Wedding anniversaries by year: names and symbols
Wedding anniversaries by year: names and symbols“...And they lived happily ever after, until old age. And here the fairy tale ends...” - this is how all the magical stories that you read in childhood end. And imagination in bright...
Scenario for the New Year holiday for primary school
Scenario for the New Year holiday for primary schoolScenario “The New Year is coming to us and bringing gifts to everyone!” The scenario is designed for young children (4-7 years old). You can spend the holiday in kindergarten or at home in...
What to give a woman for her 50th anniversary
What to give a woman for her 50th anniversaryEach of us in life faces a particularly difficult task regarding the choice of a gift item when it comes to a woman’s anniversary. On the one hand, representatives...
Developing a 1 year old child Games with a 1 year old child
Developing a 1 year old child Games with a 1 year old child

In the first few years of life, babies have to master a lot - from understanding the world to the ability to control their own body. Thanks to games with a 1-year-old child, parents help the baby cope with...

Holiday when snakes go to bed
Holiday when snakes go to bed

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on September 27, it is better not to go to the forest. On this day, snakes gather from all...

What kind of holiday is Eid al-Adha and how is it celebrated?
What kind of holiday is Eid al-Adha and how is it celebrated?

70 days later, after the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, every Muslim will celebrate the holiday of sacrifice - Kurban Bayram, no matter where in the world he is. Kurban Bayram is a holiday...

Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday A short story about love on February 14
Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday A short story about love on February 14

February 14 – “Valentine’s Day” or “St. Valentine’s Day” is another false holiday. Over the past two decades, many new and unusual things have begun to appear in the CIS countries, which today are already firmly established...

All about Valentine's Day: history of the holiday, traditions and signs The origin of the holiday Valentine's Day
All about Valentine's Day: history of the holiday, traditions and signs The origin of the holiday Valentine's Day

A celebration dedicated to the greatest feeling on Earth came to our country not so long ago. In mid-February, a day appeared on which people who love each other exchange gifts, send letters...

Valentine's Day origin of the holiday Valentine's Day history of the holiday
Valentine's Day origin of the holiday Valentine's Day history of the holiday

There is no sadder story in the world... than the story of a good Catholic priest who gave his life to reunite loving couples. Yes, yes, this priest's name was Valentin, and the story is very...

Valentines day history of the holiday
Valentines day history of the holiday

But few know the history of this holiday. We know that this is Valentine's Day, when you need to pay attention to your soulmate, give her a gift and confess your love. But where...

Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday
Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday

Instructions In Western Europe, Valentine's Day began to be widely celebrated in the 13th century. This tradition migrated to North America in 1777. On this day it is customary to give flowers and gifts to...

Russians are looking forward to long weekends during the May holidays Official holidays in May
Russians are looking forward to long weekends during the May holidays Official holidays in May

We all look forward to the May holidays, which are long weekends. These warm spring days become a little vacation for us. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people...

Beautiful congratulations on a woman’s 50th birthday
Beautiful congratulations on a woman’s 50th birthday

Congratulations on the 50th birthday to a woman in verse, the beautiful and short lines of which are imbued with love and respect, will definitely be remembered by the birthday girl. When a woman turns fifty years old, she wants...

Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues in prose Happy New Year greetings to colleagues ppt
Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues in prose Happy New Year greetings to colleagues ppt

Dear colleagues! Happy New Year to everyone. I wish you success in your work, prosperity in your family, and in raising your children in the New Year. So that all wishes come true, along the way you meet only...

Beautiful postcards for Navy Day: an exclusive selection of pictures
Beautiful postcards for Navy Day: an exclusive selection of pictures

Advertising Russia is a maritime power and therefore Navy Day is considered the most important holiday of the year, which is hosted by the Northern capital. This year this holiday is celebrated on July 29. Navy Day since the times of the USSR...

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