing Moon.

The day is favorable for coloring. A new shade will rejuvenate you and give you a fresh look.

Postpone the haircut for another day. Even a proven master may not get a very good result on this day.

Dominance of Capricorn and Aquarius in the waxing Moon.

The day is unfavorable for haircuts, as changing the length of your hair will make you depressed. But coloring will have a positive effect on your life. New acquaintances will appear only thanks to the updated hair shade.

The dominance of Aquarius in the waxing Moon.

The morning is favorable for a new haircut, but in the second part of the day it is better to take care of your health, not your appearance.

Dominance of Aquarius and Pisces. Full Moon.

The day is not suitable for manipulating hair. Take care of your health.

Dominance of Pisces in the waning Moon.

Coloring will ideally affect your life at any time of the 18th lunar day. Haircut is favorable only in the first part of the day.

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Mon August 1 from 3:08 the 28th lunar day begins, the Moon is in Cancer. The hair will not hold its shape, will be unruly, and will be difficult to style. Haircut is not recommended. It is also not recommended to wash your hair.
W August 2 from 4:14 the New Moon begins, the Moon is in Leo - it is better to refuse to visit the hairdresser on the day of the New Moon.

Waxing Moon in August 2016

Wed August 3 from 5:24 comes the 2nd lunar day - very favorable days for cutting hair. Hair cut these days becomes stronger and more voluminous and grows back quickly. On Leo days, hair perm works well - it turns out especially curly.

Thu August 4 from 6:36 - 3 lunar day, Moon in Virgo from (10:34) - if your task is to grow your hair, plan a haircut to renew the ends. Hair growth will resume and accelerate, and the beautiful shape of the hairstyle will be preserved for a long time. Any beauty activities will bring you material well-being.
Fri August 5 from 7:47 - 4th lunar day - if it is not possible to postpone going to the stylist on this day, then go to your regular stylist. The hair will not tolerate a change of hand and will respond with poor condition, split ends or a careless appearance. The day is not suitable for experiments

Sat August 6 from 8:57 - 5th lunar day, Moon in Libra from (19:56) - you chose a good moment if you decided to get a haircut today. This will not only give you confidence, but will also attract income, and you will have the opportunity for creative self-realization.

Sun August 7 from 10:06 - 6th lunar day - with the Moon in Libra, the haircut will go just fine - this is one of the most favorable days for cutting hair. All procedures with hair at this time contribute to its better growth, healing and improvement of its structure.

Mon August 8 from 11:13 — 7th lunar day - cutting your hair on this day can lead to a quarrel with like-minded people. This is an unfavorable day for hair coloring. Curl your hair with soft curlers - this will give you extra energy.

W August 9 from 12:19 - 8th lunar day, Moon at 7:51 Scorpio - this Tuesday is less successful for changing your hairstyle. A haircut threatens to negatively affect love relationships. It’s better to limit yourself to simple styling with curly curls, which will charge you with natural energy and give you success.

Wed August 10 from 13:24 - 9 lunar day - the day is good for improving your financial situation. A haircut or color change will give you a good boost to your financial well-being. It is quite possible to climb the career ladder, do not miss the opportunity.

Thu August 11 from 14:29 -10 lunar day, Moon at 20:24 Sagittarius - an unlucky period, haircuts will only lead to deterioration of health, and hair will stop growing.
Fri August 12 from 15:31 -11 lunar day - neutral day for hair cutting - slightly above average. But they grow faster than during the waning moon.
Sat August 13 from 16:30 - 12 lunar day - in On this day, hair cutting is not allowed, as it may adversely affect your destiny. Dye your hair with natural dyes - it will bring you success. Make an original hairstyle, then you will find yourself at the peak of an energy surge.
Sun August 14 from 17:24 - 13th lunar day, Moon at 7:11 Capricorn - a positive number of the month for the implementation of any plans to change the image. If you get a haircut, your hair will become stronger and hair loss will decrease. The overall health of the body will be strengthened, and things in the career field will improve. There may be unexpected good news that can radically change your life.

Mon August 15 from 18:11 - 14 lunar day - a new haircut will bring great benefits to the health of your hair, and will give you a fateful acquaintance, thanks to which you will be able to achieve a lot.

W August 16 from 18:52 -15 lunar day, Moon at 14:52 Aquarius - throughout the day until 14:52 you can visit the hairdresser at any time, this will improve your financial affairs and help professional advancement. But after the specified time, an unsuccessful period for haircuts and coloring begins.

Wed August 17 from 19:26 - 16th lunar day - neutral days for hair cutting - slightly above average. But hair grows faster than during the waning moon. In addition, Aquarius promotes everything original and fantasy. So if you are a lover of extravagant hairstyles, then this is the time for you.

Thu August 18 from 19:56 -17 Full Moon 12:26, ​​Moon at 19:34 Pisces - haircut will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Thanks to your prudence, you will be able to solve important problems with a cool head.

Waning Moon in August 2016

Fri August 19 from 20:23 6:09 -18 lunar day - changes in haircut will attract obstacles in business and even injuries. Very unexpected illnesses may arise.
Sat August 20 from 20:47 7:30 - 19th lunar day, Moon at 22:18 Aries is a very unfavorable time for cutting hair. When the Moon is in Aries, you shouldn’t touch your hair at all, it’s better not to even comb it. At this time, the hair is very vulnerable, and damage to it will then take a long time to repair. If you get your hair cut several times in a row on these days, your hair may become thin and brittle, begin to fall out, and bald spots may appear. The same goes for shaving.
Sun August 21 from 21:12 8:52 - 20 lunar day - on It is not recommended to cut your hair on this day. Today is also an unfavorable day for hair coloring. Today you can do any haircut, just don’t let anyone touch your hair.

Mon August 22 from 21:38 10:14 -21 lunar day - be sure to schedule a visit to the hairdresser in your calendar. A new image will improve your emotional background and give you a good mood. A haircut will bring hope and make an old dream come true.

W August 23 from 22:06 - 22 lunar day, Moon at 0:19 Taurus - this day is the most terrible for any procedures. Therefore, do not spoil the mood for yourself and your master - stay at home.

Wed August 24 from 22:39 - 23 lunar day - by deciding to go to a hairdresser, you will attract well-being. An excellent moment for dramatic changes, it is suitable for hair coloring. Just don't cut your hair too short

Thu August 25 from 23:18 -24 lunar day, Moon at 2:39 Gemini - unfavorable days for cutting hair. Hair can become thin, brittle and begin to fall out if your haircut falls during this period several times in a row. These days it is not recommended to do manicures, pedicures, extend gel nails, shape eyebrows, or curl the ends of eyelashes.
Fri August 26 from 15:18. - uh This is the worst day to cut your hair, so don't take the risk. You can dye your hair only with natural dyes. It is recommended to do your hair in waves.
Sat August 27 from 0:05 -25 lunar day, Moon at 6:06 Cancer - you should protect your hair from cutting, dyeing, curling, because this will negatively affect your psycho-emotional state. This Saturday is literally saturated with negative energy, so refrain from external contacts with people, spend time with your family surrounded by nature.
Sun August 28 from 1:00 -26 lunar day - the last good day of August 2016 for a haircut according to the lunar calendar. The haircut today will be a success, but it’s better to postpone the coloring until later. The color you get today will be completely different from the one you originally intended.

Mon August 29 from 2:02 -27 lunar day, Moon at 11:11 Leo - if you are not afraid of change and want your hair to improve, then this is the day when you can cut it. It is better to do this after 11:11, then your charm will increase and a positive attitude will appear.
W August 30 from 3:10 to 28 lunar day is a favorable time for cutting hair. When trimmed these days, they become stronger and more voluminous. Since the Moon is waning, hair will grow slowly, but will become thick and healthy. You should not dye your hair - the dye will quickly wash off. But on the days of Leo, perm and hair styling work well - they turn out especially curly.
Wed August 31 from 4:20 to 18:51 - 29th lunar day, Moon in Virgo from (18:22) - astrologers say that the last Wednesday of the month is neutral for haircuts. There is a high probability of improving career affairs and promoting profitable deals. A new hairstyle will give you a lot of enthusiasm, which will help you maintain high productivity.

The site reports that the most favorable time for hair removal is August 3-7, 10, 12-13, 15, 20-21, 24-25 August 2016.

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