Things to do with a girl at home: Show resourcefulness and develop relationships. How to cheer up and make a girl laugh in correspondence on VK How to cheer up girls

How to cheer up a girl.

Before we get to the answer to the question “How to cheer a girl up?”
You must answer one question: “Can you joke about your personality, about yourself?” I should note that

This is not subject to everyone, but only to strong and self-confident individuals. So, if you answered yes,

Then you are doomed to success in terms of amusing a girl, if - NO, then using the powerful arsenal given below

Examples, you will definitely achieve success.

The main wish!!! After all, to cheer a girl up means to lift her spirits, and that’s what we’ll do now.

I warn you, not all methods are ethical, witty, decent or witty, but...

Method number 1:
Just tell her an anecdote or funny story.

Method number 2:
Buy a bottle of wine and watch a comedy over a glass of it (for example, with my beloved Jim Carrey).

Method number 3:
A great way to cheer up a girl, as well as yourself at the same time, is to go to a room of laughter (distorting mirrors). I promise you

Instant mood boost!

Method number 4:
If a girl loves animals, then a great way to cheer her up is to take her to the zoo.

Method number 5:
Take a guitar and sing to it the lion cub’s song “I’m lying in the sun...” This especially works if you don’t know how to play

Method number 6:
Start biting and tickling her (further depending on the circumstances)

Method number 7:
You can cheer up a girl with some kind of gift.

Method number 8:
One of the most successful ways to cheer up (maybe even cheer up) a girl is to take her shopping. All

Girls love it!!!

Method number 9:
Take your girl to an ice cream parlor, because, as you know, sweets have a beneficial effect on your mood.

Method No. 11:
Surprise your girlfriend. Preferably, with your own hands.

Method number 12:
It’s good if you know the girl thoroughly, i.e. You know her preferences, hobbies and factors that can

Cheer the girl and lift the girl's spirits.
So learn, observe and remember. This will make it much easier to find her “switch” of a good mood!

Method number 13:
Give an armful of wildflowers or my favorite snowdrops, with the words “I wish you happiness, health, POOH!”

Method number 14:
Have mind-blowing sex in an exotic location. And then endorphin will do its job

Method No. 15:
Have a romantic dinner and suddenly “remember” that you urgently need to run errands. Quickly pull yourself together, apologize and

Go away.
And exactly a minute later, ring the doorbell and return with the words “Here I am...” and a beautiful bouquet of flowers (hidden in advance

On the stairs or in the car).
It will work, lift your spirits and make your girlfriend happy 100%. Tested for yourself!

Method number 16:
Somewhere recently I read a joke that will definitely help cheer up a girl: “A little elephant walks and sees an adult

A man who relieves himself. The elephant stood and looked
and asks the man. “How do you eat with such a small nose?” Personally, this “masterpiece” cheered me up for the whole day.

Method number 17:
Gather her best friends and arrange a surprise for the girl, for example, a picnic outside the city (although it’s a little cold now)

Method number 18:
If a girl loves “edgy” and unconventional humor, get tickets to the next “Comedy Club” performance, but what if -

Petrosyan (please accept my condolences), then get tickets to the concert of this “monster” of humor

Method number 19:
Order a girl her favorite song on the radio.

Method number 20:
The most important way is to be yourself, smile more often and say more gentle words, and your girlfriend will not be

Reasons to be sad, and you won’t have to strain yourself in search of various stupid tips on how to cheer up a girl!

What to do in the evening with a girl? This question often arises among guys of all ages, because very often couples, even in the closest relationships, are able to entertain each other day after day.

Of course, some of the most common advice in this situation is an “intimate” relationship, and “watch a movie.” True, anyone can come up with this idea, but organizing something original is more difficult. Therefore, we decided to collect some interesting entertainment that will help you answer the question of what to do with a girl at home.

  • board games- great option! It’s really worth taking care of this in advance. Find an interesting game in the store that you can play together.
  • buy some goodies, for example ice cream or chips. Eating food will also brighten up your evening.
  • definitely possible go for a walk, go to some beautiful place.
  • If you have good “communication” skills, then it’s worth spend this evening talking. Talk about your secrets, get to know each other better.
  • cook something delicious together. True, for this you should prepare for this in advance, i.e. choose an interesting recipe and prepare the ingredients.
  • ask a girl to teach you something, for example, dancing.

Here are some of the most interesting activities that will help brighten up your evening alone at home.

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A woman is a gentle creature, so mood swings are often characteristic of women. The cause of sadness can be anything from a broken nail to a quarrel with a friend or problems at work.

You, like a true gentleman, decide to cheer up the girl.

Why girls are sad, girls' mood changes

The changeable mood of girls is caused by both external events and internal changes in the body.

To change the situation in a positive direction, you need to find out the reasons why it arose.

A girl may be sad for the following reasons:

Personal problems

Most young ladies quickly fall in love.

They can easily become moved and cry. And, immersed in a romantic atmosphere, they forget about real life, plunging headlong into personal problems.

If it happens that your friend devotes herself completely to the relationship, she begins to lose weight and become depressed.

Dissatisfaction with work. Problems with management

Ladies try to realize themselves in life, so they do not put their career in last place.

Your friend's mood may deteriorate for this reason.

Conflicts, gossip at work, transfer to another position are just the beginning of the list, each item from which has a bad effect on a person who is not indifferent to his work.

Physiological features

Severe mood swings can occur due to the so-called PMS syndrome.

Hormonal imbalances lead to mood changes. Exacerbations in the body cause causeless tearfulness, short temper and even aggression.

If you notice these signs, then it is still recommended to wait out the “storm”.

The girl is just bored!

It's corny, but true. A thing like boredom can greatly affect a person's mood. When, his tone decreases.

Why might it be boring?

There is no favorite or interesting thing to do, there are simply no positive emotions. There is a way out! Find something to do together that won't let you get bored!

Psychological crisis

Everything is serious. A psychological crisis is caused by deep emotional experiences, disappointment in life and others. Unfortunately, only psychologists can help you get out of this state.

Constant failures

Any person in life has turning points, the so-called “black streaks”, which cannot but leave a mark on their mood.

If you really want to cheer up your friend, just be constantly there, support her in all her endeavors and try to distract her from pressing problems.

Constant dissatisfaction with yourself

Who knows, maybe your girlfriend has low self-esteem? Do you constantly listen to suggestions that she has problems with her figure or just her appearance? How to cheer up in this and other cases?

What to do if she's sad

Many young people want to know how to solve the problem - a girl’s constant bad mood, her dissatisfied expression on her face.

It goes without saying that there is no clear recipe for how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, but it’s still worth a try.

Try to find out the reason for sadness. The beautiful half of humanity has invented many cunning moves. That she simply expects attention and care from you.

Whatever you hear in response to the question about the cause of sadness, do not call this problem funny and frivolous. Otherwise, you risk making the situation worse.

How to deal with unknown sadness? A simple and effective way can be a compliment. Let it be banal, but sweet and spoken with tenderness. Often a joke or anecdote helps in difficult situations.

It's worth considering this point if she doesn't quite understand your humor. Then it’s better to remain silent.

If you don't succeed with the joke, just try to distract your friend. Offer a fun activity that matches her interests. If you are not sure about the choice, it is better to ask carefully.

Physical intimacy can be an important way for many to lift their spirits.

It all depends on the situation and temperament. Some people just want to be hugged, held close and gently kissed on the forehead. But high-quality, romantic sex should not be discounted.

Original ways to cheer up a girl

If your friend remains adamant, maybe original ways to lift her spirits will come in handy?

  • Buy some alcohol, turn on her favorite comedy.
  • A laughter room instantly improves your mood!
  • If a girl loves animals, take her to the zoo.
  • Play her a fun and lively song on any musical instrument! This will be fun, especially if you have no voice or hearing.
  • You can tickle or bite her lightly.
  • Make a surprise or prepare a long-awaited gift.
  • Go shopping with her.
  • Take her to a chocolate shop or ice cream parlour.
  • Give an armful of flowers.
  • Have a romantic dinner.
  • Order her favorite song on the radio.
  • Be yourself!

Let's make a stranger laugh

The best way to meet and cheer up a girl you accidentally meet on the street is to tell a funny joke!

It must be fresh and original. Lack of black humor and vulgarity. You can give an unobtrusive compliment by giving the beautiful person a sweet smile.

A great way would be a poem or a flower you have just picked and given as a gift.

The main thing is not to scare the girl, act lightly and naturally. And your efforts will be appreciated.

Is it worth using old jokes?

If your couple has a couple of old jokes that evoke positive emotions and good memories, why not use them.

But if a girl appreciates your sense of humor, try to tell her a fresh joke on a neutral topic. Even if the bearded story still seems funny to you, it is not a fact that a joke that is already familiar to everyone will impress the girl.

You will have to try a considerable number of ways to cheer up a girl on VK.

By showing her your attention and care, you will achieve her smile. The main thing is, do not remain indifferent, be there, do not show your indifference. Maybe this is the reason why your significant other is sad.

A sense of humor is a well-known weapon for attracting attention. Many of us so want to escape from routine, from everyday problems and troubles. Humor is an ideal option for meeting the opposite sex. Many guys have wondered more than once: how to cheer up a girl?

At the beginning of a relationship, the guy and the girl do not know each other well enough, so they may feel quite awkward on their first dates. Humor, jokes and anecdotes will help defuse the situation a little and give them the opportunity to feel a little freer, free from some tightness and complexes.


According to the unspoken law of emotional attachments, the more pleasant and positive emotions a person evokes in us, the more significant he will be to us. What is humor? This is receiving a huge amount of emotions that can appear either unexpectedly or planned by one of the parties. Unexpected positive emotions are guaranteed to cheer up a girl or woman.

If a guy doesn’t know a girl personally, and they are still only pen pals, he can try to get to know her better for a more ideal personal meeting. For example, a young man can learn about a girl’s preferences and interests from her pages on social networks. Today, many boys and girls do not hide their interests, hobbies, travels and display all the information on their personal pages on social networks.

After the date is over, you can leave an even more pleasant impression on yourself and send the girl a cute message on a social network or a video with animals or children. This is considered a universal way to give a smile to the girl you like.

The best solutions to issues

To cheer a woman up, you need to work on your own emotional state in advance. Any girl will immediately understand if a guy starts joking with her through a straight face, pretending. Imagine a guy in a good positive mood trying to comment on the simple asphalt under his feet. Introduced? Such a comment can make even the gloomiest girl smile!

It is recommended that guys train in the ability to improve their mood, as well as develop the ability to find pleasant and cheerful moments in everyday life and the simplest situations. Agree, it is very difficult to cheer someone up if you yourself do not know how to find pleasant things around you.

How to cheer up a girl on the phone? In a telephone conversation, you can also use jokes and anecdotes to make you laugh, if you need to lighten the mood or make the fair sex smile. The young man’s voice will play a very important role, because facial expressions and gestures in this case are not visible to the woman. It is recommended to conduct the conversation with a lively and expressive intonation. If your imagination is not very good at the time of conversation, you can read a joke for girls, funny stories from the Internet. A young man must watch his voice so that it does not sound monotonous and the girl does not fall asleep during a telephone conversation.

If you have problems getting through to your girlfriend, you can try leaving her a pleasant and funny voice message. Rest assured, she will appreciate it and as soon as she listens to it, she will immediately smile.

Options to cheer up a girl:

  1. Funny photos, videos or demotivators. Usually on such sites, moderators try to post decent content and the most recent one. This way, the guy doesn’t risk sending the girl an old and worn-out picture.
  2. A man can try another way to cheer up a woman - use a home video, which you can post on the Internet and send the girl you like a link to watch. The most win-win option is a video with pets.
  3. Anecdotes are best suited to lift a girl’s mood. A guy should try to choose neutral topics that she can definitely laugh at. Old, tired stories with vulgar overtones are not exactly the option a man needs.
  4. If your girl's birthday is coming up, you can send her a cute and cute greeting card. You can record a voice message and congratulate her with words. Believe me, she will definitely smile when she receives such a card.

If a guy wants to cheer up a girl on a date, he can use the following recommendations:

  1. You need to try to hug the girl unobtrusively. Perhaps the reason is her bad mood - someone was rude to her on public transport this morning. It is very important for a woman to feel the support of the man who is nearby. If the couple has not known each other long enough for a hug, you can simply take the girl by the hand and say nice words to her. Next, you can try to joke and thus cheer up the woman.
  2. Give her a nice and sweet present. You can please the girl with chocolate or a piece of sweet cake. Scientists have proven that sweets can improve a person’s mood, as they contain the hormone of happiness.
  3. Compliment. Women love with their ears - every man has probably heard this phrase. If a girl is upset about her appearance, a guy can always give her a nice compliment and tell her how good she looks. The main condition is that the man must be sincere enough, otherwise this attempt will fail and the girl will become even more despondent.
  4. A romantic evening is a win-win option for cheering up a girl. It’s good to combine it with a trip to the cinema to watch some comedy film.
  5. Prank. If a girl has a sense of humor, she will definitely appreciate a small but pleasant prank. You can try to make her laugh with a balloon filled with helium. A girl will definitely smile if a guy tries to talk to her in a thin voice. To change your voice, you need to inhale a little helium from a balloon.

In the modern world, there are many options for cheering up a girl: a guy should not be shy and stand on the sidelines. To spend time actively, you can invite them for a bike ride through beautiful places; along the way, you can tell a variety of jokes and funny stories from life. If a guy has a dog, you can buy a funny costume for your pet in advance and go out with your girlfriend for a walk in the park. You can arrange a fun competition - to eat ice cream as quickly as possible. The one who wins can make a wish.

If the reason for a girl’s bad mood is the negative emotions with which she was charged before meeting the guy, you can suggest going to the shooting range. Thus, try to throw out all the negativity on the target. You can end your date by going to a comedy movie.

Other options

A man needs to remember that what may be relevant for a date while walking may not be suitable for communicating by correspondence. For example, during a personal meeting, when you see the person in front of you, you can easily convey the entire context of an anecdote or joke using intonation and facial expressions. You can monitor the girl’s reaction and, if necessary, adjust her behavior. In correspondence (it doesn’t matter whether it’s electronic, via SMS, or the old way - on paper), the guy’s voice will not be heard, his intonation will not be known to the girl. Here the woman’s mood will depend only on what surrounds her at the time of reading the message, what her mood is.

While walking together, you can try to cheer up your girlfriend with jokes using body language, facial expressions and gestures. A conversation with positive intonations can also create a pleasant atmosphere. It is not recommended to conduct a conversation through force - it immediately catches your eye and looks unnatural. You need to be relaxed and uninhibited so that the girl feels comfortable and can smile.

In our daily life there are a lot of funny things that you can notice and show to a girl. For example, you can try to get around curved and uneven asphalt in a beautiful and playful manner. It is better to do this with a light theatrical game, gradually involving the girl. Be confident in yourself and your actions, do not be afraid to involve the girl in the game and funny conversations.

Another option is to try to talk about everyday things or serious things with humor. For example, you can try to tell about your unsuccessful attempt to cook some dish. There is no need to be afraid to use your imagination - the guy’s goal is to amuse the woman in any way.

Self-irony works well. The feeling of being able to laugh at oneself is very important - it will add a little charm to a young man. However, it is not recommended to go very far - moderation must be observed in everything.

What and how not to do

If a guy and a girl don’t know each other very well, before telling a joke or a funny story that the guy finds funny, he should think about whether the girl will appreciate the joke and whether she can understand it. Vulgarities, jokes and stories about stupid blondes, women with flaws, and ugly people are prohibited.

If a guy wants to continue his relationship with a girl, he shouldn’t joke about:

  • The figure of a girl;
  • It is a big mistake for people close to her and friends to laugh at her loved ones. Some girls are very jealous of ridicule;
  • Make fun of her opinion;
  • Disabled, sick and infirm - such jokes can characterize a man as callous and cruel;
  • Random errors;
  • It is not recommended to cheer up a woman or girl with alcoholic drinks. It is necessary to understand that all drinks containing alcohol can only aggravate the manifestations of depression, and can also further worsen a woman’s emotional mood;
  • It is prohibited to use slang words or jargon. It is not advisable to tell vulgar jokes. Such jokes and ridicule will be appropriate only if the guy and the girl have known each other for a long time.

If suddenly all the efforts of a young man to make a girl laugh turn out to be in vain, he should find out the reason why she is so serious. It is quite possible that someone else ruined her mood earlier, she is upset about something. Perhaps she just doesn’t understand the young man’s jokes? Or some of them have a rather specific sense of humor and its perception. Maybe she lacks a sense of humor? This is a fairly rare occurrence, but it may well occur to someone along the path of life.

If all attempts to make the girl laugh are unsuccessful, the guy can try to move the conversation to another topic. It would be appropriate to talk about studies, work, hobbies, and perhaps discuss interesting theater productions and films.

There is no need to be afraid of seeming eccentric, strange, or afraid of losing your authority. A person who is able to give positive emotions to another person immediately rises in his eyes. The fear of seeming too funny, that people will laugh at you, makes you feel constrained. In this case, it will be difficult for a man to improvise and fantasize. This is the path to becoming a bore.

Don’t be afraid if the joke doesn’t work or if the girl decides to be offended by the pre-prepared prank. Continue your actions (only if these are not cruel jokes or ridicule of the girl). You can try to beat the situation using other jokes. A smart girl will forgive a guy for his absurdity or failure if the man is gallant and persistent. The ability to laugh at oneself always leads to the manifestation of warm feelings and a feeling of security.

A young man, if he wants to cheer up a girl, will try to make everything as good and pleasant as possible. It is necessary to approach any task that a guy does with imagination, have a sense of tact and have a sense of humor. Any girl will be glad to be next to a reliable guy who can always cheer her up.

Video on the topic:

If you try to find out the most common reasons for couples breaking up, then boredom and monotony will certainly take first place on this list. Partners forget about each other, everyone is busy with their own affairs, and the old romance simply disappears. And if all these gifts, surprises, trips to the cinema and cafes are not so important for a guy, then for a girl they are simply necessary, which we guys often forget about. So how to entertain a girl and not let her get bored?

It couldn't be simpler

The modern entertainment industry is simply amazing in its choice. And it doesn’t really depend on the locality. It all comes down to your desire and (to some extent) your financial capabilities.

First, let's look at the simplest and, according to some, “banal” options. However, there is no need to discard them; they have not lost their relevance. This is already a “classic”.


Almost all girls love movies. And no effort is required on your part: just sit next to you, and the film will do the rest for you. When choosing this option, it is worth remembering only about possible differences in tastes in film genres. Believe me, not all girls like tearful melodramas. Therefore, it is worth knowing your companion’s preferences in advance. It is advisable to prepare your tickets in advance. Waiting in line will not make the girl happy at all, and there may not be enough tickets. Almost every cinema has the opportunity to book tickets. You may have to pay extra for this service. As a last resort, you can buy tickets before the girl arrives. The only downside is that there is no actual communication with the girl (which can fully replace a walk after a movie).


Close to cinema, but more “serious” type of relaxation. By inviting a girl to the theater, you no longer seem like a “fleeting” guy, but a serious-minded young man. As for the plot, it is advisable to choose something romantic. Do not forget that tickets for individual performances are sold out a month before the premiere. So it’s a good idea to take care of your tickets in advance.


The choice of cafes or pizzerias is simply huge. The main thing here is to choose from a large number of them the only one with a “zest”. It all depends on preferences (design, menu, proximity to home). You just need to find out the prices and menu, because then borrowing money from a girl is not very nice. As a rule, girls care little about how much a particular dish costs, so be prepared to order expensive dishes and drinks. Don't forget to be interested in a girl's taste. You shouldn’t force your favorite dishes and drinks on her, and you shouldn’t force her to order the most expensive thing to show your generosity.


If the weather permits, a walk around the city can be a lot of fun and great fun for your girlfriend. The main thing is to make this walk special, because you can always take a walk near your house. For example, dedicate it to the historical places of your city, visit all the fountains or parks. Alternatively, you can combine a walk with a visit, for example, to a cafe. You can take a camera with you and capture both the beautiful view and your companion directly, and arrange a kind of photo session.

Amusement park

This place will help you return to your childhood. Attractions, competitions, games, sweets - few can refuse this. But choose wisely: there is no need, for example, to force a girl onto a Ferris wheel if she is terrified of heights. The disadvantages of such a pastime include a large number of people, many children. Therefore, this place is not suitable for a romantic evening.


Suitable only if you are 100% sure that the girl will like her. There are a lot of options: photos and exotic animals, advertising posters and stones, weapons, wax figures and paintings. At some exhibitions, exhibits are available for purchase, so be sure to bring some cash with you.

It all depends on your imagination


The list of “non-standard” entertainment depends, first of all, on the girl’s preferences. For a girl who likes nature and hiking, it would be a good idea to have a picnic in the fresh air or organize a camping trip with a campfire and a tent. True, first you need to know some basics: you will need to learn how to set up this very tent, and learn how to make a fire. It is also worth considering the route. Soberly assess its length and complexity, because overestimating your strengths can lead to disastrous consequences. Left alone with nature, you can get to know each other more, and cooking barbecue together will bring you even closer.

Sports activities

For a girl who prefers sports, you can organize a visit to the ice palace or ski center. Don't know how to skate? If one of you does not know how to skate/roller skate, then let the other teach. Well, if both of you don’t know how, then studying together will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions. The girl likes horses - a direct route to the hippodrome. True, this pleasure is by no means cheap. Don't forget that you can also ride a horse in some parks.

Romantic dinner

Active leisure

As for active recreation, the choice is huge: paintball, gym, rope jumping, hot air ballooning, ATV riding and much more. Your and your girl’s courage is of great importance here. True, a little preparation and organization of this event will be required.

Cultural events

Almost every city has some kind of higher or secondary specialized educational institution. And the cultural life in them is simply in full swing: talent competitions, KVN, beauty contests, faculty presentations and much more. Therefore, you should not neglect these events. As a rule, entry to such events is either free or very low. So this will not require financial costs.

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