How to remove fuel oil from clothes - effective methods. It is possible to wipe off traces of fuel oil on clothes using proven methods! How to wash fuel oil from clothes

Most often, car enthusiasts or people associated with it stain clothes with fuel oil. This does not mean that others are immune from this. You can accidentally lean your elbows on a dirty surface, and your favorite thing will already be damaged. But it is difficult to correct such an oversight, because fuel oil consists of components that are quickly absorbed into the fabric and harden between its fibers. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance than to wipe the fuel oil off your jacket.

There is not always a stain remover available at home that can immediately deal with stains. If it is not possible take the item to the dry cleaner, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. In order for the cleaning to be effective and high quality, and for your favorite jacket or down jacket not to be damaged, you need to know a few basic rules for dealing with fuel oil stains:

Methods for removing fuel oil from clothes

There are several ways to clean fuel oil from your jacket. . They differ in substances, which are used in them. Greasy fuel oil stains can be easily wiped off with aggressive chemicals, but there is a risk of damaging the fabric. Cleaning with homemade products will take more time and effort, but it is more gentle on the material from which the clothes are made.

Gentle effective methods

In the household there are always several available means with which you can wash away the traces of fuel oil. But when choosing one or another method of how to clean fuel oil from a jacket, you need to take into account that it is best to use the means at hand right away. Old dirt is much more difficult to remove.

Suitable for dishwashing detergent. Using gentle movements, rub the gel into the fabric with a soft washcloth. After 30-40 minutes, wash and rinse the item. If the result is not satisfactory, the procedure can be repeated.

For clothes made from thin and delicate fabrics, dishwashing gel is used slightly differently:

  • Dilute the product in heated water (1 spoon of gel per half liter of water).
  • Add two tablespoons of ammonia and the same amount of table vinegar to the solution.
  • Using a sponge, carefully wash off the fuel oil using the resulting mass.
  • Wash clothes as usual.

Other home remedies:

Aggressive cleaning methods

It is very difficult to wash off heavily dried fuel oil using gentle methods. In such cases, you have to turn to more aggressive cleaning agents. Most of them are suitable for clothes made from natural plain fabrics. On colored products aggressive reagents can corrode the paint and leave faded spots. Synthetic or delicate items that have been treated with harsh chemicals can only be thrown away.

Do not neglect safety precautions when using various solvents to remove fuel oil or paint. The entire procedure must be done wearing rubber gloves, in a well-ventilated room or outside.

How to wash fuel oil? This question is of interest to those housewives who had to face the problem of washing the work clothes of their husband, who works as a car mechanic. If the stain is old, it will be very difficult to get rid of it. In this article, we will share with you tricks and secrets that will help you cope with this problem.

Few people know that fuel oil is a combination of various hydrocarbons, as well as organic compounds that contain metals such as vanadium, nickel, iron, magnesium, sodium and calcium. This fuel is obtained by reprocessing petroleum products. Gas turbine, industrial and boiler plants operate on fuel oil. It is used to produce fuel oil for the fleet and heavy bunker and motor oil for various diesel installations.

Anyone who has at least once tried to wash fuel oil from a jacket or work uniform at home knows what backbreaking work it is. Regardless of whether it is uniform or casual wear, everyone wants to look decent. Since many men work in production associated with various steam installations and boilers, it is not surprising that their work clothes occasionally become stained with fuel oil. No matter how neat a person is, it is very difficult to avoid fuel oil stains on workwear.

As a rule, men most often bring their work clothes home to wash. When they see the stains left by fuel oil, women are horrified. Housewives try by all known methods to get rid of the resulting contaminants, although not always successfully.

It happens like that. You have nothing to do with steam and boiler installations at all, you are not a car mechanic, but work in an office. You entered a crowded minibus wearing a clean jacket, and got out wearing clothes stained with fuel oil stains. The situation is not pleasant. But what to do, you need to somehow get rid of the pollution. Don't go to work or on a date dressed like this. Moreover, the fuel oil smells far from the perfume from the latest Chanel collection.

Don't get upset and run to the store for a new down jacket or down jacket. Your “grief” can still be helped, you just need to know what means you can use so as not to harm the product even more.

First of all, you need to pay attention to what material the product is made of (denim, padding polyester or bologna). The quality of washing is affected by the fabric structure, density, and the presence of synthetic threads and dyes in the product. On the pages of Internet portals you can find a huge number of life hacks with which you can get rid of unaesthetic fuel oil stains. We have collected for you the most effective and affordable ones that you can use.

You can read about how to wash fuel oil from clothes at home in the next section.

We remove fuel oil stains from various fabrics

To remove fuel oil stains from various fabrics, you need to know what you can use. To do this, you may need special products that can dissolve contaminants from resin and oil.

As a help you can use:

  • white spirit;
  • other solvent;
  • turpentine;
  • ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • petrol.

To achieve a 100% washing result, you need to follow some tips from experts that will help you deal with stubborn stains.

What are they:

  1. For old stains that have become quite ingrained into the structure of the fabric, you will have to carry out several washing stages or combine more than one method.
  2. The trace of fuel oil must be erased first along the edges, and then move to the middle, so as not to increase the stain. The circumference of the fuel oil print can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle to prevent the contamination from increasing in size.
  3. The washing process will be more efficient if you start washing the fuel oil from the inside out. You can prepare a special solution, in which you need to dip a cotton sponge, and then leave it on the dirt so that the substance saturates the oil stain.

How can you wash fuel oil from a jacket? This question can be heard not only from workers engaged in heavy physical labor in production. Anyone can get dirty with this dark brown liquid. Fuel oil is usually used to lubricate swings in an amusement park or a cable car at a ski resort. Therefore, do not be surprised that after visiting these vacation spots, there may be fuel oil stains on your child’s or ski jacket. Fortunately, the modern chemical industry produces a sufficient number of effective products that can be used to wash both work clothes and an ordinary jacket or jeans.

Before you begin the process, be aware that fighting fuel oil pollution is not an easy task. Since this product consists of a mixture of heavy oil refining residues and other components, it will be quite difficult or almost impossible to restore the original appearance of a white product. Initially, you should wash the soiled item by hand using household chemicals, and only then can it be washed in an automatic machine. If you choose the machine method for work clothes without the stage of soaking and washing the product, then the persistent “orange” from fuel oil will remain even on those things that you will wash in the future. Getting rid of the persistent smell of fuel oil is very problematic.

A solvent can be used as a means to combat stains, since it is similar to fuel oil in its physicochemical properties. Gasoline is also suitable for removing contaminants, because this substance is also a petroleum product. It is necessary to dip a piece of cotton wool in purified gasoline and then treat the stain. You need to carefully rub the mark with a cotton pad, replacing the contaminated sponge with a new one each time. You should change the cotton wool as many times as necessary so that the fuel oil is completely removed from the fabric.

Do not forget that the solvent can harm the colored product, leaving a white mark on it. Before washing, you need to test the product on an inconspicuous piece of fabric.

How to wash fuel oil:

  1. By means of "AOS". This product can remove a recent heating oil stain. Pour this product over the stained area and soak in water for 2-3 hours, and then wash the product. You can also use Vanish. This household chemical product will help you deal with stains the first time if they are recent. These products can be applied to products of any structure.
  2. Shampoo for washing cars. This product is usually used at car washes. You can also use it to remove stubborn heating oil stains. You just need to soak the item in shampoo diluted with water, and then wash it in any way (manual or machine).
  3. Fir oil. This substance can also be used to achieve positive washing results. Fir oil does not help as quickly as the previous two remedies. At least this substance is environmentally friendly. It is necessary to treat the stain with a few drops of fir oil, and then rub it with a piece of cloth. To enhance the effect during cleaning, you can place a cotton wool disc under the stained area, which must be dipped in fir oil. This aromatic oil will also help remove traces of fuel oil from underwear, tights and socks.
  4. Iron. You can try to remove a barely noticeable stain with a hot iron. To do this, you can take 2 sheets of blotting paper and place them on both sides of the stain area. Next, use a warm iron to iron the product through a sheet of blotter. All the substance present on the fabric must transfer to the paper sheet.
  5. Turpentine. It is necessary to prepare a special solution, which will require turpentine and ammonia. Ammonia is applied to a napkin or rag, and then rubbed onto the oil stain. If the mark left is old, then first treat the stain with hot turpentine. After this, rub the stained area with baking soda, and then rinse the product under the tap.
  6. Whitening soap. Soap with a bleaching effect will help to remove fuel oil from white. The soiled item is moistened in the stained area, rubbed with a piece of laundry soap, and then rubbed with a brush with soft bristles. The product must be left for a while so that the soap components are absorbed deeper into the fabric structure. After this, the item should be rinsed and then washed. You can also use a bleach product designed for white items. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions on the bleach label to make sure that the product will not harm an already damaged item. It doesn't hurt to test drive the product in an inconspicuous place and then begin the process. If you can’t wash your clothes the first time, you need to repeat the procedure until the result is positive.
  7. Caustic. It is necessary to make an alkaline solution in the following proportion: 200-250 grams of sodium hydroxide are diluted with 10 liters of water. Clothes are soaked in the resulting substrate for a period of 20 to 30 minutes. After half an hour, you can wash delicate items using laundry soap.
  8. Potato starch and white clay. These products must be taken in equal proportions and then diluted with ammonia until a paste forms. The resulting mixture is applied to the fuel oil trail and left until completely dry. After this, the remaining dry product can be easily removed with a brush. The fuel oil stain should disappear along with the mixture. Then you need to machine wash the item by adding powder or liquid detergent.

If none of the remedies helped or you do not want to harm the delicate item, then you can take the damaged item to the dry cleaner. A clothing workshop staff can certainly save something dear to their hearts with the help of modern chemicals and special equipment.

From a denim jacket

Fuel oil prints can be removed from denim using special products, but with some risks. They lie in the fact that many household chemicals or solvents contain aggressive components that can discolor denim fabric.

To prevent this situation from happening, you first need to check the reaction of the product on the wrong side or on a similar denim fabric. If the result is positive, you can begin the process.

What you may need:

  1. Refined gasoline. Moisten a dry cloth with this substance and rub the stain, moving from the edge to the middle. It is necessary to leave the damaged item for some time so that the components of the fuel oil dissolve. Next, you should hang your trousers or denim jacket on the balcony and let the smell of gasoline dissipate. After this, the product must be washed by hand or in a washing machine. To enhance the effect, you can grease the old stain with a piece of butter before cleaning it from the fuel oil. It is necessary to allow the product to absorb into the fibers of the fabric and prepare it for the further cleaning process. Instead of gasoline, you can use white spirit, kerosene, diesel fuel or toluene, proceeding in the same way. When using toluene, you should protect your hands with gloves and wear a mask on your face so as not to harm your health.
  2. Starch, turpentine and ammonia. It is necessary to make a mixture of these substances in equal proportions. The resulting solution is used to treat the stained area and leave for 2-3 hours. Then the remaining mixture is removed, and the jeans are rinsed in cool water and vinegar. At the next stage, the product is washed by hand or in an automatic machine, adding a double dose of powder.
  3. Tar soap. It is not difficult to buy a bar of soap at a pharmacy. It is necessary to wash off the stain with soap and then wash the product in the washing machine.

Using these means, it is possible to remove fuel oil prints from dense natural fabric, such as denim. For delicate products, it is worth using household chemicals that do not contain aggressive components.

From a down jacket or jacket

Dealing with a stain on a down jacket or bolognese jacket will not be so easy for the housewife, but it is still possible. The effectiveness of the result will be directly influenced by the structure of the fabric from which the outerwear is made.

To achieve your goal, you can take note of several effective methods that have been tested more than once and guaranteed a 100% result.

What you can use:

Name of the product

Directions for use

It is necessary to saturate a cotton wool disk with this substance, and then carefully wipe the trace of fuel oil with it. Next you need to wash it by hand or machine.

Place a few drops of detergent on the dirty area and leave for half an hour. Next, the item should be soaked in soapy water, adding a little more Fairy, and the stain should be washed off with your hands. After this, you need to rinse the jacket thoroughly so that all the soapy water comes off.

Fragrance oil

Either eucalyptus or any other will do. The product should be applied to a piece of cloth, and then with careful movements, treat the stained area. It is necessary to rub the mark until the stain disappears. Next, you need to wash the item in a washing machine or by hand.

Before you start washing your outerwear, you need to choose the right household chemicals. If you want to add bleach or stain remover to the powder to enhance the effect, then try to take into account the type of fabric.

For a dark jacket, do not use chlorine bleach. In any case, do not be lazy to test the selected household chemical product on an inconspicuous piece of fabric or a similar product. If the result is satisfactory, you can begin the process without fear.

From workwear

It is extremely difficult to deal with stains on the workwear of a mechanic or car repairman, since there is a lot of dirt on this “outfit”. In addition, such stains may be long-standing by the time they are washed. As you know, fighting old traces is not easy.

If you don’t want your work overalls to look untidy, then there is only one way out - wash and wash again! If the oil stain is only 1-2 days old, then getting rid of it will be much easier.

In the case of workwear, you can use any of the means listed above. You can deal with long-standing stains on work clothes as follows. Soak the uniform in a bowl with a small amount of gasoline. Next, the overalls must be left for 2-3 hours. Then the clothes should be washed first by hand, repeating the procedure 2-3 times. You can also add a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the water with the powder. After this cleaning method, work clothes will acquire a persistent smell of gasoline, which does not go away after several washes in very hot water. To get rid of it, you need to hang the robe on the balcony or in the courtyard of a private house for 2-3 days (if you have spare overalls). Instead of gasoline, you can also use any of the solvents, such as acetone or white spirit.

If you carry out the cleaning procedure with gasoline in an apartment, then make sure that the room is thoroughly ventilated at the end of the process.

Our helpful tips will help you easily deal with the problem of fuel oil stains on any clothing.

What to follow:

  • if the work clothes are completely contaminated, then they will have to be completely soaked in gasoline so that the fuel properly covers the work clothes;
  • You should not use motor gasoline, but it is advisable to purchase purified fuel liquid at a hardware store;
  • First of all, start cleaning from the inside of the clothes, placing an old piece of fabric underneath to absorb the chemical;
  • try to clean the stain, moving from the edge to the middle, so as not to rub the fuel oil on your clothes even more;
  • if one wash is not enough, then repeat the process several times until you achieve the desired result;
  • to eliminate the aroma of solvent or kerosene, it is necessary to additionally soak the item in water at room temperature, and then wash the fuel oil with detergent;
  • After soaking clothes in solvent or gasoline, you should not immediately wash them by machine; first wash the item by hand 2-3 times;
  • do not put off washing a contaminated item for too long, as the chances of eliminating fuel oil stains in the future are significantly reduced;
  • if you know that you have to work with fuel oil, immediately put on old clothes, which you won’t mind ruining;
  • in case of minor car repairs, keep some overalls in the trunk so that you can change into them at the right time;
  • In the garage, just in case of a fire, you can store purified gasoline or dishwashing detergent in order to “hotly” wash away minor contamination from fuel oil;
  • in addition to a special cleaning product, you can also stock up on a set of napkins or old rags to wipe your dirty hands on;
  • when working with a solvent or cleaner, you should put rubber gloves on your hands and a respirator on your face, not forgetting to ensure free access of fresh air to the room;
  • do not use gasoline near open sources of fire, such as a gas stove, so as not to violate safety regulations;
  • dry things treated with gasoline or solvent only in fresh air so that the smell of fuel can disappear;
  • clothes with old fuel oil stains must be soaked in gasoline for at least 3 hours, depending on the severity of the stain;
  • It is permissible to put only those items in the washing machine from which traces of fuel oil have already been removed and then rinsed thoroughly;
  • the water temperature when washing in an automatic machine should be maximum, if this does not harm the structure of the fabric;
  • Don't forget to add Calgon softener to the washing machine tray to prevent the product from becoming hard to the touch.

To avoid mistakes, read the label on the product before you start washing. It contains all the manufacturer’s recommendations on acceptable washing conditions, which should not be violated. If it is contraindicated to use bleaches or stain removers on a particular product, then it is better to avoid them. To play it safe, delicate clothes can be dry cleaned.

Fuel oil is a dark brown oily liquid that is a residual product of oil refining. It consists of hydrocarbons, resins, organic compounds, carbenes, asphaltenes and carboids. Fuel oil is used as fuel and also for the production of lubricants and bitumen. Most often, workers in factories and car service centers deal with it, but you can get dirty in it by riding in public transport or riding on a swing. Let's figure out what to use to remove fuel oil from clothes, and how to do it at home.

When planning to remove a fuel oil stain from clothing, you need to know that this type of stain is considered one of the most difficult. But there are a number of ways to return things to their original appearance.

When choosing a cleaning method, you should focus on the type of fabric and the characteristics of the stain (age, size). In any case, it’s easier to deal with fresh dirt, which means you shouldn’t delay washing. All recipes for removing fuel oil stains are based on substances that have the ability to disaggregate (break down) resins and oils.

Dish detergent

To remove fuel oil stains from clothes made of delicate fabric (synthetics or fine natural materials), it is advisable to use a gentle product, for example, cutlery washing liquid (AOS, Fairy).

  1. Rub the concentrated product into the stain and leave the item in warm water for 30 minutes.
  2. Wash off the stain or brush it and soak for another 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse the item of clothing in water to remove residual fuel oil.
  4. Wash with powder by hand or in a machine in a suitable mode.

If the stain is old, then before cleaning you need to apply butter to it for several hours. Then carry out processing according to the described scheme.

Flammable substances and solvents

Refined gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel or toluene are suitable for processing coarse material. All of these substances are light hydrocarbons that break down resins and will help quickly remove stains from jeans. Toluene itself is almost never sold, but it is included in solvents for paints and varnishes.

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Soak a cotton pad (a piece of gauze) in a flammable substance and rub the stain.
  3. Leave the item for 60 minutes if the stain is not removed immediately.
  4. Rinse the product, wash it with powder or laundry soap by hand, and then in the machine.

Acetone can be used for stains in the same way. If the item is very dirty, you should completely soak it in gasoline or another substance for 30-60 minutes.

Important: Removing stains with gasoline, toluene, diesel fuel, kerosene or acetone is unacceptable for delicate materials (silk, chiffon, synthetics). It is advisable to use this method only for cleaning workwear and denim items. Acetone and toluene (solvents) may discolor fabric.

Essential oils

A safe way to clean things from fuel oil is to use essential oils. Extracts from eucalyptus, fir and pine are most suitable for these purposes. They can be safely applied to synthetic and delicate natural materials. An important advantage of oils over flammable substances is their pleasant aroma. But they may not wash away old and large-scale stains.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in oil and place it under the contaminated cloth.
  2. Using a second disc soaked in oil, carefully rub the stain until it is completely removed. Change cotton wool whenever it gets dirty.
  3. Wash the item in the washing machine.

If the stain cannot be removed, you can use turpentine. First, the stain must be generously moistened with oil, and after 5 minutes, wipe off the fuel oil with cotton wool soaked in turpentine. It is recommended to carry out manipulations with gloves.


Speaking about what else can be used to wash fuel oil, it should be noted that there are several effective and relatively non-aggressive recipes based on ammonia:

  1. Moisten the stain with alcohol, leave for 30 minutes, rinse and wash.
  2. Combine equal parts alcohol and turpentine. Soak a sponge in the liquid and wipe the stain. Wash by hand in soapy water, then in a washing machine.
  3. Mix equal amounts of clay (white), starch and ammonia. Apply the paste to the stain. After it dries (after 2-3 hours), clean the dirt with a brush. Wash the item.

Caustic soda

Unlike baking soda, caustic soda is a very toxic substance. When working with it, you should use protective equipment and prevent it from coming into contact with the skin and epithelial membranes.

Caustic soda effectively dissolves fuel oil stains, ensuring fabric cleansing. But it cannot be used to process cotton and wool.

Options for using caustic soda (they can be combined):

  1. Place the item in the basin. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain. After 20 minutes, rinse and wash in the washing machine.
  2. Dilute baking soda in water (1 tablespoon of the substance per 2 cups of liquid). Soak clothes for 2 hours. Machine wash.

Other ways to remove fuel oil from clothes

Here are some more ways to remove fuel oil from fabric:

What to use if there are no chemicals at hand? You can resort to hot treatment of the fabric, but only in case of fresh, small contamination.

  1. Place blotting paper (toilet paper, napkins, paper towels) under and on the contaminated area.
  2. Heat the iron and iron the stain through the paper several times. The fuel oil should begin to be absorbed into it. The sheets should be changed as they become dirty.
  3. Wipe the remaining mark on the fabric with essential oil. Wash the item in the machine.

Tip: When final washing the item in the machine, it is recommended to add a stain remover to the appropriate compartment, selected depending on the type of material. It will help get rid of streaks and greasy marks. Popular products are Frau Schmidt, Vanish, Amway Pre Wash.

To remove a fuel oil stain without spoiling the item or harming your health, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Use protective equipment - gloves and a respirator (when working with toxic chemicals).
  2. Process the material away from sources of fire in a ventilated room.
  3. Before applying any substance to a stain, test its effect on the fabric in an inconspicuous area on the reverse side.
  4. To prevent the spread of contamination, place several sheets of thick paper or cotton cloth under the material.
  5. Apply cleaning agents from the center to the edges of the stain. To prevent the formation of a contamination contour, you can lightly treat the clean cloth adjacent to it. In addition, it is worth moistening it with water.
  6. Delicate materials should not be rubbed or wrinkled too much.
  7. If a fuel oil stain appears on a down jacket, coat or winter jacket, only the top layer of fabric can be treated.
  8. After removing the dirt, it is important to rinse the item thoroughly in water, removing any remaining chemicals, hand wash it with powder, and finally use a washing machine. If you load clothes with traces of fuel oil into the washing machine, the residue may stain the drum.
  9. Dry clean clothes outdoors, especially after using strong chemicals.

Removing oil stains from items is a difficult task. The earlier the cleaning is done, the greater the chance of getting rid of contamination. You can prevent the appearance of stains by wearing protective clothing when carrying out various work using fuel oil, as well as by observing the rules of caution.

If you are unable to clean the stain yourself, you should take the item of clothing to the dry cleaner. If stains appear on, or clothes made of very delicate fabric, it is recommended to resort to the services of professionals immediately.


Reading time: 5 minutes


Fuel oil stains on a jacket are a relatively common problem. In addition, such complex contaminants may appear on other clothing and accessories. Traces of petroleum products and fuel oil have been bothering women, probably since the invention of oil-based lubricants. Moreover, we are talking not only about the wives of mechanics, who usually have several ways in stock on how to remove such contaminants from work clothes. Clothes stained with petroleum products are found in every home. Therefore, it is good to know how to wash fuel oil or in another way.

Expert opinion

Evgenia Taran


For washing overalls, there are special products that dissolve oil stains, including fuel oil and other lubricants. Unlike classic washing powder, detergents remove even the most difficult stains without compromise.

Work clothes - a robe - can withstand such “care” without problems. The fabric from which it is made is very dense and strong, therefore, it is difficult to damage it with strong chemical substances.

Special means for cleaning fuel oil have expanded degreasing capabilities - they eliminate contamination from oil, lubricants, and other petroleum products. The modern market offers many such cleaning products. Before using them, read the directions on the package to know if the product you choose cleans the type of dirt you want to remove.

With other elements of clothing, things are more complicated. Here it is important to know exactly what means are used to remove which stain. Each piece of clothing has a label inside that indicates how it can be cleaned, at what temperature it can be washed, and whether dry cleaning is possible. The labels also contain other practical information that can help protect your clothing from damage. Therefore, manufacturers do not recommend cutting them off when purchasing.

Fresh contaminants

You can clean fresh fuel oil stains from clothes using regular soap (detergent) or an iron.

Soap cleaning:

  • Wet the stain with water.
  • Sprinkle detergent or wipe with soap. Use a brush to create foam.
  • Gradually scrub off the fuel oil, periodically wiping with a damp cloth.
  • You can repeat the process several times as needed.
  • After removing the greasy dirt, rinse the item thoroughly with water and dry.
  • Once cleaning and drying is complete, you can wash the items as usual - this will prevent streaks from appearing along the edges of the former stain.

Cleaning by heating with an iron:

  • Cover fresh oil stains with absorbent paper.
  • Sprinkle the contaminated area on the clothing with a layer of chalk or white clay.
  • Cover this layer with another absorbent paper.
  • Iron with a hot iron.
  • You can repeat the procedure until traces of fuel oil disappear.
  • After cleaning, rinse the treated area with water and detergent (or wash completely to prevent marks on the edges), and dry.

Dried contaminants

If the stains are old, more aggressive agents, for example, gasoline, trichlorethylene, and acetone, can help remove fuel oil from clothes at home. After successful cleaning, rinse the item with water and detergent and dry.

Removing and washing fuel oil from different fabrics

When a petroleum product stain appears, it is important not only to wash the fuel oil from clothes, but also to do this without damaging the structure of the material. The following tips will help with this:

  • If greasy dirt appears on expensive clothes (dresses, jackets, trousers, suits, coats), the best solution is to take the item to the dry cleaner. It is important to warn about what kind of stain you are talking about, write it down in the order book and explain to specialists the nature of its appearance. Of course, such cleaning is not free, but there is a guarantee in case... Before going to the dry cleaner, make sure that the clothes are equipped with labels indicating cleaning options.
  • Another relatively simple solution to cleaning heating oil is to use cleaning products designed specifically for removing lubricant stains. When using them, be sure to follow the instructions on the package. You can use both special series of detergents designed specifically for removing fuel oil and other greasy stains, as well as traditional household cleaners, for example, gasoline.
  • It is best to wash fuel oil from a jacket or trousers from an overalls set using a cleaning agent designed specifically for this purpose.
  • Chemical solvents will also help to wash off fuel oil: benzene, perchlorethylene, chloroform, turpentine, benzene. When using them, the fabric must first be moistened so that the dissolved dirt does not spread into the surrounding, clean area. Then wash the clothes with a regular (preferably enzyme) detergent.


You can wash fuel oil from jeans with dishwashing gel. In addition, this is a good way to wash your hands from fuel oil and remove greasy dirt from shoes, in particular from sneakers.

Jeans cleaning process:

  • Apply a little dishwashing gel (for example, “Fairy”, “Gala”).
  • Rub the item in your hands, creating foam. If the oil stain is old, the gel will have to be scrubbed with a soft brush. Rub carefully so as not to damage the material.
  • After cleaning with dish gel, wash the item and dry it.
  • After washing and drying, check the fabric to see if it is effective in removing dirt. Clean again if necessary.

Using dish gel, you can also successfully remove fuel oil and other greasy stains from carpet or furniture upholstery.

This cleaning method is suitable for cleaning both colored items and white clothes.

Important! Be careful with the dosage of detergent! If used in excess, a lighter shade may appear in treated areas on clothing, carpet and upholstery.

Down jackets, jackets

One of the best ways to remove fuel oil from a jacket or down jacket is the legendary WD-40 spray, which is used for lubrication, cleaning, corrosion protection, dissolving various adhesives, etc. It can also be used as a hand cleanser.

As an alternative to WD-40 spray, which can wash fuel oil from jackets and down jackets (including those made from bologna material), lighter filler is suitable.

Apply the substance to the dirty area, wait 20 minutes, during which it will dissolve the stain and separate it from the fabric. Wash your clothes.


To clean suede, it is best to use one of a wide range of special substances designed to remove this type of stain. They can be purchased at drogerie stores or shoe stores.

The cleaning process differs depending on the product form and manufacturer. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions on the label.


When removing fuel oil from wool, the “Vanish” cleaner has a good effect. It does not damage the fibers or change the color of the fabric (it is important not to use a substance with bleach).

Cleaning method using Vanish:

  • The most important step is soaking the item in the Vanish Gold Oxi Action liquid solution. It usually washes away the fuel oil almost instantly.
  • If the stain is dried, mix 100 ml of gel with 4 liters of warm water.
  • Wet clothes: colored laundry - up to 1 hour, white - up to 6 hours.
  • Wash your clothes with regular washing powder with 100 ml of gel added.

Plain fabric

Dishwasher tablets added directly to the laundry drum work well to remove fuel oil stains. They will cope with most stubborn, even dry, stains. The tablets work most effectively with fuel oil on white and light linen items.

Important! When cleaning colored fabric, you should first test the effect of the tablet on an inconspicuous area - it can change the color of the material.

Washing fuel oil from clothes

Remove the surface layer of lubricant mechanically. Then use a powder solution, preferably magnesium oxide, and let it sit for a while on the stain. After cleaning, clean out the substance. Treat the surface cleaned area with dish gel and sprinkle with warm water.

After 20 minutes, wash off. Wash the product in the classic way.

For synthetic materials, use gasoline or ammonia instead of final washing.

Another way to clean fabric from fuel oil is to use a paste of baking powder and water. Apply it to a greasy area and rinse after 30–60 minutes.

Bile soap

The most common answer to questions about petroleum stains is: gall soap. It contains an extract from cow bile containing lipase, protease, fat-soluble enzymes, and proteins. That is why manufacturers recommend it to remove grease and protein stains. Rub the fabric with soap and wash.

How to deal with fuel oil stains on clothes. Cleaning products for clothes made of thin and dense fabrics, outerwear. Washing rules.

The opinion that only workers in factories and mechanics in car repair shops can encounter fuel oil stains on clothes is a big misconception. All you have to do is go on a ride in an amusement park, pass a stop on public transport, or take your child on a swing - and now the annoying stain has found its new owner. Meanwhile, it is quite difficult to remove traces of fuel oil from clothes without ruining them. But, fortunately, nothing is impossible. By turning to the achievements of modern household chemicals and folk remedies, and approaching the problem competently, in most cases you can get rid of it on your own. So, how to remove fuel oil from clothes at home?

General rules for dealing with stains

  1. 1 Before directly removing the stain, it is important to test the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing to check the reaction of the fabric (whether the color will change or its structure will be damaged)
  2. 2 It is necessary to observe safety precautions: work with gloves, a respirator, in a well-ventilated area, away from sources of open flame and gas stove
  3. 3 The stain is treated in the direction from the edges to the center, so as not to smear it even further on the fabric
  4. 4 A cloth or thick paper folded several times should be placed under the stain so that traces of fuel oil do not leak onto the back of the clothing
  5. 5 After removing the main part of the stain, its outlines often remain on the clothing. To avoid this, before cleaning the problem area, moisten the cloth around it with water.
  6. 6 Things contaminated with fuel oil are always washed first by hand, then in the washing machine. You cannot put untreated clothes into the drum of the machine, because... During subsequent washes, the smell of fuel oil will be absorbed by other items of clothing. And it will be quite difficult to remove this aroma
  7. 7 Things that have returned to their previous condition should be dried in the fresh air.

If a fuel oil stain has settled on clothes made of light natural or synthetic fabric, trying to remove it with the first product at hand is dangerous - you can simply ruin the item. To avoid this, it is necessary to clean the contaminated area in a gentle manner.

Dishwashing detergent (Fairy, AOS, Persil, etc.). They work well on fresh small oil stains on any fabric. Its use is quite safe and does not present any big difficulties. You just need to apply a couple of drops of the product to the stain, rub thoroughly and soak for 30 minutes in warm water. Then rub the contaminated area of ​​clothing with your hands or a brush and continue soaking for another 10 minutes. Rinse well and wash with the addition of stain-removing powder using the usual machine wash cycle.

  • Stain removers

It is possible to wash contaminated items using household stain removers - you just need to carefully select them in accordance with the type of fabric requiring treatment (for colored, white items, cotton, wool, synthetic materials). You can remove fuel oil from white clothes with a small amount of bleaching agents - soap, powders or gels.

  • Turpentine + ammonia

To treat soiled clothes, prepare a mixture of them in a 1:1 ratio, heat them up and apply them to the stain with a sponge or cloth. Hand wash in a strong solution of warm soapy water, rinse and send for final washing in an automatic machine.

  • Fir oil

The most environmentally friendly and healthy way to remove fuel oil stains, working on clothes made from natural and synthetic fabrics. In addition, after cleaning with oil, there is no unpleasant chemical smell left behind, as in most other options for washing fuel oil. Before starting treatment, place a clean cotton pad or a piece of thick fabric under the stain. Next, use a cotton pad soaked in aromatic oil to wipe the stain until it disappears completely, periodically changing the pad as it gets dirty. The item prepared in this way is hand washed using laundry soap and finally carried out the usual machine wash at the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric.

  • Baking soda + turpentine

An effective way to remove stubborn stains from any fabric. To do this, heat up a little turpentine and pour it hot onto the stain. After 30 minutes, without rinsing off the product, pour baking soda onto the contaminated area, gently rub and wash off, rinsing under running water. As always, finish the job by machine washing.

  • Hot processing

Small fresh drops of fuel oil can be removed from clothing using an iron and quickly absorbent paper (blotter, paper towels, table napkins, toilet paper). A thick layer of paper is placed under the stain, and the same is done on the front side. Then, using a hot iron, you need to carefully iron the clothes through the paper, changing it as the fuel oil is absorbed. When all the fuel oil has transferred to the paper, the remaining trace of it can be treated with fir oil and washed in an automatic machine as usual.

  • Tar soap

Indispensable if fuel oil has damaged clothes made of delicate and delicate fabric. You can buy it at most pharmacies. To achieve the desired result, clothes with traces of fuel oil are first soaked in warm water with the addition of any non-aggressive detergent, then washed by hand, rubbing the stain with tar soap. Rinse well and dry. In most cases, machine washing is no longer necessary.

What to do with dense products?

The first place in the list of items most often contaminated with fuel oil is shared by the overalls of car service workers and ordinary jeans. All of them are sewn from durable, dense fabrics that are quite resistant to aggressive influences. How can you remove fuel oil from clothes of this type? To clean work overalls, jeans and jackets, you can use stronger products that can also cope with old and extensive stains.

  • Gasoline (also kerosene, diesel fuel)

A fairly aggressive, but proven method of removing fuel oil stains of any age. The only condition is that only pure gasoline sold in hardware stores is suitable for treating contaminants. A regular one, from a gas station, will be much less effective. Procedure: Place a piece of thick fabric or paper folded in several layers under the stain. A cotton swab is generously soaked in gasoline and the dirt is carefully wiped off, changing the cotton as it darkens. Next, the item is soaked with washing powder and stain remover, rubbed by hand and rinsed several times in warm water. Finally, wash in the machine on the “For heavily soiled items” mode.

If the clothes are very dirty, you can soak them entirely in gasoline for 30-40 minutes. Then process as described above.

  • Toluene

The most effective, and at the same time the most toxic remedy. It is extremely rare on sale in its pure form, but is included in many paint and varnish solvents. The method of working with toluene is similar to treating fabric with gasoline.

  • Car shampoos

Designed specifically to combat serious stains. You can purchase them at any auto parts and accessories store. The procedure for cleaning clothes with shampoo is similar to most of those described earlier. A little product is applied to the stain, rubbed in and after 30 minutes of soaking, washed first by hand and then in a machine. At the last stage, if desired, you can add a little stain remover powder.

  • Acetone

A very strong solvent, which is recommended to be used only in the most extreme cases, with serious and extensive contamination. Apply in the same way as when working with gasoline. It is important to remember that acetone can corrode synthetic fabrics and change the color of others.

  • Homemade cleansing paste

Starch, ammonia, turpentine and white clay together cope with complex traces of fuel oil no worse than gasoline and other aggressive agents. To prepare a cleansing paste, they are mixed in equal proportions, the paste is then applied to the problem area of ​​clothing and left for 1-2 hours. The dried mass is cleaned off with a stiff brush, and then the item is washed as usual.

Putting your outerwear in order

Outer clothing is often contaminated with fuel oil. How to wash fuel oil from a jacket, down jacket, sheepskin coat or fur coat? At home, you can try to deal with stains in the first two options, using gentle products and methods - tar soap, dishwashing detergent, you should also pay attention to homemade cleaning paste and car shampoos. The only rule: while thin demi-season jackets can be soaked, this procedure is not recommended for winter down jackets. Only surface treatment of the fabric is allowed, followed by washing in a washing machine, in a manner suitable for washing down jackets. Otherwise, the item may be completely damaged. How to wash fuel oil from a down jacket? Use only the gentle products described above.

It’s not worth taking risks and trying to restore the previous appearance of sheepskin coats and fur coats on your own. The best solution is to take your items to a dry cleaner, where professionals will take care of them.

Removing fuel oil from clothes is a troublesome task. Having dealt with it once, it is better to try to be more careful and careful to avoid recurrence of this problem.

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